2468. Chapter 2468 Parent-child bath and mixed bath

    [Today's second, send a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Shen Ji Qianxia chose Feng Yu Chen DATE, her mother gave up her, but she also had a father, Dad said so directly to her favorite, how can not accept the invitation of Dad.

    What is happiness?

    Qian Xia probably can't understand what is called happiness. After all, she has just been born. The knowledge she can understand is very limited, but she understands that this happy, full, and excited, can be happy, joyful and even excited…

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the thousand summers that stick to him. He has a kind of 'flattered'. After all, how can such a lovely daughter not like it? It’s just a little dizzy, after all, after all, after all, he’s been in this world for less than half a year, and he has this…

    However, behind this surprise, there is naturally a panic. Really, Kurumi, and Shizuka have their dissatisfied eyes, even if Yoshino has become cold, and Yoshino Nai, who can always hear it, does not make a sound.

    Even, Tobiichi Origami is always ready to kill his ghost on his daughter DATE…Father

    He Qizhen, after all, he just wants to appease Qianxia, ​​and that kind of thing has never been thought of.

    Kotori is very proud of the meritorious minister who made this situation.

    "Today is so late, Yu Chen will take a rest in the summer, wash a parent-child bath, then eat together, go to bed together…Tomorrow will be officially on DATE. ”

    Block selection Parent-child bath? ”

    Feng Yu Chen's head is down, although Qian Xia is nominally his daughter, but how big is it, just how to be a daughter? Is it more appropriate to say that my sister is better? No, no, no, can't be affected by siscon Attribute.

    After all, he still doesn't know what it is like in the summer…

    From the current figure, it is already a lovely girl in any case, and the gap with the baby is not a little bit.

    "Parental bath, parent-child bath, Dad gives thousands of summer back…"

    God Ji Jixia did not think about anything else. The term parent-child is enough to make her happy. After all, this is a chance to get close contact with Dad.

    "Sure enough, it’s still killing!"

    Tobiichi reached out and poked down Peng Yu Chen's back.

    "Hey, hello, this is not my idea, Kotori's idea! ~! ~”

    Feng Yu Chen is really awkward.

    "Hey, have I just spoken? Shidao? ”

    Kotori threatens to look at his own Elder Brother.

    Haven'tAh, haha, no, it’s Yu Chen Student who wants to have a parent-child bath…"

    Itsuka Shidou Sorry for the sights at Feng Yu Chen, can't sell his sister, only sells Student.

    "Oh, Yu Chen's craftsmanship is very good, Yoshino has experienced it for yourself?"

    Yoshino Nina is afraid that the world will not talk indiscriminately.


    Yoshino's small hand pulled down Feng Yu Chen's sleeves.

    Staring ——

    Thousands of summers seem to meet opponents, holding Feng Yu Chen's one arm, taboo at Yoshino, who is this cute guy? Does Dad have an illegitimate daughter?


    Yoshino was looked at by the summer, and suddenly he was afraid of pressing the hat.

    "I have to recite it, recite it! Back! ”

    Shixiang hurried to Feng Yu Chen's face, and he squatted, and he said loudly.

    SI can't sit still. Yu Chen Student, your 'ability' is not superfluous in my words? Still, more excited, um, um, sure enough, young teeth can't satisfy you, right? Ten incense, we have to work hard…"

    Kurumi is really a goblin.

    "You, you, give me the right thing to stop!!!"

    Really, it broke out. It’s true that Brother Yu Chen is her. These guys just added it later. It’s so arrogant, isn’t her sister alive?

    "I see, everyone is better off going to the nearby hot spring baths? My shower is broken…"

    Kotori said, shaking the lollipop inside his hand.

    commanderI also miss the hot springs, please approve my vacation…It must be a mixed bath, you can see the young body of the commander…]

    Pulling Ratatoskr, the deputy commander of the wireless headset, God Wugongping suddenly fantasized…

    [Yes, I should give you a holiday! ! Let the tone, trouble to prepare him a boiling water bath, I hope to see his leave of absence tomorrow…]

    Itsuka Kotori bites his teeth! The priests have not seen it…How can I show it to other people?

    "Can't you really have a mixed bath for men and women?"

    Itsuka Shidou blushes, so many beautiful girls.

    "Of course I do."

    Kotori stretches the sound –



    Itsuka Shidou is a little disappointing while relaxing. Well, it is still good. After all, those questions are more powerful than Spirit. He is not an ordinary human being.

    "However, Yu Chen wants to be in the women's bath! Become a beautiful girl to enter me, so that you can give love to the thousands of summer fathers, but also to give thousands of summer mothers love, then what, China does not have the tradition of 'when and be a mother'? ”

    Kotori points to Feng Yu Chen.

    "I know that you guys never give me a good way, the scholastic Student, I want to report your sister, I am not just twice, just!"

    Feng Yu Chen took it, but they are not interested in this incense, right? Unless Miku is the lily, everyone else should be oriented normal.

    "I have also been ruined?" But thank you, otherwise it will be me today…"

    The priests relaxed their breath, or Kotori re-selected the target, otherwise he would not fall into this infinite loop of the DATE war?

    "You are called gloating, cursing you can't have a daughter!"

    Feng Yu Chen said fiercely.

    "You have a daughter who is stunned?"

    Itsuka Shidou This can't be calm, what can't be a daughter?

    "Curse you can't push the girl! ~”

    Feng Yu Chen's curse of the second company.

    "Are you proud of pushing your sister? I won't be like you! ”

    Shidao took a look at Kotori and let him push Kotori or something…

    "This curse is canceled for me, or I will put it in your ***!!!"

    Kotori suddenly sighed, Feng Yu Chen, how does this guy know her dream?

    "I want to curse, who will make you harm me!"

    Feng Yu Chen pulled up Qianxia and Yoshino and ran away.

    I…I am fighting with you! ! ”

    Kotori was angry and chased after Feng Yu Chen.

    "Hey! Do you want a little lunch, Yu Chen…"

    Ten incense chased the past.

    "Oh, the sisters of this world are all fantasies of a brother X sister…"

    Kurumi, if realized, the original Kotori is the same as the real one…

    "Don't think about it, my sister won't…"

    The morale quickly waved, impossible, and impossible.

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