2470. Chapter 2470 Kurumi returning from the future

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    "Ah~ Dad, the faces of people who get it are…"

    "It’s all action, it just shakes…Come, sit down, Dad will be soft…"


    I have to say that the heart of Qianxia is no different from that of a child. When washing a hair, it is not at all safe. This is convenient for the bubble. However, experiencing such things makes Feng Yu Chen feel more family. I really hope for the future. Can such a happy family take a bath together?

    "I have to recite, Yuki Elder Sister!"

    Miku can't stand it anymore, ah, ah, I want to stick to Yu Chen's skin, the fragrant skin…

    "I also want! The hand is not enough, Brother Yu Chen…"

    Really blink, do you forget the existence of your sister with your daughter? This siscon is really not strong enough.

    "Ten incense, too!"

    Ten incense raises his hand, and when he is tired with Yoshino, he will come to wash.

    "Then, I will be able to serve Yoshino smoothly, and I can do it all over the body…"

    Yoshino Nai said.

    "I don't have so many hands, and you help each other, Shixiang Yoshino, Miku and Kurumi, really looking for Kotori, isn't it a back?" What is good to grab…"

    Feng Yu Chen really can't understand, is it the same lily as Miku? He is now a girl, and if it is a man, it will mean something, now, even if it is.

    Yeah! Victory in the summer, my father loves me. ”

    Thousands of summer turned and fell Feng Yu Chen to the ground.

    "You also give me the right thing to do. Really, it's dirty, sit down…"

    Feng Yu Chen lifted up the summer and rushed to her body with a bath.


    Qian Xia is happy, but the real dissatisfaction, such daughter and daughter, must be deliberately fabricated, in order to be relatives of Yu Chen.

    "I think it's still good for men, so Qianxia will be separated from Yu Chen. After all, Qianxia is already a developing girl…"

    Miku said that rather, Yu Ji became Yu Chen, and she did not want Feng Yu Chen to contact any other girl in the state of Yu Ji. Yu Ji’s identity is her exclusive!

    Agree ! Brother Yu Chen Don't have a special idea for your daughter! Change back to the male bath for boys! ”

    It’s true that it’s not seen as a net!


    Yoshino whispered, according to the truth, under normal circumstances, Feng Yu Chen should take care of her a little more, after all…

    But now thousands of summers have appeared, and the more lovely beautiful girl has taken away the resources of Yoshino, this is the war to defend the territory of Meng!

    "I have checked, my daughter and father are not able to form a family, that is, they can't get married. If you want a daughter, I can do it with Yu Chen!"

    Shixiang also learned to check the computer.

“……Thousands of summers, marry Dad! Mom doesn't want dad, thousands of summer! ”

    Qian Xia apologized to Feng Yu Chen and showed hostility to Zhennai and others.

    "I said you, don't let the summer run away again…"

    Kotori is a boring knock on the dresser, nothing…

    "Only this is not the case, Qian Xia, although I don't know very well, but Qian Xia can't marry Dad."

    Feng Yu Chen thinks that it is still not too far off the bottom line.

    "Sure enough, do you want your sister to not have a daughter? Mom doesn't want to be a summer, my father doesn't either? ”

    Thousands of summers burst into tears…

    [Yu Chen, the fluctuations of Qianxia are unstable, there is danger of an outbreak at any time, hurry up to appease her]

    Pulling Ratatskr's village rain to the direction of Feng Yu Chen.

    "No."No, Qian Xia, you listen to me, Dad definitely wants you, but Dad and Qian Xia can get married, because Dad is a father…In short, this knowledge will tell you later…"

    Feng Yu Chen quickly wiped away the tears of Qianxia, ​​even if the village rain did not say, he would do the same.

    "But, Qian Xia likes Dad…"

    Qian Xia sobbed and hugged Feng Yu Chen.

    "Like dad, even with Dad forever, but can't get married, and you are my daughter, then Dad naturally loves you most…"

    Feng Yu Chen comforted.


    Qian Xia stopped sobbing.


    Feng Yu Chen nodded vowed.

    "See it, you guys, Dad loves me the most!" The victory of thousands of summer! ”

    In the next moment, Qian Xia would be able to stand up and stand up, quite a good figure, and he said with anger.

    “Brother Yu Chen /Yu Chen / Yu Ji…”

    In an instant, a new crisis emerges, and it really seems that people are burning the desire to fight!

    "I love you the most…"

    Feng Yu Chen has a cold sweat on his forehead.

    “Isn’t it only the summer that is Special?”

    Qianxia doubts look over.

    "Ah, haha, I remember going to reverse the time of failure, goodbye…"

    Feng Yu Chen quickly ran out and became a man, slipping when he put on his clothes…


    It’s really a drop, and it’s necessary to ask his favorite!

    "It’s fun, it’s hide and seek, Yoshino…”

    The ten incense and enthusiasm pulled Yoshino and ran away.


    Yoshino is also interested in hide and seek.

    "It’s not that easy to escape from my palm –


    Breaking the singer Gabriel! Indulge in it, Yu Ji! "

    Miku showed the angel directly.

    "It’s fun…"

    Kurumi is a gloating scene.

    "You don't want to give me Spirit Power!!!" ~”

    Kotori has a headache.

    As a result, only Tobiichi Origami was left in the bathroom –

    "I was forgotten!"


    Feng Yu Chen, who escaped from the bathroom, suddenly met Kurumi while running on the corridor, and then he was pulled into a utility room by Kurumi.

    After a while, they really chased the past from the corridor…

    "so close. Thank you, Kurumi…"

    Feng Yu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

    "Mr. Demon Lord, we have new troubles. No, we should say that we have new troubles in the future. I am coming from the future. In other words, Kurumi is outside, I am the future Kurumi, like you. I thought, I made the retrospective bomb again!!"

    Tokisaki Kurumi said that he used a small palm to hold Feng Yu Chen's mouth and signaled him to calm down.

    "Is it the end of the destruction of the world?"

    Feng Yu Chen can't help but get serious.

    "Thousands of summers will disappear…The mother of Thousand Summers will die, that is, Honjou Nia will die! in the future! ”

    Kurumi said seriously in the future.

    "This…this…"What is going on! "

    Feng Yu Chen eager to look at Kurumi, thousands of summer…Can't die, although her appearance is a bit sudden and unexpected, but it is also his daughter, they just took a bath together…

    Chatting together, laughing together…

    No, this result is absolutely not possible! !

    He does not want such a future, absolutely not! ! !

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