The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 905. The choice between father and son, floating astronomy

“In fact, everything I do is for you.” William said in a low voice and slow voice.

Wang Weizhen’s eyebrows bounced, but nothing was said.

“When I was very young, I knew I had a great father.” William’s eyes couldn’t conceal the worship of his father: “My mother and Aunt Hermione always tell me how great my father is, I I have always believed in this. When I was in Shanghai, I told you about it. Then, when I finally realized that you are my father, can you understand my feelings at that time? At that time, I felt that I was in the world. The happiest person, the happiness of no one can surpass me. God, the son of Baron Skulls, how glorious it is, how proud it is. However, this kind of happiness does not last long for me because Soon you left me again…”

There was a hate in William’s voice: “Your life has been serving a country, Germany, right? Is there anything wrong with me? Germany! World War I, you were born and died for this country. You have no chance to accompany your mother at all. When all Germany surrendered, you stayed alone in Monfort, and still fight for this country. At that time, where is the German government? The bloody battle you fought for. What kind of help has the country given you? They have abandoned you and they have abandoned you mercilessly…”

“Listen to me, William, things are not what you think…”

“No, you listen to me.” William interrupted Wang Weizhen’s words: “For twenty years, my mother and I lived alone in the United States. Germany never thought of us, never! We forgot about us. I also forgot the outstanding merits you made for that country. Twenty years later, when Germany is in crisis, you are back, you saved the country with one hand. But what did they give you? Then? Then you are cruel. Leave us. Have you considered my mood at the time? On that day, when you left us, I would like to beg you to stay. But I did not say it because I know that it is impossible. I have been thinking, why? Is it like this? How can you let it stay? There is only one possibility to completely destroy the country that you have served for a lifetime. Only in this way can you stay with me forever…”

William finished these words with incomparable resentment…

He never forgot what happened with his father that day. He told himself that without Germany, there would be no such thing happening. I will not lose my father. Nor will she lose her mother.

For 20 years, such resentment has always accumulated in his heart. No longer, he will no longer eat into his heart. The more I miss my parents, the deeper my resentment against Germany.

Only by destroying that country can you give his heart a little comfort…

Wang Weizhen has no idea what to say, a war that shakes the world, but the cause is only such a simple reason.

This is a world war, a world war that is enough for countless people to die, but who can think of the reason for the outbreak of the war is so simple?

I should also bear the most important reason for this war… A father did not fulfill his responsibilities. He let a son be disappointed, sad, and angry. And eventually evolved into the most terrible disaster.

“Father, you don’t have to blame yourself.” William seems to see Wang Weizhen’s inner thoughts: “In addition to what I just said, there is actually a very important factor. I won the victory of World War II in Germany. After that, their influence and influence around the world have already caused serious threats to the United States. Especially in North Africa and the Middle East, between Germany and the United States, there is already a sharp contradiction between me and the US president. The war is actually It will happen sooner or later. Of course, I must admit that both Germany and the US government have tried their best to restrain themselves, but if anyone can preemptively, they will have the upper hand. My predecessor did not understand this, but I know. Since the war will break out sooner or later, why don’t we choose to do it first? It turns out that my choice is correct…”

“Yes, your choice is correct.” Wang Weizhen does not deny at all: “If you let Germany be prepared, you will not be able to achieve the current results. But what about Kilmer? How did you make Kilmer into the United States?” of?”

“Accurately speaking, it is not the embarrassment of the United States, it is just my personal embarrassment.” William’s words are a little proud: “I started to notice Kilmer a long time ago, he is a ambitious guy, especially the German head of state. The position, he is watching every day. I know his mind too much. When I first saw him, I was sure that he could be used by me. After a long talk, he became my ‘ ally’.”

Wang Weizhen smiled.

Kilmer might think of himself as William’s so-called “alliance,” but William would never think so. All he has to do is use Kilmer to achieve his goals.

Sure enough, William then slowly said: “Kilmer has no choice. In order to achieve his purpose, he must obey my orders unconditionally, and I use my influence in the United States and the influence of the Wittgenstein family to help him complete. Many difficult tasks, including the theft of core secrets in the United States, have fully won the trust of Adolf.Hitler, allowing him to make great strides toward the highest power. But this fool, he has been unable to get rid of me. I can give With everything he needs, he can destroy this person anytime and anywhere… He must do it completely and completely according to what I ask, and there must be no trace of rebellion… When he finally sat in the position of the head of state, he and I The previous agreement will take effect accordingly. He must unconditionally let the United States win the war, and in return, after we win, he can still sit in the position of the head. But the only thing I did not expect is that you Actually, I really came back, and I quickly defeated Kilmer. But it made me even more excited…”

His tone really became very happy: “Father, stay here. Everything is yours. Help me complete the final blow to Germany, then you will represent Germany and negotiate with us, Germany or you of.”

“You asked me to help you defeat Germany, and then let me clean up the mess?” Wang Weizhen asked quietly.

William nodded hard and he believed that his father had no reason to refuse.

The defeat of Germany is already an irreparable fact, and it has really failed. No one can blame the father. On the contrary, let Germany avoid the more terrible experience after the failure. The father is still the hero of all Germans.

“Do you have any other requirements?” Wang Weizhen asked calmly.

William hesitated: “Yes, let Europe be the Europe that the United States wants to see, the United States must become the strongest. Father, as long as we join hands. It can be done.”

“William, let it go,” Wang Weizhen said suddenly.

“What do you say? Stop?” William didn’t seem to hear it clearly.

Wang Weizhen gently said: “I will not help you defeat Germany. I will only help Germany win the war at all costs. That is my country, and also your country. William, as the German emperor Baron, as you said, I have served this country for a lifetime, and I will never sell the country I love. When Germany faces a dilemma, I will come back. As your father. I hope that you will not be hated. I have blinded my eyes. It is not Germany that abandons you, but me, an incompetent father… So, I beg you. Let go. This is a father’s pleading, and it is also the pleading of your true motherland…”

“Pleading?” William sneered a little. “Are you really ready to dedicate everything to Germany? Father, I can’t stop the war, because now I am not just your son, I have another one. Identity, the President of the United States of America, I have to be responsible for this country. Just as you are responsible for Germany, the mood is exactly the same…”

He stared at his father: “Father, I beg you again to stay.”

“I will reject you again, I will not abandon Germany.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “I admit that you have done a very good job. I am also proud of having a son like you, but I can do it now, It is to use even better performance to save the German crisis.”

“Do you want to meet me on the battlefield?” William asked slyly.

“If this is our last choice.” Wang Weizhen still replied calmly.

“So, let’s get started.” William is like a person: “You must make this choice, then I respect you. I will beat you on the battlefield, whether you are my father or not. Baron Skulls, no one can stop the United States from winning. In order to win, I will not hesitate to take any means. Father, do you know why I dare to fight a nuclear power, and have not used nuclear weapons yet?”

“Because you had Kilmer before, there is no need to use nuclear weapons.” Wang Weizhen blurted out without thinking: “A Germany that is as complete as possible and loyal to the United States is more in your interest, so now? You are preparing for the German team to use nuclear weapons. ?”

“Yes, I don’t rule out this possibility.” William said calmly: “I know you are terrible. And I know that you will cause us a lot of trouble on the battlefield, although the ultimate winner of the war will belong to the United States. However, in order to minimize the loss, I will take the necessary measures when necessary.”

Wang Weizhen suddenly smiled: “William, do you know what I said to President Roosevelt that year?”

William shook his head.

“Then I can tell you that the original book told you everything I said to President Roosevelt that day.” Wang Weizhen’s expression looks so calm…


Wang Weizhen faintly said: “The location of the United States is very advantageous. If the United States’ independence war and the Civil War were removed, the artillery fire never burned to this country. However, if the United States really participated in the war, Germany has the ability to destroy several cities in the United States. ……”

缃楁柉绂忔 荤粺镄勭溂绁炲彉寰楀 荤粺镄勭溂绁炲彉寰楀 荤粺镄勭溂绁炲彉寰楀 阌愯捣鏉ワ 阌愯捣鏉ワ 阌愯捣鏉ワ 鈥 鐖靛厛鐢燂纴鎴戝彲浠ユ妸浣犵殑杩椤彞璇濆綋鎴愭槸 鐖靛厛鐢燂纴鎴戝彲浠ユ妸浣犵殑杩椤彞璇濆綋鎴愭槸涓 鍙ョ帺绗 鍙ョ帺绗 鍙ョ帺绗 纴鎴栬 呮槸姣棤镊﹄ 呮槸姣棤镊﹄ 呮槸姣棤镊﹄ 呮槸姣棤镊﹄ 镄勫▉鑳佸悧锛熲 镄勫▉鑳佸悧锛熲

“You have this right…” Wang Weizhen’s expression is such a calm: “Choose a place on the map. Desert, uninhabited place, any place you choose. After an hour, it will suffer devastating Attack. My mission is to show you that Germany has the power to do such a devastating blow!”

President Roosevelt’s face has changed completely…

In the words of Baron Alexson, it is idiotic in anyone’s ear to ruin an arbitrary designated place within an hour. There is no such possibility at all.


If Baron Alexson is a person who only speaks big and scares the other person, then he won’t have the prestige of today… He can let the other party test it, but once it is confirmed that Germany has such ability, it will be a What kind of result?

缃楁柉绂忔 荤粺鍑犱箮鏄竴涓瓧涓 荤粺鍑犱箮鏄竴涓瓧涓 涓瓧鍦 涓瓧鍦 涓瓧鍦 涓瓧鍦 棶阆掳 鈥 鐖靛厛鐢燂纴寰 鐖靛厛鐢燂纴寰 鐖靛厛鐢燂纴寰 鐖靛厛鐢燂纴寰 鐖靛厛鐢燂纴寰 鐖靛厛鐢燂纴寰ゅ厛杩涚殑鍐涗簨鎶 纻鈥 纻鈥

“Yes, Mr. President.” Wang Weizhen’s answer is so firm: “We have mastered it and can show it to you anytime, anywhere. But we will not use this weapon in places where humans live. That will bring destruction… I know that the United States is actually carrying out research on a devastating military strike technology. But with the German hands, please forgive me for being disrespectful, the American study is not worth mentioning… ”

铡熷瓙寮癸纻Baron Alexson 镓€璇 inch 殑澶 灏 灏 灏 槸铡熷瓙寮 槸铡熷瓙寮 槸铡熷瓙寮 槸铡熷瓙寮 槸铡熷瓙寮 槸铡熷瓙寮 槸铡熷瓙寮 槸铡熷瓙寮 槸铡熷瓙寮 銆 銆 銆 銆 瀛愬 瀛愬 瀛愬 瀛愬Between the chain

What kind of terrible military technology does Germany have in order to make Baron Alexson so confident…


“Now, I can still say the same thing to you.” Wang Weizhen went to the globe on his desk: “Do you really think that Germany has the ability to launch a nuclear war in Germany? Germany still has this ability. William, in Choose a location on the map, desert, uninhabited place. Any place you choose will be devastated after an hour. My mission is to show it to you. Germany, you can do it.”

This is exactly the same as what he said to President Roosevelt. And William’s face changed as Roosevelt did.

His father is by no means the only one who can only make a big talk. The emergence of a large number of new weapons at the Constance base has proved that Germany has many terrible secrets.

“You are not going to try it? Because you dare not.” Wang Weizhen’s voice at this time is full of self-confidence: “I can prove that I can let every nuclear weapon in Germany fly to your country and fly to any city.” But I am not willing to do this. The premise is that you should not use nuclear weapons to threaten Germany!”

William couldn’t help but hit a beggar.

How many secrets does Germany have? How many secrets does the father have? He was able to feel strongly that his father was not at that unfounded threat.

“Mr. President, your call. I have already received the call from the room.” At this time, a knock on the door sounded, and then a voice came.

The embarrassing scene was temporarily broken. William picked up the phone on the desk and listened for a while. His face changed completely: “You must take it back immediately, yes, let the Russians go. Take back, there is that they are lost. Hell, let Westmoreland personally give orders to the Russians!”

He hangs up the phone in anger and then says to his father: “Father, there is a good news for you. Just yesterday, under the command of Rommel, Germany launched an attack against Borosten. The defenders there, and began to prepare for reinforcements to Robinster.”

“Reinforcement? Reinforcement to Robinster?” Wang Weizhen.

“Yes, in addition to Berlin, Robinster is still in the hands of the Germans. It is very important for Russia to be there. The Russians have captured almost all the cities around, but Robin Ster has never been overcome, where the Germans also have four infantry divisions and eight people’s assault battalions, 35,000 people, and General Miller unified command and battle, ridiculously, more than 100,000 The Russian army actually did not have any of these Germans.”

Robinster and the Germans are fighting, and it is a full 35,000 Germans? Why haven’t anyone reported this to themselves before?

Wang Weizhen’s heart is full of doubts, and William continues: “Berlin didn’t have the power to reinforce Robinster, but Rommel is now attacking. I have to admit that this broke our entire deployment. During the month of 2, we were prepared to launch a new and final attack.”

“Because you are facing different opponents now.” Wang Weizhen smiled lightly: “I am back, Rommel is back, all the people are back. We know how to fight, know how to win. War, then It is not a war that you are familiar with.”

“Father, are you really reluctant to stay?” William said.

“You insist on your choice, and I insist on my choice.” Wang Weizhen sighed softly: “William, serve your country well, just as I will serve my country as well.” ”

At this moment, William’s eyes turned red again!

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