2381. Chapter 2381 Hades VS Nirvana (3)

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    Shadru faced the mask of [Feng], slowly pulled out Zanpakutō, double-handed with a knife, and sang Shikai (Initial Release) –

    "Dark weaving, ghosts are all done, bleak –

    Manzhu Shahua! ”

    With the completion of Shikai (Initial Release), the Zapnakut in the hands of Shadru became a reddish color with bloody lines.

    "The genre, Shadru, look at you should be light enough to step into the threshold. On this stage, your Strength is not enough to watch."

    The phoenix mask also pulled out its own Zapnakutō –

    "The flames are dying or eternal, blushing –


    The deep red flame spreads around, igniting everything, and the spirit in the space is burned out in an instant, and everything can't escape the flame.

    "Yeah, indeed, my Strength is not enough, but I, a little lucky, happened to touch something, grow up to the present, even if you exist, you can deal with it. Speaking, you are just inheritance. The last name of the name of Zhu Rong."

    Shadru doesn't feel that it has been different for many years, and her strength and Innate Skill can't be compared with those of Innate Skill.

    I thought that Fu Xi didn't do it all at once. After all kinds of hardships, I had the later famous name.

    She does not want to be swallowed up by the world she dominates. She has ambitious ambitions and wants to go against the sky.

    "I don't know where you are from self-confidence. With my rank, I can see clearly. You have no advantage over us. The so-called Witch of Hades is just relative to your time.

    At the time of Fu Xi, it was the real big time. People like you are just countless. Just left Fu Xi, a person like him, who is not like that girl who is like you. Have the slightest attention.

    There were countless people who wanted to be close to Fu Xi. It can be said that as long as Fu Xi said, the whole woman in the dominant world would appear in front of him, even those who are the masters!

    However, the worse the flight is, the worse it is. We don't understand why Fu Xi chose Nuwa, the unknown sister. He is really a poor person.

    Gathered here, I am waiting for the resurrection from the seal of the past, waiting for this day, either killing Fu Xi or being killed by Fu Xi.

    I, in the long-term memory, I also pursued him. Unfortunately, I can’t enter his sight. I don’t understand it. I don’t understand it. It’s obviously a little bit different, but I can’t see it forever. At the height of Fu Xi, his influence on the dominating world transcended the power of the masters.

    One of the reasons why the masters have no action, is probably fear?

    Ridiculous, both want to obliterate Fu Xi's reincarnation and want to keep the body, we are undoubtedly being rushed to try Fu Xi's chess pieces.

    However, this is all chess pieces, even Fu Xi is no exception. Before the real world is unexplored, everyone is a chess piece. ”

    The mask of Feng told the Shadru, probably also told her by herself?

    "I only saw your poor pity. In fact, although the tension of Zanpakutō is very important, we should not only rely on ZaNPakutō to fight.

    What do you think is one of the reasons why I dare to appear here? What do you think of my Witch of Hades?

    Wake up, seniors, I will never be so unbearable as you think. If you have to have a statement, I think you should have heard [Rolling Stone Marriage]?

    Because you must die in my hands today, it doesn't matter if you tell me something. The real reason why I grew up to now is –

    [Rolling Stone] The Wheel of Fortune, as the back of the Samsara wheel of life and death!

    Although I am just a girl, I know the secrets that the masters can reach! ”

    The secret that Shadru discovered in the past was [Rolling Stone].

    “Isn't the wedding of Rolling Stones a marriage event between Fu Xi and Nuwa?”

    Zhu Rong never thought of any secrets.

    When Fu Xi and Nuwa left the dominating world, the place they went to was not the Earth, but a planet of the dominant world.


    At that time, there were no creatures on Kunlun. Nuwa and Fu Xi wanted to flourish, but the two brothers and sisters thought it might be too fast, so the two people did not combine…

    But one day, Fu Xi wants to push her sister, Nuwa is a bit shy, Fu Xi makes a wish to realize her dreams –

    "If God does not let humanity disappear, let my brother and sister become husband and wife, let the rolling stone plate stand on the ground. If you don't let my brother and sister become married, let the rolling stone plate fall."

    As a result, the stone that rolled down from the mountain did not fall on the ground, but it was always upright. It can be said to be a miracle…

    Therefore, Fu Xi realized the dream of pushing the sister, and then went to the earth.

    This rumor does not know when it will begin to spread. Zhu Rong thought it was a gossip.

    "Rolling stone marriage is a historical fact. I found the place where Fu Xi and Nuwa combined. I found the way to kill Great Ruler, and I also got [Rolling Stone].

    This [Rolling Stone] is part of Fu Xi cut from the back of the Samsara wheel of life and death. It is probably another use. I regard it as my own chance.

    To say that the opportunity is indeed there, my soul is printed for his reincarnation, is this coincidence and destiny?

    After incorporating the Rolling Stones into my soul, my soul cultivation has surpassed many geniuses, from a girl with a slight Innate Skill to a Witch of Hades.

    Through the power of the Rolling Stones, I will be able to have a foothold before the arrival of the new world of the future.

    This secret even if my girlfriend Helena did not tell, although she has fallen, but I still see that she is my friend, but she has been getting farther and farther away from her.

    These things do not mention, know that the Rolling Stones will die, you will not be the exception, in the face of the Rolling Stones ruling, even your Nirvana power can not be resurrected, but you do not worry, your soul will be in the Rolling Stones, when samsara wheel of life and death completed the New World, The Rolling Stones will naturally return to their original position, when all the people I killed will be able to enter the cycle. ”

    Shadru's pupil turned into a strange white jade color, and a smooth round stone was printed deep in the pupil. There was nothing special about it.

    "Samsara wheel of life and death, even if I just heard the word, you got a part of the back of it…It’s full of lure.Confused, it is mine, with it, Fu Xi's reincarnation can't help me! ! ”

    Zhu Rong did not expect to have such luck.

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