The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is eighty-eight. Marshal Caelum, Astronomical

For Annette, the man around him has become a comet.

In fact, think about it, do you really want to catch him? If so, what do you do here alone?

Or, in her heart, I didn’t even want to do this, but even Annette didn’t know it.

I figured this out, and there was no way to change the environment at the moment. Annette then let go of her body and mind and enjoyed the happiness that this man brought to herself.

When the sun spread into the room, the two people woke up. Wang Weizhen smiled awkwardly at Annette, and Annette’s body got into the arms of Wang Weizhen.

After a while, she revisited Wang Weizhen: “Can you tell me what you are doing here now?”

“Yes, it’s okay now.” Wang Weizhen felt that Annette was a good helper. Maybe he could make himself more effective in Cairo’s actions: “Listen, I am a German, I am doing things for my country, but I am not a spy, I am just a pure soldier.”

For this, Annette is not particularly convinced that from the “Pulliet” every move, he is completely a spy.

“First tell me your real name, I know you are not what Plett.”

“Of course, I am Ernst.” Wang Weizhen replied calmly.

Ernst, Annette read the name again, until this time, he has not yet connected this “Ernst” with the Baron Skulls.

Indeed, who can think of the Skulls Baron actually appearing in Cairo?

“Anit, I am German, and you are American, you don’t have to help me, but I need your help.” Wang Weizhen said frankly: “I want to enter the Egyptian royal palace and see Queen Farida. ”

“Do you want to cooperate with Farida to instigate the Egyptian uprising?” Annette understood the other side’s meaning.

Wang Weizhen nodded. “This will work well with the German army in North Africa… Of course, I said, you can refuse me. You have no responsibility to help me.”

Annette is silent, she doesn’t know what to do.

If it is something else, she is happy to help Ernst. But now it is necessary to do what he wants, but it is tantamount to betraying his country.

That is treason.

“My country is in jeopardy and the United States will not affect the country even if it loses North Africa.” Wang Weizhen sat up from the bed: “Listen, Annette, you must have a choice. I, or the United States.”

“You are not afraid that I will promise you now, and then sell you?” Annette suddenly asked.

Wang Weizhen smiled a little: “I am not afraid, I will never be afraid. And I know you. You either choose to reject me, but will never sell me.”

It’s a good thing to be able to get trust, and Annette decided to take a risk for Ernst. A woman who is in love is often blind. She will not manage her identity, or even if she has a wife or family. For her, the man she loves is everything about her.

“Tonight, there will be a banquet in the Egyptian royal palace. Fouad Sultan will host a new US military commander in Egypt, General Roy. The FBI will be responsible for security in the palace, and I can arrange for you to enter.”

“Thank you, Annette.”

“No, you listen to me first.” Annette interrupted Wang Weizhen’s words: “The only thing I can help you is this time, and we will no longer meet anyone this time.”

Wang Weizhen smiled: “Or. But who knows the fate?”

Annette sighed and looked at the handsome face of the man around her. . . . . .

This is a good start!

When I met Annette, I almost let Wang Weizhen expose it, but fortunately he solved this trouble.

And more importantly, he succeeded in letting Annette agree to help himself. Perhaps Annette was willing to promise, and then took the opportunity to arrest in the palace, but Wang Weizhen decided to take the risk.

Danger is always ubiquitous. When danger comes, how to resolve it is the most important thing.

Annette’s identity for Wang Weizhen was open to the American assistants in the Egyptian royal palace, while the other was the CIA agent, which allowed Wang Weizhen to cope with whatever situation he encountered.

It was the royal palace that I visited twenty years ago, but this time it was already a thing of the past. A large number of US and FBI agents closely monitored the inside and outside of the palace. Without the help of Annette, Wang Weizhen might not have the opportunity to enter.

“嘿・Pitt Agent.

I haven’t seen Annette yet, Benjamin has already appeared first. He warmly greeted him: “Lieutenant, how come you are here?”

“Oh, don’t expose my identity.” Wang Weizhen looked nervous around and looked around: “I am only assisting the support staff for the dinner, but not Pitt Agent.”

Benjamin suddenly realized: “Ah, yes, you are not an agent of Pitt, I don’t know you. Don’t worry, I will keep it secret for you.”

For this Benjamin agent, Wang Weizhen was a little dumbfounded. He really didn’t know how such people could get into the FBI. It is only by virtue of the other party’s words and words that you can be convinced.

“Hey, Pitt, come with me.” Annette appeared at this time, and she stood faceless in front of Wang Weizhen: “I have already arranged for you.”

“Okay.” Wang Weizhen nodded and said to Ben: “See you after the mission.”!

“See you later at the end of the mission.”

Watching “Pitt Agent” and Agent Annette go in, Benjamin’s companion couldn’t help but ask: “Who is that person? It seems to be very good.”

“Of course, he is the CIA.” Benjamin forgot the secret promise of “Pitt Agent” and said: “My friend, of course, I also have many friends in CIIA. Ah, you need help.” Are these guys’ abilities great, and they are all too busy to help.”

When Benjamin brags, Wang Weizhen has followed Annette into the palace hall. Annette lowered her voice and said, “I can only help you here, and the rest depends entirely on you.”

“I am very grateful.” Wang Weizhen expressed his gratitude.

Annette hesitated: “Will you go back after the mission is completed?”

“Probably.” Wang Weizhen knows what the other person is thinking: “Hey, I said that we might see each other again in the future. Don’t worry, I will think about you.”

Annette bit her lip and quickly left the man. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen calmed down and carefully looked at the palace.

There have been many guests coming. Most of them are Egyptian realists, officials of the US Embassy in Cairo, and US military officers.

“Mr. Caelum, the Defence Minister of the Sultan, and his wife!”

With this sound, a familiar voice came in. Wang Weizhen recognized this person too. It was the most important supporting role of Caelum, the most important supporting role of the first Cairo mutiny. Ah, he is now a marshal.

Colonel Tamusta, the head of the “Egyptian Military Corps”? Where is he now?

“General Sergeant Roy, the Allied Commander in Egypt, is here!”

There was a round of applause in the hall, and the proud general Roy appeared with the American Ambassador to Cairo, Horidi and a large group of staff officers.

“The kings of Egypt and Sudan, the rulers of Nubia, Kordofan and Darfur, Mohammed Fouad II!”

When Fouad appeared, Wang Weizhen almost doubted that he had made a mistake.

This – this is just a child of ten years old! Is this child actually having so many things in Egypt? Even the house of Queen Farina?

But when he saw the person standing next to Fouad, Wang Weizhen understood it.

A beautiful woman who is not expected to be 30 years old, radiant and beautiful, and standing on the other side of Fouad, Wang Weizhen is too familiar with this person:

Colonel Tamusta, head of the “Egyptian Military Corps”!

However, he is also promoted now. From the perspective of the golden star, he has become an admiral.

If there is no guess, it must be that Tamusta assisted Fouad in doing this. . . . . . But this is just a guess in Wang Weizhen’s heart. . . . . .

“Thank you for coming…. Let us welcome General Roy with warm applause…” Fouad made an opening speech with his still tender voice.

In the applause, Wang Weizhen quickly observed that he found Caelum to be a marshal, but he did not receive any special attention and the position was actually arranged behind. Was this former Egyptian real power figure already lost?

Wang Weizhen decided to take another risk. . . . . .

He quietly approached Caelum and whispered, “Marshal Caelum.”

Caelum turned back. When he saw the face, Caelum’s shock was completely incapable of being described in words. He did not believe that he could still see this person here.

Wang Weizhen shook his head quietly toward him, then swept his eyes toward the side wing. Then he left.

On the large terrace on the side, there is no one. Wang Weizhen lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, touched the gun at the waist, and there were only two results. One was Caelum himself, and the other was for a large number of enemies. .

Less than a minute, Wang Weizhen’s fears did not appear. . . . . . Caelum is coming alone!

“God, this is the miracle, Lord Baron, you, you are still alive, why are you here?” Caelum looked a little nervous.

“Hey, I came to meet my old friend.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile.

Caelum smiled bitterly: “Oh, I forgot, there is nothing that the Skulls Baron dare not do. He can go anywhere he wants.”

Wang Weizhen looked around: “Marshal Caelum, tell me what happened to Cairo.”

Caelum sighed and then told Wang Weizhen about the original changes in Egypt. . . . . .

After the initial stabilization of the Egyptian regime, Farouk I re-emerged his true character, he gradually tired of the fading Queen Faridah, and turned to the younger and more beautiful Nisma, which is Fouad. The woman around.

Nisma was quickly captured by Farouk I’s power and wealth, became his lover, and gave birth to a son, the Fouad, in 1952.

Farouk I was ecstatic and publicly determined that Fouad was the Crown Prince of Egypt, “Prince Saeed,” confirming Fouad’s inheritance of the Egyptian throne and preparing to derogate Farina’s queenship, but this was met with morality! Strong opposition from the country and the United Kingdom. Farouk I can only give up. !

After the death of Farouk I, Fouad succeeded the position of the King of Egypt, and Farida, who was supported by Germany and the United Kingdom, became the Queen of Regency.

However, this is not what Faad’s mother, Nisma, wants to see. . . . . . She found a powerful helper:

General Tamusta!

The head of this “Egyptian Army” is no longer the colonel who had been full of blood for the Egyptian freedom.

For the right, he became infinitely greedy. And Nisma’s help to him also made him see the hope of becoming Egypt’s actual control.

The two parties that hit it off quickly formed an alliance and made secret contact with the United States. Then the war broke out. After the Allies controlled Cairo, Farida was under house arrest, and Nisma and Tamusta got everything they wanted.

The first one was Felida and the second was Caelum. If it weren’t for Caelum’s own great reputation in Egypt and the power of his family in Egypt, perhaps his fate is now the same as Farida.

However, although he is still the Minister of National Defense, the actual power in his hands has been completely deprived.

Tamusta used the method very cleverly – with the support of the Allies, he set up the Egyptian General Staff, responsible for all the dispatch of the Egyptian army, which also made the Ministry of Defense a device.

“These are all Tamusta?” Wang Weizhen still had some doubts.

In his impression, Tamusta is a bloody officer. He even gave his life for the freedom of Egypt. If it wasn’t for him, his plan would not be so easy to succeed, but at the moment in Caelum’s mouth, Tamusta It has become a cold-blooded animal that chases power.

“Baron, many things have changed since you left…” Caelum sighed: “For power, he killed many former comrades, and the ‘Egyptian Military Corps’ he controlled has become a terrorist organization. They are arbitrarily arrested and arbitrarily slaughtered in Egypt, and no one can limit them.”

Wang Weizhen nodded. Yes, many people will be lost in the face of power.

“Baron, do we still have hope?” Caelum asked indefinitely: “Under their rule, Egypt does not see any bright future. We need the help of external forces. We want to restore the freedom of Egypt in the past. Everything you want to get, but Germany and the UK have failed…”

“Germany has not failed.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “I am coming, I will reverse it all again. Marshal Caelum, maybe it will be very difficult, but we are still full of hope, are you willing to assist me? But I must I want to tell you that this road is very difficult and may even make you lose your life.”

“I am very old and live enough.” Caelum is not afraid at all: “The only thing I can’t tolerate is that Tamusta is still in that position. I swear I will use any means I can use to get rid of him. Baron, Caelum is willing to listen to your command.”

“Thank you, Marshal Caelum.” Wang Weizhen nodded with satisfaction: “Now tell me, do you still have the power to use?”

“Of course, I can tell you responsibly that a deep-rooted family is never so easy to be eradicated.” Caelum said proudly: “I have a large number of people in Cairo or in the Egyptian army. But because I can’t see the future, I don’t dare to make any moves. Baron, as long as you make a order, all the people are going to act, and everyone can fight for you!”

“War for Egypt.” Wang Weizhen corrected his statement: “Let your people be secretly organized, but the Americans have probably discovered something. Now they are very strict, let them wait for orders, before the order arrives, No public events are allowed.”

“I will.” Caelum said solemnly.

“Where is Farida?” Wang Weizhen asked one of his most concerned questions at this time: “Is she planning to plan a big uprising throughout Egypt?”

“Yes, and it was planned to drink with me.” Caelum quickly replied: “But the Americans and Tamusta discovered our attempt, the Queen was under house arrest, and I was closely monitored. Without the Queen’s call, I have no way to carry out the uprising alone.”

“Is there a way to see the Queen? And I will see it now.”

“It’s really difficult, but it’s not impossible.” Caelum looked out: “The captain responsible for monitoring the Queen is actually my own.”

“Very good, you can arrange it now.” Wang Weizhen rest assured: “They are welcoming General Roy, and the attention will not be attracted to the Queen. This is probably our best chance.”

“Okay, I will do it right away. I believe the Queen is also very happy to see you.” When leaving, Caelum did not forget to say: “Thank you, Baron, I am very happy to see you soon.”

“I am also very happy to see you again, Marshal Caelum.” Wang Weizhen said quietly.

At this moment, Caelum is full of hope, he knows that the invaluable baron will be able to help Egypt!

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