2379. Chapter 2379 Hades VS Nirvana

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    Feng Yu Chen won the real zanpakutō, decided to rate team offensive Hueco Mundo, five team words, and not much to be able to play the war, if there is only Hinamori Momo this lieutenant, although seemingly weak, actually K Idō should be good, coupled with his training, as well as the desire to get close to blue dye, presumably the strength will be a leap forward …

    Then Kuroyukihime and Shadru are two ally as an ally of the Shinigami camp.

    Then, Feng Yu Chen wants to go to the current Quincy Group under the alliance. The organization where Bing Die is located can temporarily become an ally. After all, on the main line Quest, the opponents of the Shinigami camp and the Quincy camp should be false, although they are also rivals. But there is no reward for killing each other between Shinigami and Quincy.

    Shinigami only rewards players with kills and kills, and Quincy should.

    Of course, there are also omissions, because when the blue dye betrayed the Soul Society, the camp was re-determined, and the merit system was added. The strikes to kill enemy players can get the merit value, and the merit value can be converted into Reiatsu.

    So far, there has been no opposition to the enemy players.

    There will be only reminders after strikes to kill.

    Before the Quincy Group attacked Shinigami, it was almost a hostile relationship…

    So in the current situation, Shinigami and Quincy can believe each other is also a problem.

    However, it is not enough for Blue Dye and Hueco Mundo's Strength to rely solely on Feng Yu Chen. Although Shadru is secretly recruiting Shinigami players, how much willing to participate in this Quest?

    Most players should return to the world after completing the Basic Quest. The rest are only those who want to win MVP players, and want to get rid of Feng Yu Chen's people. Although Unlimited System has a memory seal, it can be used to sense Feng. Yu Chen is Fu Xi's ability, and other master children can feel it?

    Since Feng Yu Chen wrote the soul into the Samsara wheel of life and death, and touched the threshold of the pseudo-dominant, the main force dispatched by the dominating world became the opponent who also touched the threshold of the pseudo-dominant, such as the ruler of Jiuyin. The child should have the ability to recognize [Fu Xi].

    Therefore, if the opponent is at this level, only Feng Yu Chen, Kuroyukihime, Shadru and Bing Die can form a battle. Feng Yu Chen is confident that he can win, others are a little dangerous, as for Hinamori Momo. Can only deal with the Menos Grande of Hueco Mundo.

    The result is that the combat power here is seriously insufficient, so it is necessary to pull the Quincy Group into the water.

    Feng Yu Chen's self-confidence was that when Nelliel Tu led the Arrancar Menos Grande to attack the world, Quincy also had contact with the virtual.

    In addition, the blue-dyed 惣 right as the current total BOSS, is the enemy of all camps outside the virtual, then if the ultimate goal is the same, then you can cooperate.

    "Hsinsen adjutant, the current fighting power is brought together, we attack Hueco Mundo from the present world, first go to Quincy's Lingzi base to take a trip…"

    Feng Yu Chen put on the feather weaving of Captain's Captain. This feather weave was originally draped by the blue dyed 惣, but now he has become the Captain of the Wufan team. Since it is a formal battle, then you need Captain. The posture.

    "I am going to open the door to Hueco Mundo…"

    Shadru clenched his hand in Zanpakutō and said, “It should take some time to open the door to Hueco Mundo. If it is mine, you can split second to finish…”

    "Then it will help a lot. You don't have to worry about Urahara. Time is also a bargaining chip. We can't beat each other by surprise…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded, which saved his Spiritual Power. After all, opening Hueco Mundo requires the inherent world-wide strength of space positioning, which consumes a lot of power, and it is even more difficult to transfer multiple people, although Orihime can Restore his Reiatsu, but Orihime's reply is also limited, her reply is left…


    Through the opening door of the Soul Society, Feng Yu Chen came to the world and first went to the underground spiritual space where the Quincy Group is located.

    Feng Yu Chen was a man before, but now he is coming as Captain of the Soul Society's 13th team, Captain, plus the strength of his behind, if the Quincy Group does not agree with the alliance, then they will kill them. He is not a kind person, he can't kill for him.

    "What are you doing again?"

    Bing Die's face exudes a deadly cold, can freeze the strength of the soul, and she also noticed the existence of Shadru, how to say, the two most hated people, Shadru and Feng Yu Chen, which made her even more calm.

    "It's a war, or peace!!"

    Feng Yu Chen is not as calm as before, and at this moment he covers the entire underground spiritual space with absolute Reiatsu.

    "Threaten me? Yeah, fight, either I kill you, or you kill me, you are the X-X woman! ! ”

    In the hands of Bing Die, Frost's short blade appeared.


    Although Shadru is highly cultivated in the soul, but the memory is indeed a seal, although she knows that she and Feng Yu Chen have a soul-printed connection and know why it exists, but since it exists, there is a reason, after all, only let her Can an approved male be able to grant this kind of soul print?

    Bing Die is because [Ice Emperor 娥 阳 蝶 】] retains all the memories, no matter what can not seal the soul! !

    "Although I am not sure how you get this relationship, but I am a virgin, from the strength you distributed, it should be" ice Emperor e Yin and Yang Butterfly ", this kind of thing I have, conclusion, we may know before this, although the memory is missing, then from your tone of view, the wind captain And I did have that relationship in the past.

    You shouldn't hope that there will be an unfortunate future, so if I can quit, how do you feel? I will not take the initiative to steal your things. ”

    Shadru knows that her relationship with Feng Yu Chen's is enough. As for the contact between men and women, she is relatively faint. Before all the future, these are illusory. Even if there is a soul seal, she can’t do it. What is going on, therefore, I want to experience that kind of warmth and only after the infinite fire is found in the world after the resurrection…

    In the previous lingering, she did not fight for it, so Bing Die may be acceptable if it regresses.

    "I do not need!"

    Bing Die's face is getting colder and colder. She hates Shadru's calm atmosphere. It seems that she won't fight for everything. It is very cherished, but it is so indifferent, and she is so confident, she doesn't Willing!

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