The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 168. Father and son, astronomy

Italy has undergone subversive changes, and a new big dictator is emerging

At this time, the United States, there has been a boom. The war has stimulated the US domestic economy to some extent. Especially in the securities market and the real estate market, it has reached a point of madness.

When Wang Weizhen came to the world financial center of New York again, he found that all Americans were caught in a fever.

It is often the case that the collapse begins with an infinite fanaticism, which has happened more than once in history.

Now, he decided to come and make a terrible thing happen.

His enemy is the United States, and more, his own son, William. . . . . .

In the Morgan Building, Wang Weizhen once again saw the allies of the “New York Alliance”: Gates, Lawrence and Elliot.

For the arrival of Baron Alexson, several people expressed their welcome, they liked the baron, or more accurately, they liked everything the baron did.

“You are so beautiful in Russia and Italy…” Gates did not hide his appreciation: “Russians really think they are about to discover the oil field. I have gotten from Russia before you arrive. Intelligence, Gregory mobilized a large amount of funds and manpower to prepare for the development of the oil field. I also got some news. It is said that even if Gregory personally directs the war in Ukraine, he calls a few calls to Moscow almost every day. Asking about the progress of the oil field, I think he will soon feel pain… Ah, as in Italy, what you can only do is to describe it with excellence… Vittorio Mussori Nie is not a good leader, both for the United States and Germany. His successor, Mr. Bethrull, I think he is in the best interests of you.”

“It’s in the interest of all of us…” Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “It’s certain that under his rule, we can get everything we want. Gentlemen, huge benefits are going We are beckoning. All we have to do is wait for the German victory.”

He is very aware of one thing. With the progress of the war and the turmoil in the situation in various countries, the interests of everyone in the “New York Alliance” have been most closely intertwined. Only such alliances are affected by huge interests. There will be no traitors.

One of the strongest unshakable leagues. . . . . .

He turned his attention to Eliot’s body: “Is it clear that Gregory’s investment in the United States is clear?”

“Yes, Mr. Baron, I have already figured it out.” Elliot nodded. “What’s amazing is that, just like the information you provided, Gregory invested his 90% of his wealth in the US, securities. The market and the real estate market have his investments everywhere. I believe that once the crash is coming, he will not be so easy to die.”

“When I came to the United States in the past, he was just a poor aristocrat who fell into poverty and even forced to sell a woman.” Wang Weizhen smiled coldly: “Before? He is a Russian nobleman who knows nothing. He always blames everything on fate. If such a person re-starts wealth, he will think that this is what he deserves. He has received God’s care, so his greed is more than anyone… …and then he will die on his own greed…”

“You know very well about human nature, Mr. Baron.” Lawrence shrugged: “Who will manage Gregory’s life and death? You want Germany’s revival and revenge, and what we want is in Russia’s interests, As for Gregory, it’s just an insignificant piece.”

A great duke who holds almost all the rights in Russia is just a pawn in front of these wealth owners.

The “Hornet” and “our group” of the current “New York Alliance”, their original nature has never changed, they are in the hands of the state’s political power, choose the leaders who are in their interest, and then use them to create for themselves Greater wealth. . . . . .

The state’s political power is actually controlled to some extent by these people. .

Even the United States is no exception. A president wants to be elected successfully. He must rely on the support of the big chaebol. And those big chaebols, of course, they are not unconditionally doing this, they must get a huge profit from it.

The so-called democracy is nothing more than to show it to others. . . . . . Or more accurately, it is nothing more than the United States doing a slightly better job in the word “democracy” than in other countries. However, true democracy, is there really any country that has been realized?

William is one of them. At the beginning, he relied on the wealth of the Wittgenstein family to be successfully elected as the president of the United States. Now he has stepped out of his first revenge. He and Wittgenstein have developed completely different ideas, and once the allies have parted ways, this is inevitable. Inevitably caused a confrontation between the two sides. . . . . .

“In North Africa and the Middle East, the German counterattack has already begun.” Wang Weizhen gave a look: “Gentlemen, everything is going on according to our previous assumptions, and at this moment, I need you more than ever. s help.”

“We will ensure that Germany can win…” Gates said: “In the world, all our powers can be used! Through our agents, a lot of war materials and war intelligence are coming. Constantly handed over to Marshal Manstein and Marshal Moddle, and we also use our influence in North Africa and the Middle East to persuade some countries to join the ranks of Germany at the mercy of the United States. For example, the United States is determined in the Middle East. Allies Saudi Arabia… Mr. Baron, the situation in Saudi Arabia will soon change radically…”

Wang Weizhen nodded with satisfaction.

These big consortia, represented by the Morgan family, the Rockefeller family, and the Wittgenstein family, cannot fundamentally change American decision-making, but they can exert unimaginable influence in other countries. They can easily change the national policy of a country and even launch a coup in a certain country.

Their wealth is not so clean. . . . . . Wang Weizhen fully believes in their abilities.

War is not just a positive battlefield. Once a war breaks out, there will be a battle between you and every corner of the country.

The key is who can grasp the fleeting opportunity.

“With the end of the second Berlin offensive and defensive war, there have been a lot of different voices in the United States…” Lawrence said at this time: “My friends in Congress told me that some members have begun to propose a new Review of the war • Mr. President’s proposal to continue to expand the war has encountered a strong obstacle, which has not been seen before. Even the most determined supporters of war have begun to doubt whether Westmoreland is capable of continuing to lead the alliance. The army, they think that they should choose a new substitute. Mr. Baron. In this situation, I think Germany can have a comfortable time to breathe…”

“What I want is not a gasp, but a victory.” Wang Weizhen said calmly: “When everything I need is the beginning of a big counterattack in Germany. Gentlemen, are there any better proposals for me?” ”

“Of course, Mr. Baron.” Elliot’s face showed some smiles: “I had dinner with Democratic New York State Senator Robert Kennedy a few days ago. Ah, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. His younger brother. He used to be President William’s competitor in the Democratic Party, but in the end William defeated John and succeeded as the only Democratic presidential candidate. John and his brother Robert are both staunch war opponents, they are against President William. I have done a lot of opinions, and there have been many sharp confrontations in the Democratic Party. Just now Mr. Lawrence’s proposal that some members have proposed a re-examination of the war is initiated by the Kennedy brothers…”

John. Fitzgerald. Kennedy? Who should have been the president of the United States?

Wang Weizhen felt that the world was hard to ponder. He made William succeed in setting the position of the US president according to his own path. Kennedy lost the throne that belonged to him. This is frustrating. But on the other hand, Kennedy did not be assassinated according to another historical process.

From this point of injury, did he harm Kennedy or save Kennedy’s life?

Eliot’s words quickly interrupted Wang Weizhen’s thoughts: “At dinner, Robert once again made an unusually sharp criticism of the American national policy of the year. He did not even rule out impeachment of the president. Of course, this is not going to happen. It’s too easy. But who knows? At least behind the Kennedy family, there is a grant from the Boston consortium. No one knows what will happen…”

Wang Weizhen nodded. Now William has some embattled tastes, and even the Democratic Party has a serious confrontation.

It’s time to add a fire to it. . . . . .

“I need to have a meeting with Robert Kennedy.” Wang Weizhen said with a deep sigh: “Help me arrange, Elliot.”

“Good, Mr. Baron, I will arrange it immediately…”

“Gentlemen, please allow me to express my personal gratitude again.” Wang Weizhen breathed a sigh of relief: “And now, what I need is your more determined support, the war, has reached a decisive moment.”

“Mr. Baron, if possible, will you attack the United States?” Gates asked suddenly.

Wang Weizhen was not surprised. In fact, many people in Germany have asked themselves such questions.

If Germany succeeds in getting rid of the current situation and re-emergence, will Germany retaliate against the United States?

“Yes, I also want to ask this question.” Lawrence also said at this time: “We are definitely not a patriot, but we are not traitors. We fight for our own interests, but if the war spreads to the United States, I think we will determine our position.”

“I am not a war madman…” Wang Weizhen calmly replied: “Even to some extent I hate war. All I do is to make my country free, and I will never Willing to become an enemy.”

His answer was a bit ambiguous, but it was enough to satisfy Gates and Lawrence. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen is still very clear about the fact that the “New York Alliance” will be indestructible under the huge interest, but all of this is based on the fact that the security of the country has not received a substantial threat.

Once Germany has indeed won the war and is arrogant – to use the United States, the “New York Alliance” will soon collapse.

Wang Weizhen made his promise, but who knows the future?

“Mr. Baron, what about William?” Elliot suddenly said after returning to his residence: “William betrayed you and betrayed the Wittgenstein family, but he is your son after all.

I hope he can have a better choice. ”

“He has made his own choice.” Wang Weizhen’s eyes flashed with some confusion: “I think, what is your choice after his failure? I don’t know, I am a father and a country leader. In fact, I am really afraid of the arrival of that day. At that time, it was not William but the one who made the choice.”

Eliot is silent, he can experience the sorrow of a father. . . . . .

Mr. Baron and his wife, who used to love their son so much, placed their expectations on William, but William disappointed them, and even he gave his father a knife.

At about that time, William didn’t even think that the father would come back one day? But when Baron Alexson really came back, William had no choice.

As he himself said, he is the son of Baron Alexson and also a US president.

He must be responsible for his country. . . . . .

Eliot probably saw the pain in the baron’s heart. He quickly changed the subject: “Mr. Baron, William is preparing for the third presidential election.”

The United States has restrictions on the re-election of the president. It can be listed for up to two sessions but may be listed for special reasons such as war. Roosevelt was the most re-elected, and was re-elected for four consecutive terms because of special reasons for World War II. At the time, when Roosevelt was re-elected for the fourth time, a reporter from the United States interviewed President Roosevelt and asked what it was like to be re-elected for four sessions. Roosevelt gave the reporter a piece of San Mingzhi. After the reporter ate it, Roosevelt gave it another piece. When the reporter ate the second piece, Roosevelt took out the third piece and the reporter was already full, but the president’s smile gave the reporter a meal. The courage of the next time when the reporter finally finished three pieces, Roosevelt took out the fourth piece of San Mingzhi, the reporter was laughing and laughing at this time. Roosevelt smiled and said: “Now you know how I feel about being re-elected for four years.”

And Eliot’s words are also expressing an intention, William is preparing to be the second Roosevelt.

“That said, the victory of the second Berlin defending war is actually not a bad thing for William?” Wang Weizhen suddenly smiled: “Elliot, I suddenly imagined a possibility, Westmore Lan is not really a good commander, but why is William determined to put him in that position? Maybe he doesn’t want to end the war so early?”

“If that’s the case, it’s really terrible…” Eliot felt unbelievable: “Is William taking the future of a country as his political bet?”

“Who knows? I don’t know what William is thinking about.” Wang Weizhen sighed softly: “Remember that when he first met William in China, he was full of vigor and fear, when I knew After he was my son, I was proud of having such a child. He was the youngest assistant around President Roosevelt and the youngest president in American history. When I heard this, I was extremely proud. But I soon found myself wrong. We never know what William is chasing… but no matter what, I won’t let him succeed…”

Eliot knows the meaning of the Baron: “The Baron, in fact, William loves you… After the funeral of Mrs. Hermione, William was drunk with me that day, and he was drunk. Do you know what he said? He said he wants you and Mrs. Leoni, he doesn’t want to be a politician, he just wants to be happy with you. So I want to beg you for one thing…”

“Let’s talk.” Wang Weizhen is faint.

Eliot dared to be bold: “No matter what the future will be, please let him go. I know that anyone who betrays you will be punished with the utmost punishment, but he is your son after all.”

“He is my son after all.” Wang Weizhen is ecstatic: “Only the son will be ruthless to his father. Have you seen any father who will kill his son? Elliot, I love my child, I have never I have never thought about harming him. Even when he can’t accommodate in the United States, I will try my best to rescue the child, and the child will always be a child.”

Eliot knew that he could not understand this feeling because he had never been married and never had his own child. But in the Baron’s words, he can feel that feeling.

What about William? Will William do the same? Yes, William will definitely do this, Eliot is very clear about this. If the baron can really give up Germany, then William will also give up everything he has now.

The connection between the father and the child cannot be cut off by any force. The relationship between the father and the child is also incomprehensible to outsiders.

Just now, they are still enemies!

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