The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is nine hundred and four. Father and son, floating astronomy

Wang Weizhen fully grasped their psychology. レ♠レ

The benefits of the United States winning this war are far less than the benefits that Germany has won in winning this war.

They are businessmen, and businessmen must seize every opportunity that can be exploited.

This has little to do with patriotism. It is not now that the United States is suffering from aggression.

The argument then broke out here. This is an out-and-out deal, as well within the New York League. If you have to pay, of course you have to pay back.

At least one big direction has been identified to help Germany win, and what Gates and Lawrence are all about now is what they can get.

Such controversy is undoubtedly the most intense.

Everyone is reluctant to make more concessions when they are concerned about their interests. They do their best to fight for the greatest benefits for themselves. Sometimes, even in the case of some minor interests, they will argue for redness.

Businessman, this is a downright businessman.

They have been negotiating for a full six hours. Then they finally signed an agreement: “The Morgan Building Agreement.”

The “Morgan Building Agreement” has never been really exposed, and not many people know about the contents inside. Only once, Gates once said to his wife:

“This is a very dirty agreement. It betrayed the interests of the Americans and allowed us to stand opposite the United States. But what about it? The interests are above everything else, and we all have deep roots with Germany. The blood of the Germans in the Rockefeller family’s blood vessels… all this created the birth of the ‘Morgan Building Agreement’…”

Yes. Gates said that there is nothing wrong with it. This is a dirty agreement to sell out the interests of the United States. However, in terms of interests. Everyone’s goals are the same, they must maximize their own interests.

Wang Weizhen, Eliot, Gates, and Lawrence signed their names on the Morgan Building Agreement, which means that the four greats have once again reached an agreement, and the “New York Alliance” once again began to operate at high speed.

Until this time, the four talents felt hungry, and in six hours, they did not enter. All their attention has been concentrated on this agreement.

At the time of preparing dinner, Gates poured four glasses of wine: “Gentlemen. A great agreement to change the world’s progress was born. This is a light-hearted agreement, but it is for us. The most important agreement. Let us toast to this agreement.”

The four cups came together… from the excitement of their faces. I can’t see at all that they’re just having a fierce debate…

“There is still a small thing, I need you to do it.” Wang Weizhen said at this time: “I need to see President William.”

Gates and Lawrence glanced at each other. Gates smiled and said: “There is a good chance. There will be a dinner tomorrow, just in my home, President William will also come from Washington, this is for his next It is very important to fight for re-election once. Mr. Baron, if you like, I think that is a good opportunity.”

“Of course I am willing to participate.” Wang Weizhen is also smiling: “I think that will be the beginning of some problem solving.”

Yes. Many problems have been solved, such as meeting with my own son…

Eliot looked at the baron. I want to stop talking. He would like to remind the Baron once again that William of today is no longer the young boy in the past. William now is a US president with great power.

However, he firmly believes that the Baron can handle well…


The dinner of the Morgan family is a dream for anyone. Here, you can see many big people who can find countless opportunities for advancement or business opportunities for making money.

Unfortunately, there are too few people who can get such an invitation…

Wang Weizhen silently stared at the guests here, no one could have imagined that the Skulls Baron was by their side at this time.

All kinds of guests continue to shuttle in the banquet hall, they are well-dressed, and everyone’s face is full of excitement.

Then, he saw a man coming to Gates and whispered a few words. Gates quickly stopped the music. Everyone knows that the protagonist of today’s party is also the most important guest. Arrived.

A large number of bodyguards came in, and looked solemnly at everything around them. Then, US President William walked briskly among the guests.

The warmest applause rang…

“William Wittgenstein, the youngest in American history, may also be the most distinguished president.” The opening remarks of Gates Morgan attracted more applause.

Gates gave the microphone to William. William smiled and said: “Gentlemen, ladies, when I appeared in this place, many people thought that I wanted to withdraw money from your purse…”

This suddenly caused a laugh…

“However, I think you can rest assured that today I am just an ordinary friend invited by Mr. Morgan…” William continued: “I want to see the happiness of each of you.” Because we are in the best times of a great country… Our economy has been greatly revitalized, and we are thriving in every field… and as we all know, in Europe we are doing A war… We are winning, we will win, I will solemnly swear to all of you…

At this moment, I swear before you and God that this oath is not just my personal, but ours. We live in one country and belong to one nation. The destiny of our country and the future of our nation do not depend on one citizen, but on all citizens.

This is the solemnity of this moment and its significance…

Every generation has its own destiny. For people of certain ages. History determines their destiny. As for our generation, we must choose our own destiny… This reminds us, for our children and grandchildren. Even for ourselves, in just a few years, the world will not be the same as it is now… Our era is an era of change. Rapid and dramatic change…

Why do we choose war? Because we cannot let the unreliable people master the new weapons that can conquer and destroy humanity, and shake the traditional values…”

Wang Weizhen listened calmly, and at this moment he really found his son changed… Yes, this is a president, a real president. He is using his own unique way. Including the speech, affecting the people around you…

Then, he listened quietly to William’s words and continued to ring in everyone’s ears:

“In this transformation, our destiny will depend on the unyielding character of our people. It depends on our beliefs… Our ancestors, those who have left their homes, those who are brave and frightened, looking for a person They can come here in autonomous places. They have established a convention on this land. This convention is expressed in terms of justice. It is tempted by zi. Constrained by unity, it is hoped that there will always be an ideal that will inspire all human beings. The Convention still binds us to this day. If we follow the provisions of the Convention, we will prosper. The first article of the Convention is fairness, which allows all people who migrate here to share the fruits of the land. On a rich land, every household cannot Living in hopeless poverty. In a harvest of rich land, children can’t suffer from hunger. In a land full of miracles of life and death, our neighbors can’t be left unattended. They suffer from the pain and die. In a great land where knowledge is popular and scholars are numerous, young people must be educated to read and write…

Change has provided us with new weapons. In the lifetime of this generation of Americans. This enemy will not only retreat, but will also be conquered.

However, in a world where change and development seem to be beyond people’s control and even beyond people’s judgment, it has become more difficult to achieve temptation. Therefore, we must strive to provide a variety of knowledge and environment to increase opportunities for every citizen. The US Convention requires us to point the way to helping the liberation of all mankind. This is our goal today. Therefore, as a country, we cannot control many things; but as a nation, we are full of hope for all people…”

His voice became more and more high, and the emotions of the audience were completely motivated.

“While revisiting the greatness of our country, we must understand that greatness does not come from the air, but wins. In our journey, we have never taken shortcuts or retreated. This process is not for the weak. It is not prepared for those who enjoy higher than work and only know the pursuit of fame and fortune. On the contrary, those who are willing to take risks, doers, creators, those who are well known, more and more unknown workers, It is they who take us through a long, rugged road to prosperity and temptation…”

This is what William said last, and then the most fanatical applause sounded.

Once the emotions are completely mobilized, it will be a great success for the speaker, which means that at least he is now more in their hearts.

Wang Weizhen also raised his hand. At this moment, he must give his own applause to his son.

All the guests are proud to be here today. Because they witnessed the president with their own eyes, they heard a great speech.

“Your speech is very good, Mr. President.” Gates gave his praise to William without disguise: “I have a small request.”

“Please say, I promised your request.” William said with a smile.

To be honest, he has always been fully guarded against the Morgan family. He knows that the Morgan family is a member of the New York Alliance. He knows more about the terrible nature of this alliance. He even guessed that the recent financial boom in the United States has a very close relationship with this alliance.

However, he could not offend this huge family because time has not yet arrived… once the New York Alliance has become its own enemy. It will be a very headache.

“I have a friend who came from California and would very much like to get you there.”

After hearing this. William thought for a moment: “Of course, Mr. Morgan, I said I will not refuse you any request. In your office, I will give this guest 20 minutes…”

“Thank you for your generosity, please take a break in my office…” Morgan said with a smile.

President William left the scene and Gates walked over to Wang Weizhen: “An excellent president, isn’t it?”

“An excellent president.” Wang Weizhen repeated this sentence: “I think he can be the youngest president in the United States. It’s not accidental.”

“Of course.” Gates strongly agrees with this sentence: “So, are you ready to meet him now?”

“Yes, I am ready.”

The bodyguard checked the whole body of Wang Weizhen. Did not find any weapons, then pushed open the door of the office…

William is admiring a painting on the wall.

“Mr. President, my friend is here,” Gates said faintly.

“Ah, welcome our mutual friends…” William turned around. But when he saw the “guest”. His whole body trembled.

He must try his best to control his emotions. He stares at the face in front of him who has appeared so many times in his dreams, so familiar and so strange. After a long time, he said in a low voice: “Please let me and This gentleman stayed alone for a while.”

Everyone left the office…

William is still looking at the person in front of him, his eyes are obviously red: “Are you back?”.

“Yes, I am back.”

“I have been thinking about you all the time, you know?”.

“I know.”

“You don’t know. You really don’t know anything…” William said in a trembling voice: “Many times, I have seen you in my dreams. Every time I wake up, I will find that it is just a dream. Only. I will find that my tears have wet the pillows. No one misses you more than I do…”

His tears have fallen, completely different from the confident and determined speaker. “I always think, I can be with my other children, accompanied by my father, tell me, should What to do, what not to do, even to punish me because of my waywardness. However, I have never seen this day…”

“Sorry, I have not fulfilled the responsibility of a father…”

“No.” William interrupted him: “I have never blamed you, because I know that anyone in the world knows that you are not one of us, only the sky is your end. I grew up I don’t have a father, but I am proud. I have such a father… a great father, not a child can have…”

Then he used all his strength and said: “Welcome home, father!”

Welcome home – father!

When this sentence was said, the father and the son hugged together, and William cried like a child: “I miss you, father.”

“I miss you too, William.” Wang Weizhen found that his tears were almost falling: “I have been thinking about you all the time. I heard your speech just now. It was so good. At that moment, I was I am proud of having a child like you. I always think, who else can do better than you?”

“Is my mother still okay?”.

“She is very good, she misses you too, and she will be proud of you.”

Father and son finally separated, and William wiped away the tears: “Father, thank you for everything you have done for me, although you are satisfied with my side, but I know that everything I give you today is given to me. Without you and the Wittgenstein family, there is no me today…”

“No, there is your own effort.” Wang Weizhen’s voice reveals a father’s pride in his son: “If it weren’t for your own efforts, no matter what I or the Wittgenstein family did for you, it would not succeed. You should be proud of yourself, my dear William.”

William also smiled with some pride. Is there anything more happier than this? His prestige has been further improved, and more importantly, his father has finally returned to his side.

He said excitedly: “I know, I know, if you come back, you will definitely come to see me. Ah, I actually let Hoover go to you, I already know how to force the detectives to be embarrassed.” It’s ridiculous, I actually want Hoover and those who are trying to find you. You are the Baron Skulls, no one can find you if you don’t want to!”

He smiled and shouted like a child who got a piece of candy. At this moment, he is not a US president at all.

“Yes, William, I will definitely come to you.” Wang Weizhen looked at his child deeply: “The father and the son will never really be separated, then now you can tell me, why do you want to do it?”

The smile solidified on William’s face. Although the father did not ask directly, William knew what his father was asking. After a while, he slowly said: “Do you really want to know?”.

Wang Weizhen nodded. “Yes, I want to know all the reasons.”

William said in a low, slow voice: “In fact, everything I do is for you!” (To be continued…)

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