The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! One hundred and thirty-five. Popovac, floating astronomy

Nothing is Ernst. Breem can’t do it.

He actually let Adolf.Hitler pretending to be the generals of General El Raffar on the streets of Lance.

Raffain general in casual clothes!

Adolf.Hitler and his companions were nervous. Every time they met the patrol, Major Ernst slammed them harshly: “This is General Raffar!”

As long as any one of the patrols is suspicious, it will be exposed.

But perhaps Ernst’s luck is so good that perhaps the French people couldn’t think of a group of daring “fugitives” who dare to pretend to be General Lafran, which has never been exposed.

When he came to the residence of Bo Watts, Wang Weizhen let Manstein knock on the door, and the housekeeper of Wave Watts came out. Manstein immediately said in a low tone: “General Raffarin is here.”

The butler looked at it and found that General Raffarin was waiting in the dark under the protection of a group of soldiers. The housekeeper did not have any doubts, and General Raffarin did come here often.

The door was completely opened, and a muzzle was already aimed at the butler’s head: “Just kill you! Where is Wave Watts?”

The butler was so horrified that in Lance for so many years, no one ever dared to hold a gun to the head of the wave

A group of people rushed in, and until now Wang Weizhen was relieved. If the butler has any doubts, then it will only be hard.

The big room inside was brightly lit, and from time to time there was a laughter and a banquet.

“When the war was smashed and sacrificed, some people were singing and dancing.” Wang Weizhen sorted out the clothes and asked Elena around him: “Elena, can I invite you to dinner together? Mr. Simond’s party.”

“I accept your invitation, Baron Alexson.” Elena smiled and took Wang Weizhen’s arm.

The door was pushed open, and Wave Watts, who was laughing out loud and telling others some interesting stories, said loudly: “Look, who is my friend?”

His words are only halfway down and they are there.

A pair of very intimate young men and women came in, the girl was bright and moving, and the man’s

“Mr. Simond, we met again.” Wang Weizhen calmly walked in with Elena, and behind him, rushed into several soldiers with live ammunition.

The guests were a little scared, but when they saw that these people were wearing French military uniforms, a heart was released.

“Moyotenant” wave * Watts said the name nervously and scared

“Mr. Simond, why aren’t you so good at the party?” Wang Weizhen picked up two glasses of wine if nothing had happened, and handed a cup to Elena: “Miss Heinrich, such a good wine was hard to get during the war. We should be thankful to Mr. Simond.”

Elena raised the cup: “Thank you, Mr. Simond.”

“My honour” wave @瓦茨尴尬 smiled: “I really want to invite you, Moyol Lieutenant but I don’t know where you are”

There was a fight outside, and Wang Weizhen knew that it was Manstein who was working on the wave of Watts.

He came to the side of Bo Watts: “Respected gentlemen, ladies, I always want to respect the respected Mr. Simond is not going to lie. He and I plan to rob a two hundred pounds. Gold, but I have been there until the night and I have not seen Mr. Simond appear.”

The guests exclaimed, even though they knew what Wave Watts was doing, it was surprising that the “Moeutenant” was so bright and straightforward.

“You listen to me, Moyol Lieutenant”

Bo Watts knew that he had a big disaster, and he tried hard to explain it, but Wang Weizhen interrupted him very rudely: “You don’t have to say anything, Mr. Simond, because you know that there is no Russian nobility. Gold, ah, I don’t blame you for this. You are a gangster. You should always do things for the sake of profit, but you should not sell me. I am very angry and sad. I trust the ‘friends’ who betrayed me. It will make me sad for a lifetime.”

Wave Watts swallowed a sip of water and he felt a trace of fear. If the person in front of me is really Ernst.Breem, as much as Major Desade has guessed, it will be a big problem.

“Right, I don’t call Moyol. I have to introduce myself to you and your guests.” Wang Weizhen drank: “My name is Ernst Alexson von Breem.”

Waves Watts completely sinks a heart

Baron Skulls – the demon of Somme – Ernst .Breem!

Someone in the guest exclaimed, but some people did not know who Ernst.Breem was.

“I am a German major”

When Wang Weizhen came out, all the guests were confused.

“Quiet, quiet.” Wang Weizhen kept the guests quiet: “Yes, the German Major, I was ordered to come here to perform a mission, and there was some misunderstanding with General Raffarin, so I have to come here. Respect Gentlemen, ladies, please don’t panic, if there is no special situation, I will not hurt you.”

This made the guests slightly put down some of their hearts.

“Elwin, please let these guests rest in the room on the side. No one can leave without my order.”

When the panicked guests were taken away, Wang Weizhen turned to Wave Watts: “Mr. Simond, let’s talk about our problems. Of course, we have to search your body before this. Adolf, please Politely check if Mr. Simond is carrying weapons.”

Adolf .Hitler went over, and Wave Watts did not dare to move. Hitler checked very carefully. The weapon was not checked, but a small bag was found.

Wang Weizhen was keenly aware that the fat on the face of Wave Watts had beaten, and suddenly he was very curious about this little bag: “Adolf, please bring this to me.”

The small bag was in the hand, heavy, and opened, Wang Weizhen suddenly felt dizzy.

A full bag of diamonds.

God, this is a huge fortune. He glanced at Wave Watts and found that the expression on the face of this big fat man was too complicated:

Sad, painful, distressed, angry

Wang Weizhen unknowingly collected the diamond: “Mr. Simond, we need to stay with you for one night. Of course, we still need some supplies, I hope you can provide it to us.”

As he was saying, Manstein came in. There was some blood on his body: “The majors have all been solved. Two people want to resist and are killed by us.”

The face of Wave Watts changed a lot. These professional soldiers, murder is never soft.

“Thank you, Fritz, trouble you to go to Mr. Simond’s house and search for something we can use.” Wang Weizhen said politely, then continued to say to Wave Watts: “When tomorrow is dawn, I need You take us all out of Lance.”

“This is impossible.” Wave Watts tried to keep his voice calm: “I don’t want it, but I can’t do it at all. The matter of arresting you is not the responsibility of General Raffarin. Major Desade is a savvy person. Let me tell you the truth. Since you have escaped his arrest, the major will definitely regard this as a shame. No one can leave here, even if I go out. Will be subject to strict checks.”

Wang Weizhen knows that he has not deceived himself and is telling the truth.

Originally in his imagination, the position of Bo Watts in Reims, and the relationship with Raffarin, or the opportunity to bring himself out, but now it seems that this plan can not be achieved.

“Where can I leave?” Wang Weizhen asked indulgingly.

“No.” Wave Watts shook his head. “I’m pretty sure not, even if you kill me now, I still say that. When I came back, I saw that Lance has been blocked. You don’t understand Major Desade’s temper, in order to catch you, he has ordered General Raffarin to order, every force that leaves Lance to go to the front line must be accurately verified by their chiefs, and any problems will be caused by them. The chief is responsible.”

Things are getting more and more troublesome. Originally this was what Wang Weizhen thought, to see if there was a way to mix Lance from the French army, but now it seems that this road has also been sealed off –

Is it sitting here waiting?

“And if Major Dessad can’t see me one day, he will send someone up to tomorrow night.” Wave Watts said a more serious question: “I am afraid you will all be exposed, Baron Alexson.”

There are less than twenty-four hours to find a way, but is there any way to get out of here?

Wang Weizhen has to face a new challenge.

Manstein didn’t have a good harvest. He found a lot of francs and some gold jewels, but unfortunately they couldn’t take them away from Lance.

The heart of Wave Watts is bleeding, this is the wealth that he has accumulated so hard. He doesn’t trust the bank, he only trusts to put all his wealth in the place he sees. This cursed Ernst.

“We are rich, are we?” Wang Weizhen said that he was not depressed at all, but joked.

But these wealth made him think of another thing.

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