The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 885. Darkness before dawn, floating astronomy

“Ah! The Americans are all driven away, haha, damn irons are coming now.” Sergeant Starbuck jumped up.

Sergeant Shostka ran with two soldiers and they helped Thomas.

“Two young men, beautiful.

You are the pride of Germany. Said Sergeant Starb.

“Okay, hurry up and continue to charge,” said Sergeant Shostka.

They charged at the forefront and soon arrived at the mouth of the town. The soldiers stopped moving forward and began to rest. Sergeant Shostka led them into the white house, and there was no one in the empty. There is only one table in the basement with some leftovers. It seems that this is just the restaurant of the junior officers of the United States.

Garter walked over to the table, tore a piece of bread and handed it to Thomas. I tore a piece and stuffed it into my mouth.

“The damn American cockroach, the food is not bad.” Garter was relieved.

Shostka looked at the half bottle of whiskey on the table. Pour a drink in the cup: “It tastes good, but there is no German Munich beer to enjoy it.”

The sergeant who bet with Shostka and a few soldiers also came to the white house and saw Garter them. He laughed: “Sausterka, you win. It seems that today’s wine is counted. Mine.”

After all, he pulled a bottle of beer from his waist.

“Haha, I still like beer.” Shostka unceremoniously “taken” the bottle of wine.

Captain Jerne also came to the white house: “You can make me look good, I thought you were finished. Yes, Germany is proud of you. We can take a break now.”

Colonel Dabinne yelled outside: “Collection, collection.”

After the soldiers gathered, Colonel Dabinne smiled and said, “Today is the most difficult day. Let’s take a break and continue to attack the United States tomorrow until Marshal Manstein orders to stop the attack.”

The soldiers cheered in unison. Fortunately, I survived and died for this victory.

In the distance, the guns rumbling Garter suddenly had a hint of ominous premonition.

As night fell, the German soldiers went through a hard day and fell asleep. Only Colonel Dabinne and several staff members also played a night in a house.

“Cathed Colonel Dabinne, you didn’t find that the current form is very bad for us.” A staff member pointed to the battle map and said: “The US military has broken through our left and right wings. Soon it will break into the city.”

“Who is defending the left and right wings?”

“It was the original group of Colonel Shubin.”

“Damn, it’s the tacit understanding of Shubin and me. Since he was killed by the damn American…” Colonel Dabinne sighed.

“Colonel, I think we should give up this town and withdraw to the city, otherwise the US military will eat us all,” said another staff officer.

“The infantry regiment of Nesko should not have enough strength to attack.”

“Colonel Dabinne, I heard that the Germans will send a major armored force to reinforce him. In addition, he will have sufficient air support.”

At this time, a soldier came in at the door and held a telegram: “The colonel, the general asked us to continue to hold on. There will be 500 people who will be here tomorrow…”

Although Colonel Dabinne is brave and good at fighting, he is also fully aware of his own strength. He knows that if he persists, he will only be wiped out. But there is no way, only to continue to hold on to the scalp, he waved his hand and said: “Go back.”

US military headquarters.

Colonel Nesko still took his sinister smile and asked the officer behind him: “We have arrived in the four groups of the left and right wings?”

“Yes, sir. Those Germans will be wiped out tomorrow.”

The next day, 5 points in the morning.

“Boom -“

“Ah…the soldiers… get up quickly! The US army is attacking us… Ah!” A young man just woke up Garter, and his head was shuffled. Breaked down.

“The odious American cockroach, really fucking is not paying attention.” Shostka clasped his helmet with his hands and squatted and climbed up.

The “ghost” style swooped down with a harsh whistling sound, and the bomb was accurately placed on the German Tank.

Garter just woke up from his sleep and was stunned by the bomb. Only Sergeant Strobe heard him shouting: “Garter! Pick up the gun and get ready to fight!”

Garter was finally able to see things. He saw Major Ruperf being stunned and dragged away. A soldier whose legs were blown up fell in front of him, making people feel hairy.

The US military has already launched a charge. The German army at the mouth of the town was screened by machine guns.

Captain Jerne hid behind the iron bucket and shouted at the soldiers behind him: “Soldiers, we must start a counter-attack now! Otherwise it will die! All with me! Rush!”

The soldiers rushed out of the building.

The surrounding US forces are flooding. Thomas shot a US soldier who was rushing to death, and another US soldier suddenly rushed in. He waved his butt to Thomas and stunned him.

When Garter saw it, he shouted: “Bastard,” and then used a bayonet to pry the butt. But Garter was a little weaker than the Americans. The soldier took Garter a slap in the face, then pulled out the shovel and patted Garter’s back. Garter fell to the ground. The other two Germans rushed in and inserted the bayonet into the chest of the American army. The American military spit blood and broke his breath. Another soldier of the US Army has been on the side, for fear of killing one. Shooting, seeing that his own person has been deflated, he pulled the trigger and a series of bullets drove the two Germans to blood.

When Garter saw two other comrades killed, he squatted on the ground and pointed at the US military’s head.

Thomas woke up and he climbed up and killed a US military who had turned from the intersection.

“Thomas, Garter! There is a US military M1Tank killing our brothers, we should destroy it right away.” Sergeant Shostka ran with the 5 soldiers.

At the intersection, a M1Tank drove over and the German machine gun in the attic was blown up.

“Get around it!”

Garter is taking the Sub Machine Gun bullet from the German body. Put your own Sub Machine Gun on.

Garter They walked down the corner to the corner, and there was a German Lieutenant and 6 soldier at the corner.

“Less, why don’t you blow up the Tank?” Shostka rushed to ask questions.

“Sergeant, you think we have a machine gun there, we can’t go!” Shaohao said, suddenly he saw the machine gun that Garter had just seized.

“Sergeant, aren’t you organic guns? It’s okay to kill the enemy machine gun. This is the order.”

“Yes, Lieutenant! Garter, you are hiding behind the broken box, and covering us with your weapons.”

Garter took his machine gun, one rolled forward to the back of the broken box, and the Sub Machine Gun fired at the intersection of the machine guns. The two machine gunners fell to the ground and fell to the ground.

Lieutenant ordered loudly: “Give me up!”

The soldiers rushed over and a few American machine guns behind the Tank were killed.

The ensign took out an iron rod: “Look how I used it to open the turret of the Tank.”

At this time, the tower cover was opened, and a Tank occupant was drilled inside. He just raised the gun. A soldier’s hand was quick and a shot hit him. The Tank occupant rolled down from the Tank. The rest of the Tank crew did not dare to show up inside.

Lieutenant said with pleasure: “We don’t have to work hard.”

After all, he took a soil burning bottle from a soldier and lit it with a lighter.

Turned over and rushed to the Tank, threw the burning bottle in, and saw the occupants in the Tank fire slamming out of the fire, and the Germans solved them with one shot.

“Really retribution.” The soldiers said so. They did not notice that the hand of the occupant who was shot down was still moving slowly. Suddenly the occupant pulled out a pistol and pulled the trigger on the ensign. The second screams and fell into a pool of blood.

Sergeant Shostka rushed over and made a shot at the abominable occupant.

“Less!” The soldiers gathered around. One soldier said: “It’s awful, a young man is 26…”

The soldiers are too sad, and one is watching if he is angry. Did not notice that there were several US troops rushing over behind them.

The soldiers heard the sound of the bullets in the air, and several soldiers fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, and the blood splattered. The shooting of the US military’s machine guns.

“God!” Garter yelled and there were several American troops rushing in front of them.

At this time, a truck drove over and the US troops were hit and the driver was Sergeant Starb. Sergeant Starbuck yelled in the car: “A few of you have made me look good, and the superior has ordered to break through and jump out of the encirclement of the US military.”

“Get on the bus!” The soldiers turned over and the car was killed when they got on the bus.

“Haha! I can finally leave this ghost place!” The car is flying, there is a US military road, or it is shot by a bullet shot from the car, or it is hit. At this time, a Tank came from an alley and the soldiers shouted. But they must not be killed, a “Leopard Yin” style will destroy the Tank. They have already caught up with the retreating troops.

“Where do we withdraw?” Garter, who was sitting in the car, asked Sergeant Starb.

“I don’t know, Colonel Dabinne said that we have to withdraw to the city.”

“What about the reinforcements?” Thomas asked.

“I saw God on the road.” Shostka looked unhappy. After all, the Germans were defeated, so many excellent German soldiers fell on this battlefield.

Colonel Dabinne was also very surprised. He didn’t know why the superior suddenly ordered to retreat, but in any case, the troops were finally saved. It’s a blessing that there is no military annihilation.

Garter took the time to write a letter to his family:

“I have been in the army for three months, but the form of war is deteriorating. The US military is surrounding us. This has not happened in the German army of the past. This is really sad. We have suffered a lot, but my brethren, Thomas, South. Sergeant Sergeant and Sergeant Starbucks were lucky enough to survive. We learned that our retreat order was ordered by Major General Dawnov. He was quickly dismissed, but we were not rushed back. Like the hellish town – the city still needs people to defend. It’s good, the US military has not launched the largest attack. But I have already foreseen that this is a matter of time, the perimeter defense is mostly in the hard work, we don’t even know There are no reinforcements…

I really hope that the war will end soon, then I can reunite with you. In the past few months, I have been lucky, always able to escape. I only hope that my good fortune can be maintained. I don’t want this to be your last letter.

good luck.

Alex. Garter

1965 year 1 year 9 month. ”

“German officers, soldiers, surrender! This is not your war, this war will only let you die in vain. Join them. You will get more favorable treatment. The Allies will treat the soldiers forever. You should stand up. Revolt…”

“Fart.” Colonel Dabinne listened to the US military’s broadcast and was very angry.

“Colonel, the enemy has already eaten us! Our defense is about to be…” An officer just ran into the house and was bombarded by the shell to the bridge.

Colonel Dabinne said nothing, smoking in a big mouth.

“Upper telegram! Colonel, ‘Quickly break out from the northeast.”

“It’s time to order now, it seems to be late, call our soldiers, get on the bus, break through!”

After the soldiers gathered in the gunfire, they swarmed into the truck and rushed northeast. The loudspeakers on the tank behind the US Army shouted to them in Russian: “Don’t do unnecessary resistance, our officers admire your courage. They will treat you kindly, surrender.”

Then, the Tank soldier shouted: “Open fire!”, and Tank “gives” a shell to them.

“The mouth is the United States!” Garter said in the car, and then there was a sergeant Starbuck in the car shouting: “Come on!”

“You have been to Fabaman, Garter.” Thomas licked him with his arm.

“Yes. I stayed there for a week.”

“When I arrived at Fabman, you have to invite me to dinner. I saved your life this morning.”

Sergeant Shostka supported the machine gun in the car and said, “Don’t be too happy, boy. The US military has surrounded the city. Can we rush out and say two-American plane?” Let’s hurry down!”

The “ghost” style hit a few shuttle bullets and patted the wings and flew. A bomb was dropped not far away, and the “Leopard” type Tank that was behind was fried.

The truck is out of town.

“I don’t think the US military will set up an ambush here. It’s really time for the US military to go. The US military does not seem to have completely blocked it.”

“I hope it is the same as what you said…”

“German truck! Open fire! Open fire!” The American army suddenly emerged from the woods on both sides of the road.

“There was no complete blockade. The United States has just arrived here! What is the first batch of rushing out……. Ah!” A soldier was hit.

Shostka picked up the machine gun and fired at the US military.

The car slammed left and slammed the soldiers on the car. A shell exploded behind the car. Sergeant Starbbe did not know where to learn the driving skills, turn left and turn right. Hard to avoid the shells.

“Brothers! Don’t lie! Shoot at this US army!”

The soldiers shot at both sides.

A truck in front exploded.

” Corporal Mesili is injured!”

The car turned right again and the soldiers fell again. When Garter fell, the rifle suddenly caught fire, and the bullets penetrated the skull of a machine gunner on either side of the road.

“Messili is finished, Sergeant Shostka.”

“We don’t seem to be able to help him, continue shooting!”

The car turned left and this time it escaped two shells.

“Right turn! Turn right! Starbucks brother, you can’t open… ah…” Shostka fell.

“It’s not stable at all. Let’s shoot it!”

Thomas aimed at a machine gunner, pulling the trigger and the bullet was blocked by the Tank that suddenly rushed out from both sides of the road.

“The enemy Tank! Hit! Miserable!”

A car crashed into the Tank and was torn apart. But it just stopped the Tank shooting.

Starbucks took the opportunity to get the car from behind the Tank. Hit several US troops behind the Tank.

The bullet shattered the windshield. Sergeant Starbuck reacted quickly and quickly bowed his head to avoid the bullet.

“Mom. Let you taste the power of Laozi!” Starobu pulled out the Sub Machine Gun on his belt. Yeah, madly shooting out the window.

“Sergeant! Drive!” Colonel Dabinne, who was sitting next to Starbucks, hit the glass.

“The car sitting on Starbucks is exciting!”

“More enemies! More enemies!” Garter yelled. A large number of American troops rushed out in front of the road.

“Go to hell to meet your victory.” German trucks used a dense bullet to kill a bloody road, but two more trucks were alive!

“The enemy Tank appears on the left side of the road!”

“Don’t care about him!”

The roadblock that the US military just set up here was hit.

The car made another sharp turn and escaped the shells. But the truck behind it became a ghost.

“This seems to be the last enemy…”

“We rushed out!” The soldiers on the truck were excitedly hugged together.

“Sergeant! Sergeant, we rushed out, don’t drive so fast,” Colonel Dabinne said.

“We lost Baeza…” Garter said.

“Young man, I think we will get it back sooner or later,” Colonel Dabinne said comfortingly.

On the side of Bajza, the red sky gradually turned black. It’s going to be dark. It may be the psychological role of German soldiers. The shape of the night is like a big “” and expands to the east. The red daylight is gradually fading away.

“We will be back, Baeza…” Garter sat on the truck, thinking like this.

“After the night, it is dawn, but the dawn of red!”

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