The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is nine hundred and seventy-eight. Dalkrenf’s choice, floating astronomy

General Warren Katzky died, and death is worthless. A Russian will be forced to be used as an ordinary soldier. Eventually, he lost his life without any dignity on the battlefield.

This is the tragedy of Warren Katzki and the tragedy of Russian soldiers.

But no matter what, Germans and Ukrainians will never care about it. In their hearts, only one thing is needed:


From one victory to another! At this time, the goddess of victory has already smiled in front of them.

“A general, a true general, and very good on the battlefield, but it is dead.” After Wang Weizhen learned the truth about Warren Katzky’s death, he could not help but sigh: “Do you ask me to regret it? I am very sorry, although he is my enemy, but he should not die like this.”

“Yeah, this person I have dealt with him, a very talented commander…” Carcorochk also sighed: “If Gregory can give the command of the front line to him.” Maybe we will still have a lot of difficulties.”

Speaking of this, he suddenly made another suggestion: “Lord Baron, I suggest that we can persuade Admiral Dalkrenf, commander of the Russian 11 Group Army.”

“Persuaded to drop?” Wang Weizhen frowned. “Is it sure?”

“The grasp is not great, but the death of Warren Katzki gave us a good chance.” Carcorochk quickly replied: “Dalkrenf is a determined Russian officer. Under normal circumstances, he is not Will surrender, but now the situation has changed a bit, his 11 group army suffered heavy losses under our repeated shocks, he could not get supplies. Moreover, he and Warren Katzky are very good friends, maybe Warrenka The death of Tiki will bring him strong excitement…”

Wang Weizhen has indulged: “Who is going to be better?”

“Majoref, Major General.” Carcorochk did not hesitate to raise the name of this person: “He only surrendered. What I know is that before Heyev was always a member of Dalkrenf, in some major issues. On the other hand, Dalkrenf is also willing to negotiate with Heylaf, maybe Heylaf can play some amazing role…”

Wang Weizhen nodded.

Perhaps the hope of success is not great. But it is worth trying anyway. . . . . . Still the sentence he has said many times:

War, in many cases, is not just a battle. . . . . .

Warren Katzki’s death was first passed to Dalkrenf’s ear as the commander of the 11 Army, especially as a friend of Warren Katzki, Dalkrenf’s inner sadness. It cannot be expressed in words.

This is a tragedy and a laughing stock. You can shoot him because of a commander’s failure, but you must not humiliate him.

He couldn’t figure out why the Grand Duke of Berstoka wanted to do this. . . . . . Does he want to stir up the anger of the whole army?

“Lord Commander, Hayeraf asks for it.” His chief of staff, Midov, interrupted Darwin’s thoughts in sorrow.

“Heylaf? Didn’t he surrender?” Dalkelenff frowned.

“Yes, he has surrendered. I think it is about coming to persuade us to do this…” Midoff said cautiously.

Dalkrenf smiled coldly: “A surrendering commander, he can never deserve to be called a real soldier. I should arrest him, but he was once my subordinate, let him leave here immediately! ”

“His commander, I suggest that you still see you.” Dalkelenf boldly said: “The situation is already very bad. It is always good to leave us a retreat.”

Dalkrenf fully understands the meaning of his chief of staff, who is afraid of failure and who is afraid of death.

One more friend, maybe there is always more way out.

He nodded a little hard. . . . . .

Heylaf has not seen General Dalkrenf many times. When he met again, he said without any cover: “You are old, general.”

“And you have become younger. Hayeraf.” Dalkrenf’s tone was full of sarcasm: “Is it better for the Germans?”

Heylaf completely understood what the other party meant: “General, the food of the Germans is actually the same as ours, even worse. Germany is not a culinary nation.

But there is one thing they do very well, they respect me, even if I am a surrendering officer. . . . . . ”

“Don’t you feel shameless?” Dalkelenf interrupted the other person’s words angrily: “You are a Russian officer, but you have surrendered the enemy shamelessly, and then help them to speak? What is respect?” Can the surrendered traitors get real respect?”

“Yes, I think I have real respect.” Heyelaev smiled: “If I stay here, maybe I am now a machine gunner.”

Dalkrenf jumped almost in anger, but then he swallowed the accusation to the mouth. . . . . .

You can’t scream at each other’s Laughing Joke ・Because this is entirely made by the Russians themselves.

Perhaps for a long time in the future, a Russian general will be treated as a shame of a machine gunner’s death, and will be treated as a tea after dinner.

“General, I know that your inner pain is far more than us. You and Warren Katzky are friends for many years.” Heylaf took a smile: “I don’t have to hide my purpose for this time. I was commissioned by the Baron Ernst. Breem of the German Marshal to come and advise you.”

“No, go back, tell Ernst, I won’t surrender, today won’t, never will, I would rather bullets to pierce my chest, and never want to be a traitor!” Dalkrenf has no Hesitantly said: “The real soldier will never accept such humiliation!”

Hayellaf has no evasive: “Do you really think that surrender is detrimental to your military majesty? Or do you think that you will become a shame in Russia? You can’t do anything. What does our country look like? Maybe you are better than I know more clearly. The false and incompetent Grand Duke ruled our country and made us suffer repeated failures. Look at the people he trusts. When we fight at the front, the Grand Duke and those countries The locusts are hollowing out our country again and again… How many times have your soldiers received the wages they deserve? How many times have your subordinates complained to you? Soldiers In the hungry stomach, the locusts in Moscow are living a luxurious life. Do you think this is equal? ​​Do you think this is the soldiers should do it? Or wait for everyone to rise up against you. You will regret it?”

Dalkrenf was silent.

At least Heyev said that there is nothing wrong with this. After delaying the wages of military personnel in any big country has become an incredible thing, Russia still does.

The soldiers are also people. They also need the salary to support their families, especially in the case of war. This salary is basically exchanged for their blood.

Not only that, but even the death penalty for the fallen soldiers was seriously owed. The dead soldiers fought for their country to the last moment of their lives, but their families, even the minimum of living dignity can not be guaranteed. . . . . .

On the front lines, like Dalkrenf or commanders like Warren Katzky, they are trying their best to stabilize the soldiers’ emotions, but how long can they delay?

One day, one day, this sharp contradiction will break out completely.

“The commander-in-chief, Hayeraf, is not wrong.” At this time, Chief of Staff, Midoff, said: “At the time of the day before yesterday, the frontline troops had begun to ask for the wages they deserved, otherwise they would refuse to continue fighting. I I ordered the arrest of several headed murderers, but I can’t guarantee that the situation will not expand. Not only that, but there are such worries in various units. The commander, now is the most stressful moment in the war. ….”

Dalkrenf snorted. . . . . . He is not unaware of these things, but he is completely unclear how to face it. . . . . .

“Someone made a suggestion to Marshal Ernst.” Hayeraf carefully captured the expression on the other’s face: “They think that you should buy your men, carry a lot of cash, and urge them to carry out the uprising. You think that in this situation. How many of your subordinates will be as strong as you? You imagined that when the battle was most intense, what would be the result of a sudden betrayal of the troops around you?”

Dalkrenf was silent again. . . . . . He is absolutely certain that such a thing will happen as long as the Germans are willing to do it. . . . . .

“But Marshal Ernst refused this suggestion. He insisted that I come to negotiate with you first.” Heylaf added the word “negotiation” especially, instead of using “persuasion”, which allowed Dalcron It is easier to accept some: “This is true respect. Is it? Because Marshal Ernst praises your determination and sacrifice, he is not willing to greet his betrayal when you are unprepared. Marshal Ernst also let me bring Gave you some words…”

He looked at the general: “Marshal Ernst told me to tell you that the real betrayal begins with Russia. What Russia needs is not a person like Gregory, but a powerful government that can truly consider the future of the country. He Don’t surrender to the Germans or Ukrainians, he just wants you to be responsible for this country. You can continue to command your army. After the war, join the new government. Complete the reconstruction of the Russian revival. Please don’t let The innocent people are bleeding, and the decision is in your hands, General Dalkrenf.”

Dalkrenf’s eyelids bounced a few times: “Is this really what Marshal Ernst said?”

“Yes, one word is not bad.” Heylaf replied with great certainty: “The decision is in your hands, the general!”

Dalkrenf turned his gaze to his chief of staff, and Mideov whispered: “I am not in charge of the commander, I have no right to ask you what to do, but one thing I agree with, Russia continues to be ruled by Gregory. Our country will collapse. You love your reputation, but the future of the country is more important than anything… surrender, may make you a great revival…”

Dalkrenf lit a cigarette and fell into meditation.

Hayeraf did not urge him, but waited patiently on the side.

The war is. For the military, there is no hope. Probably tomorrow, the latest is the day after tomorrow, under the strong impact of the Dewu coalition forces, the entire battlefield will collapse.

I have to have some choices. I have to make a choice. . . . . . Surrender or destruction. . . . . .

After a long period of time, Dalkrenf threw away the third cigarette he smoked: “Heylaf, please go back and tell Marshal Ernst, the conditions for my surrender are as follows…”

Dalkrenf made his final decision. . . . . . In fact, he understands that the decisions he has made are all correct. . . . . .

This is a war that has no hope and will only completely collapse the country. . . . . .

1966 4 month 29 Day, the commander of the 11 Group Army of the Russian Army in Ukraine, Admiral Dalkrenf, announced that he led the entire group to stop the war.

Neither Dalkrenf nor Germany or the Ukrainian side used the word “surrender.” Or they deliberately avoided it.

German military commander Ernst . Marshal Breem appreciated Dalkrenf’s efforts for peace in the first place and immediately mobilized a large number of troops to cover the Russian army’s 11 Army flank to prevent the fierce counterattack of the enemy.

In the afternoon of the same day, Dalkrenf appeared in the German General Command. When he saw Marshal Ernst, the first sentence he asked was: “Can you abide by your promise, Marshal?”

“I will unconditionally abide by my promise, general.” Wang Weizhen’s answer is so affirmative: “I hope you and I will build a brand new Russia!”

Dalkrenf finally put down a heavy mood. . . . . .

After he announced the cessation of fighting, the 11 Group Army had no surprises. All officers and soldiers accepted the order calmly.

They are the most unwilling to continue fighting.

Wang Weizhen visited the 11 group army that night and announced in front of all Russian officers and soldiers that the German government will advance their three-month salary. When the new Russian government is established, their debt problems will be first. Time is resolved.

This is a decision to cheer the Russians.

They are soldiers and can sacrifice blood for their own country. But they are just a group of ordinary people. They also need to use this salary to support their families.

“Why do you want to do this, Baron?” Kremvall didn’t quite understand: “We also need a lot of money to support the war.”

“Kremvall, we need them, war is not just a matter of war…” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “All we do to the Russians will have a great impact on the Russian army. Our goal is not only in one Ukraine. I hope that we can enter Moscow again soon, relying solely on our own strength.”

Kremvall was frightened: “Do you only rely on a Baron Guard?”

This sounds like an incredible thing.

Wang Weizhen smiled slightly: “Why not? The power we can mobilize is only the Baron Guard. But we still have many alliances, such as the Ukrainian army of Carcorochk, such as the 11 Army of Dalkrenf. The miracle is always prepared. People.”

Kremvall shrugged and thought it was hard to believe. . . . . .

The rebellion of Dalkrenf and the 11 Group Army completely alarmed Gregory, whose anger could not be expressed in words.

Marshal Donnaski wanted to say something, but he still didn’t dare to say it. There are too many contradictions accumulated inside the Russian army. Only one fuse is needed to ignite all the gunpowder barrels.

And this fuse is General Warren Katzky.

A soldier can die in battle, but you can’t insult him in this way. . .

“Retreat, Lord Duke.” Marshal Donnas said helplessly: “We have no way to change the battlefield. We have failed.”

“No, we haven’t failed yet, we have the 15 Army, and other troops!” Gregory snarled loudly: “I have to fight a battle with the enemy!”

A waste that does not understand anything, Marshal Donas’s heart is full of infinite contempt for the Grand Duke. In such a situation, the so-called decisive battle is simply to find death there. What he really can’t figure out is how a man who knows nothing about the military can dare to command so many troops and carry out a war that is vital to Russia!

He reluctantly restrained his inner displeasure: “There is no hope. If we force a decisive battle, perhaps we will all become captives. Even the 15 Army has the possibility of surrender.”

“We will all be captives.” This sentence scared Mr. Gregory. He is never willing to be a prisoner. In particular, he is a prisoner of the Germans. He knows what it means for himself.

“So, is there really no room for recovery?”

After receiving the affirmative answer from the Chief of Staff, Gregory sighed helplessly: “So do what you say.”

The war in Ukraine has finally come to an end here!

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