2187. Chapter 2187 tears of the female emperor

    [Thank you for Markzheng, reading wet people, blue sky green leaf No. 3, 冼 言言, Zhao Xing lighting, er, and other sorcerers, ugreygf, deep sea watch, fascinating children's shoes, today's first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket】

    “Is it similar to Moriah?”

    DoFrammingo looks at the darkness in front of himself, revealing confusion, his body is not here, can it pull out the darkness in his body?

    "It's not the same as the shadow of Moriah's little Kakuzu. They have the same ability as you, 'Asura'. They are not afraid of pain, no confusion, no shake for anything, killing alone! Can you overcome a more calm self? Maybe this will be a good show. ”

    Feng Yu Chen walked past Mihawk, Hancock, and Dolfranming.

    "It is not so easy to want to go! Is it easy for us to let go of it? Is it that we are too junk? ”

    Dolfranming’s body instantly bursts out –

! ~!


    His body changed into silk thread, and a myriad of silk threads were ejected from the skull, like volcanic eruptions, spewing out into mid-air, and these thousands of transparent silk threads erupted somewhere in mid-air, then fell like Meteor, and fell to the ground when the thread stretched from a point in mid-air to the point of falling ground, With countless silk threads constitute a huge, arc-shaped birdcage from the air to the ground!!

    At this moment, Fleminger will wrap everyone in!

    Haha! How can you let me know my strongest move, although this is the life of the next policy, but hey, what do you do? ”

    In the sky, a multi-Franming brother reappeared from the top of the cloud. It was just his avatar, the avatar made of wire.

    "Bastard, Dolfranming, do you want us to die?"

    Hancock naturally knows the power of Dolfranming, especially the strongest move he said, since it is the strongest, then he wants to avoid the fundamentally possible.

    "so what? Hey! I received it from Sengoku but blocked this Shura, but did not say that I would hurt you? ”

    Dolfranming said with a big smile, "It is worthwhile to harvest so many prey in a bird cage."

    At this moment, the black-colored Dolflander found a strip of black silk thread to open a gap in the cage.

    Feng Yu Chen They are glittering out in an instant.

    "I have said that your ability has been completely copied. Do you think that you will succeed yourself?" Since your body is exposed, it is even more fun. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu showed a sneer.

    Bad Ass

    Dolflander's look at the blackened self, can open the bird cage, this must be his ability, and indeed unlike Moriah, Moriah's shadow, but there is no way to use Devil Fruit's ability.

    "Aromatic feet!!"

    The blackened Hancock suddenly attacked Boa Hancock, using her usual moves.

    "Aromatic feet!"

    Boa Hancock counterattacked in time, a black and white slender **** hit together, fighting up, almost no distinction, no!

    This is not the case. Boa Hancock has the limit of the human body. However, the blackened Hancock does not. The Shuro Hancock can fight constantly.

    Then, the Mihawk of Shura and the multi-Franmingo of Shura battled with their bodies at the same time.

    The result is the same, they do not have any sense of stagnation, but humans have various physical limitations.

    "Tell you a message. If you lose to your dark side, then you will be swallowed up. What is the result?"

    The result is that after they have swallowed you, they will become my slaves.

    Asura public.

    I am in my Asura world and I am driven by me!

    Haha, how? ”

    Feng Yu Chen smiles and looks at this scene. Although Asura is not there, everything in this world can become Asura!

    "So if we defeat the Shura you made?"

    Mihawk asked Feng Yu Chen after he had stepped back with Shura Mihawk for more than a dozen steps.

    "Your strength will rise to the next level, and your darkness will be countered to my body, but as the king of Asura, the industry that I have endured has gone beyond everything. These counter-attacks will not hurt me, but will make me Asura will be stronger, so defeating them is good for you.

    If human beings want to get rid of jealousy, the first thing to be cut off is the inner emptiness. The dark collection of your inner heart is this simple Shura. In a sense, they are not real Shura, only they are swallowing up the ontology. After that, it will evolve into Shura. ”

    Feng Yu Chen said it without reservation.

    No! Ah

    Just then, Boa Hancock's body trembled. He heard the words of the servant in Feng Yu Chen's mouth suddenly recalling the scene of being a slave to Tenryuubito when he was a child. Would you like to experience the past again?


    Shura Hancock flew Boa Hancock out.

    Hancock, who sank into the ocean, was cursed by the sea because of the Devil Fruit he ate, so he couldn't climb out of the sea anyway.

    It is better to sink into the bottom of the sea than to become a slave to that person. Such an experience has not been experienced anymore, and the shame that is hard to erase in my life!

    At this moment, she saw a flame illuminating the entire sea, even the darkness of her heart could be illuminated, and the fear seemed to disappear instantly.

    Like the sun, it shines on her, warm and fascinating.

    The sun shining in this deep and dark sea is really an image of heaven.

    Did she die after drowning? That's fine, no need to be a slave anymore.

    Gradually, she closed her eyes and felt that the whole body was wrapped in a warm body. The sweet smell flowed into the mouth from the lip gap, melting her body and heart, as if the snow and ice were melted into the sun. Among the streams, it ran down the mountains and made a fascinating music with the rocks.

    "Pu~"sieve! ”

    Feng Yu Chen rushed out of the sea with Boa Hancock. "Really, obviously there is such an experience. Why do you want to work for the world government? You are really a hopeless woman. Really, don't fall in front of me. Tears!! I feel like I am a bad person.

    Get up, at least in the future Tenryuubito will completely disappear from the world, the world government has been wrapped by my pets, I have the legendary Neptune's Strength, can manipulate the sea king class…"

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