2469. Chapter 2469 Kurumi and Miku

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    The DC community was going to the news of the mixed bath. I didn't know what happened. Izayoi Miku knew it. Before they left, they called to inform her that she had prepared a private bath.

    Feng Yu Chen felt embarrassed, Kotori just said that he was allowed to reverse the gender into the women's bath, then Miku's phone call came, it is likely that Kotori and Miku did what 'convention'.

    After all, Miku is super rich in Spirit. She is integrated into the human society. As a well-known singer, the income is naturally high.

    This Kotori really wants to pull him into the water at any time. Is it because of the class relationship between the president and the deputy president that he is oppressing him? One day, he will return Kotori's 'benefit'!

    After arriving at the private bath prepared by Miku, Itsuka Shidou was isolated in a small bath and led to three electronically blocked doors in the direction of Feng Yu Chen's large bath! ! !

    Is this probably 'not counting' different treatment?

    "In fact, the words of the morale can also become beautiful girls, right, Yu Chen, your reversal ability should be effective for anyone."

    Kotori didn't know what bad idea to play.

    "No, I am still alone, I wish you all a happy!"

    The sect is obviously enlightened, and he does not want to become a beautiful girl.

    "Come, come here, Yu Chen, please be sure to become Yuji Elder Sister?"

    Izayoi Miku took Feng Yu Chen and they walked towards the locker room.

    "Well, look at Miku's face."

    Feng Yu Chen sighs, Spirit Strength begins to act on his body, gradually becoming a female student, although it has become a female, but it does not seem to change much, it is faintly recognized that Feng Yu Chen That is, some places have changed.

    "Hey, hey, hey, Dad has become a mother!"

    Qian Xia felt the softness of Feng Yu Chen's chest and suddenly became super surprised.

    "Do you want to eat in the summer? milk

    Kotori is a smirk.

    "Shut up, you!"

    Feng Yu Chen's face is dark.

    "I want, too!"

    Izayoi Miku is excited and gasping.

    "You give me the right way!" ~”

    Feng Yu Chen is a little angry.

    "Okay, let's go to the bath…"

    Kotori said in a timely manner.

    "A big bath, Dad…"

    Thousands of summers at the front of this football-sized private bath is a little excited, and there are many things that seem to be fun.

    "Don't wear clothes and run over, give me a good bathrobe, thousands of summer!"

    Feng Yu Chen stretched out and pulled back the daughter who was only playing.


    Thousands of summers are down, the body's spiritual costume disappears instantly. Well, she is still a body and Spirit, so she naturally wants to take off.


    Others have also taken off, but there is some agreement that everyone is looking at Feng Yu Chen, probably curious about his feminine figure?

    After all, in the state of men, Feng Yu Chen's skin is already charming enough, if it is a woman…

    Gradually, as if discovering the New World, the ladies at the sight of Feng Yu Chen faded the female body after wearing…Oh, this, this makes them feel nothing! !

    Feng Yu Chen The seemingly cold look is matched with the tall figure and the fascinating skin. Even if they are women, they can't help but feel a little tempted…

    No wonder Izayoi Miku is obsessed.

    Kurumi, Shixiang and Miku are not afraid of Feng Yu Chen. After all, their three Europeans are bigger than the feminine Feng Yu Chen, and others…Of course, the cuteness of Little Loli is also bright, but it seems that the S temperament female a capable king like Feng Yu Chen is more able to conquer the public.

    "Dad is so beautiful…"

    Thousands of summers fell into the arms of Feng Yu Chen's.


    Miku is dying. Actually, actually attacking her Yu Ji adults from the front, this is the act she could not think of, too enviable! ! !

    "Yoshino, let's play the slide…"

    The ten incense is very interested in the slides in the bath. The water facilities built in the hot springs must have a very light experience.

    "Go, go, it looks like it's fun, it's a good idea…"

    Yoshino Nai Kou is awarded the incense.


    The big scent of the scent seems to be in harmony with Yoshino, and the two are very happy to play.

    "Let's go, too, Tobiichi Origami, this is a hit area…"

    Kotori has a feeling of super failure, and it is also poor.Milk, why is it too urgent! Affected, the priest probably like this type? No, it should be a goddess that boys will love.

    "Dad, come over, together, together…"

    Qian Xia took Feng Yu Chen and ran to the bath.


    Feng Yu Chen nodded, after all, now it is to be able to attack the baths that came in the summer, no, how can I use the word Raiders for my daughter?

    "Yu Ji adults…"

    Miku grabbed the closet in one hand and headed toward Feng Yu Chen's, hey, when will they be together…

    "I heard that you are a human-changing Spirit?"

    Kurumi suddenly asked Miku.


    Miku suddenly watched the at the ten incense, and put the supple hair on the behind, frowning. "Even if you are a friend of Yuji Elder Sister, I would not allow you to ask about my privacy. These people, you give me The impression is the most dangerous, dare to hurt Yu Ji Elder Sister, I will never let go of you!"

    "Oh, it seems that hostility is great. Is it a woman's intuition?" Forget it, you won't know much…Another thing, are you not interested in Yu Chen? I mean the state of men? ”

    Kurumi reached out and pressed Sakura (cherry) red lips, showing a smile.


    Izayoi Miku sneaked one and turned to walk towards the bath.

    "What? In my opinion, he just likes women, do you like it? Is there some subtle change in knowing that he was originally a male? Didn't you have a Special idea? ”

    Kurumi feels that Miku has accepted the identity of Feng Yu Chen male. Certainly, if it is annoying, Feng Yu Chen's male state should show an expression of disgust, but Miku does not.

    "Sure enough, you are the most dangerous!"

    Miku hates Kurumi a bit…


    "A thousand summers, do you feel pain?"

    Feng Yu Chen asked about the back of Qian Xia.

    "No pain, itchy, my father is gentle…"

    Thousands of summers are happy with their heads.

    "That's good, I am going to the top…"

    Feng Yu Chen is gentle to the back of the summer, the girl's skin with Crystal color transparent and creamy soft and delicate.

    "Dad, Dad, is the eyes of thousands of summers as beautiful as Dad?"

    Thousands of summers at the mirror, I feel that two people really look like, especially the eyes.

    "Because you are my daughter…"

    Feng Yu Chen seems to have adapted to the status of Dad.

    "Hey, thousands of summers are so happy…"


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