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It turns out that since 10000 Stone Garden just brought a batch of high-end goods, the people who enter and leave 10000 Stone Garden every day are all celebrities who gamble on Spirit Stone in 10000 Stone Garden.

At this moment, as long as you enter the 10000 stone garden, you will see all the Sir objects. Therefore, many people also want to mix into the 10000 stone garden and make these Sir objects.

Because these guards are very aware of the Sir things that enter the 10000 stone garden every day, their status is also as the tide rises, the boat floats, which is lower than others.

Du Yuesheng saw through the guard’s thoughts at a glance, but on the face, he still kept a smile, indifferently said: “Then how can I become a celebrity in immortal spirit city?”

The guard immediately asked this question. In fact, he just wanted to make Du Yuesheng some difficulties. According to the past situation, the person who was stopped should come up to pay him tribute, but didn’t expect that the kid who stopped today is so unable tell good from bad?

After a slight pause, the guard moved and immediately waved his hand, pointing at the strangely immortal spirit source stone at the Hongqiaokou, saying: “If you can bet on these immortal spirit source stone, even celebrities in immortal spirit city !”

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes and moved towards the Spirit Stone source stone in the county of Hongqiaokou and looked over.

These source stones are strangely shaped and have different shapes. It seems that they really have treasure in them.

But in fact, these immortal spirit source stones are all appraisal by immortal spirit city masters, and I feel that there is no treasure source stone inside, otherwise how could they be placed here?

The guard is also sneering at this moment, secretly said in one’s heart, boy, without paying a price, I want to enter the 10000 stone garden to make those Sir things and dream!

Drunk ink is also a frowning eyebrow, she also saw the guard’s mind, so she whispered to Du Yuesheng: “Just give him a few immortal spirit stones, they will let us in!”

“Why?” Du Yuesheng laughed and said, “Isn’t it just to see if there are treasures in these immortal spirit stones? Simple!”

With that said, he stepped forward, reached over the pieces of immortal spirit stone source stone, and left with just a touch, not staying at all.

The guard said with a sneer all over his face: “Boy, get out if you don’t see it!”

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng suddenly stopped, pressing on a source stone of immortal spirit covered with branches and branches like a small tree, smiled slightly, and said: “This immortal spirit There is treasure in the source stone!”


The guard hearing this laughed loudly in the sky: “Boy, I don’t think you know anything. I think this immortal spirit stone source stone looks strange. Laozi is not afraid to tell you that this immortal spirit stone source stone has been mastered by 2 masters. I’ve seen it carefully, and there is absolutely impossible treasure inside!”

The guard’s laughter attracted many cultivators who were passing by. They all shook their heads when they saw the immortal spirit source stone under Du Yuesheng’s hand:

“This man must be the first time in immortal spirit city!”

“This immortal spirit source stone has been passed by two Master appraisal in our immortal spirit city. This matter is well known, but he does not know, and dare to say that there is a treasure in this immortal spirit source stone?”

“It’s really the biggest joke in the world. Who is this youngster? Who is the teacher at home? I don’t understand the rules at all. I advise you to get out of the immortal spirit city!”

Listening to the cultivator talking in his ears, the guard’s confidence grew stronger. He simply reached out and pushed Du Yuesheng forward and said: “Hurry up and get away, just like you, going to 10000 Shiyuan is a waste of space!”

But as soon as he reached out, Du Yuesheng’s entire imposing manner suddenly changed.

At a glance, it seems that Du Yuesheng at this moment has just crawled out of the bloody sea of ​​the corpse mountain, covered with baleful aura, full of killing intent, extremely cold, he was stared at him, as if his body was blown by the cold wind, even in the depth of one’s soul must fiercely fight a chill!

The guard’s hand suddenly froze in the air, but soon he came back to his senses and said hardly: “You, what do you want to do? This is a 10000 stone garden, no fighting is allowed, otherwise it will be attacked by the group. , Do you want to be besieged to death by everyone?”

“hmph! ”

Du Yuesheng coldly snorted, there was no reply, but a flash of light flashed in his palm.

The gleam of light was like a knife, passing by, and the immortal spirit stone source stone under his hand was also ka-cha, and opened in response.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a dark, round particle rolling out of the immortal spirit source stone divided into two, and rattling on the ground.

“this is…”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and their eyes focused on the particle instantly.

“Is it medicine pill? No, there is no medical smell!”

“It seems like a seed…”

“Seed?” Someone suddenly exclaimed: “Is this the seed of Primal Chaos ancient vine?”

“Primal Chaos ancient vine?”

Even if the cultivation base is not high and the vision is present, it can be said that the presence of Immortal World Peak exists. Otherwise, you cannot bet Spirit Stone to open a treasure here!

Some people say that Primal Chaos ancient vine, many people immediately came back to his senses, eyes opened wide: “black, round, there is the flow of ancient Primal Chaos, really Primal Chaos ancient vine!”

“God, Primal Chaos ancient vine has been extinct for more than 30 years and 10000 years. Didn’t expect to see it here today, I didn’t have a dream!”

“It is said that Primal Chaos ancient vine can be refined into Peak Immortal Grade. Although this is only a seed of Primal Chaos ancient vine, as long as Xiaoxin is cultivated, after 1000 100 years, there will be a mature Primal Chaos ancient vine, which is equivalent to have a Peak Immortal Grade!”

“Tsk tsk tsk, I can’t think of it, I’m immortal spirit 2 masters in the immortal spirit source stone of the appraisal teamed up with this treasure, hehe, who is this youngster? Why is it so powerful?”

The cultivator around was amazed, but the guard was stunned.

what? The youngster in front of me has such a strong strength in the field of appraisal immortal spirit stone source stone? And he stopped him from entering the 10000 stone garden?

After a while, the guard was came back to his senses, fell to his knees on the ground, and shouted, “Senior forgive me, the small one has no eyes, and please forgive Senior!”

Du Yuesheng also turned his head with a smile at this time, looking at the guard, indifferently said: “Apology is useful, then what is the use of me learning heaven defying spell?”

Apology is useful, what is the use of heaven defying spell?

This question immediately left the guards in place, a trace of panic flashed across the face, and the guards repeatedly said: “Are you going to kill me? no no no! Here is the 10000 stone garden, 10000 stone garden is not allowed to fight, otherwise it will be Attacked in groups.”

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows, thoughts move, and a sprawling spirit strength sprang up.

Immediately afterwards, the guard kneeling on the ground suddenly shuddered, and the whole person shouted, like a cannonball, directly flew out 2 feet away, away from the 300 stone garden.

And at this moment, a loud explosion sound came out, the guard was blasting into the sky, splashing a scarlet blood mist, stained with a white cloud.

“Not to mention the 10000 stone garden, even the world is sheltered, I want to kill, who can stop it?”

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