The latest chapter of the Unlimited Military Base, Volume II: My Country, 799. Orbchok, Astronomy

The war in Ukraine is over, ending in a very peculiar way.

The Grand Duke of Berstoka ran and ran without suspense. He threw all his troops on the terrible battlefield. Perhaps, in his heart, there has never been a subordinate concept.

The entire Russian army has collapsed. The Russian officers and men of the 15 Army have felt the shame of being abandoned. They have no intention to continue fighting.

Thus, surrender became the main theme of the Russians on the battlefield.

For Wei’s victory, Wang Weizhen didn’t care much about it. It was a victory in his expectation. Now, his only concern is the further development of the war situation.

“Lord Baron, just received the news.” Kremvall soon appeared in front of Wang Weizhen. He pointed to the map and said: “Brandenburg Commando and Sweet Commando, and Bulgarian 12 Army have already Orbchok launched a surprise attack. If Orbchok falls into our hands, Kursk will face our blow directly!”

“Kursk, Kursk.” Wang Weizhen muttered the name: “We had a terrible Tank battle in Kursk during the Second World War, starting at Harr. Cove.”

“Yes, the Kharkov counterattack is exactly what you personally lead,” Kremvall said respectfully.

“Let’s start again.” Wang Weizhen’s face showed a smile: “Let the Ukrainian 1 division act immediately and move closer to Orbchok at full speed.”

This will be the beginning of the German military entering Moscow again. . . . . .

Orbchok, 1966 4 Month 29 Day.

Orbchok’s street fighting has begun, and the Russians have no plans to give up.

This is still a headache for the German commander.

In particular, the new commander of the Brandenburg Commando, Colonel Eldon.

Colonel Heisenberg’s injury has not healed. Now, the task of commanding this elite force and the Sweet Commando has fallen to Colonel Eldon.

Their assault was so fast that the Bulgarians did not follow up after entering Orbchok. As a result, they fell into the siege of the Russians.

Forced to enter the street fighting.

They must insist until the arrival of those Bulgarians. . . . . .

Street fighting is a thing that makes any army have a headache. This includes the German officers of Colonel Eldon and the commander of the Sweet Commando, Lieutenant Colonel Sweet.

Street fighting, the biggest features are two. The first is that the enemy and the enemy are close to each other, and they are close to each other and have great cruelty.

Because the battles are almost always dominated by infantry and light fire assaults, and they are all carried out within the line of sight, the terrain is unpredictable, so heavy weapons are not used in street fighting. In the city, the buildings are dense, and even tall buildings, such as Tank and armored vehicles, cannot be lifted to a sufficient height due to their structural limitations, so it is impossible to effectively shoot high targets. The narrow streets also prevent large tanks such as Tank from turning around and making them vulnerable to attack on the sides and tail. In the street fighting, the mobility of the troops was severely constrained; the limitation of vision made the observation, shooting, and coordination very inconvenient. In many cases, the combat formation of the troops was split and they were dispersed into individual units to fight independently.

Second, the enemy and the enemy are intertwined, and the dogs are staggered and dangerous.

Because there is no clear front, the enemy and the enemy are mixed, the enemy and the civilians are mixed, forming a state of mutual adhesion between you and me, and the attacking party is in the clear, and the defending party hides in the dark, which increases the street fighting. The difficulty and risk of military operations. Tall buildings and bunkers built underground are a good place to hide snipers. “Before others shoot at you, you don’t know who the enemy is.” Where does the bullet come from? Unexpected ambushes and invincible snipers often make the attacker tremble, into the horror of the fear of the shadows and can not extricate themselves.

Thinking about it, Sweet felt his mind getting clearer and clearer. He asked Eldon, “His colonel, can you bring the map, I want to take a closer look at the map.”

Eldon will spread the map of the Orbchok area. Now several people are pointing at the map and explaining to them: “Look, we are here now that the Russian blockade has extended to this, if there is no action. The Russians will soon be able to surround us. The suburb of Orbchok is the Russian logistics base. This is the most closely investigated section of the Russians. It is also true here. Our troubles are great… …”

Sweet put a meditation on the map for a long time, and gradually formed a thought in his mind. At this time, he found confidence again: “Hello, our current advantage is that the enemy is dark and the other side cannot use heavy weapons for us. We want to If you want to break through, it is best to distract the Russians. Their blockade is too long. There must be loopholes.

As long as we break this lock line, we can rush in. ”

Eldon nodded and Hiroshi Sweet continued.

“You see, here is the area where the Russians are still not armed. We hide very well. They didn’t think that we were actually under their eyes. If I didn’t make a mistake, the Russians must think that this is our headquarters. Where you look at this arming, it seems that we are surrounded by us, but the actual purpose is to surround it more easily. It seems that it is a coincidence that we are now surrounded. I am afraid they even analyze the wrong position of our headquarters. It is.”!

Eldon asked in reverse: “How are you so sure?”

Sweet quickly replied: “I have thought of these conflicts in the past few days. Every time I encounter a conflict, the direction of their large army search is here, that is, this place has not been swept away, and The small units are scattered, so that we can easily evacuate. This shows that their focus is wrong at the beginning. They think that our headquarters is in this unknown area. It is no wonder that people always I have the most doubts about things I don’t know. They didn’t think of the colonel, and you moved the location of the headquarters to the area they had searched.”

“Well, it makes sense. You, continue.” Eldon looked at Sweet with an appreciative look.

“Since the Lord Colonel, you also said about street fighting, then I think we need to make them really think that our headquarters is here, so we need to play the show to distract them.”

“How to do it?” Eldon just asked.

The squadron leader Troman, who was always listening carefully to the SS second-level assault squadron, suddenly laughed and said: “I know what you mean, we have a small part, and then deliberately create a conflict, then deliberately let They found out and then fled here. So they were really sure that the path we ran away was where the headquarters was. It would be better to let a few soldiers dress up as civilians and deliberately let them discover, or flee here, so More credible. When appropriate, and then counterattack, they will inevitably mobilize large units to encircle, so that the blockade line crosses our headquarters and surrounds an area that has nothing.”

The degree of tacit understanding between the two is really not blowing. Sometimes they do have some telepathy, as if they can know what the other person is thinking.

Sway features nodded: “Yes, that means.”

Eldon’s thoughts were also moved by two people: “Well, this plan has considerable feasibility. Then I ordered the soldiers and civilians in the hiding base to hide from the basement, the corners of the corners, and the walls. The wall piles, in short, are hidden around, they certainly will not have much search power, and then escape the Russian blockade, so we have a chance to fight back.”

It was said that Eldon’s look was dark: “However, the team that is tempted is too dangerous and will probably be wiped out by the Russians.”

Troman immediately stood up: “If you believe in us, please give us the task. We will succeed in it, and the plan is what we proposed.”

We understand the plan better and perform it more effectively. ”

When this is the case, Sweet can’t shirk his responsibility: “His colonel, we have the confidence to complete. The troops still need your command, we are not afraid of this degree of danger. Give it to us. The Russians do not love to help. Bluffing?”

Eldon nodded heavily and said: “Well, I will give it to you. I will take you to pick people for a while.”

After that, I will lead the two out.

Sweet quickly stepped forward and blocked, “Is your plan still not finished?”

“And?” Not only was Eldon surprised, but Tromman did not expect it.

“Yes, I want to ask, Lord Colonel, do you want to give the Russians a second time, although according to the current plan we are very likely to successfully get out, but there is no damage to the Russians.”

“What do you want to do?” Eldon promised that he had received too many surprises today. Now, he loves Sweet’s mouth.

Sweet walked to the map and pointed to the Russians at the logistics base on the outskirts of Orbchok. “You, you see, this is their logistics base, when we succeeded in bringing the attention of the Russians to this.” There is no area for nothing. This is a good opportunity for you to act. We are striving to make the movements bigger and bigger, so the Russians will have more troops here, so from our headquarters to their logistics base. There will be not many troops on the line, and the Russians will never think that we can still appear in their logistics base. I think it is easy to hit a base with an empty force. We are entirely likely to have another raid. The big troops will blow up their logistics base, and the burning will burn. At that time, the Russians’ faces must look good. What do you think?”

After listening to Tromman, he added a few more words: “Yes, this way. Their blockade line is gone. They also know that they are surrounded by small baits. After receiving news that the logistics base was attacked, They must go back to the rescue. What we have to do is to retreat with a single blow, but the more stops, the cheaper and immediately enter the urban area, so even if they come back and want to search, there is no way to search. And we will marry them. When you are in confusion, give them a nap.”

Eldon listened to the spirit, and he was excited to come to Troman with a bear hug, and then came to Sweet again.

“I have to say that this plan is quite feasible, and I can teach the Russians awkwardly. I want to thank you. If you don’t have them, you don’t have this plan. Thank you very much. I have two of you for Germany.” Talent is proud. Really, you are a hero, you deserve to be respected. This plan is called ‘Orbchok Spring, right.’ Some excited Eldon smiled seriously at the two.

“For the glory of Germany, we will definitely win.” Sweet said very briefly, but the trembling voice clearly told others that he was as excited now.

At the end of 4, O’Brobock was still quite cold. The pitted streets are full of gravel gas mixed with some blood, collapsed houses, and gloomy weather. There seems to be no place for people to be happy.

Sweet and Troman sneaked through the streets with more than forty people.

“Going forward is the Russian base.” Radok, who was in charge of front-line reconnaissance, pointed to a short, simple military account in the distance and said to Sweet.

Just one day ago, Eldon agreed to Sweet’s plan. Let him pick someone to go to the first step of combat deployment. For this task with extremely high risk factor, Radok took the lead without responding with a brow, and the rest of the people were eager to complete this “glorious” mission. The selection was very smooth and they were all a large piece. The person took the initiative to stand up and ask for it. So the team of more than forty people soon formed.

“How many people are there in the other party?” Troman asked.

Ladok touched the back of his head and replied slyly: “I am sorry. Our army is now such a person. It is also a day of hiding and revealing information. But the situation should be no less than OC!”

Sweet Sighing said: “This is also a no-brainer. I can see that the local strongholds are impossible to lay down with our 40. And their strongholds have a lot of supplies, our equipment and the enemy are fundamental. Not in a grade. It seems that it is not easy to attract their attention.”

Radok looked at Sweet, and he said helplessly: “What should we do, we are spending it here?”

Troman frowned and said for a long time: “I have a way, but I am not sure.”

Sweet took a shot of Troman’s shoulder: “Whenever is the time, there is a way to say it. It is not feasible to say it. It is not a national treasure.”

“Now the situation of the enemy and the enemy is unknown. This is really the same as a blind man. I think we can only wait for them now, wait for them to patrol, and then smash their military battalion emptiness, part of which attracts the attention of their patrol troops. The small office is pulled out. How do you see it?”

As soon as he finished, Radok immediately retorted: “This is not appropriate. You must know that there is not enough 5 kilometers from this stronghold. There is also a stronghold in Russia. The blockade of this group is not good, and some go to attack the stronghold. If you don’t have NO minutes, another stronghold can come over. It’s a problem when you want to run. Besides, we don’t know the actual situation of this stronghold. If the mine was buried before the stronghold, the person staying at the stronghold will stay. There are more, then what to do, we only have more than forty people.”

Troman looked innocent: “I said that I was not sure. The other two positions are so close, what do you want me to do. Wait.”

Troman was talking, and his mind seemed to flash, and suddenly thought of something, but it seemed to have nothing to think of. He closed his eyes and carefully remembered.

“what happened?”

The Trojan, who had a clue, opened his eyes sharply: “You are not saying that these two strongholds are very close, then let’s take a look.” Speaking, Troman made a simple map. He used his fingers to smash a hole in the soil, and then he smashed it in the distance.

“Look, this is the two strongholds in front of them. They are less than 5 kilometers apart, Radok, you can help me draw the streets and buildings between the two strongholds, etc. We have to analyze them carefully.” Troman is fully integrated into the battle.

“Oh, well, you see, this is the street between the two strongholds. You mean that we are attacking one, another stronghold must increase the number of troops, and then we set up on the way.”

“Well. Not exactly, we are too few people to achieve our purpose, so that we can pull the attention of the Russians all over. We must gamble once.” Troman touched his chin, faint Back to the ground, continue to think.

Sweet looked at Tromman and found his eyes licking his own soldiers from time to time. There was a kind of awkwardness that he could not say, and it seemed that he had plans in his heart, so Sweet immediately took out. Their two consistent styles sang a double spring: “Troman, I think the burden on us is not light. The situation of Colonel Eldon is not clear now, the fate of the entire army is in our hands. ”

Troman was wondering, suddenly heard the familiar tone, and suddenly understood, so he pretended a grief: “Yes, the Russians are so defensive, want to attract their attention.” So easy, if we are a little wrong, waiting for the destruction of the big forces.”

At this time, a voice was inserted in, “This damn polar bear.” After that, the man screamed in the sand.

Sweet and Troman looked at the same time, and the one who attached them to the two was also a young army officer named Degro, young, bloody, not afraid of death.

Troman made a low momentum and then whispered: “In fact, I just thought of a way, just, just, hey, forget it.” Sweet heard this, and it turned out that Tromman wanted to recruit a death squad. It’s no wonder that I just want to say it and can’t say it.

Degro, who also heard this, quickly asked: “Do we really be able to draw the attention of the Russians. Don’t be so vague!”

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