The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! One hundred and thirty-six. Investment, floating astronomy

Wealth was still of some use. Wang Weizhen was called Pippendu and Will Tingland in a separate room. I was grateful to them for their assistance and then said:

“We are afraid we will be trapped here, but you are different, you are French, you can leave here. Mr. Xi Gang, Mr. Tingland, thank you for your help, now you can leave.”

The two Frenchmen stunned and Pippendu said immediately: “Baron Alexson, you are a respectable gentleman, we want to continue with you, but you have to know that we are not soldiers”

“I know.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “I also know that you all have dreams, so I want to help you complete this dream.”

Pippen Du and Will were too confused, and Wang Weizhen immediately took out the contract that had been written: “I will provide you with a fund to help you build your own winery and garment factory, and I will Occupy half of the shares. I am not sure when I will collect the dividend I deserve, but I will come one day. As long as you sign your name on this contract, these things are yours. It is.”

He said, he took out two more suitcases and opened them, all of which contained francs and gold jewels.

The French looked at it. They really couldn’t think of a good thing like a pie in the sky. Willn said: “Are you telling the truth? If we sign, you are willing to invest?”

Their shock is not unreasonable. During the war, nothing was left, all the supplies would be given priority to the front line, and the French had no money to taste the red wine and buy new clothes.

If they get such a large investment, they can survive this difficult time, and once the war is over, they can resume production immediately, which is a huge advantage that competitors in the industry can’t match.

“I am Baron Alexson, I won’t deceive you.” Wang Weizhen pushed the contract forward.

Pippendu and Will negotiated lowly and then excitedly said: “Baron Alexson, we can ensure that every investment in your franc will be rewarded in the future!”

Then they did not hesitate to sign their name on the contract.

“Leave your money with you.” After receiving the contract, Wang Weizhen gave them two suitcases: “Mr. Fritz will send you out. Good luck to you.”

“Baron Alexson, good luck, we will be waiting for you in Paris day and night.”

Wang Weizhen watched the two future super riches leave here, and then he heard Xiao Ling’s voice ringing in his ear: “Congratulations, The Drifter, you have owned half of Margaux and Montagut from now on, but This method is despicable.”

“It’s mean and mean.” Wang Weizhen said easily: “But it’s good to be a super rich, Xiao Ling, I have to ask you a very serious question.”

Wang Weizhen suddenly thought of one thing: “If I have the opportunity to cross again, will these things I have done in this era still exist? Will Skulls Baron Ernst .Breem be there? I am on Margaux Manor and What about Montagut’s investment? Is it there?”

Xiao Ling was really silent for a long time and said: “The things that have happened will not change Ernst. Breem will always be, everything you have done will be permanently preserved, even Dr Qin has not thought of it. The Drifter can create so many miracles, the names you have left in history that you shouldn’t have appeared or, more accurately, you have begun to seriously affect the historical process.”

Wang Weizhen doesn’t care about the historical process at all: “So, if I had the chance to cross the most prosperous era of Margaux and Montagut, can I really become a rich man?”

“If you combine the price and the appreciation ratio of your current investment in a few decades, you will become a super-rich.” Xiao Ling’s tone is obviously very unpleasant: “You are not only changing the course of the war, Even still affecting”

Xiao Ling said what Wang Weizhen didn’t listen to at all. This is really a good deal. I still have a small bag of diamonds in my pocket. If I can find a few future super-rich people to invest, then my wealth is not a rich enemy?

Will you become the richest man in the world?

“Enough, don’t think about it, you have to think about how to get out of it now, or your investment will be lost.” Xiao Ling reminded him.

Wang Weizhen woke up. Yeah, how can you escape from here now?

“You still have no support for the aircraft.” Xiao Ling made a new suggestion: “I can order the aircraft to bomb Lance.”

“No, there is no need to use such a frequent mobilization of aircraft for precision bombing, which will cause suspicion, and this may not be able to break out.” Wang Weizhen shook his head and felt that the aircraft support was used in a more useful place: Is there any other way? Is there any weak link in Lance?”

“The Drifter has not been found so far. I have a suggestion. The base is not far from you. You can find an excuse to go out and enter the base. Since your main mission has been completed, I will be able to take you away.”

Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “Xiao Ling, you haven’t figured out the true feelings of human beings. All the companions here are the comrades who accompanied me in bloody battles. If I abandon them, I will be guilty of this life and you always say I can’t change history at will, think about it. If people like Hitler and Manstein die here, that’s the disaster of real history.”

Xiao Ling silently said: “I admit that you are right this time and hope that you can break through like you did in Somme last time.”

“Yeah, I hope too.” Wang Weizhen said that his eyes suddenly turned on: “I have a way! Hell, why didn’t I think of this method earlier!”

He said, he rushed out of the room and summoned all the subordinates: “Adolf, what did you say during the day? Three Tanks?”

Hitler was there for a while, and then I remembered what I said: “Yeah, we saw three Tanks entering Lance, about Brittish support, and preparing to enter the front line.”

“Gentlemen, please prepare for the breakout. Of course, we have to make a small adventure before this,” Wang Weizhen said with a smile.

Rommel understood it at a glance: “Do you want to play the idea of ​​the three Tanks?”

See Wang Weizhen, and Rommel solemnly said; “Ernst, I have to remind you that this is not easy. The French will be very careful to guard their Tank”

“No, I don’t think it’s that difficult.” Wang Weizhen confidently said: “Now the French have become a mess. On the front line, our army is fought bravely. In Lance, Dessad is desperately arresting us. They don’t want to mobilize a lot of troops to guard the Tank. Moreover, Desad can’t dream of it, we should have to hide their Tanks.

Rommel thought about it and did not continue to raise his own objections.

Ernst .Breem is such a person, there is nothing that he dare not do. This is a daring officer.

“Ernst, since you have already decided, let me talk about your thoughts.”

“We will act after dawn.” Wang Weizhen put together a plan that he had long thought of: “The French will be closely monitored at night, and it is the most dangerous. After dawn, it has worked hard for a whole night. The French will be very tired, and their defense will be relaxed at that time. Sterk, you and Elena, Adolf, Bunkerley stay, take care of the people here, they just dare to act rashly, you are welcome. The rest are ready to be with me. Act together.”

“Wait.” Manstein suddenly raised his own question: “Who will open the Tank?”

Wang Weizhen stunned, and he thought of everything. He had never thought about this fatal problem.

I have the guidance of Xiao Ling, and I have also opened the Tank myself before. Although the Tank of my time is completely different from the Tank of this era, can I still drive away? But what about the other two tanks?

“I don’t know if driving a car and opening a tank is the same, but I can give it a try.” Okus suddenly said.

“Okay, you count one.” Wang Weizhen put some heart down, at least two tanks.

“I can try it.” Rommel thought for a moment: “After that Brittish went into the Tank attack, I specialized in finding a wrecked Tank for a long time. If I was lucky, I could start it.”

Yes, yes, you can. If the “Desert Fox” can’t even play with a Tank, can it be a joke?

All three of the Tanks have their own drivers, even though these three people have never been able to drive before, thinking that people are somewhat worried.

“Once we start to act, if we haven’t returned yet two hours later, you will immediately retreat.” Wang Weizhen did not trust Elena to say: “Desad’s goal is mainly me, as long as they kill me, the search will immediately relax. Come down.”

“You will succeed, is it, Baron Skulls?” Elena’s heart is full of confidence in Wang Weizhen.

“I will succeed, and I promise to come back to pick you up.” Wang Weizhen replied firmly.

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