The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! One hundred and thirty-seven. Capture Tank, Astronomy

One night of search and arrest, but nothing, Ernst. Breem and his companions still did not find traces.

Major Desade listened carefully to the reports from the subordinates, and the brows were tightly locked together. Ernst.Breem seemed to have evaporated from Lance.

He must be still in Lance! No one can escape from such a heavily guarded place! But the question now is, where did he hide?

Where is Lance available for him to hide for a night?

“We really can’t find it.” Lieutenant Jeremy looked very frustrated: “They seem to be completely missing.”

“No one will disappear for no reason, they must be hiding somewhere, but this place is something we can’t think of for a while.” Major Desad seemed very calm at this time: “We can think about it, if you, or I am Ernst .Breem, we will hide ourselves in a place where the enemy is unexpected?”

Lieutenant Jeremy shook his head in confusion.

He is not good at thinking, only good at obeying orders.

Major Desade’s brow locks tighter. Which place in Lance is your own blind spot? Ernst .Breem will let myself disappear where I can make myself more “invisible”?

Major Desad always felt that there was an ideology in his heart, but he couldn’t catch it. Once he caught this idea, he might solve a mystery.

Now, it is a crucial moment to snatch time with the enemy. Maybe one second in advance, you can keep the danger away from yourself.

When the sky was bright, I came out from the home of Bo Watts and met several French officers. May be a class for the night, let them be somewhat listless.

Wang Weizhen and his companions killed the French officers and replaced them with military uniforms.

Ernst .Breem has changed from “Leeutenant of France” to “French Major”.

Tank stopped at the east of the city, waiting for the reinforcement of the front line. Wang Weizhen These talents arrived, and the German artillery fire began to bombard again, and the attack resumed!

This is equivalent to the German indirect support for Wang Weizhen.

“Wait.” Wang Weizhen stopped the companion who was preparing to act. His eyes looked toward the sky and seemed to be waiting for something.

One minute, two minutes of precious time, one minute and one second, but no one urged Wang Weizhen, all the players are convinced of one thing:

Since Ernst.Breem decided to do this, there must be his reason!

A few black spots began to appear in the sky, and then began to approach as the big red fighter appeared in the sky, and Wang Weizhen knew that the time was waiting for him.


With the whisper of Wang Weizhen, all the people stood in the hiding place.

“Hey, enemy plane! Enemy plane!” Wang Weizhen ran fast as he swung forward, waving his hand and shouting loudly.

He can’t give those sentinels any time to react.

“Major!” Several sentinels rushed over.

“Airplane! Air raid!” Wang Weizhen did not give the other party any chance to open: “Fast, cover Tank! Cover Tank! Tank immediately drive away, this is the order!”

“Yes, major!”

The “major school” was so eager that the sentinels began to panic, especially when the big red fighters that appeared next to them appeared, which made the French more afraid.

This damn plane was out of the limelight yesterday!

It was a whistling sound of a plane passing over the head, and it seemed that there was a message to the French soldiers there:

They are about to throw a bomb!

Manstein, who did not follow Wang Weizhen, looked around and was convinced that no one had pulled out a grenade, pulled out the fuse, and threw it away in the distance.


The explosion exploded and Manstein and Guderian yelled out: “Air strike! Air raid!”

The originally confusing military camp was even more chaotic. The Frenchman was running around, seemingly afraid that the bomb would fall on his head.

Several Tank soldiers rushed over, and Wang Weizhen yelled at them loudly: “Hey, you, come over!”

“Colonel, what happened?”

“Go, start the Tank and leave here right away!”

“Yes, Colonel!”

When the Tank soldier turned and walked toward the Tank, Wang Weizhen and his companions immediately followed them.

Approaching Tank, a Tank soldier found two people behind him and said quickly: “Hey, you can’t come in!”

“No, we can!” Rommel said as he pointed him at the pistol: “Go in, or you will kill you!”

The Tank soldier was scared, and at the moment he stepped into the Tank, he found that his companions were facing the same experience.

As soon as he entered the Tank, Rommel simply asked the Tank soldier about the way the Tank was launched, and then smiled and said, “Thank you, sir.”


The Tank soldier has not had time to talk, and he has been hit hard on his head and fainted on the ground.

“Fritz, help me throw him out.” Rommel greeted Manstan, who entered Tank, and started Tank.

Wang Weizhen and Okus’s Tank started at the same time!

Just as Gudrian was about to jump into the Tank, a French captain rushed over here: “Hey, who are you?”

The answer to him was a gunshot, and the pain in the abdomen fell to the ground.

“We are German.” Gudley muttered, and quickly entered the tank.

The ride inside the Tank is less pleasant. Dirty and messy, the air is turbid, so some people say that you can’t fart in the Tank, or you don’t have to use the enemy, all the people in the Tank will surrender themselves.

The eclipse here finally caught the attention of the French, and a large number of soldiers began to come here.

“I hate Tank.” Guderian was obviously very disappointed with the environment inside Tank and couldn’t help but curse.

Wang Weizhen almost collapsed. Do you hate Tank? You are Heinz William Guderian! The father of the future blitzkrieg, the king of Tank!

“Heinz, have you seen the machine gun? Give the French a welcome.” Wang Weizhen shouted.

The machine gun in Goodrian’s hand rang, and one of the enemies fell under his gun, and the rest of the Frenchman crouched to the ground.

Gudrian’s mood is just fine.

Wang Weizhen’s driving tank rushed to the forefront, and Guderian’s machine gun kept screaming, and the machine guns on the Tanks driven by Okus and Rommel also began to accompany!

The machine gun’s bombs swept the enemy into the air, and the enemy couldn’t look up. Gudrian did not make a cheer until this time.

“Hey, Heinz, Tank is a good thing. Will you be willing to command countless Tank battles in the future?”

“Hell, I don’t want to!” Guderian’s machine gun was roaring, but the air in the Tank was even worse. It could be described as “smoke-filled”. He shouted: “The air here will make me suffocate! Major, I will never command so many Tanks!”

Ok, well, Wang Weizhen only has a bitter smile. He really wanted to stay in Germany until that day. He even wanted to find a tape recorder to record Gudrian’s words. When Guderian directed countless tanks, he could give this recording to him. Goodrian listened

Three tanks, the roar of three machine guns, let Wang Weizhen return to the battle of Somme.

The only difference is that the three tanks sent by the base, and this time, is the tank of the real enemy!

What is your own instinct? Do you tell the Germans what they said when they made a miracle in Somme? Is it really true now?

“If I were them, where would I hide myself?” Major Desade began to have a bad hunch. If this continues, Ernst. Breem will soon slip away.

“Major, I just got a strange news.” Lieutenant Jeremy walked in. “A few of our patrols met General El Raffar last night, but then I specifically confirmed this. The news, General Raffarin has never left his command!”

“That is Ernst!” Major Desad immediately responded: “He ventures out at night, there must be a destination, otherwise he will not be so adventurous. Where to go? Where to go? The road is so strict, he is everywhere Don’t dare to go! What exactly?”

Major Desad suddenly stopped his own words and asked for a moment on his chin: “Jeremiah, is Wave Watts coming today?”

“not yet.”

“Posta Watts home!” Major Desad suddenly stood up: “Ernst can only go to one place, Po Váz’s house, hell, why didn’t I think he would go there?”

“Major, he won’t be so risky? After all, if Waves Watts does not appear in one day, it will cause us doubts, and he also has a lot of men.” Lieutenant Jeremy was somewhat confused.

“The people under the wave of Watts can’t stop Ernst!” Major Desad screamed loudly: “Damn, he doesn’t have much time, he must have escaped, but we don’t know. Immediately. Going to the wave of Watts, ordering all of us to guard against it. In these few hours, Ernst will definitely find ways to rush out of Lance!”

Major Desade was a smart man. Although his plan failed before, he finally guessed the place and intention of Ernst.Breem.

Time is advancing at a rapid pace, and Major Desade knows that it is time for Ernst. Breem to finally fight in Lance!

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