The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is nine hundred and eighteen. Commando, floating astronomy

“Say it.”!

“Yes. On 18 Day, the equipment is counted as follows: one Mordel assault gun; two war tiger assault guns; two 10 millimeter guns; MG62 machine guns; and MP60Sub Machine Gun 48 sticks…”

“Heisenberg, hurry up this!” Zoff exclaimed excitedly, pointing to a nude calendar on the wall: “A color of his mother’s love calendar!”

“Ha! The Russians must have come for this!” Heisenberg turned his head and smiled.

“Ah, you continue.”

“… In addition, the mines 20, a flamethrower, seized the Russian Sub Machine Gun 4, a number of rifles, anti-Tank guns.”

Zoff opened the next page of the calendar, an unusually pure girl was opening her light skirt and smashing her white ass to Heisenberg. “Hey – live fucking hell!” Zoff and Heisenberg exclaimed in unison.

Heisenberg turned his head and found that the young soldier in the report was staring at the girl on the calendar. Heisenberg coughed seriously.

“Oh-oh, ah… this is all our existing equipment, Colonel.”

“Give me the order.”

The soldier handed his list of statistics to Heisenberg. Heisenberg took out a pencil from his arms and hooked behind the results of each statistic, as if the teacher was correcting the student’s homework.

鈥淗ow many people?鈥?Heisenberg buried his head.

“Ah, 74. Colonel.”

“Reporting yesterday’s casualties.”

“Death 8. Wound 4. The two are missing.”

“How come?”

“Ah… Yesterday, the scouting team of F眉renberger Lieutenant suffered a Russian army in the pigsty.”

鈥淲here is Lieutenant now?鈥?/p>

“Death. Colonel.”

“鍢?Zov, Ivans are coming soon.” Heisenberg informed Zoff in an exaggerated tone, this big man who was born and died in Heisenberg for many years.

Zoff didn’t talk, Heisenberg turned his head and he was concentrating on the next page of the calendar.

“Ammunition? Where is the ammunition?” Heisenberg looked at the soldier who stood in front of him with respect and respect.

“Here, back, sir.”

Heisenberg turned the paper over and it was a long list.

“What is the name, how have you not seen you before?”

“Sir Jason.”

“Hassen? Where did the Cissina kid report yesterday?”

“Death, sir.”


“Ah, yes. Shelling.”

“Is that one shot this morning?”

“Yes, sir. It was that shot. The shrapnel shattered his head.” Every morning at 6 o’clock in the morning, the Russians routinely fired at their positions, symbolizing the beginning of a new day. It is as punctual as the cuckoo clock, and it does play the same role as an alarm clock.

Heisenberg sighed with a smile: “This unlucky child.”

“Wait.” Heisenberg pointed to a set of numbers on the list: “The MG62 ammunition is only 2 thousand? The artillery ammunition is only 10? How do you do it?”

“This is indeed all the ammunition we can collect.”

“Are you asked about the armored soldiers? The Moldel assault guns only have 10 munitions. How can you fight this! The Russians are arrogant…” Heisenberg suppressed his anger. Armored Major Rutherford has their own small warehouse. Usually these guys will stock some of the Mordel’s ammunition ammunition, but they are not willing to take it out for the infantry.

“I… I didn’t ask, sir.” The young soldiers looked very embarrassed. The arrogance of the armored soldiers was sometimes difficult to deal with: “Or… I will ask now?”

“It鈥檚 okay. I will run for a moment.”

The shortage of ammunition made Heisenberg habitually frown. Heisenberg returned the statistics to the young soldier and the other hand took the cigarette out of his pocket.

“How many people?” Heisenberg said.

“The combatant 74. The wounded 26.”

“Why is the rifle 101.128? You better explain the 1128 rifle in Heisenberg.”

“This… sir, this is the number that Major Bologsky deliberately swears at me.”

Major Bologsky is undoubtedly the legend of the Brandenburg Commando. He has been fighting since the outbreak of the war. The old guy is a sniper with at least one second-level iron cross and a war-hard iron cross, and always a look of Junker gentleman. He has two long beards that make him look more like an antique – as if after Bismarck unified the empire, he never cut it. However, although the major is much older than everyone else, he is a well-deserved sniper. He has killed 128 targets, which is why the rifle has 101128. This is the way the old guys show off their own results. The old guy also said that the rifle in his hand would suck every soul of the dead that was hunted by it, and eventually become a more powerful weapon – so the ridiculous 0128 appeared as a collection of the souls of the dead. .

“The old guy’s trick…” Heisenberg opened his mouth and smiled: “You did a good job, child. What’s your name?” Heisenberg handed him a cigarette.

“Hasson, sir.

You have asked it once. 鈥?/p>

“Oh right…Hasen,” Heisenberg patted his numb head: “You did a good job. Today you will follow me first, be my adjutant. Be optimistic about your little life.”

Don’t die. I hope that you will still report to me alive tomorrow morning. understand? “!”Yes! Colonel! “Hassen got the appreciation of Heisenberg, excited to show it! Laugh

Heisenberg threw the lighter to him and let him smoke himself. This clever child took the initiative to push the fire and first set the Heisenberg smoke. Heisenberg stood up and went to the balcony on the second floor overlooking the city. This two-story hotel, located at the corner of the crossroads, must have been a place of exquisiteness before the war. Although the decorations have been torn apart by shrapnel, the remnants of the ornament still show the luxury of the year.

“Children, come over. See what this is.” Heisenberg pointed to the striking SS mark on the black military uniform neckline.

“This is the SS, Hasen.” Heisenberg spit out a cigarette: “But you have been using the rank of the National Defence Force to call me, do you know?”

The young man suddenly realized that the smoke in his hand almost fell to the ground. Apparently he forgot the conversion of the military rank between the IDF and the SS.

“Okay. Remember from now on: Bradenburg Commando Captain. This is my SS rank. I want you to call me now – Captain.”

Hasen stood upright, and the boots followed the sound of a collision: “Yes, Colonel!” But he immediately knew that he was wrong again: “No, no… Captain!”

Heisenberg took a casual breath: “Yes. Not bad.

“Zov,” Heisenberg shouted the name of his comrade-in-arms, hoping to draw his attention away from the nude calendar: “Major Juncker has a new harvest – 128!”

However, Zoff did not react, and the calendar was too attractive to him.

“Captain.” The young man went back and looked at Zoff and looked at Heisenberg. He said: “You and Captain Zoff are both Iron Cross winners – great! One day I hope to get it too.” One…”

“Fortunately, I don’t have it…” Heisenberg smashed the last cigarette, spit out the gray mist, and then threw the cigarette butt in disgust – like getting rid of an annoying flies.

“You… what are you talking about?”

“No, nothing. Hurry up and smoke your cigarettes. I have a mission for you: Go and find the little Paul of the defensive church, the Ruben of the museum, and the priest of the graveyard. Let them inform the soldiers, the Russians. I will start the attack in the evening. I and Zoff are now going to see the armored soldiers. I will bring these three people to the bridge armored position in half an hour to see me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, the captain.” The young man immediately threw away the remaining half of the smoke and solemnly stood up.

Heisenberg went over and picked up the smoke thrown on the ground, and then stuffed it back into Hasen’s mouth.

“No waste. Remember.”

When the young man hurried away, Heisenberg stopped him again: “Hassen, what about your helmet?”

The young man suddenly noticed something missing on his head: “Ah-helmet… I, oh-God, I forgot it on the bed that I slept.”

“Okay. Then this.” Heisenberg threw a steel helmet at him: “Don’t wear it, it’s yours. The Cissina boy was here forgot here.”

“Oh… yes.” Hasen hesitated, or put it on his head.

The young man left.

Although it is the morning, the sky outside is hazy. The steel seems to be flipping over the clouds, turbid the original purity of the sky.

“Zofu – let’s go, don’t read it.” Heisenberg walked to the side of Dahan and patted him on the shoulder: “Wait, let’s finish this battle. This calendar is taken away and used at night.” Heisenberg is at He smirked around him: “I don’t want to… give it to you.”

Zoff didn’t laugh. Dahan was dull! Turning his face, Heisenberg found tears in his eyes. Heisenberg asked him what happened. He said that the woman on the page of the calendar reminded him of his mother.

“Let’s go, Zoff, maybe your grandmother is inside too.” Heisenberg pushed him away from the picture, and the man used his eyes in his hand and reluctantly put on his helmet. “Walk, it’s time to talk to the armored soldier Rutherford.”

“Yes, it’s time.”

When Heisenberg and Zoff came out of the hotel, a Russian attack aircraft just screamed across the town. It has a low enclave, and the soldiers stationed on the corner of the street are busy using anti-aircraft artillery to shoot it, but the results are minimal.

“Zov…” Heisenberg pointed to the enemy plane in the sky: “Our ammunition has big problems, but Ivans are coming tonight – the latest tomorrow.”

“Morning morning?” Dahan scorned Laughing Joke with his nose: “That must be vodka tonight to delay their offensive!”

“Oh!” Heisenberg smiled and walked past the Mordel assault on the corner. The soldiers were racing to rotate the gun and trying to align the direction of the plane.

“… brother… do you know how many people are we left?”

“160 is more than two hundred people… I remember someone talking about this number a few days ago…”

“No, Zoff, we died 8 yesterday, and there are a few days before yesterday. Now we have 74 personally… if you count me and me.”



“Ah – Heisenberg, I mean this!” Dahan proudly raised his head, and the sunshine in the dark clouds shone on his face: “Think about it, plus you and me, we are at least worth The life of the Russians! The number of people… We don鈥檛 have a fucking loss!鈥?/p>

I am afraid that the battle is not such a simple conversion. However, before each battle, Zoff had to be so naive. I don’t know if he really believes this, just to comfort himself. The nightmare that is about to come to them doesn’t look so terrible. Heisenberg smiled and handed Zoff a cigarette. The enemy’s attack aircraft circled again on top of their heads. This time, it swooped down and fired two rows of bullets into the two-story building that had been baptized by them. There was a scream in the broken window, as if something had been broken. “鍢?Dyce! Send two people to carry the wounded out and call a medical soldier!”

Zoff shouted at a soldier on the corner of the street who was manipulating the cannon. Only the recruits will hide and hide in the air strikes. The veterans know that life and death are already doomed. You can’t avoid it. They continued to walk in the streets of the sky. At the end of the street, there was a bridge. That river was the only hope they prevented the entire Russian army from driving in.

The armored soldiers parked the only two Tanks on the bridge and built their bridgehead. Although they only have 8 individuals, all kinds of complete fortifications are neatly arranged in the bridgehead position.

“Heisenberg, what is this small town called? You said it once, I forgot…” Dahan sucked the last cigarette and threw the cigarette butt.

“Leif, what… yes, Levto.” This is a small town on the border of old Germany and Poland. If it were not for war, the tranquility here would be an excellent holiday destination.

“Levto…” The big man reminisced about the name: “Heisenberg, when the war is over, I will become… I must be a drunk truck driver, drinking every day. The wine was transported from the burger to the American-made radio and the leather jacket made by Brittish to Berlin. Then I married another Bavarian wife, gave birth to several children, and opened the beetles bought by my fort in the year of August and September. Come to this quiet town called Levto for a week of vacation! Ha – that is life!” Zoff smiled sullenly, patted Heisenberg’s shoulders.

Zoff鈥檚 daydream is as innocent as his math, but Heisenberg has long been used to it: 鈥淗aha, go to fuck, Zoff 鈥?you only have this!鈥?Heisenberg bounced his neck with his hand. Knight’s Iron Cross on the medal: “This is all your life!”

Dahan snorted and said: “Ha – fuck!”

What would I do if there was no war? Heisenberg did not dare to think. . . . . . Maybe I will be an artist, a captain, or. . . . . . Even a navigator? Heisenberg likes the sea, Heisenberg is eager to ride the boat, free from all the constraints, and the waves, looking for their own harbor. . . . . . Thinking of it, Heisenberg even felt that he should become an artist. . . . . .

“Thinking about your nautical dreams again?” Zoff knows Heisenberg too.

“Oh… go to hell!” Heisenberg shook his head helplessly.

“Listen, Heisenberg.” Dahan patted Heisenberg’s shoulder like an encouragement: “If the war is over, we are still alive, take me to sail. I will be your sailor! Let’s work together. Go to those foreign cities, lie on the deck and wine, and then fight with the giant waves of the Atlantic!” Zoff happily depicts the waves on the ocean with his hands.

“You and me can’t do it!” Heisenberg booth opened his hand and said: “I can’t go out without a woman!”

“Hey! I am not talking about women – it is freedom! There are women who are in charge of you! Heisenberg, don’t fuck -” Zoff licked Heisenberg with his thick arms. Mystery: “Think about the girls in the foreign port bars… Let’s go to the boat and sleep when we get to one place – one person, you are not allowed to grab Heisenberg!”

They are laughing all together. “A word is fixed!”

“Sir!” The shouts of two dirty soldiers interrupted their fantasies. They came over and saluted them. Heisenberg remembered their eyes as they swept over the iron cross on the neck of Zoff. Heisenberg thought that the medal on his neck must also be an important factor for the soldiers to respect themselves.

“Luoqi, you go to the cannon, take the 3 person to the back street on the left, and build a simple line of defense.” Heisenberg ordered the two soldiers.

“When is the enemy attacking, sir?”

“Tonight – the latest tomorrow!” Heisenberg turned and shouted.

“I fuck…”

The bridgehead is here. The chief of the 8 armored soldiers is Rutherford, one of the most elite units of the SS, and a division of the fifth armored division, Viking. As a major, Rutherford should be the commander of an armored company, but now there are only two assault guns left as their own family.

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