The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country 879. Goodbye female agent, floating astronomy

Egypt, 1966 1 month 1 day. !

The new year has begun again. However, in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, there is no way to feel the atmosphere of the New Year. There have been so many things in the past year that have caused the Egyptians to suffer.

After the end of the Second World War, Egypt resumed his peace. Although the Sudanese Farouk I is still the same absurd, at least the people can survive and stay away from the threat of war. So even if I was dissatisfied with Farouk I, there was no big commotion in Egypt.

But then everything changed and the war came to Egypt again.

This is a new tragic time for the Egyptians.

The German Brittish is gone. American French and Italians are coming. Fouad Sultan ran and then returned. Queen Farida resigned, but the news was under house arrest.

Come and go, the whole of Egypt is a mess.

Later, it was revealed that Queen Farida secretly demanded that the oppressed people of all Egypt launch a great uprising and rush all the colonists’ demands. This request quickly responded to the whole country.

Such an uprising cannot be concealed and quickly caught the attention of Americans. A large number of federal agents and the army entered Cairo, and the Egyptian royal palace was also closely guarded. Queen Farida had completely lost her freedom and contact with the outside world.

However, this completely angered the Egyptians. . . . .

Compared with the previous Farouk I, Farida is considered kind, and the reputation among the Egyptians is not bad. However, such a queen was imprisoned by the Allies. This is the biggest insult to Egypt.

The uprising did not stop because of Farida’s loss of freedom, but it was even more intense.

Wang Weizhen entered Cairo in such a situation.

He had been to Cairo more than 20 years ago, and he successfully planned the Egyptian uprising and eventually defeated the British.

Now his enemy has become an American.

When entering Egypt, the US military’s inventory was very strict, and Wang Weizhen, who was alone, made good use of an identity that he thought was a bit funny:

Brad . Agent Pitt. Only this time he turned from an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation into a special agent of the CIA.

Wang Weizhen hasn’t figured out why Xiao Ling has given herself such a name. . . . . .

The smooth entry into Cairo does not mean that it is too peaceful. Cairo is full of enemy soldiers in the city, and the streets are full of fortresses. The FBI agents watched Cairo’s every move with vigilance. They have the power to arrest any suspicious target at any time.

As long as there is any carelessness, it will fall to the bottomless abyss whenever and wherever.

Such a scene, Wang Weizhen, has experienced too much. For him, it is nothing more than another adventure. The familiar scenes on the streets of Cairo reminded him of what he had done here, and everything seemed to have happened just yesterday.

Where can I start? How to approach Farida? The real Wang Weizhen has no clear plan yet. In his view, everything that plans a perfect plan will always be changed in such a way. How to adapt to the situation is the most important.

“Hey, you look a little strange.” A middle-aged man in a suit walked over.

Don’t look at it. This must be a federal agent. Wang Weizhen took out his ID in one hand and put one hand on his waist: “CIA, not close to the bright identity.”

“Hey, FBI!” The man quickly took out the documents: “Own people, I am Benjamin.”

“I am Brad.Pitt Lieutenant.” Wang Weizhen’s pretending handle removed from the gun’s position: “My boss told me that there are rioters everywhere, and I thought I was lucky enough to meet one.”

“Yeah, there are rioters everywhere.” Benjamin sighed: “One of my companions was assassinated yesterday, and the murderer has not yet caught it. Agent Pitt, are you new here?”

“Oh, yes, newcomer.” The expression on Wang Weizhen’s face indicates that he is not willing to come here: “Have you heard that these Egyptians are trying to make a secret riot, I am ordered to find them. I am very curious about the situation. How did you get out of my suspicious situation?”

This silly question suddenly made Benjamin proud. “Lieutenant, look around. Who else is wearing this kind of clothes besides us? To be honest, this kind of dress makes us very easy to identify each other, it is also very Easy to be the target of the assassin.”

“Ah, you reminded me, I have to find a way to look like the locals.” Wang Weizhen found that Benjamin’s brains didn’t seem to be very good. I thought this was an object that I could use: “Hey, I’m secretly entering. Here, don’t want to expose your identity so early. Can you keep it secret?”

“Of course, who doesn’t want their identity to be kept secret?” Benjamin said with great understanding.

“Ah, thank you.” Wang Weizhen expressed his gratitude: “If I need to help, where should I go to find you?”

Benjamin gave a call to his own office: “If I am not there, you can tell the person who answered the call… Ah, Lieutenant, where do I live?”

“I think I will live in Cairo Hostel.” Wang Weizhen did not hide.

He needs to make friends with Benjamin and then find out about Cairo from him.

“Well, I still have the task, see you next time, Agent Pitt.”

“See you next time, Benjamin Agent.”

Wang Weizhen sorted out the clothes and left here.

“Hey, Benjamin, who is that person?” A woman’s voice suddenly sounded behind Benjamin.

Benjamin turned his head back: “Ah, hello, Agent Annette. It was the CIA and came to Cairo.”

“The CIA?” Annette frowned, her eyes falling on the back of the man who got into the taxi. The more she saw it, the more she became familiar: “Where does he live?”

“Cairo Hostel, what’s up, Agent Annette?

Agent Annette did not answer anything. This back is definitely where I saw it and is so familiar.

She just couldn’t remember for a moment where she had seen this back. . . . . .

After entering the Cairo Hostel’s own room, Wang Weizhen checked the room and determined that there was no abnormality before opening the communication with Xiao Ling: “Help me check out any old friends or their descendants in Cairo. ”

“Okay, I will give you the answer soon.”

After a simple grooming, Wang Weizhen opened the suitcase that he carried with him, took out a piece of weapon from it, and then hid them in different positions in the room.

Even if he is surrounded by enemies, he is enough to rely on these weapons for a long time and then slip away from it without the help of Xiao Ling.

This is also a very important reason why Wang Weizhen never fears danger.

The door was knocked, and Wang Weizhen asked who was there. There was a woman’s voice outside: “Mr. Is it the gin you want?”

“Oh, yes.” When he came up, he asked for a bottle of gin.

He opened the door, and suddenly a black hole was aimed at him, and then a cold woman sang: “Hello, Pullie!”

Wang Weizhen saw the face outside the door and could not help but smile. God, it’s really a narrow road, but it’s an agent of the FBI’s Annette who was used by Dessau!

He even remembers the fierceness of himself and Agent Annette when he was in bed. . . . . . And how was Annette’s stunned by himself on the “respective” day

“Don’t move, Pulliet.” Annette forced Wang Weizhen into the room step by step: “Pick off your gun and throw it aside, don’t have any small movements, I don’t want to kill you now!”

Wang Weizhen took off the gun and threw it on the ground, then smiled and said: “Hey, we have been together for so long before you meet, but they are pointing at me.”

“It’s better than you to deceive me and stun me.” Annette’s eyes were cold: “Go over.”

Wang Weizhen turned back without rebellion, and Annette smashed his hand and picked him up. Then he safely closed the gun and closed the door.

“Why should I close the door? Annette Agent?” Wang Weizhen looked very embarrassed: “Don’t you want to go with me in the hostel?”

Thinking of the night in Dessau Hostel, Annette’s face could not help but feel a little feverish. . . . . . But she regained her calmness: “The last thing I regret is to believe in you. Well, let me see, you brought something to deceive people to Cairo this time.

He took out the documents from Wang Weizhen and looked at it: “Brad .Pitt Agent? The documents are very real, I can’t tell.”

She threw the documents at once and then walked over to Wang Weizhen’s luggage and checked them carefully.

“The Drifter, I think I should teach you some tips on how to open the handcuffs.” Xiao Ling screamed in the ear of Wang Weizhen with a banter and gloating: “Oh, I remembered that you should be hiding in your sleeve. A spare key? Have you already thought about this day?”

Laugh, gloating, Wang Weizhen hates the curse of Xiao Ling. . . . . . The soaring Skulls Baron was actually caught by a woman, which was not very glorious. . . . . .

He tried to touch the key from his sleeve and carefully explored the keyhole on the handcuff.

He now finds that unlocking is actually a technical activity. It turns out that on the film and television, those individuals who want to open a handcuff and play like it, a wire drum can be used to unlock the hand. It’s totally different when it’s your turn, even if you have a key, it’s so hard.

Fortunately, Annette was checking the baggage of Wang Weizhen there, and did not notice that the man was quietly preparing to get rid of the bondage.

In addition to finding some weapons and bullets in the suitcase, there is nothing special about it. If you switch to another object, it is a good choice to search for weapons, but this man is different, and he must have hidden more secrets.

Annette turned and looked serious: “Tell me, what are you doing with Cairo?”

“Looking for you.” Wang Weizhen’s answer is not hesitant.

“Listen, I don’t have the time to listen to your rhetoric.” Annette said with a sullen face: “Your set doesn’t work for me either. You have two choices now, or tell me honestly here. You can suffer less. Or go back with me, know that those who treat you like this have a thousand ways to let you speak…”

“Well, well, I think I should tell the truth.” Wang Weizhen said in a serious way: “Since Dessau separated from you, ah, or separated from you in an unfriendly way, I think every day. Later, I knew that you were in Cairo, so I braved! – I came to you.”

Although it is true that I know that the other person said that it is not true, it is still a little happy to be complimented by others. Annette’s face was a little red, then she sneered: “Mr. Plet, I think I can only call you this way. Since you don’t want to tell the truth, then I think I can only take you away. It is.”

She came to Wang Weizhen and let him stand up.

“Oh, I think we should still talk well.” Wang Weizhen sighed: “Anit, I think you will be late to get back to the office.”

Annette snorted and immediately reacted to what was happening. Her hand hurriedly reached her waist, but it was already late.

Wang Weizhen’s hand, which had been baked, slammed out, grabbed Annette, and then violently twisted her hand, then stuck her arm around Annette’s neck, and Annette’s entire body They were forced to snuggle into his arms.

A man’s breath that makes Annette so familiar is that even at this time, Annette is inexplicable – a burst of heart, but she has been awake to struggle for a few times, but there is no way to break free.

“Anette, don’t struggle, it will hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you, even though you just caught me just now.” While talking about Wang Weizhen, he took the gun from Annette’s waist, and then this Released Annette.

When Annette turned around, she found that her muzzle was already aimed at herself.

Wang Weizhen pointed a gun at Annette, then completely removed the handcuffs and threw it in front of Annette: “Hey, I think you know how to use this to copy you to the bed.”

“I will kill you,” Annette said with a grin.

“Of course, there may be a day, but you have to copy it yourself now.” Wang Weizhen said nothing at all.

Annette is well aware that in such circumstances, resistance is definitely not an wise choice. She bit her teeth and copied herself over the railing of the bed.

Wang Weizhen took the gun: “Ah, such a night reminds me of what happened in the Johnn Inn in Dessau.”

4. Annette’s face became “red” and became red. . . . . .

Dessau, Johnne Guest House.

She felt that her body had been swayed and she was gently placed on the bed. Annette was preparing for a new round of hot kisses, but suddenly found her hand was tied to the railing of the bed.

“What do you want to do, Baron?” Although he guessed the purpose of the other person, Annette couldn’t help but smile.

“Handcuffs, there are many, many uses…” Wang Weizhen slowly stripped off his clothes, and then his fingers continually provoked outside of Annette’s bra, and a little bit of re-hitting caused Annette’s Want fire.

The breath of Annette’s mouth is even louder. She can’t wait to wait for the man’s progress.

That day, she fell in love with the fascinating “Pulliet” and was willing to give it to him, but when she found herself deceived, such anger was hard to speak.

It was also because “Pulliet” escaped from her hands that she was also punished. But she still remembers what “Pulliet” said in her ear before she stunned her:

“If anything happens, all of them are shirked to Major David, and you don’t know anything.”

It was because of this that she escaped the FBI’s further punishment, only to transfer her from Germany to the more dangerous Cairo.

Should she hate “Pulliet” or should she dare to pick him up?

Wang Weizhen sat down beside her, then gently touched Annette’s face, which made Annette’s body tremble.

“What do you want to do?” Annette said with a bite.

“I never liked others to point me at the gun.” Wang Weizhen’s hand slid lightly on Annette’s face, and then gradually fell on her Annette’s neck: “If it’s a man, I have a lot.” A way to deal with it, but if it is a woman, and it is such a beautiful and charming woman, I think I have a better way.”

Annette knew what was going to happen, and her body couldn’t help but tremble. . . . . .

But what makes her feel strange is that she is afraid, but there are some expectations in the depths of her heart.

Wang Weizhen had taken off her coat and threw it away, then she leaned over to her ear and said, “When I saw you at first sight, guess what I thought of? I thought of you. The naked body thought of the crazy night at the Johann Hotel. What do you think of you?”

Annette shook her head.

But as the man’s fingers moved, her breathing began to increase.

One piece of clothing was removed, and eventually the familiar nude appeared again.

The man’s fingers are still in annoying movements, which makes Annette’s breathing more urgent.

Then, Annette was crushed under the man’s body.

Annette gave up all the thoughts, at least she was once again with this man!

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