The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country 769. Battlefield – Ukraine! Floating astronomy

The advice given by Dura is really good! Nocier’s anger is also dissipated.

Soaked in the cool and refreshing river water, and more unpleasantness is also turned into nothingness. I don’t think there is such a feng shui treasure near the camp.

Nochl swayed his limbs and let the body swim in parallel in the water. Before the war, Nochl was a top-notch swimmer in the German school. He once dreamed of becoming a swimmer. And the war changed his destiny.

Yes, in fact, people can’t really dominate their own destiny. Look at Nochl. There is nothing to question in this sentence.

Bodira only had a blue crotch to shame him, although Nochl didn’t know why his crotch was the strange blue, but his diving posture was the best for Nocier, like who was behind his back. Give him the same foot. The entire person has no sense of balance and is covered in the water!

Ramel and Schmidt, who were waiting in the water early, waited for Bodilla, who had not yet surfaced. They both want Yin Bodila! This point Nozil can see!

Nocier used the treading stunt to keep his body floating smoothly without sinking, waiting for the good show.

However, Bodira is not a dry duck like Nocier thinks. He has already sneaked in the water very far, almost emerging around Nocier! Also scared his scalp numb, he thought it was a water ghost!

From the shore to here, there is a full distance of more than ten meters! He swims well! Bodilla rubbed his wet face with his hand. Then he yelled at the stunned Lamer and Schmidt who were still stupid on the shore: “Hey! The loser is always a dry duck! Hahaha…”

Ramel and Schmidt turned their heads and looked surprised! But they dare not chase, two seemingly five big three thick men can not swim! As Bodilla said, they are literally dry ducks.

On the shore, a patrol of 10 IDF soldiers slowly walked out of the depths of the woods, leading a huge wolf dog.

Patrol! But they are swimming here, it really does not hinder them! If they are looking for it! It can be said that they are not covered in clothing, and the wind is ruined! Ramel and Schmidt are two of them who are screaming at the patrols loudly! Call them as girls? Nocier and Bodilla have looked at each other, which seems to be a less sensible choice!

The temper of the gang of patrols is like eating red peppers 24 hours a day.

The patrol’s soldiers did not respond, perhaps making Ramel and Schmidt a stupid hat, but the wolf dog they brought broke off the rope and plunged into the water! The entire patrol team almost jumped into the river!

They have been soaking in the river until the sun sets! The sky was getting dark and I was reluctant to leave this treasure. After landing, Nociel and Bodilla found that their toes and fingers were soaked in water and lost a layer of old skin! It’s been too long!

Dinner is very rich! They actually got the barbecue! Really hard to come by! The superiors made their army drinking Nocier and Nociel’s car group naturally not drunk! As a result, Ramel and Schmidt were unconscious, and finally, Nozil Bodilla and Hans gave them the strength to drag them back to sleep.

As the night deepens, Nochl can’t sleep at all, slipping out to the outside, and finally Nochl finds a round stone near the barracks of the dormitory and sits on it. Bodilla still didn’t sleep when he came out of the barracks, and he followed. This Nochl thought that he always liked to talk to himself about some inaccessible topics. They didn’t have a common language. If it wasn’t for him, he always wanted Nocier to think that they would not even be friends. Nociel knows what he thinks, at least he thinks so. Perhaps because they are a very difficult person to get along with, they can think so and define it. Nocier doesn’t care because he doesn’t need any friends. At best, it is a colleague of common fighting.

Nociel is thinking, what will they talk about this time.

Bodilla didn’t come to Noch’s side and sat on the round stone. Did he like to stand? He always stood: “It’s quite idle recently! Hehehe…”

Nochl thought that he meant swimming during the day: “Well, it is much better than before!”

Bodira didn’t laugh as Nozil thought, but suddenly became depressed. He whispered softly to Nociel and was not very clear. . . . . . However, he is sure what he wants to express.

“Unfortunately… war…”

Nociel thought that he understood, in fact, he did not understand what he meant: “What?”

He is very strange! Bodira smiled again: “… suddenly a little homesick!”

Yes, Nochl has never had time to ask: “Where is your hometown?”

Bodilla pointed his finger at the southwest direction: “A beautiful little farm! What about you?”

Nochl looked at him with envy: “I am from Nuremberg!”

Bodilla has widened his eyes that are not small: “The metropolis!”

His envious look made Nozil feel his bandits, but he could understand the troubles of a metropolis!

Nochelle sighed: “I don’t have the strength to convince you that you don’t want to be a metropolis!”

Bodilla shrugged and said that he would teach at the time.

Nochl suddenly asked: “Are you married?”

Bodilla didn’t talk, just flipped his pockets and finally handed a photo to Nochl. Nociel took it and looked at it carefully. A beautiful girl.

“Your wife! Son!

Bodilla shook his head: “It’s my fiancee!”

Nocier slightly raised his mouth! It’s wise not to get married: “She is beautiful!”

Bodira’s face showed a smug look! The face is very face to say: “So what about you?”

He turned to the attack and did not let Nochl feel any discomfort. This is a mutual exploration: “Marriage is just a form for me, and women are just a spice for life for me!”

Bodilla’s expression is very complicated. . . . . . . .

Nociel lay back on his back, looking at the night sky, his thoughts flying. He just stares at the starry sky, good

Peace is for the military. . . . . . It’s just a waste of time. . . . . .

In the morning, Chaoyang has not revealed a half-light from the distant horizon. The first assault group army’s camp is full of smoke and dust.

A large number of infantry and tanks in the assembly and target, the East! Tanatatchsky region.

The morale of the German army is full of blood! Even Nozil, who feels depressed without a new armored chariot, is full of war! They will completely defeat their enemy in this battle.

The two advance camps of the leading troops are dispatched! They will find out all the areas in front of the Germans until they touch the main force of the Russian army and the real line of defense!

And the main force of the German army! It is gathered in a small wooden room, a temporary meeting room.

This conference room is not very large. The armored battalion commander Major McCall stands in the middle of the house. In front of him is a square wooden table with an accurate map of the area. He is fighting deployment! Almost every chariot captain is already present, and of course the nasty Klaus! No matter what other people think, anyway, Nozil is full of prejudice against him! He is a solid ball!

Major McCall said: “Our armored battalion is to occupy the 133 position! Break through the fortifications built by the Russians from the front! Open the line of defense for the follow-up forces!”

That’s right, the idea of ​​the German blitzkrieg from World War II is exactly the same. The armored chariots smashed the enemy front with fast maneuvering and powerful penetration capabilities! And those infantry, all can clean up the mess!

Nociel glanced at the people around him, all of them who didn’t know each other. Only Claus! Klaus sneered at Nozil and then raised his left arm. Major McCorm Hiroshi, he can speak.

Klaus straightened his body: “I only hope that when my Tank is moving forward, the brethren who support the platoon can protect our flank and rear! The taste of being copied by the Russians is not good. !”

Major McCall nodded. Apparently he agreed with the proposal made by Klaus, and these, without him, are also the work of their support.

Major McCall is still conducting a more detailed operational deployment. The meeting will soon end! The battle started because of the news coming from the front. . . . . .

Armored battalions will come out! This time, in the sporadic troops of the Russians who are not the little troubles, the Germans will face the main force of the defenders of the real Russian army in the Tana Taqisk region!

After the meeting, Nociel went straight to Noch’s 098. Klaus was swaying from Noch’s side: “The brother of the support department, please look at my ass… Why do I suddenly feel so happy…”

Nociel secretly whispered: “The bastard!”

Nociel ignored him. If he and he generally saw him, the rise of his own rare emotions would be turned into nothingness.

Bodira and Ramel are already at the Tank. If the battle is about to start, and they are leaving the job, the crime of shooting will be established!

Far away, Nochl can feel the true desire to fight from them. At the fastest speed, the Germans all entered the “098” belly! Each has its own role! Nochl will be the eyes, ears and nose of this “Destroyer 3” tank!

Bodilla is still a correspondent! Schmidt and Hans are gunners and loaders. Ramel controls the direction and stability of 098.

The body began to vibrate in place, and then slowly moved forward. The track slammed against the steel sheet above it, giving a harsh sound of friction. The German No. 3 was successfully launched. Now, it will join the battlefield in front of the gunfire. . . . . .

In front of the Germans, it was the main assault force of the armored battalion – six of the latest “Burst” Tanks and two “Leopard” styles.

One of the “Leopard”-style captains is the armored soldier Lieutenant Klaus. Tens of meters away, Nociel can see his duck-shaped head! Funny dead! But his car is really so powerful! The huge body and strange shape made Noch’s heart itch. Nociel could not help but grasp the edge of the turret’s top cover, until the ten fingers were sent a burst of pain. Nocier saw that the “leopard” type had almost no need to bypass the trench. In the face of thick trees, there was no need to change direction and route deliberately. The huge “leopard” type was more like a bulldozer. The trunks were already very The stout trees fell down and even uprooted under the collision of its steel body. After the German side, there are several co-operating chariots. They are all armored support platoons. The German mission is very clear, following those “bursts” and “leopards”! Cover their flank and rear at all times!

Nociel’s vague feeling of the sound of the guns approached, and from time to time there was a string of machine guns. The battle is in full swing! The Germans have not yet arrived at the battlefield.

That spectacular scene! The number of armored fighting vehicles is lined up and goes hand in hand! In the “Break” and “Leopard” style wings, there are many Defence Force soldiers. They sometimes stand up from time to time, sometimes from time to time. The German armored battalion has caught up with the speed of the infantry unit!

Nociel raised his telescope and was magnified on the battlefield. Russian! A lot of Russians! Almost all in all directions.

Those “breaker” and “leopard” styles continue to move forward, followed by a compact round of volley! A few hundred meters away, the soil column was blown up four times, and the broken limbs of the Russians wearing the khaki military uniforms were broken with the gravel clods!

The “breaker” and “leopard” style parallel and roof machine guns are violently fired! The arrival of the armored battalion has made the situation on the front line clear!

With the reinforcement of the powerful Tank troops! The Russians suffered heavy losses!

Nociel’s “098” has no use at all! His heart is very wrong! He is eager to order an acceleration and enter the theater! It hurts the gang of Russians, but Nociel knows what his mission is.

coming! In the telescope, Nochl saw that the Russians had sent at least one combat company, and hundreds of dark figures disappeared into the woods one by one. They intended to cover the left wing of the woods. Their goal was armored pioneers. force! Russians are not stupid! they know! The biggest threat to them at this time is the Tank that is going to kill people! Instead of the grenadiers who attacked the festival! If it’s not Tank, knock out the Russian machine guns one by one! These grenadiers will be planted in the face of the Russians’ madfire.

The woods gave them excellent cover!

They want to cover it! It’s your turn to get your own “098” crew to show your talents! As the turret rotates, Nociel prepares to fire a high-explosive grenade in the direction of the woods, but does not want to see many grenadiers in the field of vision!

stupid! Those grenadiers actually took the initiative to pick up the enemy? They poured into the woods and fought fiercely against the Russian squadron in the woods! Nochl can’t order shooting! That would have a great chance of hurting yourself! He is so angry that he is snoring!

Nociel almost watched the turret of the “Burst” Tank in front of him being smashed by huge waves! The “Burst” took a shot and should have been detonated into the car’s ammunition. Otherwise it will not be blown into that miserable appearance.

The Russians hit and completely destroyed the “breaker”! As the turret was smashed, the slender barrel of the “breaker” had disappeared. The ruined car body ignited the blazing flames, and the firemen did not have it. Those poor armored soldiers estimated that they had become coke at this time.

Losing a main chariot did not slow down the pace and speed of the German offensive! The grenadiers squatted with unarmed shots of light weapons in their hands after a few mounds and potholes that were enough to cover the bullets.

When they are on time, they will advance forward and use all kinds of methods. Sometimes they will dodge to the side of the Tank. Almost every attack will have to be scattered and counted. The resistance of the Russian army is more intense than imagined!

The battle went on for more than an hour and the battle line was stretched! The assault force that attacked the front line of the Russian army could not take into account such a narrow front. Nozil was skeptical that the number of Russian defenses was greater than that of the Germans.

Nocier ordered the Tank to move forward, and there were only two “Bursts” and Klaus’s “Leopard” in the sight of Nociel.

The Germans in the direction of the woods began to withdraw! really! The strength of the Russians in that region is far stronger than that of the Germans. When I entered, the scale of dozens of people was only a dozen people who were alive and withdrawing. The Russians pursued the victory and pursued the shooting of various firearms. The remaining dozens of grenadiers also fell down one after another!

The arrival of Nociel’s “098” in time just saved a few people’s lives! The firepower of the Russians is fierce and unimaginable, and the bullets of various calibers are scattered! Nochl explored his body without a gut or his head in the top of the turret.

The Russians took the initiative of the entire battlefield!

Nociel finally understood the Russian tactics a bit. They are fighting defensive counterattacks!

Nochl bent down and half of his body penetrated into the cabin. All four of them looked at Nochel, did not speak, and the meaning to be expressed is self-evident. What do you do next?

The Germans have begun to withdraw from the entire frontal limit! After more than an hour of continuous attacks, I was unable to launch an offensive!

Nozil also defined his “098” mission.

The Russians will not be stupid enough to let the retreating Germans smoothly retreat without damaging one person! Their commanders must have issued the command of chasing at this time! Nocier saw the Russian soldiers from the beginning of the forest, the first Russian troops sneaked into it.

And their “098” is moving forward. Nocier’s team members think it is extremely unwise to make this decision! Nociel understood what they were scrupulous about and looked at the wreckage of the broken chariots around him.

The Russians have a strong anti-Tank firepower!

Although Nochl has not found any signs of the Russians participating in the war until now. It’s just a matter of the huge number of infantrymen who are chasing them. camouflage! Beautiful camouflage!

Ramel slowed down the speed of the “098”.

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