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The cultivator present was stunned.

Not only because Du Yuesheng suddenly violently murdered, but also because of his words.

Even if the world is sheltered, I want to kill, who can stop it!

This sentence circulated in the minds of many cultivators. After a long time, someone muttered in a low voice: “What a wild and domineering youngster!”

At the same time, a silhouette of the 10000 stone garden suddenly flashed out and fell from the Hongqiao Bridge. When I looked at the surrounding conditions, my brows suddenly raised: “Who…who split this immortal spirit stone source stone?”

Du Yuesheng turned his gaze and landed on the person, and found that the person was an old man wearing a Ge suit and bad white hair.

Seeing this old man, all the cultivators present condensed, with awe in their eyes: “Isn’t this the Ge Qingyun Master, one of the two Masters of my immortal spirit city!”

“It’s him. I heard that Ge Qingyun Master has selected 300 seventy two immortal spirit stone source stone in this life, of which 2, 100 83, all have a great treasure!”

When everyone was discussing spiritedly, Du Yuesheng had already stood up and said indifferently: “This immortal spirit stone source stone I split!”

Ge Qingyun hearing this complexion changed suddenly, his eyes fell on the seed of Primal Chaos ancient vine on the ground, and he said in disbelief: “This seed of Primal Chaos ancient vine, is it from this immortal spirit stone source stone? Out of it?”


Du Yuesheng said lightly.

Hearing this, Ge Qingyun’s expression became even more exciting, and he quickly asked: “Can you try one’s luck here?”

“Try one’s luck?” Du Yuesheng hehe smiled. In this world, all the people who appraisal immortal spirit source stone, even if he has a heaven defying appraisal book, have to rely on a bit of luck. He alone is the real In the strength.

Say he is try one’s luck, then everyone in the world is trying one’s luck.

Seeing Du Yuesheng’s sneer, Ge Qingyun’s old face was also embarrassed, and he quickly said: “It’s the old man who is abrupt. Since the little friend has such appraisal skills, he must have a view of 10000 Shiyuan!”

With that said, he reached out to pull Du Yuesheng and looked very favored.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and did not refuse. He brought Drunken Mo to root, and followed Ge Qingyun’s foot on the Hongqiao Bridge and moved towards 10000 Shiyuan.

As for the Primal Chaos ancient vine seed, it was collected by Ge Qingyun.

On the way, Ge Qingyun laughed and said, “Now that there are many capable people, the immortal spirit stone source stone, the old man and the other two have been appraisal many times, but they didn’t even notice that there was treasure in it. You can see at a glance, who is the teacher of the appraisal technique of the young friend?”

Du Yuesheng laughed and said lightly: “There is no teacher!”

“What?” Ge Qingyun was taken aback, looking towards Du Yuesheng’s eyes, the rays of light became brighter and brighter: “The little friend’s strength in the appraisal immortal spirit stone is really strong!”

Du Yuesheng twitched his lips and did not speak.

Ge Qingyun said again: “However, you have to change your temper, before you kill the guard. Fortunately, it is outside the 10000 stone garden. If it is in the 10000 stone garden, I will protect you!”

Du Yuesheng sees that Ge Qingyun has a love for himself, and it is not easy to directly refute. He can only say lightly: “Senior don’t need to worry about it, it has its own size!”

Hearing this, Ge Qingyun could only smile for a while. He lived for so many years, and for the first time he saw a youngster with such innate talent on the appraisal immortal spirit source stone. He didn’t want such a youngster because his temper was too hard. Hated by others.

At this time, the three finally walked along the Hongqiao to the 3 Stone Garden.

At a glance, the 10000 stone garden is full of rockery and flowing water, covered with red clouds light everywhere, and one by one, you can see that the source stone of immortal spirit out of the ordinary is scattered among them.

Around the immortal spirit stone source stone, there are countless deep and unmeasurable cultivators observing at 4 places, either nodded smiling, or frowning in contemplation, with different expressions.

However, Ge Qingyun is after all one of the two masters of immortal spirit city. Seeing Ge Qingyun came back, several cultivators moved towards Ge Qingyun immediately bowed their hands and asked respectfully. They were also quite respectful to Du Yuesheng on the side of Ge Qingyun.

Suddenly, a twenty seven-eight youngster came over and saw Du Yuesheng standing beside Ge Qingyun. After being introduced to other cultivator by Ge Qingyun, his brows suddenly raised and a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the youngster stepped forward and moved towards Ge Qingyun, saying, “I have seen Ge grandfather, Ge grandfather is radiant today, and I will be able to open it when I check the batch of good goods later. Come less treasure!”

Ge Qingyun laughed and said, “Li Yun, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter, but I don’t know if your appraisal immortal spirit source stone has grown!”

Li Yun smiled slightly, appearing confident, and said, “My strength, Ge grandfather, don’t you know, in this immortal spirit city, among the younger generation…”

Speaking of this, Li Yun’s gaze fell on Du Yuesheng, and the provocation was self-evident: “I said No. 2, who would dare to say No. 1?”

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows and felt Li Yun’s hostility towards him. He smiled slightly and said, “If this is the case, then I will say I am number one!”

“You!” Li Yun eyes flashed, his killing intent awe-inspiring.

On the contrary, at this time, Ge Qingyun laughed and said, “My little friend, don’t be too public, but if you have the opportunity, you can indeed compete!”

Li Yun wanted to have an attack, but when Ge Qingyun interrupted him like this, he could only forcibly suffocate this breath, coldly snorted and said:

“Ge grandfather is right, Mo Yaotai is too public, otherwise I don’t know how to die, and it happens that I have time now, not equal to me, are we going to compare now?”

Du Yuesheng twitched his lips, he had no time to accompany this act recklessly guy than the appraisal immortal spirit stone, glanced at the side drunk ink, said: “Unfortunately, I have no time!”

After all, he pulled Zuimo and turned and left.

Ge Qingyun was stunned and was about to keep Du Yuesheng, but Li Yun on the side came up and said quickly: “Ge grandfather, did Qingqing not reach the 10000 stone garden?”

“Qingqian arrived early, why didn’t she come to you?” Ge Qingyun froze, shaking his head for a while, and said:

“Li Yun, although both my grandfather and you are one of the masters of immortal spirit city, I can’t do anything about Qing Qian, it all depends on what she means!”

Hearing this, Li Yun frowned tightly and said, “Ge grandfather, what do you mean? Could you think that I am not even as good as the guy with unknown origin?”

Ge Qingyun is always known for his indifference in immortal spirit. If he doesn’t meet someone he really likes, I’m afraid he will not say one more word.

It is for this reason that seeing Ge Qingyun actually helping Du Yuesheng introduce others, Li Yun will develop jealousy in his heart and speak coldly to Du Yuesheng.

After Li Yun finished speaking, he quit without giving Ge Qingyun a chance to explain.

On Du Yuesheng’s side, Du Yuesheng looked at the weird immortal spirit source stone in the garden with drunken ink and was amazed.

But at this moment, a voice like a silver bell rang: “Excuse me, but how did Sire make me grandfather so happy?”

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