The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 666. Tank, heavy machine gun, floating astronomy

Ukraine, 1966 years 3 month.

The German armored forces have entered the territory of Ukraine. Now, they need to quickly stabilize the situation in Ukraine and help General Carcorochk and his Ukrainian army defeat the Russian army.

This is not an easy task. After all, the German forces entering Ukraine are still too few.

As the forerunner of the entire army, the “Loavez Tank Group” is at the forefront, and they will assume the task of fighting with the Ukrainian army and a small number of German infantry.

Nochell witnessed that he was not the most intense in his life, but it was definitely the most unforgettable battle. His life may not be able to forget this experience in Ukraine.

When the battle broke out, Nocier never saw this scene. In his impression, the scene of the battle was only in a one-sided situation. The kind of battle without suspense, almost no big price! The Germans can defeat and destroy the enemy!

Now, let Nozil stay, it is almost in an instant, the Germans have lost almost impossible to measure the soldiers! They were either pierced by a precise bullet that was shot in no direction, or were torn by limbs and bangs with a powerful explosion.

But the grenadiers did not show any signs of collapse, even though they had lost enough comrades in the first place!

They are well trained! Yes, they are high-quality officers and men of the German Army!

The combat formation quickly opened, and at least one infantry grenadier used the tank they drove as a lifeline. The intensive bombs that were enough for their lives slammed into the car. Nocier closed the top of the turret on the top! He didn’t want to be targeted, even though the space inside the car was already very narrow. But he also has to save his life!

The companions in Tank are busy all the time. Bodilla helped Schmidt join forces to load a 50mm projectile into the cannon, dark outside. Even if you think about it, you know what happened.

Bodilla raised his hands and held the headset on his ear, receiving instructions from Tank Commander Klaus.

Ramel used his strength to shake the turret. Nochl is watching carefully! At least they have to see the target and find the target to aim at the target before they can fire! Nociel bowed his head and found that the mg62 parallel machine gun was unattended.

Nochl shouted loudly: “Schmidt! Go and watch the machine gun!”

Nociel knows the main firepower of the chariot, more than one 50mm main gun. In that case alone, this chariot can’t effectively deal with the threat of enemy infantry! Schmidt did not execute Noch’s order, but the gunner Hans was operating the powerful machine gun. In Noch’s opinion, they all go the same! Just make sure that their “098” Tank can play the most firepower!

but. Where is the target? It鈥檚 confusing everywhere! Some soldiers rushed to the ruined farmland on the right side, while more were squatting on the ground and shooting with guns! Shooting a gun? Nochl found from the periscope that many grenadiers were shooting the left side of the slope with a rifle in their hand. Above?

The turret was spinning and Nozil finally found his goal. This is also the first battle of Nochl from the beginning of Ukraine!

The Russians are very fierce, although there are no heavy weapons, but they are condescending. Just using some Sub Machine Guns and grenades is enough to kill the defensive and unobstructed Defence Forces soldiers.

With the rapid piling, the large-calibre heavy machine shells almost tore the grenadiers who can only rely on military uniforms to protect the **.

A heavy machine gun was in the direction of 10 o’clock, killing the grenadiers who had no dodge force at a rate of ten shots per second. A row of fan-shaped sweeps, more than a meter high soil column throughout the road. From time to time, there are soldiers who have fallen to the ground. They are too exposed!

The grenadier who shot in but did not die screamed in pain and asked for help. And those medics have fulfilled their responsibilities, they must treat the wounded! However, the Russians did not comply with the so-called international law. Several medical guards appeared in Nociel’s field of vision, and Nociel watched them being smothered by Russian rifles.

Nowadays, they have become wounded soldiers who need to be treated. Some of them are ridiculous…

Nochl found the goal of “098”! The heavy machine gun that is going to kill people must stop the noise.

Several classes of grenadiers attempted to attack the highlands from multiple directions, but the firepower of the heavy machine guns made them unable to move forward. It is even necessary to withdraw to reduce casualties. After dropping a few bodies that had been sieved, the remaining surviving soldiers rolled back to the beginning of the road. More people seek shelter. Obviously the “098” Tank has become their first choice! but! A powerful mortar shell landed less than two meters away from the “098” Tank. Nociel even heard the screams from the outside in the car!

The muzzle is raised, they have to do something! The continuing casualties have made the entire army in this order confusing.

Hans was shooting with the mg62 parallel machine gun. Because of the narrow shooting range, Nociel could hardly convince himself that he shot enough Russians. In fact, even the fire suppression is not counted! The Russians did not intend to launch a charge! They just let the terrain play an advantage. German casualties are hard to control!

“10 o’clock direction! High-explosive grenade! Ready!” Nocier used the periscope to determine when the projectile was launched and was unlikely to be wasted…

“Open fire!” Nozil felt the shaking of the body! Schmidt withdrew the hot shell from the cannon and then threw it along the crevice on the side of the turret. The useless things will only occupy more of the space that the Germans are crowded.

The result disappointed Nozil!

The huge air wave generated by the shell explosion caused two of the three Russian soldiers who operated the heavy machine gun to smash from the bunker to the cover. And they were quickly smashed by the intensive bombs fired by the IDF grenadiers who were aiming to fire. And that heavy machine gun is still roaring.

On the road, there are dozens of bodies of grenadiers on the road. At least half of them are masterpieces of heavy machine guns!

Nochl was completely angry: “Loading!”

He had no need to consider so much at all, and Schmidt had already filled the shells. Nociel was about to order him to fire again. But was interrupted by Bodira.

Bodilla calmly observed the situation on the battlefield: “The muzzle ups 5 is firing!”

Nozil is surprised, raise 5 degrees? doing what? Then the shells could not successfully fall into the Russian bunker! So what effect can it have? Nocier did not refute Bodilla鈥檚 suggestion. Ramel did what Bodira said. Raised the muzzle! And Noch’s mission is just the next order.

The second shell whistling out! The light smoke at the muzzle has not yet dispersed. With a few meters of soil pillars rising from a height of 100 meters, Nociel clearly saw the heavy machine guns that had been scattered from the periscope…

It is finally quiet!

Without the suppression of continuous firepower, the advance detachment equipped with the flamethrower attacked the high slope, the flame, Sub Machine Gun! Grenade! Then there is basically no task for the German armored forces.

Due to the ambush and heavy losses, the entire team must be on the spot.

On the death road, the Germans lost more than 50 people! They have not even encountered the true Russian main force! This is not a good news.

Nociel and his companions drove the road off with “098”. They don’t think the road is safe.

The exhausted grenadiers gathered together in threes and threes, smoking cigarettes, chatting about the sky, some people crying with their hands on their faces, and more people are taking advantage of this rare free time.

Nochl took out a cigarette and licked it, reaching out and groping on his body. strange! What about lighters? It took almost a minute to flip through it, and my heart became impatient. The lighter appeared out of thin air and ignited the cigarette in front of Noch’s mouth. This made him feel happy.

“It’s better to eat some cans and drink some water than to smoke!” Bodilla lifted the kettle and slammed a few mouthfuls, then gave it to Nociel, and Nociel did not pick up. Because he is not thirsty, he does not feel a trace of hunger.

Nochl whispered, “Maybe, you are right!” He leaned on the side track of the “098” Tank, and the back of the bumpy wheel slammed his back. Bodilla stood up and leaned against the body. He looked around. Nochl can see. He is not looking at the soldiers. Instead, looking for something.

Bodira didn’t seem to hear clearly: “What do you mean just now… What?” Nozil looked up. A pair of doubtful eyes staring at him, really do not understand? Still do not understand?

Nociel had to be honest: “The first time I played against the Russians was always a headache!”

Bodira suddenly realized: “Well, you are used to it! The Russians are mad, and the ones we meet are still gentle!”

Nociel likes his sense of humor! But at this time, Nochl could not laugh.

Nochelle sighed: “There is a hunch! Maybe our war will not be as smooth as before!”

Bodira shrugged at Nozil: “Maybe… we do our own, we don’t have to worry about the rest.”

Nochl recalled the previous battle. The proposal given by Bodira is really crucial. His concept of warfare is completely different from that of Nociel. Nocier is quite normal, and there is no bold imagination to break away from the law of war. And he is different! He is more inclined to focus! The focus of the battle just now is to completely destroy the heavy machine gun, instead of killing the Russian soldiers who operate the machine gun!

Bodira pointed to the opposite: “Look at the Leopard 9! Hey… if that’s ours…”

Nocier looked for the Tank he said, oh, Claus’s “Leopard 9”. I have not seen any record of him. It鈥檚 just a symbolic opening of a few shots. It looks like it鈥檚 not as good as the record of the 鈥淒estroyer 3鈥?type. At least they knocked out annoying heavy machine guns.

The Germans did not have enough time to rest, and although they were exhausted, the above orders came firm and clear! They must join the first assault cluster as quickly as possible. This is about the victory or defeat of the whole battle!

So whether it is the infantry who relies on their feet to march on foot, or the German armored soldiers who drive heavy warships, it is impossible to have enough time to rest in this temporarily peaceful area. resentment. No one will have no grievances, but they all learn to be in the heart! There are not many advantages for Germans. But one of the hard work is counted.

The surrounding soldiers who had different postures began to rise one after another. Many soldiers stayed by the small river next to the woods and fields not far away. They bowed and pressed the kettle in their hands. Into the water. Those rivers are not clear, and Nociel is worried about them. Will the sly Russians poison the river?

Nociel just think about it! If he said the ridiculous idea of 鈥嬧€婲ochl, he would be honored to get a blasphemy and be confined to be confined.

That’s right, everyone is working hard to make the kettle that you carry with you full of drinking water! They don’t know how many more ways to go!

Many soldiers began to return to the road where there was a fierce battle, if the Germans wanted to shorten the itinerary. It is necessary to go back to the place where they didn’t want to go back.

This time, the commander is remembering the pain. I learned from the fact that he learned to send advance troops to explore the road! He sent a team of advance troops to clear the way for the big forces. If there are two ambushes like the previous one! Then when the German army arrived at its destination, the remaining fighting power would not be complimented.

It鈥檚 been a few minutes before the first time, and the German soldiers should leave!

The grenadiers who were extremely reluctant to climb from the ground, put on their helmets and put them on the guns, and the group returned to the road.

Looking at Bodilla, who was approaching from a distance, Nociel knew what he was going to do. Nocier waved at him before he spoke. He also understood the meaning of Nociel. Then he turned and ran to the “098” in the distance.

Nocier wants to smoke the cigarette in his hand. It is a pity that he only smokes half of it.

Nociel was the last one to get into the cabin, and four people stared at him with their own eggs. Nociel naturally didn’t take care of it. They have another prejudice against themselves.

Bodira called out: “I just looked at the track, but fortunately it didn’t wear out very badly! Let’s reach the destination is no problem!”

Ramel looked at Bodilla strangely. It seems that Bodira has made a joke to everyone: “The work of the destroyer 3’s chariot, you still doubt it?”

Nocier’s words for Bodilla are more inclined: “Remember! Tank is the repair! But I think we still have to fight to the last moment.”

Ramel is not talking. However, Hans was silly and laughed alone: 鈥嬧€?#8221;I went there and asked for some bullets from the machine gunners.” Then he took the gun of the mg62: “No ammunition!”

Everyone, including Nochl. I laughed.

The engine of “098” is turned on, and it moves the bulky body. The swaying back to the road, the large amount of smoke produced by the rotation of the track allows those grenadiers without masks to cover their mouths and noses! Nochl imagined that they must be cursing – breaking the Tank!

The ambush on the road is probably the only battle on the way to the German army that is not a long march.

The Germans arrived smoothly. Now, the strength of the first assault group army has grown with their arrival! Thus has the ability to attack.

As the number of personnel increased, these reinforcements were integrated into the third armored support platoon. What makes Nochelle happy is that he no longer has to listen to the command of Klaus’s dog. But beyond that, there is no reason to let Nochl feel a little gratified.

They are new members of this army, but they don’t get the new equipment they deserve, long-awaited!

Along the way, Nocier and Bodilla and other three people chatted hot, the Germans were wondering what kind of powerful chariot they would get…

As a result, the above gave the Germans a reason or excuse that the Germans could not refute – the number of armored combat vehicles was seriously insufficient, even if there was no time to repair them, Nozil鈥檚 “3” type of destroyer should join the first. Line battle

Nociel鈥檚 heart has already begun to marry her, do they know the meaning of the words buried in no one? Nocier and the team members should control the powerful “Leopard 9” style! Not the big guy who is almost always open!

Nociel complained, only Bodira, they were listening to Nochl鈥檚 yelling at the screaming alone: 鈥嬧€?#8221;The gangs are raising! Why don’t you send us a gun? Let’s go to the charge?”

Noch’s exposed anger made Bodira understand the fragile self-esteem of Nochl. They don’t understand, the kind of anger and shame from the heart.

In Noch’s heart, there is no room for others to be unfair to themselves.

Bodira did not use any good words to persuade Nociel, who had no reason at all, but he was extremely difficult to understand because his eyes were covered with anger. Yes, he wanted the best! Not to be behind! But the reality is that they belong to the tail of the crane in the armored soldier sequence!

Ramel cautiously said: “No… not so bad?”

Nocier glared at Ramel, shaking his head a little helplessly. Nochl raised his arm and pointed out the window of the dormitory: “Let’s go out and have a look! Look at the number of new tanks! Insufficient armor? Mother! Also find a convincing excuse!”

Nocier roared and found that he had been complaining all the time. Bodilla coughed twice and looked down at the floor. Then he looked up and looked at Nociel: “No, I think… we should only obey…” Nociel and several other people watched Bodilla with the same words.

This time, they have a few days to rest, and then…

No training tasks, no military officers meetings, rare leisure time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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