The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country, one thousand twenty-one. The end of the Battle of Hanover, Astronomical

This is a bold, completely out of all expected offensive plan!

On July 2, 1966, under the circumstances that no one had thought of, the Germans under the cooperation of the Royal Navy and the Italian Navy made a large landing in the German city of Lubeck!

This is a large-scale landing operation. Most of the Royal Navy’s forces, German helicopter gunships, transport planes, etc., are all involved in this combat operation.

This is a perfect sea, land and air cooperation!

Battle code “Thunderstorm”, Commander-in-Chief of the Battle – German Marshal Fritz Erich von Manstein Marshal! The great marshal who had commanded the German army in the Middle East!

The main components of the ground forces participating in the war are those armed in the Middle East theaters, the most elite of Germany:

Deutsch Manstein cluster!

Previously, with the continued victory of the German army in the Middle East and the fact that Turkey, Iran and other countries joined the Allies and sent troops to North Africa and the Middle East, Manstein has been able to free up the Middle East.

He was appointed by Ernst. Breem as the Commander-in-Chief of the Thunderstorm! One of the most outstanding marshals of Germany!

What is amazing is that such a large-scale military mobilization has not been detected by the Allies. And this must be thanks to Xiao Ling who has been quiet for a long time and her Violet Light Military Base!

Xiao Ling and Violet Light Military Base are destroying the reconnaissance of the Allies with various means far ahead of this era, releasing fake signals that interfere with the Allied radar and all means of communication reconnaissance!

If the war ends with the victory of Germany, there is no doubt that Xiao Ling and Violet Light Military Base will be the biggest behind-the-scenes of this victory.

Once Lubeck returned to Germany, the Germans and their allies would be able to launch an unscrupulous attack along the lines of Hamburg and Bremen, and even encircle the allies in Germany!

Returning to Germany, it is an elite teacher who is truly in the battle!

Now that the Allies finally know the true intentions of the Germans, the Dolby Commodore in Hanover finally knows the true intentions of the Germans.

What reinforcements Teton, what attack Hanover, all are fake, the Germans are simply hiding the real plan there – “Thunderstorm”!

Everything is nothing more than acting there. It is all about confusing the enemy. A large-scale landing operation is the true intention of the Germans!

The Allies are falling into a terrible encirclement. . . . . .

But it’s too late for them. . . . . . The Allied forces and their commander-in-chief, Westmoreland, are now the only hope, but Lübeck and the nearby Allies can do their best, or the terrible disaster will soon come.

But from the dynamics and momentum of the Germans, they will never let their enemies achieve the “beautiful dreams”!

“Victory has never been so close to me…” After finally waiting for the news that he had to wait, Wang Weizhen was surprisingly calm: “Now, let’s end the battle in Hanover!”

Let’s end the hungry battle in Hanover – when Marshal Ernst .Breem issued this order, the German soldiers finally revealed their most awkward minions completely unreservedly!

This is the real attack – the most authentic embodiment of the most realistic combat power of the German army!

Wang Weizhen puts all his power into it without reservation, and has issued his new order: to end all the battles that took place in Hanover before July 5!

It sounds a bit difficult, but when the German and British soldiers here heard that the powerful Germans had completed their landings in Lübeck, huge cheers were heard in their mouths. . . . . .

Nothing else is more exciting!

They fought for their own country and fought for the freedom and glory of Germany, but no one ever told them when the war would end.

However, this day has already appeared in front of them. . . . . .

That kind of excitement and ecstasy, that kind of great enthusiasm can not be described by words, and this is reflected in the battlefield, it is the lightning-like attack!

On the contrary, the allies who had been fighting hard all the time, the morale suffered a serious blow!

Soldiers have convictions, and it is the belief that they will never yield, but once such beliefs collapse, the most terrible things will happen.

At this time, Dolby Commodore is experiencing the most painful moment of his life.

He used to be complacent about his ability to stop the German offensive. He once thought that he could be classified as a generation of famous players with the hardships of the Baron Skulls.

But now he finds that all this is just his own dream. . . . . . Is there any blow in this world that is more cruel than this?

No matter how much time you continue to hold in Hanover, it has become meaningless. . . . . . However, what makes him feel helpless is that even if it is meaningless, he must be desperately defended.

Only the talent can understand the pain!

Dolby Commodore smiled bitterly. . . . . . Is there anything more sad than this? He thought he could compare with the Baron Skulls, but in fact, he did not even give him shoes. In front of the baron, he will always be a sad little person.

The sound of the guns was heard for a while, and it seemed to show off the upcoming victory of Germany. The front-line calls went to his headquarters one by one, and the situation became almost critical in a blink of an eye.

Dolby Commodore has already asked Commander-in-Chief of Westmoreland, but the commander-in-chief is probably no match now, except that he can continue to stick to it and can’t find any good way. . . . . . Dolby Commodore knows that chaos, all chaos, from his own here, until the Allied Command has all fallen into chaos. . . . . .

The failure is waving to the Allies not far away. . . . . .

After the German-centered coalition landed in Lubeck on July 2nd, the Ernst cluster suddenly strengthened its offensive. A wave of high-level attacks made Hanover quickly become a boat in the ocean. There is a danger of silence anytime, anywhere.

Dolby tried his best not to let his ship sink, but it is clear that he has a better solution.

“General, are we going to fail?” his adjutant Major Howell asked cautiously.

“Yeah, I think we are going to fail…” Dolby did not hide anything: “After the enemy regains Lübeck, any battle no longer makes sense. Major, you think we are like Is it a fool? It’s being played in the hands of an enemy like a puppet, but I think I’m going to see victory…”

Major Howell nodded involuntarily. . . . . . Yes, no matter what aspect the commanders of the Allies have become a group of fools.

“What can we do?” Major Howell sighed: “We have not received the order to retreat, so we can only stay here, and I think, probably there will be enemies in front of us soon. ?”

“We will soon have enemies in front of us…” Dolby also sighed heavily: “But at least one thing is fortunate. Although the Skulls Baron is a terrible enemy, he is a Gentleman. At least after you surrender, he won’t hurt you. Just a major, are you ready to be a prisoner of war?”

Major, are you ready to be a prisoner of war?

When this sentence was asked, Major Howell did not know how to answer it. . . . . .

Although the major has not yet thought about this, a large number of prisoners have begun to appear on the battlefield. The first to surrender was the Australian soldiers who felt Hannover shortly.

You know, if the battle is going well, they will be very brave, but if there is a major turning point in the war, their mentality will inevitably fluctuate.

They don’t want to die here. . . . . .

The Germans received a large number of prisoners. They did not even have time to manage these prisoners. They only temporarily set up some prisoner camps on the battlefield and let the prisoners walk in themselves.

And this also makes wonderful things happen.

Outside the so-called prisoner of war camp, there are no people who stand guard, and those prisoners can easily leave, but few people do it.

The “last gentleman” of Marshal Ernst .Breem on the battlefield has been made known to all, and they know that although they are prisoners, at least life is safe. Once I left here, God knows that it will be hit by a stray bullet.

Therefore, they are honestly staying in such a “safe house.” . . . . .

The impact of this is a series of, and more people began to follow their example. Even without seeing the enemy, many people took the initiative to find the prisoner of war camp and made themselves a member of the prisoners of war.

It’s ridiculous, but think about it, it’s not funny at all. . . . . . What is more important in this world than life?

On July 3, the German-British coalition forces had rushed into Hanover, and a large number of Australian soldiers surrendered, but most of the 7th Brigade of the US Marine Corps continued to fight.

Compared to Australians, they are much more loyal to Dolby Commodore, and they are never willing to lay down their weapons until they are commanded or completely desperate.

Hannover’s battle is still fierce, but this time there is the most letting Dolby Commodore, in fact, the most headache for Americans:

The Germans in Hanover have rebelled against the average German in all the occupied cities! This scene has been staged numerous times during the Ernst cluster’s march. . . . . .

When Marshal Ernst .Breem entered Hanover, it was already the evening of July 3. One-third of the city was in the hands of the Germans and the British, and the pace of controlling the entire city began to accelerate.

“I am very glad to hear from you!” Wang Weizhen calmly told his subordinates: “Colok Cork, is your Tank assault group a big casual?”

“Yes, Marshal, casualties are still relatively large.” In front of the Marshal, Colonel Kirk did not have any concealment: “But compared with the results we have achieved, we can tolerate such casualties.”

“Very good, what I need is the spirit of yours.” Wang Weizhen nodded with approval. “But I see that the enemy is still stubbornly resisting. If the sun rises tomorrow, you can continue to bring it to me.” Good news, I think I will thank you very much.”

“I will do it, Marshal!” When Colonel Cork was about to leave, he suddenly seemed to have one thing: “Marshal, you have promised me, I will personally wear the Iron Cross!”

Wang Weizhen also remembered his promise. He solved the Iron Cross medal he had been wearing, and then he was seriously dressed in the uniform of Colonel Cork.

For a moment, Colonel Cork’s eyes showed a feverish look. . . . . .

After the end of the Second World War, the issuance of the German Medal was very rare, especially in recent years, no one even won the Iron Cross, and then the latest military uniform was worn. More importantly, this is what Baron Alexson personally awarded to himself!

Fight for him – die for him!

Colonel Cork suddenly remembered this sentence circulating in the German army. . . . . .

The commander’s fanatical emotions are always transmitted to the subordinates. From the beginning of the battle, they have been fighting in the front line of the Kerk Tank assault group, as if a group of lunatics are generally reinvested in the offensive.

On their wings, the Grand Deucthland group and the British soldiers, they did not irritable in the city war, but cleared the enemy’s obstacles little by little, and stabilized the controlled area little by little.

In the brutal battle, British soldiers who have not been on the battlefield for a long time are also growing rapidly.

The positions of the US military are lost in an inch and an inch. They are constantly retreating and constantly shrinking their positions, but there is no way to stop the enemy from advancing.

Late at night on July 3, a nightmare news made Dolby Commodore, which was already sitting on a needle, more desperate:

A German commando raided the Allied military airport in Hanover and captured the ground crew and numerous aircraft there.

God, is there anything more terrible than this? The airport fell into the hands of the Germans. Now, Dolby Commodore has completely blocked the route.

He thinks this is a tragedy, a real tragedy, and now he has to face the most terrible things that are about to happen.

The loyal Major Howell has been with him all the time, although he does not know how to comfort Commodore, but he can at least be able to accompany him to the responsibility of an adjutant.

“How is the street fighting going, major?” Dolby Commodore asked reluctantly.

“The situation is not particularly optimistic.” Major Howell said truthfully: “We lack experience in street fighting defense, and the enemy’s offensive is too fierce, so I think it is difficult for us to continue.”

Dolby Commodore nodded and then suddenly said, “Do you know a person? This person was born in Virginia. He excelled in the US-Mexico war and suppressed John Brown’s armed riots in 1859. In the American Civil War In the middle of the battle, he was the commander-in-chief of the Southern Alliance. In the civil war, he won a great victory in the Battle of the Bull Creek, the Battle of Frederiksberg and the Battle of Chelseasville. His name kept all Americans in mind. Got.”

“You are talking about General Robin Lee?” Major Howell immediately guessed it.

杜比Commodore 面无表情地说道:“是的,罗伯特.李将军,一个美国历史上伟大的将军。在联盟国军因持续数月的战役而筋疲力竭之后,一支联邦军成功的于1865年4月2日攻下彼德斯堡。李将军放弃防守里奇蒙,并企图与约瑟夫.强森将军在北卡罗莱那的部队会师。其所部为联邦军所围困,于1865年4月9日于阿波马托克斯法院投降。若干部下提议拒降以让部份小单位渗透出包围圈外,并进入山区以进行长期的游击战,为李将军所拒。战争结束之后,李将军曾向官方申请战后特赦,但未曾获淮。申请书送出后上呈至国务卿威廉.亨利.西华德的桌上,他以为是旁人将事情完成后呈送的副本而将之归档,数十年后方于其抽屉中再度发现。李将军将不获响应当成政府对其保留法律追诉权......”

Speaking of this, he was silent: “General Lee applied for an amnesty to set up an example to encourage many former US Confederate troops to accept re-entry as citizens of the United States of America. He failed, he surrendered, but this did not prevent him from becoming almost all The great people that Americans respect and worship…”

Major Howell understood what Commodore meant: “Are you ready to give up fighting?”

Dolby Commodore has some bitterness: “Yes, I think I am also ready to surrender. The battle is over. At least the battle that belongs to us is over. I don’t expect to be a great figure like General Lee, but at least I don’t.” I am willing to let my soldiers lose their lives in the war.”

Major Howell nodded silently. Who is willing to die?

Dolby Commodore turned on the phone with the Allied Commander: “Mr. Commander-in-Chief, Hanover has no hope, we are failing quickly. In order to remnant the lives of the soldiers, I will order everyone to lay down their arms and surrender. Yes, all of this responsibility will be borne by myself. Thank you for your understanding, I wish you and the Allies good luck!”

Then he put down the phone and slowly turned his head and said, “So let this terrible thing end now!” (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better and faster!)

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