The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country 838. Fighting, floating astronomy

Wang Weizhen found the most suitable position on the roof, and then put the sniper rifle in a fine position.

This is the weapon that Xiao Ling provided to him. The AWP sniper rifle, this powerful sniper rifle, will make it easy for Wang Weizhen to complete the mission.

To be honest, does he really like this feeling? A person waits quietly, then gives the enemy a fatal blow at the most appropriate time, and then quickly disappears into the darkness.

Tamusta used to be a friend of his own. At one time he also appreciated the Egyptian, but now everything has changed.

In fact, everyone will change.

Now, wait for Norak and his friends to get Tamusata here. . . . . .

The sound of the guns kept coming, and the sound was so close.

Egyptian Army 11 Brigade.

The 7 Brigade has been put into the crackdown on the uprising, and now it is the 11 Brigade. Both of these units are deeply trusted by Tamusta.

The soldiers have been gathered together. To be honest, if they let the enemy and the enemy go to life and death, they will not have any opinions, but if they are to let them kill their fellow citizens, there will always be some unwillingness in their hearts.

But what can be done? They are just some soldiers, their task is just to serve. . . . . .

Under the guard of the bodyguard, Tamusta appeared on the 11 Brigade. The officers and soldiers were assembled and the loudspeakers had already been placed on the rostrum.

Tamusta is a man who likes to show off, no matter where he is, he always has to stay in the game, even in such a critical moment.

Moreover, he is full of confidence in himself. The 11 Brigade was the one he brought out with his hands. He firmly believed that no one in such a unit dared to betray his own.

Only he never imagined that several 11 brigade soldiers have quietly stared at the actual ruler of Egypt. . . . . .

“The officers, the soldiers, the time to decide the fate of Egypt is here…” Tamusta said loudly to the loudspeaker, and then began his speech.

He believes that his speech has inspired everyone’s determination to die for himself, and he is absolutely conceited.

His voice kept ringing in the team, and at this time, a 11 brigade had quietly pulled out a pistol.

At such a distance, he could not shoot the target on the rostrum, but this is not what he wants to do.

He suddenly raised his gun and put two shots at the sky.

When the gunshots started, the scene suddenly became chaotic. Tamusta’s bodyguard response was quite quick, and Tamusta was immediately pressed to the ground.

Lieutenant put a machine gun in the sky and was quickly subdued. . . . . .

But no one knows how many assassins there are, and Tamusta doesn’t dare to stay here again for a second. Under the guard of the bodyguard, he hurriedly walked toward his car.

Not yet close to the car, a grenade has exploded nearby.

A loud bang, Tamusta was once again under the body by the bodyguard.

The anger and fear in Tamusta’s heart at this time have reached the apex. Since he established the “Egyptian Military Corps”, no matter where he went, he always got the flowers and applause of the Egyptians. The assassination of such things happened to his own people and he never thought about it.

However, today it has actually appeared. These Egyptians have betrayed themselves, and these officers who have been pulled up by themselves have betrayed themselves!

“General, in a critical situation, immediately left the back door, there is our spare car.” A bodyguard hurriedly called.

Temporarily suppressed anger in the heart. Tamusta stood up and walked away from the back door under the cover of the bodyguard. . . . . .

Gunshots and explosions reached the ears of Wang Weizhen, and he knew that Norak was in action.

He raised his sniper rifle and aimed the mirror at the back door.

Everything is expected. Who shoots, who is responsible for throwing grenades, and then forces Tamusta to the designated location.

The shooting and throwing grenades must not come back alive. They are the most loyal followers of the Abid Brotherhood. They have already prepared for their own career. They are not afraid of death at all.

I must be deadly, or I am sorry for these brothers. . . . . . Wang Weizhen thought of it in my heart. . . . . .

Several figures appeared, and Wang Weizhen’s mouth showed a cruel smile.

The target is already aligned. He saw Tamusta.

“Actually, you could have been a hero.” Wang Weizhen whispered and then pulled the trigger.

The bullets came out of the way, with a fascinating and beautiful death, straight into the heart of Tamusta.

In the sight, Wang Weizhen saw Tamusta grabbing his chest, shaking his body, then shaking it again, then he fell to the ground.

He probably never thought that he would die in this way.

His bodyguards were completely chaotic, shooting indiscriminately around, but they did not know where the assassin was.

Wang Weizhen took the sniper rifle and finally glanced there, then quickly left the place. . . . . .

“Tamusta is really dead? When I heard the news, Caelum, who had been waiting for the news, had an eye.

Wang Weizhen nodded. “He is dead.”

A burst of cheers came out in the mouth of the people here. Over the years they have witnessed the fall of Tamusta from a national hero. And among these people, no one is more intense than Caelum.

Tamsta has always been his powerful assistant, but as time goes by, this person’s power desire is getting bigger and bigger, getting bigger and bigger, and finally reaching an uncontrollable level.

Now, he is finally dead, and this is a great news for Caelum, who knows that power will soon return to his own hands.

This confidence comes from the Baron Skulls.

When the Baron Skulls appeared again in front of him, he saved that the situation in Egypt will inevitably be changed again. The subsequent process also completely confirmed his judgment.

Yesterday, he learned from a special channel that an artillery position set up by the Allied forces to deal with Egypt was completely destroyed by the Germans. Now, the Allied’s gunfire advantage is heavily dependent on the Navy. But the situation of the US Navy is also not optimistic.

1965 12 25 Day Christmas Day · Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, demanding that all British troops and people who are still loyal to themselves join forces to join the war against aggression!

This call quickly received the response of the Royal Navy. . . . . .

Although the British navy is not as powerful as the US Navy, as an established maritime power, they are enough to have the pain of the US Navy. Moreover, in the US military’s raids against the United Kingdom, the Royal Navy has basically suffered no losses, which has become the basis of the British counterattack.

A fleet of the Royal Navy is reinforcement in the direction of Egypt.

Under such circumstances, the allies in North Africa are actually not optimistic.

The coalition forces of the German, British, and South African forces have launched a counterattack in North Africa.

In this situation, Caelum finally made its own choice: firmly become an ally of the Germans!

He suddenly said to Wang Weizhen: “Mr. Baron, you are good at creating miracles. I believe that the miracle of Egypt will certainly be born in your hands. I declare loyalty to you!”

“I accept your loyalty and my friend.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “I will leave Egypt temporarily and return to the North African Army to deploy the entire battle. Before that, you will be responsible for the entire Egyptian uprising. The mobilization force must be fully mobilized to attack the enemy in various battlefields, in line with the German frontal offensive, and at the same time, to retain its own strength to the greatest extent…”

“I will.” Caelum said solemnly.

Wang Weizhen fell his eyes on Rosanne and Norak: “As for you, I can’t order you, I can only ask you to do the best possible to launch the Egyptian people. To support the uprising, you can persist in the arrival of the Germans. You can accept me. Request?”

The admiration of Rosanne and Norak to this person can no longer be described in words. He can always do whatever he wants to do easily. What makes them even more gratified is that Mr. Moyol did not show any arrogance in this way, but instead they still respected them.

“Mr. Moyol, the Abid Brothers will always be your friend, you can let us do anything for you.” Rosang said respectfully: “Please rest assured, we will unswervingly The uprising went to the end.”

“Thank you.” Wang Weizhen gave a soft breath.

Now, the curtain of the counterattack has been opened, everything is going on step by step, Germany – Britain – Egypt, has become a line – this is bound to become the biggest threat of the Allies.

Good play, is playing on this land. . . . . .

Supreme Command of the North African Army.

“Marshal Moddle, Hohenheim Elite has pushed forward fifteen kilometers!”

“Marshal Modr, two divisions of the National Defence Force, have completed the encirclement of the Italians!”

“Hey, give a lesson to those who are betrayed! Let them all go out from here!”

The sounds of the commanding voice continued to sound, and Marshal Modr was always listening calmly there.

Everyone of this will not know what magical things happened during the two days of Model’s “illness”.

He is now also a member of the British Army. . . . . .

A familiar figure strode in, and all the officers in the command line stood straight, then raised their right arm at the same time:

“Hey – Ernst!”

This is Marshal Ernst who has been missing for a few days. These officers have long heard of the story of the Baron, often at the most critical moment of the war, the Baron will always disappear for a few days, and then something that will change the direction of the battlefield will always happen. No one knows where the baron went, but everyone knows that these things were planned by the baron.

The same is true this time. When the Germans launched a full counterattack, Ernst. Marshal Breem disappeared as before, and then the news of the Egyptian Uprising was passed to the German command at the most appropriate time.

“Continue to do your work.” Wang Weizhen said, and Mordel walked to another room.

“Are you awake?” Wang Weizhen asked calmly as he watched the former Skulls commando.

“Yes, I am, I can fight better.” Mordel also stared deeply at his friend.

“So, let them do a beautiful scene, so that our enemies will never forget.” Wang Weizhen quickly brought the topic to the battlefield: “The Egyptian uprising led by Caelum has broken out, and now the Allies have to deal with Our offensive, we have to deal with one another, this is a great news for us. There is another situation, I just got the information, the Royal Navy ‘J, the fleet is reinforced here, the situation on the battlefield has already happened change.”

“It is indeed a good news.” Moder looked very calm: “But we still have to face powerful enemies. In the entire strategic deployment, the first strategic plan is to train all our troops into a battlefield. Egypt is advancing, and I will be preparing for the third El-Alamein battle!”

El-Alamein’s final battle – a name that all Germans are familiar with.

In the first two battles, the German commanders were Rommel and Ernst, and they relied on the El-Alamein battle. The Germans finally succeeded in reversing the situation in North Africa.

Now, the third El-Alamein battle will begin again. The only difference is that this commander has become Marshal Modr.

In fact, no matter who is commanding, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is only two words:


“Moddle, is the date of the decisive battle determined?”

“Yes, my two wings are moving closer to the El-Alamein battlefield and have already completed the encirclement. On the other hand, it is the main force of the Commonwealth Army. I believe that the decisive battle will erupt before the 1 month 10. This may be the decision of the entire North African occupation. The most crucial battle.” Moder quickly replied: “To this end, I have used almost all of our armored forces and airpower.”

“What about the supply side? Can it be followed?” Wang Weizhen asked questions that he was very concerned about.

“Yes, don’t forget that I am an expert in defensive warfare.” Mored made a joke: “As early as the German-American war has not broken out. When I was transferred to North Africa, I have ordered a large amount of supplies. Although The war consumed a lot, but it was enough for us to insist on a decisive battle. Because of this, we have no retreat in addition to victory in this decisive battle. Otherwise, our supplies will be completely consumed.”

“The country is temporarily unable to provide you with material support.” Wang Weizhen said: “But I had discussed with Elizabeth II before coming to North Africa, and the Royal Navy will help us. And, or we have another hope.”

He did not say what this hope is. . . . . .

Mordel also did not ask. He was too aware of the baron’s temper. Before he had a certain grasp, he would not tell anyone’s inner thoughts.

But there is nothing here, at least everything is changing now, and everything is going in the direction that Germany wants.

“Marshal.” At this time, the chief of staff came in: “The news that was just received, the 21, 26, and 28 brigades of the Egyptian infantry broke out and attacked nearby French troops. Captive of a French lieutenant colonel More than a few 100 French soldiers died.”

“Very good!” Wang Weizhen took the telegram and looked at it: “This is what we want to see. Caelum has a deep influence in the Egyptian army. His call is enough to make a lot of Egyptian army battlefields, thus causing enemies. The chaos. Because of this, his safety has become very important. Model, my idea is whether you can send a commando to enter Cairo, their mission is only one, to ensure the safety of Caelum.”

“Okay, I will arrange it immediately.” Moder quickly agreed: “I think the command here should be handed over to you.”

“No, it’s up to you to command.” Wang Weizhen let the chief of staff leave first, and then said: “You are more familiar with the situation here than I am, more suitable for the command here, let alone, I have other things to do. “”

Moddle stunned and saw Wang Weizhen singularly: “I will go to the Middle East battlefield and will leave here today.”

Moder understood it: “Go to Manstein?”

“Yes, Manstein.” Wang Weizhen nodded. “The last two pieces remain in the puzzle, one is Manstein, and the other is…”

Wang Weizhen was silent: “Moddle, are you sure Adolf is dead?”

“Adolf?” Moder shook his head in confusion: “I don’t know, but I saw Adolf’s body being cremated, although many people in the country objected that the body of the head should be preserved forever, but Adolf is Before he died, he left a will, and he must cremate his body again and again. How do you think Adolf is still alive?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know.” Wang Weizhen sighed softly: “But I hope he is still alive, because he is the last and most important piece of the whole puzzle. I hope someone can give me the answer.” I also hope that a miracle can happen, and one day Adolf will appear in front of all of us.

“I hope so, Ernst.” Mordel also murmured.

Many things, when you have faith in your heart, the miracle will always be inadvertently

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