The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country eight hundred and eighty-eight. Destroy the artillery position! Floating astronomy

“Haha, it’s going to be finished.”

At this time, the Tank began to slowly start again. A shell hit him, and Ge Yunser hurriedly ran away. The anti-Tank gun was blown and twisted.

“What’s the matter! This guy is really forbidden!” Major Luderman suddenly became frustrated again.

“You just stayed behind for too long. This is the new M6A1Tank in the United States. This small-caliber gun is simply tickling,” Martin told Major Luderman.

“That should be based on this guy!” Sergeant Nord and Sergeant Cram have begun to turn the only cannon in the middle of the village that was not blown up by the plane.

“Sir! You will use it?” Corporal Denes and Major Luderman asked as they called.

“No way, try your best.”

Sergeant Cram has fired, but the shell has been smashed, only to explode on the left side of the Tank.

Tank began to align with the cannon, and Sergeant Nord had just loaded the shells, which scared him and Sergeant Cram, and shot the shells in the same direction.

I don’t know what the Tank thinks. It just happened to move to the left. The shell hit the M6A1Tank and the turret flew out.

“Played beautifully!” Major Luderman cheered.

The only tank of the British army has already been driven out. When it is walking and firing, the enemy’s tank is constantly sparking. The members inside are stunned by the shock, but the members inside are trained, and the British army Tank is loaded. At the time, the shells were knocked out and the bombs were blown up.

“Give me death!” A shell flew out, but the two non-commissioned officers were not professional artillery.

The Americans had already rushed in. Major Luderman had knocked down three Americans in one shot, but the other hooked the neck of Major Luderman, and at that moment, the silver soldier flashed in front of him – Martin used The dagger cut his throat.

“Oh, my good Martin, thank you.” Major Luderman’s voice did not fall, but a series of sweeps, killing an American who rushed over.

The German plane rushed to reinforce, and M6A1Tank was blown up. The first wave of offensive by the Americans has retreated.

“Ah, our luck is really good, the plane can always appear at a critical moment, and the goddess of fortune still cares for us.” Martin said with a smug tone.

The Americans were not reconciled. After a few minutes of work, the Germans attacked more than 80 people under the cover of three M6A1Tanks.

Fortunately, there was a radio station in the hands of the coalition forces. They decided in the next few minutes to risk the accidental injury and called for the support of the gunfire. Major Luderman ran to a taller barn to guide the cannons that they had already in place. Cover.

Major Luderman did not deactivate the Sub Machine Gun on the barn to shoot at the US forces below, but the range was not enough, and the damn Sub Machine Gun had a short range. Major Luderman had to take out his gun and shoot it below.

Tank’s muzzle aimed at them. A shell hit him and exploded on the outer wall of the building, but it didn’t cause any damage, but Tank’s machine guns began to shoot at them, so they couldn’t lift their heads.

Several Americans climbed along the ladder, and the squatting soldiers hurriedly killed them. A red-eyed one stood up and was immediately screened.

At this time, Tank’s machine guns stopped. Originally, these Tanks also stunned. They forgot that there was a German cannon in the middle of the village. Sergeant Nord and Sergeant Kram smashed two of them after firing six shots. The remaining one of the Tanks hurriedly hid behind a dune and fired the cannon into parts. Sergeant Cram reacted quickly, pulling up Sergeant Nord to jump out of the explosion before the shells hit.

The Americans also dispatched three Tank and 90 infantrymen to kill. The coalition forces could not support it. However, the US military also learned the lesson that the first attack was too fast and led to a very fast shooting. Step by step, one by one with the high precision of M16 to kill the coalition soldiers in the distance.

“Mom, bastard, are you ready?” Sergeant Nord yelled at the barn.

“Ready.” The communications officers reported the approximate coordinates of the US troops and the slowly-moving Tank, which were almost inactive.

“Prepare – fire!” The German artillery commander finally issued such an order.

Intensive shells were fired from the turret. The US infantry was flying all over the sky, and the Germans were again stunned. The Germans also dispatched four fighters again, and the three tanks were blown into scrap iron.

The defeat of the US military will be hurriedly escaped. However, it is very unfortunate that more than a dozen people in the coalition have been accidentally wounded by gunfire. However, compared with the whole army being compared to the entire American army, the cost is much smaller.

The coalition leader sighed with relief. After dawn, it was the difficult time of the Allied artillery. When he thought of this, the coalition soldiers would forget the fierce battle just now, and the happy smile appeared again on his face.

“Well, soldiers, these Americans are really enough. You can sleep for a while. Tomorrow is the day to guide our planes and artillery to destroy enemy artillery units,” said an officer.

The soldiers yawned and fell asleep in just a few minutes. . . . . .

The sky is about to light up, and the coalition soldiers are still asleep. Did not pay attention to a few black shadows broke into the village. These black shadows sneaked into the sleeping German military soldiers, and took out a cold dagger, one caught the mouth of the communications soldier, and another knife cut his trachea. The other two shadows then placed a small explosive next to the radio. Then, the first one waved, and the black shadows quietly left.

A black shadow was too careless, and actually stepped on one of the legs on the ground, the Major Luderman in his sleep. . . . . . Because the house was bombed by German bombers, many Allied soldiers could only sleep on the ground. Major Luderman screamed in pain, then instinctively touched the pistol, then flew up and kicked the black belly, and the black shadow was kicked to the ground without responding. Although Major Luderman couldn’t understand, but knew that this was English, this time he scared him and shouted: “There are enemies!”

This sound awakened everyone, and the soldier sleeping next to the communications soldier found the body next to him and knew that it was an enemy attack.

The black shadow of the head was not good – and pulled out the M16 gun on his body. He wanted to kill the German sergeant Luderman, the bad thing. But he had not been able to shoot and was knocked down by a bullet. Major Luderman was just being himself. The black shadow that kicked to the ground was a shot. The rest of the shadows used Sub Machine Gun to sweep away after a while, but it was too late, and several soldiers blocked the village mouth and swept to them. The black shadows all fell to the ground.

Sergeant Cram slammed the flashlight and looked at the bodies on the ground – dressed in American uniforms. Lieutenant Ge Yunser and several other officers felt that sending these people to attack the village must be weird. At this moment, a loud noise, the radio was blown up.

“God, these Americans are coming to those radios.” Sergeant Nord slammed his chest, no radio. They had no way to guide their planes and cannons.

“What should I do now, retreat?” Corporal Denes asked helplessly.

“That’s why you didn’t give up, corporal,” said a British soldier.

“It seems that there is only one way…” Martin, who turned around on the ground, inserted a sentence. . . . . . He is almost equivalent to a staff member in this team.

“What?” The soldiers gathered on Martin.

“That is to grab an enemy’s radio.” Martin said the second half of the sentence.

“How to grab? How do we know where they are?” Martin asked.

“This is simple. Ask the French prisoners of war not to end. There must be a radio in the Americans.” Major Luderman said what Martin wanted to say.

The coalition forces did not pay much effort to open the mouths of those French prisoners of war and learned the location of the US military headquarters – the headquarters used to control and monitor the French army. The American troops who came to attack them at night started from there. And not far from them, to be exact, very close, you can walk in an hour. Because the US military headquarters was originally far from here, but in order to facilitate the control of the French army and the war, they have to move to Moto, now they should be outside the village and must be waiting for the support of their friends. . . . . .

One of the French prisoners of war then went on to confess – I heard that at the request of the Americans, Italy would dispatch a battalion to protect the headquarters, and it would arrive almost at noon. Then things would be troublesome.

“Today is really suffocating.” Sergeant Nord said that everything is not going well today.

“No way, Nord, it can only be so now. Before the Italians, destroy the US military headquarters.” Lieutenant Ge Yunser showed a strong confidence.

“Oh, I think we can only do this…”

The soldiers immediately dispatched, and the road was peaceful and smooth. An hour later, they arrived near the headquarters of the US military. The US military is building a fortification here and waiting for the reinforcements to arrive.

The Germans did not have a radio and could no longer summon planes and cannons.

Major Luderman borrowed a telescope from Sergeant Kram. He looked at the US military position. He always felt that a wooden shed at the edge of the position was murderous. He asked Sergeant Cram to take the wooden shed. He found that the shed was actually setting up M2 machine guns, one after the other, and the US military was concealing them, that is, the wooden shed could shoot 4000 bullets in one minute – this is what Martin told them, at any time. It is possible to shoot a person who is only a wooden shed. If the Americans complete the machine gun deployment, then the offense will be bad.

Sergeant Nord is also thinking about whether it is possible to attack the trenches in front of the wooden shed and on the left, and then enter the wooden shed along the trenches and destroy the machine guns, which can greatly reduce the casualties of the storm.

At this time, the coalition’s mortars and snipers shot two US military machine guns on the spot and flew up on the spot, then the soldiers shouted out. Americans are also not good at anger, let alone this is a US military elite. They attacked insanely, and the coalition forces were suddenly pressed to the ground by powerful firepower. However, at this time, the wooden shed was pouring over the bullets like rainstorms. The soldiers of the coalition forces were forced to jump over the wall and jumped into the trenches. A fierce melee with the US military, the various weapons of both sides are so lethal, causing heavy casualties on both sides. However, these Americans seem to have been a little tired of last night’s battle, and the coalition forces have eliminated this trench. However, the bullets on the side of the wooden shed are getting denser and denser. The soldiers are not able to lift their heads by the M2 heavy machine guns, and the sound of the M2 heavy machine guns is so uncomfortable. Sergeant Cram, according to the plan of Sergeant Noord, took the man to the wooden shed in the trenches. They rushed to the side of the wooden shed and there were a few there. !

Subsequently, Sergeant Cram jumped out of the trenches and fired a string of bullets at a machine gun. The machine gunners were killed on the spot.

“Brothers! Go in here!” A corporal with two South African soldiers also rushed out of the trenches.

After a few seconds of hard work, someone took over and shot them. The South African soldiers were unprepared to be beaten.

Sergeant Cram was shot twice and fell back to the trench.

“Be careful!” A soldier shouted, and he took the gun against the trench that was connected to it from another place. The warrior coalition originally thought there was no one inside. He did not expect five US troops. The soldier just had to pull the trigger, a string of flames sprayed over, and the soldier burned out of the trench and was killed by a machine gun – it was a flamethrower!

“Everyone is careful to shoot! Grab their flamethrower!” Corporal Denes shouted.

A British army hesitated because of this sentence, and his head was broken.

They were helpless at the moment and had to fight back against these American troops. Fortunately, they saw their own people in the machine guns above, and they did not dare to work too hard. After all, the Americans wore a flamethrower and a bullet hit the fuel tank. These American troops were shrouded in flames on the spot. However, the flamethrower is naturally finished.

“Damn!” The coalition forces trapped in the trenches are bitter.

Major Luderman and Martin sneaked behind the stone behind the wooden shed during the assault. The US machine gunners were also dazzling at the moment – they were so busy on the other side, they didn’t see them. Of course, Sergeant Cram was only a pawn. The two guys killed them in the positional battle, didn’t care about them, and didn’t know they were getting more.

Major Luderman stayed with Martin and became a lot of cleverness. He thought hard and thought of an idea: he just found two bottles of wine from a US military body. The glass bottle is newly bought. It’s high enough, really, just too nervous. I forgot this.

“Hey, Martin, I can see that two bottles of wine can be used as a burning bottle.”

“Oh, good idea, wooden house, just a little, but unfortunately these two bottles of wine.”

“I can’t take care of a lot in order to complete the task.”

Major Luderman and Martin said that they would do the work. Two pieces of rags were stuffed into the bottle and made into a burning bottle. Then the two took out a lighter, a little, and then threw it into the wooden shed.

“Boom”, the wooden shed was on fire, of course, the two bottles of wine will never ignite a big fire, but the US military inside jumped, and several rushed out to see, Major Luderman and Martin shot and killed them. It is.

Sergeant Cram did not understand what happened, but the godsend opportunity must not be missed. They took the opportunity to rush into the wooden shed and kill all the Americans inside. Major Luderman and Martin also rushed in.

“Radio! Radio!” A German was screamed happily.

“No wonder the defense is so strict.”

“Haha, it’s the two of you guys. It’s really beautiful. I will apply for a big bonus for you.” Corporal Denis was very happy.

“But now… you two idiots, quickly give me the fire!” Sergeant Kram screamed.

“Yes! Sir!” The German soldiers hurriedly put out the fire. The remnants of the US military saw that they occupied the wooden shed and began to attack the madness. But they were all annihilated in a few minutes, and there was news that they caught a big fish – the commander of the unit and the monitor of the French army # Colonel. And the Italians still don’t know, stupidly came to support, and as a result, two shots were beaten, and more than 100 people were disarmed. No way, the Italians’ fighting power is not flattering, there is nothing to say.

Lieutenant Ge Yunser took his deployment map of the enemy artillery positions. He used radio to guide the artillery to destroy most of the artillery pieces. Their efforts were not in vain.

In the afternoon, the coalition forces began a constant attack. The French army had been smashed because of monitoring their control center. Most of them lost their fighting spirit and surrendered. Only a small part of them had stubborn resistance, but it was not long before they were annihilated. Major Luderman should return to the team. During the period in North Africa, they really had a lot of knowledge. According to the generals, they would first pass on some experience to the offensive forces and then return to the front line. At the same time, in view of their hard work, each of them received a big medal. . . . . .

Ernst . The plan agreed by Breem and Marshal Moddle is proceeding in an orderly manner. The coalition counterattack led by the Germans in North Africa has begun. Soon, the war in North Africa will be reversed.

The Allies can’t think of it anyway, Ernst. Breem will magically appear in the battlefield of North Africa. How did he do it? How quickly and magically arrived here? This is probably a huge mystery that has plagued them forever.

For Wang Weizhen, the good show has just been staged, because a huge change has already been staged in North Africa.

Here, in addition to Brittish and South Africans, they have another ally that looks less reliable but very useful.

Moreover, they and Wang Weizhen are also old friends, at least they think so!

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