The latest chapter of the Unlimited Military Base, Volume II: My Country, 903. Baron’s Advice, Astronomy

New York, 9: 30.

From the exchange, Wang Weizhen sorted out the clothes, and this year’s New York is really cold. He called a taxi. In the moment of getting on the taxi, he suddenly felt a threat.

This feeling is naturally formed in a dangerous environment for a long time. He noticed that someone was tracking and monitoring himself.

Wang Weizhen smiled and got on the taxi.

When the car was halfway open, he was already very sure that there was a car that followed him without hesitation.

“Go to West Avenue.” Wang Weizhen suddenly said.

“Okay, sir.”

“Are you f or cia?”

When the passenger behind him asked this sentence, the driver stunned, but his body became stiff at random, because a cold thing was already aimed at him.

“Hey, this is the Colt 45,8 bullet.” Wang Weizhen smiled slightly: “If you want to resist, or can’t answer my question honestly, I can guarantee that eight bullets will pierce your head. Tell me now, Are you f or cia?”

“F forced.” The driver said helplessly: “How did you find me?”

“Front left.” Wang Weizhen pointed the way: “In fact, I discovered that you are always looking at the rearview mirror, keeping the distance from the black Chevrolet behind. Once you find Chevrolet falling behind, you It will also lower the speed in time. Hey, are they your companions?”

“Yes. It is my companion.”

Wang Weizhen is very satisfied with his judgment and keenness: “Who is giving orders to arrest me?”

“Captain Yegot.” The driver answered very frankly: “Sir, I can tell you all, anyway, you will know sooner or later. We are instructed to monitor you and arrest you at the appropriate time. And we also got orders, not allowed. I know so much about you, I am just a small role.”

“Right turn. I know you are a small character, Captain Yegot? Is he in the back car?”

“Yes. He is in the car behind.”


The taxi stopped, the driver was about to talk, the back of the brain was slammed, and he immediately passed out.

Wang Weizhen came out of the taxi.

At this time, the car that was tracked did not arrive yet…


“Captain, Tommy was stunned and our goal was gone.”

Captain Yegott looks pale. The carefully deployed arrests have actually failed. How do you find your own goals? Ye Got didn’t figure it out for a moment.

“Gentlemen. Raise your hand.” This time a voice rang.

Yegot and his two men reached out to the weapon, but a gunshot rang and their hands stiffened there.

Wang Weizhen walked out of the hiding place, it was just an ambush. The same applies to the use of New York on the battlefield.

“Oh, my shooting is very good, I can guarantee this, and I shoot very fast. I think I can take your life in the shortest time with three bullets.” Wang Weizhen shaking the gun in his hand “But I don’t want to kill you. Because I know that you are just a group of workers…”

Captain Yegot nodded…

“So, with some.” Wang Weizhen clicked on two f to force the detective: “You, use your handcuffs to copy him in the car.”

The agent looked at the captain and found that the captain nodded, and then helplessly copied his companion in the car.

“Good, good cooperation starts!”

Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “You. Captain Yegot, put him in the car.”

Captain Yegot also did the same. Then, Wang Weizhen also stunned Yegot. Of course, he did not forget the driver who was stunned.

Captain Yegot only felt that the enemy had reached the extreme, and four federal agents arrested one person. As a result, four people became prisoners.

Wang Weizhen probably saw the frustration on the other’s face: “You don’t have to feel guilty for yourself. I have encountered many arrests in my life. They are more than you, and more savvy than you, but They have not succeeded at one time.”

Captain Yegot does not quite understand who this person is, and what kind of ability he has to say such things. But at least in the current situation, he is a winner…

“Captain, we have to talk about it.” Wang Weizhen said easily: “I want to know who sent you to perform this task. Why should I arrest me? Ah, you are well trained, you can’t easily say it, However, I think you must take care of your safety. I am very curious, why should I arrest a captain? Ah, you have a minute to consider, when I give you the time, the first bullet will Shoot through the head of one of your men.”

Captain Yegot sighed and didn’t know why, he completely believed that the other would do it…

Just three seconds passed, Captain Yegot has already said: “Sir, I don’t know who you are, only know that your code name is ‘v’, and this order is directly issued by the top level.”

He confessed very clearly, but for why he wanted to arrest Mr. “v”, he was completely ignorant of the driver.

Wang Weizhen began to feel that the news of his arrival in New York has been noticed by the top US, and there is probably only so much that Captain Yegot can know.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Captain Yegot, and the last question, why do you know that I will appear on the New York Stock Exchange.”

“The same is the deployment above, they list a few places you might appear…”

Wang Weizhen’s brow wrinkled. Who is so clear about where they are doing? However, there is a good news. It is correct that he did not live in Eliot. He can be sure that the other party must be watching Elliot.

There is a good news, the other party is certainly not aware of the fact that he lives in a small hotel that is unremarkable.

“Captain, someone will come back to save you soon, ah, I think I need to use your car, can you give me the key?”

I took the key of f. They got on their car and quickly left here.

Looking for a street phone, Wang Weizhen dialed a number: “Casanović? I want you to inform Elliott immediately, and 3 points to meet at Morgan Building in the afternoon. No, you can’t call by phone, nor can you directly Send someone to him. f is monitoring Mr. Elliot. Ok. I know you can do it…”


Morgan Building, 3 point in the afternoon.

Gates and Lawrence are already here. They had seen this magical Baron Alexson when they were young, and they were still the world of their fathers.

Their fathers and barons established the “New York Alliance” and set off a terrible financial turmoil throughout the United States. When countless people committed suicide because of bankruptcy, the alliance gained countless wealth.

Now, this alliance has reappeared, and the Baron is still the Baron.

Eliot came in. His first sentence was: “I was indeed monitored. I think this is the order issued by the President, Baron. You came to New York and I think I have been known by the President. Ah, but rest assured. I succeeded in getting rid of those guys.”

“It’s completely safe here. No federal agent can walk into my office.” Gates is very confident about this.

Wang Weizhen smiled, Mr. President – that is his son. Looks like. I have already had my first fight with my son.

“Well, let’s talk about some business.” Wang Weizhen said: “Mr. Gates, Mr. Lawrence, please allow me to express my personal gratitude. I have got the news from China. The first batch you shipped. The supplies have arrived in Berlin.”

“This is not a particularly difficult thing,” Lawrence said faintly.

“So, what I want to ask is when will the second batch of materials arrive?”

When the baron said this sentence. Gates and Lawrence first glanced, then laughed: “The baron, you are really a humorous person. Ah, in order to welcome you, the second batch of supplies will soon reach Berlin.”

Wang Weizhen nodded with satisfaction.

“So, let’s talk about some business things…” Lawrence put away a smile: “We know that the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family are very good friends with you, and they are also a member of the New York League. Why are you shipping? Half of these materials are because of this relationship, but they are definitely not all. Frankly speaking, this can be seen as a pre-investment. What we care about most is what kind of return we can get. Please forgive me for being straightforward. ”

“Of course, if there is no return, such a relationship will soon be terminated. At this point, you have nothing to apologize to me.” Wang Weizhen did not care to say: “First, the Wittgenstein family and you I have already started a good show, and this scene will soon reach **, this is our initial cooperation. I will cooperate with you in many aspects, and this cooperation has already begun. Of course, I think such cooperation Still not enough.”

He paused there slightly: “I think we are in Europe, in North Africa, there are many projects that can be cooperated in the Middle East. Due to the outbreak of war, your business in these places has also been greatly affected. For example, in the Middle East, The oil fields that you invest in are not considered safe, they will not be bombed by the Allies, or they will be attacked by Germany. If the war is not over, you will not be able to get a safe return.”

Gates and Lawrence nodded. Since the outbreak of the war, their investment in those places has suffered heavy losses, and although the Allies have an advantage on the battlefield, they have never been able to achieve the final victory.

“I will ensure that all of your investments in the German-controlled area are safe.” Wang Weizhen added some of his own voice: “And, after we have won, you will get more than ten times the return. Sir, please come see.”

Wang Weizhen took out a plan of his own and gave it to them.

Gates and Lawrence looked closely, with amazement and excitement on their faces: “Lord Baron, do you really make sure that we can make large-scale investments in these places?”

“Of course, I guarantee it with my credit.” Wang Weizhen smiled lightly: “With the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family, we have more than 20 years of cooperation. I don’t want this cooperation to end.”

“But there is a precondition for this.” Lawrence quickly said: “You have to be very good and can let us monopolize these industries. However, all of this is based on the fact that Germany can win the war.”

“Yes. I don’t have to hide this point.” Wang Weizhen smiled again: “You just said that the interests are mutual. If you want to get a return, you have to pay. So you must try to help Germany win. For example, Berlin, North Africa, and the Middle East need a lot of material support. For example, I need you to exert their great influence in the United States…”

“You can really do business.” Gates said with a smile: “We have invested, and you want us to make new investments without seeing the return? You know. This is a Astronomical investment. The ultimate goal is to help your country win the war?”

“The upcoming new financial turmoil will give us great benefits. Your initial investment has already been seen. This is where the Wittgenstein family is working closely with you, I think this should be encouraging. Wang Weizhen said quietly: “If you don’t have Eliot and Wittgenstein’s family, your plan can’t be carried out so smoothly, you won’t even want to see me today. Is it?”

Gates and Lawrence nodded silently.

There is nothing to deny. In their view, any form of cooperation, the final outcome is nothing more than what they can get.

There is no commercial cooperation in this world without asking for a return…

“In this case, let’s take a look at the second point.” Wang Weizhen is already confident: “Assuming the Allies can win, what can you get? President William is very convinced of the existence of the New York League, he can also guess this. Who caused the financial turmoil. When he won, his reputation will grow tremendously, and the American worship of him will reach an unparalleled level. At that time, it is time for him to do it for you. Of course, Witt The Genstein family will also be one of his targets for removal. This phenomenon has already appeared…”

Gates and Lawrence are sure that the Baron is telling the truth.

The influence of the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family in the United States and around the world. Coupled with a more powerful and wealthier Wittgenstein family, William certainly has no way to kill them, but he can take a heavy blow from these three families.

For example, 1890 7 month 2 Day, the US Federal Parliament passed the “Protection of Trade and Commerce to Avoid Unlawful Restriction and Monopoly Act”, which is antitrust law.


This can be the most advantageous weapon in William’s hand.



1914 10 month 15 Day, the Federal Parliament passed the Clayton Antitrust Law, which is mainly to prohibit certain practices that will weaken competition in practice…

The United States is increasingly cracking down on these financial oligarchy. Although the financial oligarchs have come up with various weapons to fight against each other, once the United States wins the war, William can fully use this most advantageous weapon to The New York League is the hardest hit.

And, don’t forget that the Jewish consortiums that have suffered heavy losses in 1942 are staring at them, and they will never give up any chance of revenge.

Therefore, from this point of view, it may be more advantageous to let Germany win the war.

Gates and Lawrence are very aware of this, and they are more aware that the Baron has fully grasped their psychology!

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