2380. Chapter 2380 Hades VS Nirvana (2)

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    "Today began to try two more states, in the gradual processing of the reality of things, probably to 10th or so can be restored to the three more, because the 10th or so is the starting point of the time to pay, relying on this salary, before the tutor used to pay rent and water and electricity, originally wanted to five more, but the sub-yuan side also want to update, Broken rewrite is not easy to write, so infinite words are three more, plus more words to see the monthly ticket and fluttering red rewards and so on. "

    The quarrel between Bing Die and Shadru seems to revolve around Feng Yu Chen?

    This makes him somewhat unconscious and stern, and the memory of the seal does not say that the topics of the two people’s quarrels have nothing to do with the situation they are facing today.

    "In this case, then there should be no problem in our alliance. If there are different opinions, then we can part ways. But because some emotional things are lingering here, is it no different from losing reason?

    Bing Die, we are all new in this world, so we forget the past and start again. Only when we live better now can we have a better future. ”

    "It's easy to say, I'm not like you, you can't think of anything in the past, so it's so easy to say the league, but I remember everything, why don't you think about it?"

    Bing Die can't tolerate the loss of Feng Yu Chen who used to live with her. It's just too unreasonable. After all, they started fighting for a long time, even though she didn't succeed once…

    But the world has to cooperate with her and become a companion. This is unreasonable…

    The long-term dispute made her accustomed to fighting with Feng Yu Chen, even if she lost. Now, after Shadru’s plot and Feng Yu Chen’s calm, she has discovered that the frozen past will untie the seal. Up…

    "Being close to reality, stopping at the hustle and bustle, indulging in the past that has only disappeared, the girl, is your life so?"

    Kuroyukihime couldn’t stand anymore, stood up and pulled out Zapnakutō –

    "If you stop in the past, there may be a future. Is the world that is always stagnant really what you expect?" Don't lose yourself, because you have to live for yourself, and then you can shine brightly. ”

    "We agree to the alliance."

    It was at this time that a young girl led the ready-to-wear Quincy Group to appear on the ice of the behind.

    The appearance of the girl is very abrupt.

    I don't know when she is already here, but no one has found her existence! I can only see that the space reflects the magnificent colors. The girl seems to be integrated with the air. Feng Yu Chen knows that this strength is the ability of the space field!

    The young girl body wears a hagoromo robe woven from unknown biological feathers, a slender and delicate body, close to the transparent color of the skin, emitting sapphire brilliance, close to transparent long green hair, giving the girl a healthy showy and goblin breath, with a sword of wind around her waist, Let her slightly softer body add a point of valiant–

    The pointed little Spirit vibrates from time to time, and the only place that doesn't match her petite is –

    The softness that stands like the peak of full snow, trembles with every step of her.

    "Fia you!"

    Bing Die Some angry look at the sudden appearance of the Spirit girl.

    "Bing Die, I said, to fight with the future of the team as the core, and your confusion I do not know from what, this shinigami is right, your eyes are looking to the future, but to recall the past close your eyes, close your eyes or be indifferent, or die, I admire you for having such a clear soul and for not failing the strength you have. ”

    The girl patted Bing Die's shoulder and stood in front of Feng Yu Chen's

    "Here you can be the master, then let's get started, we can't let the virtual (player) continue to grow…"

    "I can, and have the complete mandate of the Soul Society, so that you Quincy will not be attacked for the time being. As the captain of the 13th team of the court, Captain, I will guarantee this commitment with the feather weaving until this time. Quest is over."

    Feng Yu Chen nodded and then looked at Shadru –

    "Open [door]…"


    Shadru held the Zapnakut on his chest, then slammed it against the void, and a crack occurred. Then there were countless hands of the undead from the crack, and the cracks were gradually opened.

    "After entering, Shinigami and Quincy can fight each other, but in the case of spare force, they can help each other. Our goal is to be a virtual base camp, and we must win quickly, so we can put down our faces and help each other."

    Feng Yu Chen explained, and then stepped into the cracks of darkness.

    "I agree that a quick battle is a must before reaching the real battlefield. It may be that the virtual people have already learned the information about our offense, so get more time before they are fully prepared…"

    The girl said, pointing at herself, "Sheele Fu Shanna Fia * 珂 葵 葵 尔 , ,, call me Sheele Fu, Shinigami Captain, your name."

    “Feng Yu Chen *Fu Xi, called Fu Xi…Of course, the name you want relatives doesn't matter, Wind Spirit. ”

    Feng Yu Chen body's Ice Spirit can feel that the girl is a pure Spirit, not his acquired awakening, but the innate Spirit.

    "Ice Spirit's affinity, so you can trust you more, so it seems that Bing Die has a relationship with you, and the attack is almost impossible."But mainly emotional, right? ”

    Sheele also noticed the spirit of Feng Yu Chen's Spirit, so I decided to cooperate, maybe the Spirit family?

    "I am going too……"

    Bing Die looks at Feng Yu Chen and Sheele Fu, who suddenly felt that it was Feng Yu Chen's figure that made her feel fluctuated?

    His appearance, his breath, and even his every movement make her dream…

    What she wants may not be [quiet], but this fluctuation?


    When it appeared in the virtual land, Shadru found that someone was waiting on the side of the door, wearing a mask of phoenix…

    "Wind Captain, let's take a step forward. I will deal with [Feng]. Her Nirvana is not dead by the number of people…"

    Shadru clenched the Zapnakutō in his hand.

    "Then please, you remember to catch up, I don't need the result of failure…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, and Sheele is heading towards Las Noches.

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