The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is nine hundred and fifteen. Go ahead, Baron Guard! Floating astronomy

The grandest dance is about to begin! !

1966 2 Month 16 Day, Berlin.

The Baron Guard has been hit, and this is the most elite armed force that has been re-armed and whose strength has once again been greatly strengthened.

This armed, their only task in the past is to defend the baron. Now, they also have the only task:

Advance to Robinster!

“Marshal Ernst, the Baron Guard has been armed!” This is the Commander-in-Chief of the Baron Guard, Kremvall. Rommel returned loudly.

Ernst . Alexson . Feng. Marshal Breem appeared in front of everyone.

The roaring “Leopard” type Tank is ready to start the “Hunter” wheeled armored vehicle. . . . . . There are also German soldiers who are ready to go. . . . . .

All of this is telling everyone:

Baron Guard – already ready!

Wang Weizhen, wearing a military uniform of the SS, stood on a “Leopard” Tank, his eyes slowly sweeping from the face of every soldier:

“My soldiers, my officers, while Berlin is fighting blood, there is a city that is also fighting blood, it is Robinster. It is no exaggeration to say that the German soldiers there insist on the time ratio We are longer, the German people there are suffering more than Berlin. However, their confidence in tenacious defense is far more than us… Germany will never abandon its compatriots, Germany will never give up Any one inch of your own land… I will lead you through the enemies of Chemnism, break through the enemies of Dresden, and rush into Robinster! Where, our compatriots are waiting We are… Thanks to the efforts of Rommel and Marshal Guderian. They have laid down Bossot and let us have an offensive foothold. They have done everything they can, now It’s our turn. My soldiers, on the road ahead, there are enemies everywhere, we will encounter countless hard battles. But, I don’t care, I believe Anyone who will not mind in, because that is our mission ……

Children, when the war is over, I don’t know how many of you will survive, but even if you fall on this land, I ask you, your body must be facing forward. . . . . . And I, Ernst. Breem, me and my Tank, will always advance in the forefront of the team, this is my vow to you. . . . . . Everything for Germany! ”

“Everything for Germany! Everything for Ernst!”

Countless loud sounds are ringing here. . . . . .

“set off!”

With this order, the rolling steel torrent starts!

“Berlin is handed over to you!”

“We will be here waiting for your victory!”

Wang Weizhen and all his brothers glanced at each other and honored a military ceremony and then got into their own tank: “Go ahead, Tank!”

Go ahead – Tank!

The torrent of steel torrents is accompanied by the singing voices of the German soldiers. It is a familiar song, a song that once trembled the world:

“No matter whether it is a blizzard or a hot sun. Whether it is hot during the day or cold and dark night. Even if the yellow sand is coming, our mood is still happy. Our chariots are flying toward the storm! Our chariots are flying toward the storm!

With the roar, we are flying fast. Under the armored shelter, we are welcoming the enemy. Charge with the brothers, only we are fighting side by side. So we deeply break through the enemy! So we deeply break through the enemy!

If there are enemies, appear in the field of vision. Fill up the throttle quickly and then go straight to the enemy. As a soldier of the motherland, what is the value of us? To sacrifice for the motherland is the highest glory! To sacrifice for the motherland is the highest glory!

The enemy used mines and roadblocks attempted to block. We sneaked at Laughing Joke and then detoured. Threatening our artillery, hidden in the rolling yellow sand. We are looking for a new way, an unusual road! We are looking for a new way, an unusual road!

If the goddess of fate, let us abandon.

If we are forever, we cannot return to our hometown. If the bullet hits us, it will completely end our fate. At least we still have iron armor as a grave! At least we still have iron armor as a grave! ”

This is the armored march, which is the glory of Germany.

Iron armor will be their most loyal partner, armor, will be their grave!

This is 1966 2 Day of 16. This day is bound to be permanently recorded in the history of Germany. This day will become a new turning point in the whole war.

And to create it all is Ernst. Marshal Breem and his companions. . . . . .

2 Month 17 Day, Leipzig.

A large number of German planes suddenly appeared in the sky.

The one stationed here is the French 52 Infantry Division, Jean. WACKER Commodore had previously been warned that a German armored unit was departing from Berlin and flew directly to Leipzig via Boros.

Wacker Commodore didn’t take this matter too seriously at first, maybe it was a force that tried to break out from Berlin. But the German fighters that suddenly appeared, but the situation became confused.

Everyone on the battlefield knows that Berlin’s mysterious Constance base has been opened, and Germany has regained its strong arming, especially as their air power has been reinforced.

Now, Wacker Commodore and his 52 Infantry Division can finally see it with their own eyes.

The Allied fighters rushed up! The squadron, but the Major Nomel, who directed the fleet, saw the red-hot fighter at first sight.

The major’s heart jumped a bit. . . . . .

The fire red fighter – that belongs to only one person – Manfred. Albrecht. Feng. Richtofen – Red Baron!

If the ground is the world of Baron Skulls, then the sky is the world dominated by Red Baron!

In the sky, no one can beat Red Baron, no one can!

The BF209 supersonic light fighter, the world’s most advanced fighter, quickly slammed into the Allied fighters as a group of airborne raptors.

Commanding them is Red Baron Richtofen, the Air Marshal of the German Empire!

Now that the battle has taken place, there is no difference between the marshal and the ordinary soldiers. Any force that can be utilized on the battlefield, especially the German Air Force, which has been seriously damaged.

Only in the blue sky, Richtofen can really breathe the free air. . . . . .

Here is the sky of your own!

The waltz in the air danced again. . . .

Richtofen aimed at a target. His fingers pressed lightly.

The radar-guided air-to-air missile flew out.

It is the perfect rainbow in the air. . . . . . That is the most pleasant song in the air. . . . . .

In a burning fire, an F-4 “Ghost” fighter disintegrated directly in the air. . . . . .

Also a supersonic fighter, the F-4 “ghost” and BF209 are not in one grade at all. . . . . .

Due to the limitations of fire control and weapon technology, the launching distance of air-to-air missiles installed by “ghosts” cannot be compared with BF209.

Even more frustrating is that once close combat, the disadvantages of F-4 will be amplified without limit.

When air-to-air missiles emerged, most people thought that the artillery had no future as a weapon. At that time, almost all newly developed fighters, including the F-4, were not equipped with guns. Soon this decision was proved to be extremely wrong.

When Germany lost its air superiority, this weakness was not immediately noticeable. But now, once the air battle broke out, the Allied Air Force was quickly in a huge passive.

BF206, also known as the “Thunder”-style German supersonic fighter, with the beating of the cannon, quickly grasped the initiative of air combat.

One after another, the “ghost” style fell from the sky, Major Major was anxious and angry, but he had no way to change what was happening in the sky.

Germany is like one of the greatest magicians. It only needs to gently wave the magic wand in your hand to be able to transform into countless magical combat weapons.

Such as the fighters in the air. . . . . .

Under the attack of the German Flying Brigade, the Allied Air Force quickly knew that it was unable to support it. A more urgent helper was sent to the ground command, but what could the people in the ground command have?

They also want to send more fighters to reinforce, and they also want to mobilize more advanced fighters to compete with the Germans. But what frustrates them is that they simply can’t do it all.

The only thing they could do was to approve Major Nomel’s request to evacuate the air.

In a short period of time, under the German airpower attack led by Red Baron, the Allied Air Force quickly collapsed. The 11 fighter was destroyed.

And the more terrible disaster has just begun. . . . . .

Richtofen stared at the enemy’s long plane from the beginning. . . . . . When the enemy began to retreat, Red Baron’s fighters bit the target. . . . . .

“I can’t get rid of the goal – repeat it again – I can’t get rid of the goal!” Major Nomel sent an eager and sad voice.

He also found himself a prey for the red-hot fighter.

When the first second of the fighter was seen, Major Nomel found that his combat power had fallen to the bottom. He didn’t even know if he should do this task.

This is the most sad thing for a pilot. . . . . .

His downtime attempted to reinforce the long-range aircraft, but without exception, he was hit hard by the German Air Force. Major Normer’s nightmare could not be dispelled.

“Goodbye, friend.” In the red-hot fighter, Richtofen’s face showed a smile, and then his fingers touched the terrible button again.

He gently pressed and dexterously pressed. . . . . .

There was a huge fireball in the air. That was the fighter of the US military ace pilot Major Major. . . . . . The major entered the war on the first day of the war, and was praised as “the trump card in the trump card” and “the king in the air”, but unfortunately, this trump card now encounters a real trump card:

“Red Baron” – Manfred. Albrecht. Feng. Richtofen.

Major Nomer became another trophy for Red Baron. . . . . .

When the Allied air resistance forces were disintegrated, those FW9A “storm” fighter-bombers appeared. The violent bomb soon fell.

The French 52 Infantry Division desperately saw what they didn’t want to see. . . . . .

Bombs and incendiary bombs continually landed on their positions, with explosions everywhere and fire everywhere. The French soldiers have never suffered such a blow, and they have been ravaging the Germans for a long time.

But now everything is upside down. . . . . . !

The German pilots in the FW9A “Storm” fighter-bomber blew a loud slogan in the cockpit and happily looked at everything that happened on the ground.

In the early days of the war they lost their fighters and they were forced to participate in a brutal positional battle as an ordinary infantry.

Now, they don’t need to have such a helpless mood. . . . . .

The pilots continue to pull up and dive, and in every pull and dive, they are accompanied by the famous “Stuka Song” in the pilot’s mouth.

That was the war song of the German Air Force, which was a song that resounded from the battlefield since the Second World War:

“Many black birds fly over the fields and the sea. Where they appear, the enemies flee everywhere. They can suddenly rush from the sky to the bombing target. The noble claws are smashed into the enemy’s heart. We are the black in the sky. Light cavalry. Stuka, Stukastuka!

Always ready, if there is an order to summon us. Stuka, Stukastuca

We swooped down from the sky and attacked. We are not afraid of hell, do not rest time, the enemy collapses on the earth until the last one falls. Go to the front line and go to the front line until you defeat the enemy. Stuka, Stuka, Stuka! Even if there are millions of flames, even if they are surrounded by danger, they are always united like steel. Our comrades are dead together. If it finds a goal, it will never let it escape safely. Nothing can escape the eyes of it, Stuka, the eagle cast in steel!

They spread death and destruction over the enemy’s land, where they came from rubble, wreckage, and towering flames on the factory. Their names are always in the world, they have destroyed many factories and buried countless ships in the depths of the sea! ”

Compared with the Second World War, the only difference in the lyrics is that “going to the UK, going to the UK until the victory over the UK” becomes “going to the front line, going to the front line until Defeat the enemy!”

Because now Britain has become Germany’s most determined ally. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen saw the heroic and fearless performance of the Air Force. He knew that it was time for him and the Baron Guard to play.

Standing in the tower, he lifted his arms straight ahead:

“Advance – Germany!”

Advance – Germany!

Tank snarled and the soldiers screamed.

Baron Skulls showed his terrible minions on the battlefield, and the Baron Guard opened his own bloody mouth on the battlefield.

The door to hell has been opened again. . . . . .

The 52 Infantry Division of the French army, which has been constantly bombed, is actually very weak in fighting. They don’t know how to fight without air cover.

What is even more frightening to the French is that the opposite of them is the biggest suffering of France in the last hundred years:

German army!

Since the beginning of the 1870 Franco-Prussian War, the French have never achieved a decent victory in front of the Germans.

Before the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, the French army had a system of standing soldiers at that time. The troops had a long history and the commanders at all levels were experienced and played in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.

However, such a unit was defeated in front of the German army. Even their capital, Paris, was subjected to a siege for several months and was eventually forced to sign a humiliating surrender treaty.

In the two world wars that followed, the performance of the French army in front of the German army could only be described by the word “poor”.

Such shadows cannot be expelled at all. . . . . .

Now the Germans are coming again. . . . . . From the first minute of the German attack, let. Wacker Commodore knew that his troops could not stop the enemy’s attack.

He could only watch the enemy charge, watching the enemy attack his position, watching his troops quickly collapse.

Is there any solution?

The fight only took less than two hours, let. Wacker Commodore fled Leipzig with his troops.

Leipzig rang the fanatic cheers of the German soldiers.

1966 2 Month 17 Day, Leipzig Recovery!

“Leipzig is back in Germany and we will continue to move forward and advance to Robinster!”

Wang Weizhen looked at the cheering soldiers on the battlefield and sent such a telegram to Berlin.

On the battlefield, in addition to the cheers of the soldiers, there is also the eternal “armored march”:

“…If the goddess of fate, throw us away. If we are forever, we can’t go back to our hometown. If the bullet hits us, it will completely end our destiny. At least we still have iron armor as a grave! At least we still have Iron armor is a grave!”

No, now German soldiers no longer need armor as their grave, which will be a torrent of steel that ruins all enemies.

The goddess of fate once abandoned Germany, but now, the goddess of fate has once again stood on the side of Germany. When the spirit of courage and selflessness is spread throughout Germany, the goddess of fate will be infected.

Now is the time for all the enemies who are trying to perish in Germany to tremble!

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