The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one thousand twenty-two. Slaughter, floating astronomy

The Pozick Lieutenant has been numb.

In accordance with the operational instructions, the A row rushed into the waiting hall. More than two hundred people in the hall screamed and the scene suddenly became chaotic. The German soldiers shouted and let all the non-combatants stranded in the waiting hall squat down.

The firepower class rushed to the ladder next to the waiting hall, and set up a simple observation point on the ladder.

“Your Majesty! Everyone gives me a sire!” The German soldiers snarled: “Everyone puts his hand behind his head and kneels down to the ground!”

Hey! Buvic slammed a few shots on the ground in a warning manner. Then the crowd rang again, the crying sounded and the scene became chaotic.

“Your Majesty! Don’t move!”

The German soldiers on the ladders armed with various weapons vigilantly pointed at the crowd in the waiting hall below. The German soldiers in the waiting hall used both hands and feet. Those who belonged to non-combatants thought that the Americans and Europeans who had become American land here, whether male or female, were always young and were brutally pressed by the German soldiers on the ground. .

“Is not happy today? Ah?” Pozick held a rifle in one hand, and the other hand twisted the arm of a squatting American and twisted his arm behind his head. The man was hurting. Hey. “Put your hand behind your head, you stupid pig! Can’t you understand the words? Face down to the ground!” Pozick kicked the American on the ground.

Hey! Another round of warning shots. After a scream in the waiting hall, all the Americans put their hands on the ground and honestly squatted on the ground.

Some people are still sobbing and sobbing.

“It seems that we have kept them in the air.” Donald said with a rifle and gasping to Peter. Peter nodded to him and said nothing.

Pozick picked up the quantum walkie-talkie on his shoulder and said with a sigh of relief: “Gomand 40DA called Gomand HQ, we have already kept the non-combatants in the waiting hall. I repeat, we have The non-combatants in the waiting hall are finished.”

“Received, Comande 40DA, guarding those people, we will dispatch helicopters to pick you up. I repeat, guard those people, and then shoot again, we will send helicopters to pick you up, finish.”

“Gomez 40DA received, finished.”

Edmund took a pack of cigarettes from his arms, took a cigarette from it, lowered his head and pointed it at himself with a lighter, then swallowed it.

“This group of people is really troublesome.”

Some German soldiers shuttled among the non-combatants who were kneeling on the ground and searched carefully for what they were. Not far away, the soldiers’ teammates were holding weapons and carefully guarding them to prevent those non-combatants from rebelling.

“The shells are coming!” Suddenly someone shouted, and everyone immediately fell down and concealed. 咻 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 The earth swayed, and the sloppy clods of sand mixed with thin pieces of glass were immediately rolled into the waiting hall and poured onto the crowd.

The pot was blasted in the waiting hall.

“Your Majesty! They are all squatting!” The soldiers shouted and snarled, “Hold your hands and face down!”

boom! There was a loud noise outside, and then a huge black shadow swayed and slammed into the waiting hall. It was a helicopter hit by gunfire!

“Away from the window! Be careful!” Buvic snarled.

boom! Hey! The helicopter crashed into the hall and there was an earth-shattering explosion. The deadly debris flew around. Snapped! A wing of the wing smashed over and hit Kevin’s left arm shoulder. Kevin only felt as if he had hit a wall, and then his left arm flew out with half a chest. Oh la la! The red blood spurted out like a fountain. Kevin lost consciousness in an instant, he kneel to the ground, and then the whole body fell to the side.

“Mom! Kevin fell to the ground!”

Those Americans were scared. An American is kneeling on the ground and choked. He turned to look at the left side, and licked the right side, and found that no one noticed him, then the American stood up and ran.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Come back!” Buvitch noticed the deserted man, shouting. But the American simply ignored him and still ran out.

“Someone fled without permission!”

“Look at other people!”

“Take him down!”

“Pacifier! Let him down!”

Sniper Cole slammed his knees and quickly picked up the sniper rifle. He held the sniper rifle steady and his hands did not tremble. The man madly went out, and Cole tweeted the sniper rifle and bit the gun tightly.

boom! A gunshot, the rushing man fell to the ground. At this time, more than two hundred non-combatants in the entire waiting hall went crazy. They shouted and stood up, pushing and pushing with German soldiers.

Hey! Warning shooting is useless. Soon, the conflict escalated and Americans began to beat German soldiers. The soldiers slammed the rifles across their chests and pushed the crazy people.

“Out of control! They are out of control!”

“kill them!”

“Open fire!”

“Fire! All firearms will shoot!”

Edmund slammed the smoke in his hand.

Then, a terrible massacre began.

Hey! Edmund and Doe fired a machine gun at the crowd. The bullet chain jumped into the machine cover, and the bolts rolled wildly back and forth. The shells of the blue smoke flew out of the bomb window, pouring them on the ground like tap water, colliding with each other and making a harsh Humming. The machine guns were swept into the crowd like a torrential rain, and they were like a cut of wheat, which brought a large piece of land down. Edmund and Doe seemed to be testing the overloaded performance of the machine gun.

crazy! crazy! ! Are crazy! ! ! More than two hundred people in the waiting hall screamed like a flood of water to the hall exit. Behind them, the soldiers held up their weapons and shot desperately. Purple blood and creamy flesh spilled from people’s bodies and sprinkled everywhere. The whole scene cannot be described as bloody.

Pozick carried a rifle and slammed a frightened little girl down. Her grieving mother ran over and wanted to pull the little girl, and she was killed by Pozick.

Pozick’s stomach began to fall over the river. He wanted to vomit, but he couldn’t spit it out. The things in his stomach had already been spit out.

The magnetic striker in the rifle slammed into the bullet and ignited the gunpowder in the shell. The bullets flew out of the gun, and the impact of the gunpowder pressed the magnetic striker back. The shell was popped up with the stars and gunpowder, and the next bullet in the magazine was topped up. The magnetic striker returns to the magnetic field of the machine, and is pushed forward by the magnetic field and hits the bullet. In this way, the guns in everyone’s hands are screaming wildly.

A shot of Sergeant Orrison shot a person’s head, and then he turned his gun and interrupted the other person’s leg. The man was still crawling hard on the ground, and Orrison added two more shots to him.

Orrison couldn’t help it anymore, he shot and vomited.

The screams were so loud that it seemed to shake the ceiling of the waiting hall. Connor bit his teeth. Every time he targets a person, he always closes his eyes before starting a shot.

Fred is holding a shotgun. At his feet, the plastic shell and the bullet shell of the shotgun have piled up. He shot an old man in a shot, then knocked down his wife, and the purple blood splashed on the ground.

The corpses are everywhere, and the bloody smell hits people’s olfactory organs. Ten years later, all the veterans who have experienced this incident will shake their heads and say, “It’s too bad. It was the most terrible scene I have ever seen in my life.”

Ten minutes later, the massacre ended. According to the regulations, after killing the captives, they should be refilled with guns on their heads. But no soldier at the time did this. Everyone fell to the ground and looked at the endless corpse, his eyes were sluggish. These corpses are young, old, and have children.

Oh, I don’t know who the rifle fell to the ground.

Two lines of tears slowly spilled from Donald’s eyelids, sliding slowly down his rough cheeks to his chin, and then dripping onto the floor. Donald took a deep breath and slowly spit out the gas.

Connor shuddered and took out a pack of cigarettes, then shuddered and took out the lighter to give himself a cigarette.

Hey! The quantum walkie-talkie rang: “Gomand 40 calls Gomand HQ, Lübeck Airport has been occupied by us, we need the 59th Independent Assault Battalion. I repeat, Lübeck Airport has been occupied by us, there are no enemies here. The ground safety, the 59th Independent Assault Battalion can come over and finish.”

Orrison grabbed the walkie-talkie on his shoulder and slammed it on the floor.

The third assault brigade paid a heavy price and finally won the Lübeck airport. At the moment, the Lübeck airport has been transformed into a large outpost military base by the engineers. One after another helicopters were up and down and kept busy. Various military resources are continuously sent to the outpost. The transport plane was full of runways, and a pile of soldiers emerged from the transport plane and quickly lined up in a number of long queues, which filled the runway of the entire airport.

The entire airport is full of soldiers wearing helmets, armed with teeth, as well as flying and flying helicopters and transport planes. The trucks that transport the goods come and go in and out, which is extremely busy.

In front of this scene, the veterans feel proud and sad: they are proud that they have finally smashed this hard bone. They are sad that they have lost too many brothers for this hard bone.

After a heavy transport helicopter is stopped on the runway of the outpost, the tailgate is opened. Then, a cold wind could not wait to rush into the otherwise warm cabin, blowing through two people in the empty cabin.

The first-class soldier, Yacrete Rockier, who was sitting at the door of the cabin, slammed into a nap, then turned back, picked up his backpack and rifle, and walked out of the cabin with Corporal Sally Ryan.

Akliet followed Sally, shoulder bag, rifle on the chest, head high, and the equipment was clean and tidy, just like the upcoming military parade. Sally walked in front of Yaklit. Her face was like a moldy green dish. It was yellow and blue, as if she had just had a serious illness. The equipment on her body slammed with the vibration of her footsteps.

This is the sharpest contrast between veterans and recruits.

Yacrete Rockier is new, a nerdy. Unlike most people in the army, joining the army is because of the almost brutal service. His participation in the army is entirely voluntary.

Sally Ryan looked quite a bit, but she rarely spoke because her brother was killed in a battle. She has been a soldier for two years, and Sally joined the army because she wanted to avenge her brother. But when she got here, she discovered that it was not what she imagined, and that the enemy and the enemy were distinct.

They crossed the majority of the base to the temporary position of D Company. Entering the temporary position, they found the position of the A row and unloaded the weaponry.

Sergeant Orrison came over: “What’s new?”

The sari bird hasn’t talked yet, but Akliet Teng stood up and straightened his waist. He tried his best to honor one of the most standard military rituals: “First class, Yacrete Rockier came to report!”

The snoring of Yacrete alarmed the rest of the position. They stopped the matter in their hands and looked at Acrylic without a word, then laughed.

“Ha! The gendarmerie is coming to check!”

“You beat it crazy, boy!”

“Don’t be so serious, boy,” Orrison said with a smile. “Now is not a war. In addition, you should never salute a soldier with a higher rank than you.”


Orrison shook his head and smiled and walked away.

Yacrete hesitated for a long time, then slowly sat down under the disturbing eyes of everyone.

Someone sneered twice.

Aclit took a book out of the bag. He opened the book and a photo slipped out. The photo is a pretty young girl, her smile can be fascinated by all men.

“Who is this?” Jakes, who is quick-eyed, grabbed a photo of Yacrete. “It’s beautiful, is it your girlfriend?”

The brethren came to interest all of a sudden, and all came round. “Give it back to me!” Akerite reached out to grab the photo in vain, but it was all flashed by Jacks.

“Look! There are words behind the photo!”

“Dear Diana,” Jacks flipped through the photo and read aloud. “I might kill the battlefield at any time, but if my death can be exchanged for someone else’s life, if all the ugly enemies can die, then I am not hesitating! Since I became a soldier, since I came here, I must accept death at any time. The battle is the lifelong responsibility of a soldier. The warrior is born for war. I will fight until the sun thorns. Breaking the darkness.”

“It’s really touching, it’s really bloody!”

“The courage is commendable, fresh meat, I see you don’t even know the difference between grenades and grenades!”


“Is it exciting to kill the enemy? Wait for the soldiers? Are you holding your damn, thick and long cock to help us with those enemies?”

“Do you really think that Diana will wait for you to come back safely? You don’t want to be too naive!” Gavin shook his head and said: “Maybe your Diana has been taken possession by others, but you don’t know it now.” Maybe it’s your neighbor, maybe a postman, maybe your friend, even they even have children. It’s better to forget about her now when you go home and discover this amazing fact!”

“Yes!” Jakes said: “When you go home, she may complain that you are only three inches long, while the other guy is six inches long!”

“You are too exaggerated. Whose ‘Dick’ is six inches long?!” Boa looked up and said.

“Yes! I know that one person’s ‘Dick’ is six inches long, that’s the guy who is doing a girl at Yacrete!” Jakes called.

“You guys who are shameless, either talk about ‘peanuts’ all day, or say ‘sword scabbard’, or say ‘Saimen’, don’t you feel sick?”


“Yeah!” The people around them began to squat.

Aklith Teng stood up and pushed Jake hard: “You fucking again!”

“Well, what do you want? Do you want to use your damn tongue to lick my ass?”

“Guys, don’t entangle this piece of meat again, let them know what is the real war!” Hobart Laughing Joke said.

“Brothers, what song do you want to listen to?” Guy Wen asked for a flute at this time. This is not much entertainment for the soldiers during their free time.

“Do you blow “Twelve Days of Christmas”?” asked Bossex.

“No problem!” Gwen replied. “Come on, everyone will sing together! Cough…” He cleared his throat, then put the flute up and pressed his lips against the lip pad.

The brisk melody flows out of the flute along the lips of Gavin, and the blossoming notes are like a happy bird that flutters out of the flute. Gavin was intoxicated in his own music. A reporter from Leiden was holding a cigarette and picking up the camera.

The soldiers were infected by the flute and began to sing loudly. Soldiers on the positions of other units have also turned around and joined the chorus:

“On the first day of Christmas, my love gave me: an uninsured grenade. On the second day of Christmas, my love gave me: two delicious roasted peace doves, and one Uninsured grenade. On the third day of Christmas, my love gave me: three pieces of soap, two delicious roasted pigeons, and an uninsured grenade. On the fourth day of Christmas, I My love gave me: four bee-tails, three soap bars, two delicious roasted peace doves, and one uninsured grenade. On the fifth day of Christmas, my love gave me: five Bottle of unreliable Motolov cocktail, four bee tails, three soap bars, two delicious roasted peace doves, and an uninsured grenade. On the sixth day of Christmas, my love is sent Give me: six atomic bombs, five unreliable Motolov cocktails, four bee-tails, three soap bars, two delicious roasted pigeons, and an uninsured grenade.”

The lyrics sound very cheerful, but how to listen to them reveals a kind of desolate! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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