The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one thousand twenty-three. Stade attack (on), floating astronomy

Lubeck has returned to the hands of the Germans, and with the surrender of Dolby Commodore, Hanover also returned to the hands of the Germans.

After the assault on the Ernst cluster began, everything was on the right side. The enemy has been completely played in the applause.

Now, the Allies must consider not only whether they can occupy the whole of Germany, but whether they will be surrounded by the Germans!

Now, the Italians have completely tore up their own disguise, publicly announced their withdrawal from the Allies, and joined the ranks of the Axis.

The betrayal of the Italians is not unusual. From the First World War to the Second World War and now, the Italians have always spent the process of betrayal, betrayal and betrayal.

They don’t care which side they should stand on. The only thing they care about is how much benefit the war can bring to themselves. Although each time they betray, the only harm to the country, not the benefits, but the Italians always like to tireless in such games.

This is probably also a feature of a country.

Russia, Ukraine, and Italy joined the Axis at the same time, and the coalition’s massive landings in Lübeck made an unusually major change in the war situation.

However, they are no longer able to draw more troops, they can not give Russia a punishment, and even can not give the Italians a punishment.

At this time, the Marshal Ernst. Breem of Hannover was captured and ordered a full counterattack:

All the Axis forces march forward – forward – always forward! Drive all the enemies out of the land of Germany – drive all the enemies out forever!

In the order of Baron Skulls, the Axis powers broke out like never before, the plane was roaring, the Tank was roaring, the soldiers were roaring:

– Germany is roaring!

The enthusiasm for the whole of Germany has been completely ignited. All Germans, both soldiers and civilians, know very well that under the leadership of Baron Alexson, the victory is not far from them. Maybe one year, maybe tomorrow, the goddess of victory will appear in front of them.

On July 5, 1966, he captured the Ernst battle cluster in Hanover, and captured the Manstein battle cluster in Lübeck, as well as the German troops in Teton, while attacking the German town of Hamburg, the commander-in-chief of the battle:

Baron Ernst Alexson von Breem!

At this time, the Allies have given up the attack situation and were forced to shrink to the first-line battlefield centered on Hamburg. From the offense to the defense, this is the most significant change on the battlefield.

Hamburg – will be a decisive center for the German battlefield.

At this time, the Germans unreservedly showed all their strength in front of everyone – the power of the Constance base, the power of the British allies, everything!

On the morning of July 5, under the command of Marshal Ernst .Breem, the Manstein battle cluster took the lead in attacking Stade by Lue Lubeck!

The decisive battle broke out. . . . . .

. . . . . .

In the red FEA number 9 area of ​​Stade, it is a battle for the soldiers, but no one is willing to be stationed. The area is two miles in radius. It is located between the thirteen mile south of the German outpost and eleven miles north of the US Stadt logistics hub. If the Germans seized the lucky one, then they We can monitor every move of the US military logistics hub at all times, and can call support at any time to completely cut off their logistics arteries. If the US military seized this feng shui treasure land, then the US military could unscrupulously throw artillery shells at the German outpost, causing the German combat plan to be delayed.

However, the rainy season in Germany has arrived in advance. The heavy rain poured over and ended, and the road was messed up. This is not good for both parties. The tarred coating on the pavement was smashed by the day-to-day shelling, and the rotten mud was exposed and rained like a marsh. The armored vehicles and the Tank were stuck in the mud and could not be pulled out. The crash rate of non-combat accidents of helicopters is several times higher than the original. Such weather simply cannot transport large-scale combat troops quickly.

However, the second reconnaissance of the German Armed Forces Imperial Guards was one step ahead of the US military, and they stood firm on the other side. However, the good times did not last long. When they just established the defense line, they immediately suffered a flood-like attack by the surrounding US troops.

The main task of the D-A platoon of the 40th Assault Battalion of the Third Assault Brigade is to strengthen the defensive deployment of the Second Reconnaissance Company of the Imperial Division and resist the US military’s offensive until the arrival of the Imperial Division’s support troops.

The transportation of the A row is the responsibility of the 21st Armored Division of the National Defence Force. The armored team had just entered the red FEB No. 9 area for 150 yards and was madly and firmly resisted by the US military. The team slammed the car in front of a fully armed building. Several tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed by enemy forces hidden in buildings.

The team said nothing can continue to move forward. In desperation, Pozick Lieutenant took the soldiers off the armored car and planned to go on foot.

As a result, the situation outside was worse than they expected. The enemy did not pity their ammunition at all, and the German soldiers were killed in the same place.

Sergeant Hobble hurriedly picked up the microphone that was slid by the rain, staring at the shooting elements displayed on the goggles, and shouted: “Gomez 40DA calls red FSE29, Comande 40DA calls red FSE29! !”

“Red FSE29 received, finished!”

“Request for priority fire support for red FEB093! Depth seven hundred yards, height ten, offset to the left by twenty yards, three groups of intensive shots! No correction! I repeat, attack coordinates, red FEBA093, depth seven hundred yards, height ten , offset to the left by 20 yards, three groups of intensive shots! No correction required! Finished!”

“Received, the shells are on the road!”

After a while, call! A piece of light cannonball smashed the dark sky and fell like a raindrop on the target area. Bang! An earth-shattering explosion occurred in the distance. Strong light illuminates the battlefield of terror, and the whole earth is shaking, as if it were an earthquake. Almost all objects within the bombing range were thrown into the sky and then smashed in all directions.

After a while, the shelling was over. The corpses of the shells were everywhere, and they were a mess. The cruel battlefield has become even more unbearable. However, the firepower of the Haifenxing people has not been cut, but it is more fierce than the original – it seems that they are not ready to surrender. The sound of the artillery came from Sergeant Hobble’s microphone: “The end of the shelling!” The artillery’s voice had a strong Bavarian accent.

Hobble patted the front of the Pozick Lieutenant and told him to be at least thirty seconds from the next round of shelling.

“Thirty seconds is definitely not enough!” Pozick called.

The downpour almost drenched everyone in the room. The rain hit the body and made a muffled sound. The clothes were wet by the rain and stuck to the body, making people very uncomfortable. The goggles were full of spotted rain, and the feeling of stepping on the mud in the boots was awful.

Hey! Two “diamond” helicopters flew over the battlefield and rolled up the raindrops. Corporal Jacks, standing next to Gavin, stood up and was about to rush out of the bunker. As a result, he unfortunately smashed a bullet and slammed it on the ground.

Guy Wen extended a hand and tried to reach Jacks, then dragged him into his bunker.

“Oh, damn it!” Guy Wenbian licked the hemostatic cloth and helped Jack to wrap the wound. He found that Jakes was shot in the left arm. Although Jacks was not in danger, his entire left arm joint was almost completely blown up. Blood from the wound to the ground, dyed a large piece of rain.

“Reassured, I can’t die! The weapon that can kill me hasn’t been made yet.” Jakes opened his eyes and said.

Hey! A pale white bullet slammed into the night sky, illuminating the entire slaughterhouse.

The cockroach, the main battle of the 21st Armored Division, was also up, and the enemy immediately concentrated the fire on the Tank. Hey! A missile smashed over and broke the first Tank. The second Tank quickly turned the turret and fired a shot at the location where the missile fired. boom! The gravel clods flew up in disarray.

To reach the residence of the Imperial Reconnaissance Second Reconnaissance Company, you must first pass the damn building in front.

Rain falls from the helmet to the face like a small waterfall. Pozick erased the rain on his face, picked up the walkie-talkie and called: “Firepower class, set a fire point on the broken car, suppress those damn American cockroaches! One class, the left wing side attack them! Second class Come with me! Go through that damn building!”

The A row began to act. The brethren of the fire class rushed out of the bunker and ran one after the other and the second class of fire cover to the destroyed Tank. Behind the Tank, Doyle set up a machine gun and began to attract and suppress enemy firepower. One and two shifts spread out in two different directions at this time, trying to attack the enemy.

But the enemy is much smarter than they think! One class and two classes had just penetrated the two wings and were madly resisted by the enemy. The brethren were immediately pinned by the US military.

Pozick Lieutenant pulled aside Sergeant Hobble and shouted: “Hober! Tell the twenty-ninth regiment! We need their gunfire support!”

Hobble nodded, shaking his hands and taking out the microphone, shouting loudly: “Gomand 40DA calls red FSE29, Comande 40DA calls red FSE29! Finished!”

On the other end of the mic came the artillery with a strong London accent: “Red FSE29 received, finished!”

“Attack coordinates, red FEBA…” Sergeant Hobble explored his head and looked at the ruined building that was armed to the teeth in the distance. The goggles immediately lock the target and convert the target position into a shooting element. After getting the shooting elements, the sergeant retracted his head and stared at the shooting elements through the mottled mirror. He shouted: “093107! The depth is seven hundred yards, the height is… six, offset to the left… … ten yards, two rounds of volley! No correction! I repeat, attack coordinate red FEBA093107! Depth seven hundred yards, height six, offset ten yards to the left, two rounds of volley! No correction! Finished!”

“Received! The shells are on the road!”

call! A piece of tracer shell screamed and smashed the sky and flew from a distance to the target building. Hey! The various pieces were smashed and spurred around. The huge explosion almost stopped the rain!

“The end of the shelling, thirty seconds!” the artillery shouted.

After the bombing, the target building has become fragmented. The German Tank rumbling opened and the soldiers followed.

Da da da! The enemy’s remaining line of defense was still fighting for resistance, and the German troops immediately responded.

Boom! A Tank blasted the outer wall of a line of defense, and the Americans fled in horror. German soldiers seized the opportunity to shoot immediately and destroy the fleeing enemy.

Just like destroying mice.

Seeing this scene, Yaklit Wow suddenly vomited the dinner he had just eaten.

A car main battle Tank blasted toward the target and rushed forward. Yaklit spit out the residue in his mouth, wiped his mouth, then picked up the gun lying on one side and slammed the front team.

The brethren of row A ran to a blasted hole in the building, threw a grenade into the cave, and then rushed into the building. The sound of the rain immediately became smaller, and it shot on the top of the building and made a dull squeak. At the same time, the soldiers who were washed by the rain also warmed up and became more uncomfortable.

“Second shift, guard outside!” Pozick Lieutenant shouted.

“Call, Oscar Mike!”

“One shift! Right!”

“Come in, right!”

“Left!” The soldiers put their guns on their shoulders and carefully examined every corner of the building.

“Where! Kill him!” Buvic raised his rifle and killed an American soldier who tried to escape.

“The target fell to the ground!”

“Room is safe!”


Taylor ran to the entrance of the corridor and stuck it on the wall at the corner of the corridor. He pulled out a grenade and threw it upstairs along the corner. Boom! The grenade exploded and the soldiers hiding behind Taylor immediately rushed up the stairs.



“It’s there! I saw him!” Chris saw an American soldier hiding behind the wall. He raised his gun and shot at the target while approaching the target until he killed the American.

“The target fell to the ground!”

“Firepower class enters! Left!”

“Come in! Left!”

“Pow the bomb!” Gavin leaned against the wall and threw a special grenade into the door next to him. Boom! The grenade exploded, and the soldiers behind the warm-up rushed into the room and quickly shot any targets they thought were suspicious.

“Next person, enter! Left!”

“Come in! Left!”

“Room is safe!”

“Be careful! On your right!”

Snapped! Linga was caught in the shadows by the Americans who were hiding in the dark. The Pozick Lieutenant around him immediately turned the gun and killed the enemy soldier who had knocked down Lingra.

“Someone is hurt!” Pozlak shouted at Lingla. Lingra fell to the ground, his eyes were dull and his mouth was full of blood.

The medical guard Torres ran over and carefully examined Lingra, and then took a disappointing shot of Lingra’s chest and shook his head. “Sorry, sir, he is dead.”

Pozick’s stomach was annoyed. He pulled away the collar of Lingra and pulled out the identity card of Lingra. Pozick Lieutenant turned his head and found that Yaklit stood on the side of the silly, staring at the body of Lingra. Pozick stood up, took out a body bag from the bag of the medical guard, and took a shot in the arms of Aclit, and ordered: “Put up the body of Lingla!”

Acrylic was suddenly scared.

“To the right!”

“Next person, alert!”

“Oscar Mike!”

Snapped! A bullet that didn’t know where to call it was beaten into the belly of the second-class Allan and hit a pair. boom! There was a gunshot in the distance, and Allan groaned and fell to his knees. Someone at the site immediately moved away from the window and found the shelter hidden.

“Sniper!” Duron shouted. Hobble rushed forward and pulled Allan to the back of a wall away from the window.

The sniper was very powerful, and Allan fell before everyone heard the gunshot. Hobole pulled Allan and shouted: “Damn, Torres! Give me your ass!”

“Cole!” Potsker cried. “Learn the sniper and find out where he is after he finds it!”

“Okay!” Cole slowly climbed behind a wall near the window with a sniper rifle, took out the empty can that he had been reluctant to throw, wrapped it in a collar, and then held it with a sniper rifle. Then he took off his helmet and goggles and put it on an empty can that was wrapped in a ball. The empty cans at this time are like the heads of a blinded German soldier. Cole slowly lifted his “head” and shook it by the wall, and immediately took a shot, hehe! The gunshots still sounded after the bullet hit the target.

Cole untied the collar, took out the empty can, looked at the bullet hole above, turned his head and said to Pozick: “The guy is six hundred yards north east, about ninety feet high!”

Pozick nodded. Hobold immediately took out the microphone and called the gunfire support.

Hey! There was a fierce shell explosion in the distance. After more than a minute, the shelling stopped. Pozick Lieutenant sneaked up and found that almost all the buildings in the north-east direction were blown into empty shelves.

The artillery is really efficient at doing things!

“Okay, safe!”

“Building empty!”

“Go downstairs!”

“It’s down!”

Oh la la! The clothes on the body were once again wetted by the rain and poured into the light. Pozick Lieutenant took a class with a fire class and a second class at the downstairs alert. He called Sergeant Hobour to tell: “Hober, inform the field medical team, put Jakes, Allan and Lin. Gera sent away. Others stood by.”

Line A begins to establish temporary lines around the building. Hobold picked up the mic and transferred the channel to the Battlefield Medical Team’s combat communication network: “Gomand 40DA called red FA993, Comande 40DA called red FA993, finished.”

This time the microphone is no longer the Brittish with a strong London accent, but the German with a hint of brick accents. “Red FA993 received, finished!”

“Request medical evacuation, red FEBA093392, the infrared marker point is. I repeat, request medical evacuation, the specific location is in the red FEBA093392 infrared marker point, complete.”

“Received, Comande 40DA, the medical helicopter has taken off, the estimated arrival time, five minutes, is over.”

Sergeant Hobble put down the microphone and patted the Pozick Lieutenant.

Pozick pulled out the infrared marker, pulled the bolt out and threw it in an open space in front of the building! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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