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As that glory emerged, outside Heaven and Earth, at this moment, the wind and clouds were condensing, and there was lightning thunderously faintly discernible in the clouds. It seems that Thunder Tribulation is about to appear in the world.

Everyone was there.

The appearance of this changeable situation, I knew at a glance that this immortal spirit stone not only opened a treasure, but also confirmed that the treasure was definitely Immortal Pill!

Ancient Era’s pill refining technique is far superior to today, so Immortal Pill handed down from the ancients is far more precious than the current medicine pill!

Drunk ink quickly opened the immortal spirit stone completely.

I only heard a jingle, a transparent transparent crystal-like medicine pill rolled directly onto the palm of my hand. Look carefully, there is a blue and white lightning inside the medicine pill!

Ka-cha !

At the same time, above the sky, lightning fell into the air, moved towards drunk ink.

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and waved, a strong spirit strength unrolled bolt of white silk immediately rose into the sky, intertwined with the lightning, attacked each other, like 2 dragon-like swims, lingering together , Huaguang 4 splashing, electro-optical flying, rumbling sound bursts, shocking people.

Du Yuesheng was also secretly shocked, although he seemed to be a random blow, but an Immortal Emperor, a 2-fold expert may not be able to carry it, but such a tyrannical attack would be entangled with Tianjiang Tianlei. To the point.

It can be seen that the formidable power of this sky is not weak!

Thinking of this, he immediately shot the scabbard behind his back, Sword Spirit felt, immediately rose into the sky, flew into the air, the sword light bloomed out, directly moved towards the thunder and beheaded.

The thunder and lightning in the sky finally could not bear this kind of attack, which was completely cut by sword light.

But Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon is still condensing, and it seems that it will continue to be born.

Seeing this, he immediately put the medicine pill in his hand into Du Yuesheng’s hands and said eagerly:

“This pill is the ancient Leiyan Yandan who condenses the heart of Immortal Emperor. If you take it, you will have a lot of trouble with condensing the heart of Immortal Emperor. You are in the process of condensing the heart of Immortal Emperor. The best service! “

The surrounding cultivator heard this sentence, and his face suddenly changed: “What, this turned out to be the lost Tianlei Yanyan in ancient times?”

“Legends say that under the service of Lei Yanyan, even if you are a mediocre, you can at least condense a perfect Immortal Emperor heart and become a genius!”

“What! That kind of medicine pill is probably worth it!”

“It’s not only a lot of money! It’s simply worth the price. Don’t even want to win the 1,000,000 immortal spirit stone. Those who have great influence can make the younger condense stronger. Immortal Emperor heart, 10,000,000 immortal spirit stone dare to come out!”

Hearing this, Feng Chuan was dumbfounded. Even in his stall, there was such a valuable medicine pill, but he sold 1000 immortal spirit stones!

In an instant, Feng Chuan had suicidal heart.

Du Yuesheng frowned and thought, thinking that drunk ink is already the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor 5th layer. I didn’t need this day after Lei Yanyan Dan, and then nodded. After taking Tian Leiyan Yandan, opening the mouth is the medicine pill Take it!

At the moment of the entrance of medicine pill, Du Yuesheng felt that medicine pill had turned into a tremendous Thunder Strength. Through the meridian, it ran directly into the heart, and combined with the breath of Grade 9 True Immortal, let him The heart was fiercely trembling and a huge change took place.

At this moment, outsiders watched, and beside Du Yuesheng, there was a crisp sound from the crackle, and a trace of lightning continued to emerge from him.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng seemed to be wearing a little Thunder Strength between his hands and throwing his hands, which was awesome!

It is conceivable that after the Immortal Emperor’s heart is completely condensed, his strength will be greatly improved!

After a while, Du Yuesheng stabilized his mind, and completely retracted Thunder Strength to within the body, smiled at Zuimo, and said, “many thanks!”

This was originally a Spirit Stone for Drunken Mo, but in the end all the benefits were given to him.

Drunk Mo shook his head, and said with a smile: “I wanted to see if this immortal spirit city has such a magical legendary, but now it is true, but unfortunately I didn’t see the big living person coming out of the immortal spirit stone. !”

Unexpectedly, after others heard this sentence, they immediately said:

“The immortal spirit stone was dug out of living people. It was all 30,000 years ago, and only this time. But this time, I heard that immortal spirit city shipped another batch of good goods. It is very likely that an Ancient was dug out. Supreme Expert, the Fellow Daoist next to you sees Spirit Stone with such a precise vision, you can try it!”

“Oh?” Drunk Mo eyes shined and immediately turned his gaze to Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng laughed, he just received the benefits of drunk ink, and now he is free, and it’s okay to go and see.

So he immediately moved towards the talking cultivator and said, “Can Sire tell where the next batch of good goods is?”

“It’s in the 10000 stone garden in the center of the city!” The answer came. Du Yuesheng was nodded. He took out a storage bag, filled it with 10,000 immortal spirit stones, and threw it to the speaker, causing an exclaim.

No one thought that Du Yuesheng would be so generous, answering a question casually, and getting a reward of 10,000 immortal spirit stone.

But just when everyone thought Du Yuesheng was going to 10000 Shiyuan, Du Yuesheng turned around and waved his hand, a spirit strength unrolled bolt of white silk turned into a gust of wind and swept away, directly tore Feng Chuan’s stall into Fragments in the sky.

And all the Spirit Stone source stones on the stall were blown away to other places, picked up by the cultivator watching the show from afar, and claimed as their own.

“You…” Feng Chuan turned pale with fright: “Why did you ruin my Spirit Stone stall!”

Du Yuesheng sneered, and didn’t bother to explain. He moved towards 10000 Stone Garden with drunken ink.

After he left, the surrounding cultivators cast contemptuous eyes at Feng Chuan and said: “Hehe, you usually deceive an ordinary person, that’s all. This time you deceived an expert, and they didn’t kill you. People are kind, deserve it!”


A group of people spit at Feng Chuan and then dispersed, leaving only Feng Chuan’s intestines that he regretted in the same place.

On Du Yuesheng’s side, he already took drunken ink and came directly to the bottom of the 10000 stone garden. In front of him was a Hongqiao. At the end of the Hongqiao, there was a circular sky garden.

Standing below, you can see that in the garden, there are vaguely immortal spirit stone source stones of different shapes and sizes. Many people walk through it, seeming to want to see if there is anything in these source stones. Good treasure.

With drunken ink, Du Yuesheng lifted his foot to move towards 10000 Shiyuan. Unexpectedly, a guard standing at the entrance of Hongqiao reached out his hand and directly blocked Du Yuesheng’s path.

“What are the special requirements for entering the 10000 Stone Garden?” Du Yuesheng frowned. When those people told him the location of the 10000 Stone Garden, they didn’t say this. This means that anyone can enter the 10000 Stone Garden. Stopping him, made him slightly unhappy.

The guard glanced at Du Yuesheng contemptuously, and then opened the mouth and said: “che, 10000 Of course, anyone who wants to enter Shiyuan can enter, but there are Sir things coming here today, I don’t want those Sir things to be smeared. , So as long as it’s not a celebrity in this immortal spirit city, don’t even want to go in!”

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