The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 777. Soldier Warren Katzki, floating astronomy

The big cleansing in Ukraine is going on, and the offensive on the frontal battlefield has not stopped.

At this time, General Warren Katzky has become a more ordinary soldier. He didn’t complain about his own experience. The only thing he cares about is whether he can win the final victory.

Ah, of course, the victory looks so illusory, there is no hope at all. But as a soldier, even if he dies, he should die on the battlefield.

The enemy’s attack is coming in a wave, and the entire position is filled with smoke and fire. In the air, it is filled with an unpleasant smell.

The Russian soldiers around, lazily scattered, the enemy’s attack has just been repelled. Warren Katsic’s company has only one-third of the soldiers left.

Judging from the expressions on the faces of these survivors, they do not seem to care about the outcome of the war, or even care about their own lives.

On the battlefield, everyone is already numb.

Why do you want to think about so many things? Even if it is better to paint tomorrow, what good is it? Later, there are only two options:

Surrender or death.

Let everyone spend numbness every day. . . . . .

“Hey, we have to check the weapons and ammunition.” Even at this time, Warren Katzki was still trying to inspire morale: “Soon, the enemy’s new offense is coming!”

“Oh, Lavre.” A sergeant slouched and called Warren Katzky’s pseudonym here: “Why do you have to check it? We have such broken weapons and not many ammunition, anyway, the enemy will start again.” Attack, we don’t know how many people can survive.”

A huge sorrow rose in the heart of Warren Katzky. . . . . . Morale has fallen to the bottom. . . . . .

“Hey, hey, the enemy is coming, ready to fight!” A lieutenant who commanded this face screamed loudly. The company commander was killed in the morning.

Warren Katzki quickly rushed to his machine gun money, at this time he felt that he was lucky, at least he can continue to fight with the soldiers.

No one knows his true identity. All people only know that he is called “Ravre”. It is a new machine gunner that the superior has just sent.

Of course, there are some people who are puzzled. How did the superior send such an old machine gunner?

The German’s Tank appeared, and there were no anti-Tank weapons at all on the Russian army’s position. The lieutenant decided to follow the old method and lottery to decide who will kill the enemy’s Tank.

A soldier named Bickey and Marni was unlucky enough to draw a sign, and from their trembling body they could see how fearful their hearts were.

Two dynamite bags were stuffed into their hands. . . . . . Then the younger screamed out loud: “Ravre, Raffle, machine gun cover!”

Warren Katzic’s heart was bleeding. He gritted his teeth and held a machine gun. A long string of machine guns and bullets poured out. Then, Bickey and Marni rushed out like a duck.

They approached the enemy Tank carefully. When the gunshots weakened slightly, they quickly stood up. However, they were together and Marni’s body was beaten into a horse.

Bickey was scared, and at this time his spirit became confused. He actually faced the enemy’s bullets and did not avoid it. Instead, he shouted and rushed toward the Tank.

Warren Katzki was watching Biji being hit by an enemy bullet and then falling into a pool of blood. . . . . . Then he saw something even more terrible. . . . . . The German’s Tank was crushed from his body. . . . . .

There was a sorrowful call in Warren Katzky’s throat. He slammed the trigger of the machine gun as if to launch all the anger and sorrow from the machine gun!

However, the bullet of the machine gun was hit on the body of the Tank, but it could not cause any harm to it. If you can now have an anti-Tank gun, or any anti-Tank weapon, then everything will be different.

Unfortunately, they have nothing but machine gun Sub Machine Gun.

Ah, there is nothing, at least, they have their own lives.

Warren Katzki can now see most of the reason why the Russian army is defeated. Their weapons and the Germans are not at all in a grade. The Germans can unscrupulously slaughter the Russians, but the Russians cannot give them. They have any substantial damage.

In addition to passive beatings, what can they do in this battle?

Warren Katzic’s heart was bleeding, and the machine gun became his only companion. He, like all Russian soldiers, could not know when he would die. . . . . .

At that time, it was his real relief!

The enemy’s attack was finally repelled, but at this time on the position, a whole company of Russians has only 11 individuals left.

11 personally, this is still a complete company not long ago!

What is even more frightening is that the Germans did not make every effort at all. They did not seem to pay any price to seize the enemy’s position.

This is the real battle, Warren Katzki thinks so. Get the biggest victory with the least cost. . . . . . The Germans have the capital and the ability to do this, but what about the Russians?

The exhausted Warren Katzki shook his head sadly, no, his army could never do this. Except for Russia, there can be real changes. !

At night, the Germans finally stopped the attack temporarily, which also allowed the Russian soldiers who had been exhausted for a day to get a rare breathing time.

“Ravre, the phone of the group army command, General Dalkrenf let you go immediately.”

At this time, the voice of Shaolin interrupted Warren Katzki’s thoughts. The companions around him also had some horror. A small machine gunner was actually called by the commander-in-chief of the group army.

The Warren Katz base station got up, and now he hopes that the enemy sniper will be able to knock himself down. . . . . .

“General Warren Katzky, hard work.” In his own command, General Dalkrenf saw his old friend.

“Ah, I am not a general now, I am just an ordinary soldier.”

Listening to the other person’s apparent self-deprecating words, Dalkrenf said with regret: “You are a very good general, but you should not offend the Grand Duke.”

“No, I don’t think so.” Warren Katzki poured himself a glass of wine: “If a country lacks a person who really dares to speak up, then the country has no hope. Those who dare to tell the truth.” Maybe I will suffer a tragic fate, but I don’t care because I know that I am wholeheartedly for this country.”

Dalkrenf’s listened and then sighed deeply: “Yes, general, I am proud of being able to have friends like you, and I am more proud of the fact that the country can have military personnel like you. Proud. But our country needs not someone like you…”

He didn’t go on, but Warren Katzky knew what his friends wanted to say.

What the country needs is a flattering man like Marshal Donuschi, or someone who dares to resist like Marshal Carcorochk. Unfortunately, neither Warren Katzki

So, in the end, he can only face such an ending. . . . . .

Warren Katzki put down the glass in his hand: “The commander, please don’t discuss my question. Do you have any good ideas about the war?”

Dalkrenf smiled bitterly: “In fact, we all know the final outcome of the war. The only difference is that you bravely said it, but I can’t do it. A war without hope, is it? But we still I have to wait for this hardship, waiting for hope without hope, until we all die, maybe all of them will go into the prison camp. No need to persuade me anything. I don’t have the courage to do so, I can All that is done is obedience.”

Warren Katzki smiled sullenly: “So, I think I should go back to my position.”

“Wait, General Warren Katzky.” Dalkelenf stopped him: “Would you like to stay with me? Just, I need a staff member here.”

Warren Katzki fully understood the other’s kindness, but he smiled and shook his head and said: “I feel more comfortable with the soldiers.”

Then he finally glanced at his friend and walked out without hesitation.

“Raffle, what is the commander of the commander looking for you? Do you recognize the commander?” The position of the lieutenant named Duff was unusually curious.

Warren Katzki shrugged: “Why do you think I know the commander? I am just a machine gunner. The commander is looking for me, just ask about the situation. You have to know the mood of the big men. It’s not something that our little people can guess.”

Duff was relieved, so he could continue to command the machine gunner.

It seems to be a bit cold and cool in the darkness. There is no ignition light, otherwise it will make the people in the position become the target of the enemy sniper.

Someone gently sang Russian folk songs and the soldiers were listening to it quietly.

The song is reverberating at night, and it sounds so bleak. Warren Katzki suddenly felt the tears when he listened. . . . . .

The sun is unstoppable as usual, and the 11 Russian soldiers in the position know that this is the last moment.

In any case, Lieutenant Duff is a brave commander. Even if there is only the last 11 person left in the position, he has not planned to escape for a long time.

The tanks of those enemies rushed up again, and the martial arts were not at all resisted by the Russian soldiers in the position.

The machine guns in Warren Katzic’s hands were screaming desperately, and they didn’t stop for a moment. The intensive bullets madly shot at each other. Although they couldn’t penetrate the steel armor of the Tank, they could at least block the infantry’s charge.

It is no longer necessary to draw lots to decide what is going to die. Anyway, everyone will die here in the end. A soldier rushed out when he picked up the explosives and screamed.

He fell down and fell down without suspense, just like all the people before. . . . . .

Another soldier fell down, the land in the position has been red-stained with blood, and the body of the body, which is horizontal and vertical, looks like people feel sad and helpless.

You can’t change it all, all you can do is die with these people.

I can’t see hope, and some just despair. The door to heaven was closed. They were able to go, only hell. And there, maybe even more terrible things are waiting for them.

They have no capital and anything to fight, and this includes their own destiny.

Lieutenant Duff threw a grenade out of force. In the sound of the explosion, he kept urging his soldiers to be brave.

“Bullets, bullets, I need bullets!” Warren Katzki yelled.

Lieutenant Duff looked at the side and quickly came to Warren Katzki with a box of bombs and acted as his ammunition hand.

Now, the last two living people are left on the entire position.

“I like you, Lieutenant Duff.” Warren Katzky must raise his voice to let the other party hear what he said there: “Oh, don’t misunderstand, I mean how you can live.” Down will be a very good commander.”

“We can’t live without anyone. Everyone is like this!” Lieutenant Duff also shouted: “Ravre, tell me, who are you? I always feel that you are not an ordinary soldier.”

“Yes, I am not an ordinary soldier.” At this time, Warren Katzki felt that he had nothing to hide: “Do you know the 12 Army? I am the commander of the 12 Army, Warrenka. Tiki!”

“God!” Lieutenant Duff gave an exclamation: “You are General Warren Katzky?”


“Ah, I heard about the 12 Group Army. General, I am so honored to be able to see you here.” The chain is beating in the hands. The words of Lieutenant Duff are full of curiosity: “But how are you?” Come back here as a machine gunner?”

Warren Katzki looked at a rushing enemy down at his gun: “Because I offended the Grand Duke. The Grand Duke of Berstoka, do you know? I offended him. So I will It has become like this.”

“Ah, the damn big duke?”

“Why, do you call him that?”

The eyes of Lieutenant Duff are full of disdain: “Yes, we call him that. He is an incompetent waste. Anyway, I am going to die. I am not afraid to say anything. Can the Grand Duke shoot me again? Everyone It is said that without him, we will not fall to the present point. He has to be responsible for all this. Responsible, understand? General?”

“Oh, of course I understand.” Warren Katzki came to the interest: “But the damn big duke wants to be someone else as his scapegoat. Ah, the damn big duke, this is really good, oh , Lieutenant, why don’t you talk?”

He turned his head and found that Lieutenant Duff was dead. . . . . . He didn’t know when the bullet hit the lieutenant of Duff, and he didn’t know when the lieutenant Duff died, but the young man left him.

Now, there is only one Warren Katzky left in the entire position.

He laughed at himself, a former group army commander, but now he is alone. On the opposite side, it is still an enemies. It’s so good, really good, he never thought that he would have such a result.

The whole of Russia may be the same.

The enemy’s Tank and infantry were getting closer and closer, and Warren Katzki punched the last bullet. He looked at the side and found no weapons.

Ah, no, he also saw a shovel, and God knows who the original owner is. He shook the shovel and did not know how. He remembered a song from the Soviet era, and he sang softly:

“The fields are quiet, the grass does not move, the trees don’t move, only the melancholy songs float gently in the distance. Listening to the songs is more melodious, the shepherds are singing, this touching song is missing the good girl… Field It’s quiet, the grass doesn’t move, the tree doesn’t shake, only the melancholy song floats gently in the distance. Listening to the song is more melodious, the shepherd is singing, this touching song is missing a good girl… You listen to this The first moving song is missing a good girl…”

He kept singing, singing over and over again, and then he stepped toward the enemy step by step.

Several German soldiers looked at the strange Russian. They didn’t know each other’s identity. They just pulled the trigger like any ordinary Russian.

The bullet penetrated through Warren Katzki’s body and he didn’t feel a trace of pain. Ah, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt at all. Isn’t this something that I have been waiting for? Defend this land with your own blood and defend the country with your own life.

There will always be people who die, always.

Warren Katzki fell on his position, he was the last dead on this position.

Nothing regrets, no.

He feels that life is leaving himself.

With his eyes closed, he seems to be able to see the blue sky and white clouds.

How good the weather is, this kind of weather should take your family, wife and children, sip a cup of aromatic coffee, and then spend a leisurely afternoon.

Unfortunately, all this has left forever. It will never happen again. Staying in memory is always a memory.

He spit out the last breath of his life and closed his eyes forever.

He is the commander of the 12 Army in Russia, Warren Katzky, but he does not want others to call himself, he prefers others to call himself:

Soldier Warren Katzky!

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