The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 169. Curse, floating astronomy

The enthusiasm of New York and the whole of the United States is hard to understand. !

Wang Weizhen, who looked at all of this, knew that he was one step closer to success.

The origin of the matter came from Eliot, but the ultimate planner of the whole event was Wang Weizhen. He likes to see and even enjoys to enjoy such a scene.

Once again, he visited the New York Stock Exchange and the housing contract exchange on the side. He saw the madness of everyone, and he was sure that no one could stop this madness.

No one can, including Wang Weizhen. . . . . .

Since it’s crazy, let him be crazy.

When he came out of the stock exchange, he unexpectedly met two “acquaintances”, the dancer’s Alisya and her daughter Alice.

It seems that Alisya’s days are much better than in the past. She came down from the taxi, wearing brand new clothes and holding a delicate handbag in her hand. And Alice’s face also showed happiness.

“Mr. Moyol, I didn’t expect to meet you again.” Seeing “Mr. Moyol”, Alisya looked a little surprised: “Where have you been here?”

“Ah, I traveled to Europe.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “I am honored to see you again. And you, Alice.”

“Hello, Mr. Moyol,” said the lovely Alice.

“Ah, can you wait for me here for a while?” Alisya said that she handed her daughter to Wang Weizhen and rushed into the housing contract exchange.

Wang Weizhen smiled bitterly, although she asked her to drink coffee, but she had no knowledge of herself, and she was relieved to give her daughter such a “stranger.”

“Alice, have you and your mother been there now?” Wang Weizhen asked.

“Ah, we have done very well.” Alice’s words were proud of her mother: “We re-rented a big house, much better than the original. My mother made a lot of money, and she said she would make more money in the future. ”

Wang Weizhen shakes it. Everyone seems to be making big money, but they will soon discover that the most terrible thing is about to begin. . . . . .

After waiting for half an hour, Alisya came out from the inside: “Oh, I am sorry, Mr. Moyol, today’s transaction is more active than any other day, so you can watch Alice for so many times, I am sorry.”

“It doesn’t matter if I am very happy with Alice…” Wang Weizhen said that, but it was a pity for Alisya.

The closer you get to the crash, the more crazy you are. Alisya and those people will never consider this.

Alisya said with great enthusiasm: “The last time you asked me to eat with Alice, it was my turn today.

Mr. Moyol, can I ask you to have a coffee together? ”

In the cafe, Wang Weizhen roughly figured out the current situation of Alisya.

In theory, Alisya did make a lot of money on the house contract, but it was not able to discount. She used the housing contract to get more loans for herself. In addition to re-renting a larger house, she added some clothes to herself and her daughter, and the remaining loans were once again turned into the housing contract market.

This is actually just a sight in the air but not in the air. . . . . .

“Recently, the housing contract market is really good.” Alisya didn’t even think about what Mr. Moyol thought about there: “I want to spend half a year with me to buy the money I bought with Alice. A beautiful big house. Of course, I think I might have a chance to find a father who really likes her.”

When she looked at “Mr. Moyol”, she seemed to have forgotten a little bit of discomfort between the original and Mr. Moyol.

Wang Weizhen Only did not see the general: “Alice, do you like to live in a big house?”

“Of course, Mr. Moyol, I like to live in a big house.” Alice replied happily: “Mom said, we will live a happy life.”

Wang Weizhen sighed in his heart: “Alisya, if you really want your daughter to live a happy life, I personally suggest that you quickly sell all the contracts in your hand and get out of this market as soon as possible. Otherwise you will regret it.”

Alisya didn’t believe the other person at all: “Are you crazy, Mr. Moyol, you let me leave this market at this time? No, I will never do this. Mr. Moyol, you are a good person, I helped us when Alice and I were in trouble, but you don’t understand the market and don’t understand at all.”

Wang Weizhen What else can you say besides a bitter smile? A crazy market, even people like Alisya have become crazy. . . . . .

“I know that you are a very rich person.” Alisya went on to say: “But there will be many people who will be richer than you soon… maybe I can be one of them… Mr. Moyol, why not take your money out? I can teach you how to do it…”

“Ah, I don’t think so.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “Alisya, no matter what happens, please don’t give up. After all, you still have such a lovely daughter. The difficulties will always pass…. ..”

Alisya didn’t understand what he meant. She looked at the beautiful and lovely Alice with affection: “Yes, the difficulties have passed, and Alice and I will be happy.!.”!

Wang Weizhen sighed again, but did not say anything. . . . . .

“Mr. Robert Kennedy.”

In the home of the New York State Senator, Wang Weizhen met one of the important figures of the Kennedy family: Robert. Kennedy.

Without Wang Weizhen, the “The Drifter,” he has become the US Attorney General, and his brother has become the President of the United States. It is a pity that the truth of all this, except for Wang Weizhen, “The Drifter”, no one can know. . . . . .

In Eliot’s introduction, “Mr. Moyol” is a very important person who can represent the Morgan family, the Rockefeller family and the Wittgenstein family.

This makes Robert. Kennedy was very surprised.

It is the three most important families in the United States and the world. He never knew that the three families actually had a common spokesperson.

What kind of big man can you represent these three families?

“Welcome to you, Mr. Moyol.” Despite his surprise, Robert did not lose his demeanor: “I have talked with Mr. Eliot before, and it was very pleasant. He mentioned me many times. I am fortunate to be able to see it today. It is an honor for me and my family.”

“I am also very honored to meet you, Senator Kennedy.” Wang Weizhen said politely: “I hope this will be a pleasant memory for us.”

When they sat down with each other, Robert said: “Since you can represent three families, then I think you must have a very unique view of the economy. I believe you must know the status quo in the United States? What do you think of this? ?”

“It’s crazy, and it’s not normal madness…” Wang Weizhen did not hide at all: “If you continue this way, the US economy will be hit hard.”

He knows that these things can’t hide the family like Kennedy. In any crazy market, the last profit-seekers will definitely not be ordinary people, only these big family big chaebol group.

Sure enough, the Robert interface said: “Yeah, the terrible market, this is the same as the prelude of any economic crisis. The securities market will collapse overnight. Countless people will stage a tragedy, and our government?” There is no way to solve this…”

Speaking of this, he looked at Wang Weizhen: “So, in such turmoil, what role did Morgan, Rockefeller and Wittgenstein play?”

“Businessmen always have to find ways to get something from them.” Wang Weizhen said quietly: “Since the government is helpless, then we have no way to solve it. What we can do is to minimize our losses.”

“Or get a lot of benefits from it…” Robert said with a deep smile: “It doesn’t matter, people who don’t want to make money will not succeed. Mr. Moyol, I appreciate your frankness, then today yours Can the arrival bring us something?”

“What I can bring to you is to win a stronger ally for the Kennedy family.” Wang Weizhen replied calmly: “The new election is about to begin, I know your brother John Fitzgerald. Kennedy is eager to become a candidate for the Democratic Party. But the war has prevented him from having to admit that in the context of the outbreak of war, Mr. William will once again become the President of the United States…”

Robert’s eyes twitched. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen said in such a calm tone: “You want to stop the appearance of such a scene, but you can’t do it with your strength. Then you need us. Is it, Mr. Senator?”

Robert was silent: “As far as I know, President Wirtgenstein is a member of the Wittgenstein family. He got your full help during the campaign. Why do I believe that you will have a bad blow?”

“Because of each other’s interests…” Wang Weizhen thought without hesitation: “Yes, we funded William’s campaign, but he disappointed us.

Probably you also know that William’s new campaign sponsors are not us, but a few large Jewish consortia. We need to recover. Now, what do you think of our advice? ”

Robert did not answer immediately, but was silent for a long time before he slowly said: “So, what are the rewards you need?”

This conversation was a secret negotiation, Wang Weizhen, who represented the “New York Alliance,” and a secret agreement with Robert, representing the Kennedy family.

The specific agreement content, but no outsiders can know. . . . . . But this has had an extremely serious impact on the future world situation. . . . . .

Politics is nothing more than this, there is never an eternal ally, and some are just eternal interests. . . . . .

“I hope this is a good start.” After nearly three hours of negotiations, Robert was in a good mood: “I have a new friend, the Kennedy family also has a new friend, ah, you probably know our family. There is always a dream in it.”

Wang Weizhen certainly knows.

The Kennedy family has a long-cherished dream: the president’s dream, someone in this family must be the president of the United States. Joseph. When Kennedy once prayed in the church, he secretly vowed: “I have already reached the highest peak of wealth, and I want my son to climb the highest peak of power.”

Their couple have 9 children, and the potential for politics is naturally 4 boys. This 4 boy is the eldest son of Little Joseph. Kennedy, second son John. Kennedy, three sons Robert. Kennedy, four sons Edward. Kennedy. According to his own experience, Joseph knew that he would give his son a status. He must have money first so that they never have to worry about life. He set up some trust funds to provide children and wives with $10,000 each.

In the mind of his father, the eldest son, Joseph, is the most qualified of the four sons to become president. But the ruthless war shattered his wishful thinking. In an airplane driving, the plane he was driving was exploding due to a malfunction, and he and the first officer were blown up and broken. This is the first disaster that the Kennedy family encountered in the aftermath of the disaster. Two weeks later, there was another bad news. The second daughter, Catherine’s newly married husband, Brittish, Lord Hattington, was killed in skiing. Catherine, who lived a few years later, had a new boyfriend, Brittish, Count Fitzwilliam. 1948 5 month 13 day two people rented a small plane to go to France for a holiday, in the mountains in the wind and both fell into the fuselage.

After the death of the eldest son, the hope in the family was more pinned on the second son John. Kennedy. Follow John. Kennedy later said, “My brother Joseph is a natural candidate for politics. If he is alive, I will continue to be a writer. If I am dead, my brother will be a senator. If he has an accident, my other brother will Go for the election for us.”

Zi Cheng father industry, brother Cheng brother industry, is like a sequel to the political sequence diagram.

It is a pity that John. Kennedy’s president’s dream was lost to William. Wittgenstein.

Wang Weizhen is even more clear that this is the curse of the so-called “Kennedy family.”

The Kennedy family is the most prominent, oldest and most influential political family in American history. In addition to its unparalleled reputation and status, the family is still surrounded by a cosmopolitan mystery: the curse of Kennedy. The second generation of the patriarch was the financier Joseph. Kennedy, a former ambassador to the UK, has a total of 9 children – 4 male 5 female. For half a century, it seems to be subject to a mysterious curse. This family has a lot of fate in New England. Its members have been repeatedly hit by disasters. It is not serious injury, death is entangled in various scandals. It has been in existence for decades. Nearly ten “Kennedy” unnatural deaths. So many “coincidences” have become a mysterious mystery of this family. There have been newspapers saying: “The story of the Kennedy family is a long list of obituaries… As a member of the Kennedy family, you should not expect to lie in bed and die quietly…”

I am afraid no one can solve the mystery of this curse. . . . . .

He fixed the god: “Of course I know your dreams and climb to the highest peak of American power. And we can be sure that we will spare no effort to help you complete this dream. The birth of a president requires a variety of strengths. Work together.”

“I fully agree with your opinion. And I can’t wait to see that day comes soon.” Robert said with a little excitement.

This was a good meeting and Wang Weizhen got what he wanted again. When he left the Senator Kennedy, Wang Weizhen suddenly asked at the moment of boarding the car: “How much time is there?”

“One month.” Without the specific question of Mr. Baron, Elliott has already said: “A terrible storm will begin after a month.

“Very good, Eliot, let us welcome this moment.” Wang Weizhen boarded the car and said without hesitation: “In the United States, Russia and Italy, we will start our actions at the same time.” A month later, the situation in Russia will change dramatically. The first punished traitor will face the same curse as the Kennedy family.”

He is talking about Gregory.

“Are you going to Ukraine?” Eliot quickly understood the destination of Mr. Baron.

“Yes, I am going to Ukraine. This will be the beginning of a huge empire collapse, just like the financial market in the United States.” Wang Weizhen smiled faintly: “The Germans have launched a full-scale attack in Ukraine, but because we still have to To face the Allied attack, we can’t invest more in Ukraine, and the battle there is said to be not very smooth.”

Eliot nodded silently, and Mr. Baron was almost alone in supporting the country.

Where is the danger, where is the need for Mr. Baron, where the Baron will appear.

He never seems to feel tired, just like a tireless robot. Germany needs such a person, but Germany cannot rely solely on Mr. Baron alone. However, the reality is not the case.

Eliot suddenly felt that the Baron was also cursed. Every time he always appeared in Germany when he was most in need and most in need of help, he was always so busy, he always rushed on the road full of danger.

However, in this case, Eliot did not say it.

When will the curse of Mr. Baron be lifted?

I am afraid that no one in this world can answer this question!

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