The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 884. Gambling, floating astronomy

“Marshal Manstein, General of the Allied Middle East Command, General Carofei.”

Manstein, who was staring at the map, took the call very quickly. It was indeed the voice of Carlofi.

Since the outbreak of the German-American War, Manstein and Carlofi have not had to deal with each other. The two are considered to be sympathetic to each other, and even set up a special line to keep them in touch.

Manstein is not the kind of pure soldier. All his thoughts are on the battlefield, and he will not pay attention to anything else. It is precisely because of this personality that he thinks there is nothing wrong with talking to the enemy commander.

As long as you are on the battlefield, you can give the enemy a head-on blow.

“Marshal Manstein, I am very happy to hear your voice again.”

“General Carofie, hello, what is it to call this time?”

“Oh, yes, Marshal, I ask you to order the Germans who are still resisting in Baeza to let go of their weapons and surrender.”

“General, let me confirm, have you used the words surrender?”

“Yes, Marshal Manstein, the German army of Baeza has no hope. I don’t want to see them running too much blood to pay more lives and surrender. It is their only choice at the moment.”

“General Carofie, the battle has come to the present, you still haven’t figured out one thing. In any difficult situation, the German soldiers will never surrender.”

“So, you rejected my kindness, are you?”

“Not a refusal, but I never thought of any possibility of surrender.”

“So, I regret to tell you that the German army in Baeza, the final result is only completely annihilated. I still recommend that you consider it again.”

“My troops will break through smoothly.” Marshal Manstein said with a smile: “I am willing to bet on you.”

“What do you want to bet?”

“I think a bottle of gin is suitable.”

“Well, a bottle of gin, I wish you a happy, Marshal Manstein.”

“I wish you a happy, General Carofei.”

The phone hangs up, at this time his chief of staff, General Walcott, came to his side: “Marshal * just got information from North Africa, the North African Army has launched a counterattack under the command of Marshal Moddle. And in the top secret telegraph Also specifically stated, Marshal Ernst personally directed the deployment of this counterattack.”

Marshal Manstein shuddered, and he whispered, “Ernst is in North Africa, then he will be here soon.”

Walcott gave a glimpse of what he wanted to ask but didn’t ask.

He noticed that Marshal Manstein’s gaze fell to the position of Baeza on the map. . . . . .

“American bomber, Your Majesty!”

late! The bomb dropped by the US plane blossomed everywhere, and a German officer was too unresponsive and flew into the air. The fighters swooped down and swept the ground with a cannon. The soldiers were like the cut wheat. The soldiers were pierced as soon as they got up, the broken meat flew up, and the flag fell to the ground. The broken corpse of the German officer who was killed was automatically buried in the mud just after landing.

“Damn!” Dabinne Colonel patted the soil, climb up towards the soldiers yelled in shock: “!! What do just standing staring and quickly identify the location, ready to beat the Yankees meal”

The soldiers slowly dispersed. The officers arranged the soldiers to their respective positions. Garter, Thomas, Sergeant Shostka, Sergeant Anker Roman, and several other soldiers were placed in a four-story building. Garter and Thomas were placed on the second floor. The Germans have a good machine gun. Garter saw his own “Leopard” style, and the “Destroyer 3” type of Tank arrived a little after, and he was a little excited. He felt that watching a Tank battle was indeed an exciting thing, and he couldn’t lose it.

The US military’s “ghost” fighters came again. The mud that the bombs had blown up blocked their sight. They only thought that the fire and screams outside the house were like a piece of land. The planes that the US military dispatched were bombarded. A bomb was also found in the house where they were, and a soldier on the fourth floor was killed on the spot. Sergeant Shostka was shocked and vomited.

When the German machine was withdrawn, they reacted and found that more than half of the following tanks were blown up and incompletely broken. Garter can’t help but feel a bit depressed. . . . . .

In the US military position opposite, the commander of the US military, the head of the infantry regiment known for his good and cruel and ruthlessness to the enemy, looked at the smoke-filled town of the US Army’s Tank, and the sneer appeared on his face. He ordered: “All attack!”

The US military began to attack, and the crazy shelling made Garter unable to lift their heads. After a few minutes of gunfire, Garter raised their heads and found that a group of armored reptiles had entered the village. . . . . . .

“The American Tank came up…” said Shostka.

The soldiers in the building raised their guns and watched the US troops approaching nervously. . . . . .

The US armored forces are constantly approaching, the buildings in front are quickly blown up by the Tank, and the Germans in Baeza are unable to stop the Tank advance because of the lack of anti-Tank weapons.

Garter felt lucky to be with those brothers who were killed by Tank. Because their buildings are surrounded by small roads, Tank can’t get in.

The few Germans in the German army are still stubbornly blocking the US military, but they are very – the US military planes are blown up. Soon, the US military took control of the main roads in the town. However, many American troops under the siege of the road still have not captured.

The US infantry finally rushed to Garter in front of them. Thomas was shot at the front of the motorcycle, and the motorcycle was planted on the spot. Another machine gunner on the motorcycle was taken out of the motorcycle.

Shostka and Starobu kept shooting at the US military, and the machine guns on the third floor began shooting.

The US military thought that there would be no people in this rustic building, and many infantrymen were knocked down.

Garter pointed at a soldier with a rifle and finally shot, but because of a little fear, he missed it. The guy found Garter and shot down. At this time, Garter saw the American soldier being blown through the throat with a shot and lying face to face on the ground. The bullet hit the window frame. Break a piece of wood on the window frame.

“Ah…oh…..thank you, Thomas.”

“As long as you are not afraid, the German soldiers will be killed before you shoot at you. Fear of using a fart, you learn to be bold and like me.”

“Don’t be afraid…not afraid…” Garter whispered, pushing the shell out and knocking down a machine gunner.

“Good shots! I will say, if you are not afraid, your shooting method is very accurate, the machine gunner is so far away from us, you can kill him with one shot. You have the potential to be a sniper.”

As soon as Thomas turned his head, a bullet hit his helmet and turned his helmet straight.

“Hey!” With the last attempt, Garter was a bit bolder, killing the soldier who was hiding behind the wood.

“Can’t be distracted again! Let’s die, damn American cockroaches.” Thomas pulled the trigger again and turned a US soldier into a scorpion. One of his comrades had just dragged him up, and Thomas hit another shot in his neck.

Thomas also installed the magazines. He was about to aim, only to listen to Garter yelling “Be careful!” and he was thrown to the ground. A shell with a roll of smoke hit the house, and a red hole was blown out of the hole.

“Anti-tank guns! I don’t know how they got into the alley.” Garter climbed up. Thomas just wanted to stand up and felt another shock. The rifleman Todd rushed down and knocked Thomas down.

“Sergeant Shostka told me to tell you… Hidden concealed…” “Todd breathlessly said “the third floor machine gunner… Ruined…….”

At this time, a bullet was shot on the third floor and the German artillery was knocked down. Sergeant Starbuck watched the artillery kill himself with a shot, his face full of smug smiles.

“Dry beautiful!”

However, the two machine guns of the US Army quickly suppressed the firepower in the building as the Germans turned their heads.

“Americans rushed into the house!” Victor on the first floor ran up. He shot a shot at the back and killed the American soldier behind him.

Victor just rushed to the second floor, and a grenade threw him out the window.

However, the US military on the first floor was quickly wiped out by Todd and Thomas, who had been washed down from the second floor, and the sergeant, Zell, who was hidden in the basement.

After a few cannons, the alley was blasted by mortars. The US Army’s Tank and armored vehicles drove over the ruins.

“It’s fucking unfair!” Todd just shouted and was screened by a machine gun.

“Todd!” shouted Garter from the second floor. At this time, the second floor has been controlled by machine guns on the armored vehicles.

The side door was kicked off by the Germans who had come down from the armored car, and the corporal of Zell was suddenly swept by the Sub Machine Gun. There are seven bullets in the body.

Although Garter is a little bigger, he is still afraid of the enemy. The American soldier kicked him to the ground, but he was suddenly pierced by Thomas’s rifle.

“Bee!” Garter lying on the ground picked up the M16 on the body and shot at the back of the American soldier. But at this time, from the side door, he rushed into the four soldiers holding M16. Thomas couldn’t help but pick up Garter and run. Go to the third floor. The stairs behind him were beaten by M16. Garter had taken the weapon and several clips on the body while running.

Sergeant Starbuck also rushed to the third floor. Sergeant Sorostka will meet.

After Garter rushed to the third floor, he used the Sub Machine Gun to kill the American soldiers who came up.

Sergeant Shostka smashed the rifle to fight the Americans. Starbucks pulled him and shouted: “Let’s go down the stairs from the other side. Look at the people in the houses next to us. No, it’s not being killed by the Americans! Let’s also withdraw, stay here and die!”

Shostka was convinced that several of their soldiers were evacuated from the other side of the stairs, and two or three American troops stopped the road, but they were quickly killed. After they ran out of the house, they ran backwards, and the American tank guns were sweeping behind.

They ran back a hundred meters or so and finally saw their company commander, Captain Yurne and Major Camper Lubboff. They are using machine guns to block the US military in the tunnel. Garter, they hurried into the tunnel, escaped the US military and fired back a life.

Luboff less corrected the number of people in the inventory and found that his battalion had lost two-thirds. Especially the Sausterkas just now – these soldiers who liked him did not withdraw, and he was anxious. He did not believe that the sergeant Shostka, who had survived two deaths, would be killed. This time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Colonel Dabinne also came, and his words made everyone feel the spirit: “Soldiers, for a while, one of our armored units and two battalions are coming to reinforce us. They have long been there. The US military’s blockade. They have broken through the blockade of the US military and will arrive in a little while!”

At this time, two US military light tanks in front of the position were hit and caught fire.

“Long live! Our reinforcements are coming!”

The German “Leopard Yin” type and the five “Destroyer 3” type Tanks slammed into the US military and the US troops quickly retreated. The heavy tank behind it also arrived slowly. Colonel Dabinne said loudly to the German soldiers: “Soldiers! The reinforcements are coming! We have lost too much, and it is time for those Americans to pay the price, charge!”

The German army rushed out of the trenches and buildings, screaming for the charge. When Sergeant Shostka left, he bet with another sergeant to see who first occupied the white house at the mouth of the town.

The two battalions of the US military attacked and killed more than half of the rest of the US military, relying on experience, to kill a bloody road and escaped to their position in the center of the town – the US military has set up more than a dozen cannons outside the machine gun town, specializing in the German army Heavy duty Tank.

The Germans who rushed up like locusts were beaten by fierce firepower. Several American aircraft were fired and bombed in the sky, and the Tank in front was quickly blown up. But a batch of German troops rushed over again.

The US machine gunners sometimes madly fired, and sometimes precise shots, did not let the Germans close to the position.

The road was not particularly wide and the Germans became a living target. A large number of bodies were quickly smashed in front of them, and they had to stop charging and kneel on the ground with the Germans to shoot the fire, waiting for the next batch of troops to arrive.

It’s a melee here.

Garter and Thomas ran down behind a “leopard-yin” wreck, escaping the machine gun.

“Thomas, it’s not safe to stay here…” The words behind Garter were overwhelmed by the explosion – the American anti-Tank soldier smashed a “Leopard” next to him.

“Hidden behind the broken wall on the left…” Sergeant Starbbe didn’t know when he climbed over.

“We can’t go! There is a machine gun in front of us!” Thomas shouted.

“Listen to me, you two… Go to the broken wall and solve the few anti-Tank hands there…” Sergeant Starbuck picked up the telescope and looked up and looked around. He also said, “There are two sandbags in front of the right… There should be another one… Oh! Damn!” Sergeant Starbow bowed his head and the wall was beaten with a machine gun.

“Bastard!” Starobu groaned and squinted forward: “On the second floor of the warehouse on the left.”

“I said! How did we go, sergeant!”

“When the machine gun changed bullets, look at my gestures, prepare – just now, fast!”

Sergeant Starbow waved and Garter and Thomas hurriedly stood up and ran like a madman to the wall. They just ran to the back of the broken wall and stirred up the dust from the machine gun.

Thomas and Garter, respectively, aimed at an anti-Tank hand, fired a few shots and killed the two anti-Tank hands. But the anti-Tank hands in the warehouse can’t see them.

A tank turret of the US military is a shot at the wall. Garter felt his brain creak and Thomas was shaken to the ground.

“Thomas! Are you okay?” Garter yelled, but he felt like he couldn’t hear the sounds around him.

Thomas climbed hard from the ground, and he grabbed his left arm with his hand. His left arm is bloody.

“I’m fine…” Thomas gritted his teeth. The forehead is full of sweat.

“Are you hurt?” Garter felt better. “I am responsible for solving the enemies in the warehouse. You can stay here and take a break.”

Garter took out the kettle and drank his mouth. He took out the M16 gun he had seized and put on a new magazine. Sweeping at the machine gunner,

The machine gunner lowered his head and stopped shooting. Garter took the opportunity to pull out of the broken wall and rushed to the side door of the warehouse, interrupted the lock and rushed in.

The two soldiers next to the anti-Tank hand and Spotter had not waited to turn around, and Garter shot him to death. The anti-Tank hand just wanted to escape from the window, late. The Sub Machine Gun in Garter’s hand spit out a string of fire tongues, and the guy fell to the ground and snorted twice. Garter rushed to the window and he saw the machine gunner not far from him, another string of bullets.

Garter only felt that the blood was pouring up and he was going to avenge Thomas.

He looked at the anti-Tank gun. I looked out the window and hid the German Tank in the ruins opposite me. He manipulated the anti-Tank gun, pointed at the tank, and yelled, “Death!”

Then it was a few shots aimed at the Tank. Unbiased just hit the middle armor, only to hear a bang, the Tank was destroyed.

Garter ran out of the warehouse, and he saw Thomas hiding behind the broken wall and gasping, and Sergeant Starbuck was giving him a bag.

He ran to Thomas and asked, “Are you okay?”

Thomas was pale, but fortunately he was not hurt, no problem. Reluctantly smiled and said: “Nothing.”

At this time, the German Tank shielded another group of infantry and rushed up. The “Leopard Yin” type, “Destroyer 3” type Tank artillery destroyed the German machine guns one by one.

The artillery in the rear position of the German army also began to roar, and the US military took the rat out of the town!

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