The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 9.6. Living away from death, floating astronomy

– Guns and stray bullets are flying everywhere, and there are deaths and traps everywhere. Hewitt is worried about the fate of this woman and is ashamed of being sitting in a relatively safe Tank.

“I must be with her!” Hewitt wants to stand up, “Hey–“, the head hits the steel plate of Tank, and it hurts!

Hewitt, who had a splitting headache, said to the corporal Corporal Steiner: “I have to leave now for a little while… I have appointed you as the temporary agent captain to direct this Tank to move on.. …. Don’t wait for me, you go to the Amystel Bridge to help the engineering company to fight, there is a great need for reinforcements. Hewitt will meet you at the Amistel Bridge.”

“But… sir, the troops can’t leave your command!” said Corporal Fisher.

Hewitt smiled bitterly: “You lifted me too much. Now the bridge has been broken. There is no retreat in the ministries. Only the war is going on, and the last one is going on. The excessive intervention will only get worse and worse. Moreover, I will come back soon to join you.”

“Follow! Sergeant.” Corporal Steiner accepted the order.

Hewitt pushed the hood open and leaned out of the car. The glare of the sun shone on Hewitt’s face, and a hot wind rushed in, and the wind was filled with smoke and blood.

Hewitt climbed out of the turret and jumped to the rear deck of the Tank. The Tank was still moving at a low speed. Hewitt flew off the Tank from the side, and when he landed, he struggled because of his long legs. I almost fell.

Nora is trying hard to stop bleeding for the wounded, but because the wound is too much too deep and the blood is flowing out quickly, it seems that there is no hope.

At this time, the whistle of the special call when the bomber’s dive came from the sky, Hewitt looked up and looked at the sun, a bomber against the sun as a cover, swiftly and accurately as the eagle swallowed. When Hewitt saw its magazine open, a dark bomb fell off.

“Hidden!” Hewitt rushed toward Nara, and she was concentrating on the wounded. She was not aware of the danger of imminence. Hewitt had to fly and jump and slammed her down.

“Boom–” The bomb exploded in a place not far from the German army, and the dust that was blown up was like a raindrop on the German army. However, the target of the enemy plane attack was not the German army, but the tank that Hewitt had just left. Hewitt’s command car was directly hit by a bomb, and it was blown up into pieces on the spot, and none of the people in the Tank were spared.

It was the love of Nora that made Hewitt lucky to pass the death.

Heinze, Fisher, Steiner and other comrades in life and death were so devastated in an instant, Hewitt felt dizzy, and the whole person seemed to be numb to let the bullets fly around, Hewitt sat without thinking. that. . . . . .

Nora didn’t have any awareness of the bombing of the command car, which may not be a good thing for her. She was madly tamping with bricks and clods with both hands, trying to dig up the injured person buried under the rubble.

“Help me, help me!” She looked resentfully at Hewitt, who was indifferent.

Nora’s shouts awakened Hewitt from a short-lived confusion, and Hewitt and her took the injured civilians out of the rubble.

At this time, Hewitt recognized that the wounded was not old. He was the teacher of the Robinster Center Elementary School. He once helped the Germans to repair the name of the fortification. It seems to be called Strenz. It is only forty years old. . The filth and dust on the face are almost unrecognizable.

Although Strenz’s glasses were still worn on the face, they were already broken. Because the injury was too heavy, the blood of the big mouth was pouring out of his mouth. He tried his fingers. Pointing to the chest pocket, but swallowed without success.

I couldn’t accurately understand what he meant, so Hewitt touched his pocket and shuddered to take a picture of blood, a picture of a child – a picture of a three-year-old boy, written on the back of the picture. A line of words “Dear wife Susie and child Heinz. Colin, I will always love you!”

At this time, Nora’s shoulders shook in the low voice, and turned awkwardly. Hewitt’s heart was particularly uncomfortable. The sacrifice for his comrades was more for his own unpredictable and fierce future. Hewitt Taking a picture of the blood in his arms.

“Sir, let’s go!” A low voice rang in Hewitt’s ear.

Hewitt looked up and saw that the three motorcycle guards in the battalion had abandoned their motorcycles faithfully around Hewitt, talking about a 20-year-old corporal with a hand in his hand. Sniper rifle.

Some moved, so Hewitt asked him: “What is your name?”

“Sir, we all call him a ‘killer, and he is all about it.” A second-class soldier next to him said.

Everyone laughed, and Nora wept and laughed.

“Well, let’s go.” Huey nodded, holding Nora’s hand and retreating to the Emister Bridge with three guards.

They walked along the streets that had become ruins, shattering the walls, breaking bricks and bricks, and the closer they were to Amistel, the denser the sound of light weapons.

The second-class soldier who was walking in front suddenly stopped. He pressed against the wall. “There is a situation!” Hewitt pulled out the pistol and stopped Nora behind him.

“Oh la la la -” Some of the cement slag and dust slid down from the top of the Germans, and a burst of sound came from somewhere above.

The Germans looked up and looked at it. A unfortunate Russian paratrooper was hung on the outer beam of the roof that was destroyed by the parachute and hung there.

The second class fired up with Sub Machine Gun, “Hey, hey…”

“The problem is solved!” The second-class soldier waved his hand at his companions.

They were in trouble again when they crossed a street. A group of Russian paratroopers had occupied a café ruin across the street to block their way. If they were hard, the terrain and power contrast were very bad for them.

“What should I do?” The “killer” turned around and asked Hewitt.

“Let me come!” Nora flashed from behind Hewitt, and everyone looked at her strangely.

Nora shouted loudly in Russian against the Russian paratroopers across the street. The Russians across the street also heard a reply. The work was not great. The Russian paratroopers across the road were all withdrawn and turned to the west.

Hewitt asked Nora in amazement. “What did you say to the Russians?”

“Hewett told them that a Russian armored column was ambushed by the Germans in the western block and needed them to hurry up…” Nora smiled happily.

In this way, the Germans successfully passed the street controlled by the Russian paratroopers and proceeded. The front is the Emister Bridge, but the figure of many Russian paratroopers on the street is looming, and then rushing forward is nothing more than a life.

Hiroshi Hughoshi stopped moving forward and quickly looked at the surrounding terrain: on the right side of the Germans, there was a commanding height – a tower of a tens of meters high church; and on the left was the ruins of a destroyed residential building. As can be seen from the collapsed part, this turned out to be a three-story building. Although its vision is not as wide as the tower, it can be attacked and retired, and it is an ideal place to fight.

Therefore, Hewitt decided to occupy the ruins of the residential building on the left.

Hewitt left a soldier responsible for the security behind the security. The German army quickly climbed to the third layer of the remains of the ruins. Through the riddled walls, the situation of the front street can be clearly observed. At least a dozen Russian paratroopers are working. Adjacent to the street along the street, the Emister Bridge was pushed in. It was also seen that the Amystel Bridge was covered in smoke and broke into three sections. It seems that Hans’s commander has done a good job!

“The perfect target!” The sniper, nicknamed “The Killer,” smiled and pointed at the Russian paratroopers.

“Okay, kill them!” Hewitt decided to fire alone by the “killer”, because even adding two Sub Machine Guns would not achieve a bigger victory than a sniper rifle, but would soon expose the Germans. Sniper position.

The “killer” put the barrel of the camouflage sniper rifle in the gap of the broken wall. He squatted halfway, his butt was smacked on his face, and his mouth was chanting “The Virgin Mary and Hewitt are together!” Aiming at the ground, the finger gently put on the trigger. . . . . .

Hewitt and Nora sat against the broken wall, and Nora’s soft body snuggled in Hewitt’s arms and everyone waited quietly. Only when they calmed down did they know how tired they were, and Hewitt’s lips were already It has been cracked for several hours without a sip of water.

“Hey–” “killer” shakes the trigger, and there is a vague exclamation in the distance.

The “killer” was quickly retreating the bolt, the bullet shell flipped out of the gun, and he was already preparing for the second shot. This time the waiting was not as long as the first time, he quickly locked the target, “The Virgin Mary is with me!” “砰-” “killer” shot a second shot.

“Hey, hehe…” The raindrop-like bullets fired at the tower of the German right church. The Russians guessed that the snipers were hiding there.

With the cover of the Russian gunshots, the “killer” fired two consecutive shots across the face of the Russian Sub Machine Gun.

“Have you killed a few?” Nora asked with a smile.

I heard that such a beautiful beauty was asking myself, the “killer” smiled happily and happily. “Knock three and injure one… The Virgin Mary is with me…” During the conversation, he was shaking the trigger again, and he said, “Oh–“.

“Hahaha, I hit the ass of a Russian officer. He is falling in the middle of the street…” “The killer” has more words because of Nora’s existence. He laughs and changes quickly. clip.

“Let me see…” The second-class soldier wanted to confirm the “killer”, and he stood up and thought about the wall.

“砰” a gunshot, the body of this curious second-class soldier bounced, an inertia, the second-class soldier fell to the ground, a gun hole made by a sniper rifle appeared in the eyebrows of his bloody face . The Russian sniper also did a great job!

“We transferred! This place has been discovered by the enemy.” Hewitt quickly made a life

The Germans had just retreated to the 2 floor and heard the gunshots downstairs. The soldiers in charge of the warning had already ignited the Russians who were surrounded.

“Fast! Keep up!” Hewitt took the pistol and walked to the front. The Germans must quickly evacuate the house without the Russians approaching.

“Hey” Hewitt and a man who was rushing upstairs ran into a full face, and had no time to see his face. He only felt that he was wearing a yellow military uniform and was unloading the slanting Sub Machine Gun. An instinct, without any hesitation, Hewitt’s left hand grabbed the barrel he had lifted, and the right hand pistol was two shots against the Russian skull.

“砰”, “砰”

The Russian paratrooper’s body was soft and Hewitt’s body, Hewitt, unloaded his Sub Machine Gun, and then pushed the body to the body of the inanimate body and fell heavily. Hewitt handed the newly-received Zhongfeng gun to Nora behind him.

“I don’t need this thing…” Nora smiled and didn’t pick it up.

“This is the battlefield, … Nora… the enemy won’t be soft because you are a woman.” Hewitt insisted.

Although I don’t quite agree that Nora just doesn’t have the heart of Hewitt’s kindness, she has reluctantly taken over the Sub Machine Gun.

Considering that the bridge has been blown up, and the Amystel Bridge is the focus of the Russian attack, Hewitt decided to abandon the plan to move directly to the bridge, first to the river, and then seek opportunities to cross the river. Regrettably, the soldier responsible for the cover did not follow up. It is estimated that he has already died or lost his way.

They can’t wait to walk along the ruined alleys. Finally you can see the Emister River! Everyone’s spirit is suddenly up. The sniper is even more sharp, and the “killer” is happy to shout at Hewitt. “Look! The Chief Ship! There is a boat by the river!!”

Hewitt followed his fingers and saw that there was a Russian assault boat floating on the bank by the river. It was supposed to be in the morning battle. The Russians attempted to attack Huey from the waterway. The position of the special military factory area was seized by the Hewitt Army.

“Boat! Boat!” Just as people walking in the desert saw the water, people rekindled hopes of life.

In fact, the person who cheers so much is Miss Nora around Hewitt. She threw herself into Hewitt’s arms with excitement and excitement. Her eyes sparkled with a moving light, and she said in a similar nightmare voice: “I can see my mother again!”

Never heard that Nora had mentioned her mother. At this time, Hewitt knew that Mom’s weight in Nora’s heart sent such a good girl to her loved ones. Hewitt’s responsibility, Hewitt’s secretness oath.

“Yes, we can go home!” Hewitt also hugged her tightly.

“Yes!” She gave Hewitt “Dangdang” with the same enthusiasm. Her helmet fell in a warm embrace, and the golden shawl grew like a waterfall.

“Sir, I am going to contact the people at the river.” The “killer” made a first step in a grimace.

Hewitt stroked her hair and comfortably felt the soft chest crisp against her chest. The unique fragrance of the woman made Hewitt feel confused, and the rain-like kiss couldn’t help but kiss her to the dirty face. Because this is no longer a passionate expression, Nora is a little confused, she struggles to get out of Hewitt’s arms and Hewitt relinquishes her.

“Nora!” Hewitt called her name. “You listen to me…”

Nora’s face blushing tenderly looks at Hewitt: “Sir, don’t say…

Her blushing face ran like a frightened deer. At this moment, a Russian paratrooper suddenly appeared in front of Nora. Nora and the Russian were a glimpse. It was a Seven-year-old childish face, the Sub Machine Gun, which was pulled up by Nora, was put down again.

“No!” Hewitt yelled and rushed over, but it was too late!

“Hey, hehe…” The Russian paratroopers have already started the Sub Machine Gun in his hand.

Nara’s delicate body smashed and swayed in the rain, and Hewitt’s world and hope collapsed in an instant. Hewitt’s left hand caught the body of Nora, who was dumping backwards. The pistol in the right hand was lifted at the same time, aimed at the baby face, and pulled the trigger until all the bullets were inside.

Holding the body that Nora dumped, they fell together heavily. The whole hand numb the pad underneath and didn’t feel it at all. Hewitt thought it was a fracture.

Hewitt raised Nora’s body and saw that the blood of Yin Hong was overflowing from the corner of her mouth, and the blood in her chest was like a spring, and she invaded her green military uniform. . . . . . Hewitt felt that his heart was cut and broken, and tears could not help but squat down.

“Scorpio, why don’t you shoot?? Why not??”

Nora’s beautiful eyes turned out miraculously. “I’m sorry, … sir…”

“Nora!” Tears blurred Hewitt’s gaze, her face didn’t look real. Hewitt turned the medicine box insanely, and Hewitt didn’t know what medicine he was looking for.

“Useless, … I am a doctor…” Nora’s face floated with a pale smile.

Hewitt was overwhelmed with his hands and didn’t dare to touch her wounds. Hewitt was afraid she would be more painful. “No! No – you will be fine.”

“You won’t have anything!! You can’t talk anymore? We’re going to get married, we’ll have a lot of kids…” Hewitt chattered and talked to himself.

Nora’s mouth flicked through a tough sorrow and grief. “…Sorry, I have a lover…”

Hewitt smiled hard: “Oh, of course, a girl like you.

“Hans…has lost two legs…but I still love him…”

“Poor man.” Hewitt didn’t know who he was talking about.

“…” Another blood vomited from her mouth, her beautiful eyes closed.

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