2188. Chapter 2188 Boa Hancock's Overlord

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    Look at Poya*Hancock sinking into the sea, Feng Yu Chen didn't have any pity at first, and the person who blocked him would be pushed into the abyss by him. Boa Hancock was not the last one, very soon, DoFramming Brother and Hawk-Eyes Mihawk will also step into the abyss.

    'Asura' is not a replica of the Might Guy class in Hokage. It can defeat the replica only by elevating itself beyond itself.

    'Asura' is different from ordinary replicas. They will also fight more and more bravely. They want to defeat Asura's own. First, don't take yourself as a 'person'. To become a 'non-human' existence and have Asura. Strength of World War I.

    Boa Hancock's ending was as expected by Feng Yu Chen from the beginning.

    Feng Yu Chen, who was so indifferent to the front, was touched by the softness of his heart. The tears that Boa Hancock shed when he fell into the water, in any case, seemed to be unable to erase and continually swirling in his mind.

    Feng Yu Chen, who is awakened in the first step, is the most emotional Asura model. Since it has the nature of Asura, it is a midpoint from the transition of people to Asura.

    Inevitably there will be a heart of compassion.

    As a man who makes a woman cry, it really is too scum.

    Boa Hancock The kind of tears, not deceit or deliberately revealed, it is the weak side of a woman.

    Suddenly, Feng Yu Chen had a kind of weak Boa Hancock that turned out to be really beautiful. Unlike the kind of arrogant, she also had this side.

    Therefore, he was ruthlessly left again, and he jumped into the deep sea and found Poya*Hancock. After oxygen was put into her mouth, she pulled her out of the deep sea.


    "Since there is a past enslaved by Tenryuubito, why should we help the world government? Sure enough, are you blinded or afraid of the strength of the world government? Needless to worry, the world government will soon be completely disintegrated. ”

    Listening to the helpless words contained in the helplessness, Boa Hancock realized that it was not heaven, but that Feng Yu Chen dive to the sea to save her, caressing her lips and chest, or the first person was so intense Warm, and, to make her relieved is –

    “Does the world government really collapse?”

    "Of course, there are thousands of sea kings, and the body length is more than five kilometers of sea kings. Do you think the world government can resist it? The new generation of this world is coming, you are free…"

    Feng Yu Chen put Boa Hancock on a huge dolphin body –

    "Leave, the battlefield is not a place where women can bear. It is even more troublesome to cry. What is it…Wasted too much time…"

    Scratching his head, Feng Yu Chen immediately flashed, and he felt that it would be a bit uncomfortable to continue.


    Just then, Shura Hancock appeared in front of Boa Hancock and said, "Go forward, die, retreat, give birth."

    Does not contain a bit of emotional words.

    "You copy this, don't want to stop me!!!"

    Boa Hancock recalled the warmth and didn't want the figure to disappear in front of him. The body broke out with an unbeatable Strength –

    “This One is the real pirate Boa Hancock!!”

    The violent 吼 吼 震 震 吼 吼 吼 吼 吼 吼 吼 吼 吼 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修

    Overlord color domineering!

    "It turns out that this is a kind of trial. If the body is firm, it will fundamentally overcome all the fears. If you don't fear death, you can defeat Asura's own. It's fun. It seems to be fun, but it will last. It’s not clear yet.”

    Dove Fleming's mouth Kakuzu smiled and saw hope from Boa Hancock's body. However, although he himself had a domineering domineering, he did not cut as a person's forgetfulness of his past darkness, and whether he could throw death. ?

    His battle will continue.

    "No breakthrough is death, a good trial, and the person who can test me is my own."

    Hawk-Eyes Mihawk also realized the truth, clenched the black girl in his hand, and sought to break through his own destiny.

    "So sweet and warm man!"

    Boa Hancock's scent of the mouth, although wondering why men can be so fragrant, but it does not matter, so sweet and warm man, if the world government really destroyed by him, then, is his benefactor, then that I can't even give up, she wants to do it again –

    Wait for me Who said that the battlefield is not a place for women to stay, This One is a pirate female emperor! The battlefield is my site! ”



    Arriving at Marin Vatican, White beard is waiting for Feng Yu Chen in front of the Navy headquarters. Since he promised, he will not grab the limelight of young people, and he also wants to see how powerful the new generation of Strength is. .

    "Oh, I am late, White beard…"

    Feng Yu Chen walked on the surface of the sea and came to the white beard's main boat, the Moby Dick.

    "Hey, haha…It’s not too late, I actually appreciate Sengoku’s face…”White beard stood on the deck with a huge sickle and laughed at the opposite of the Navy Marshal Sengoku.

    "The old world is over, it's time to enter the new generation, Sengoku, how do you feel now? It seems that the three Oka Shichibukai and two Navy generals you sent did not stop this kid. ”

    "You have to know that once the world government is over, the whole world will be in chaos. Can you afford this price?!"

    Sengoku wiped the cold sweat on his head while looking at the opposite of the big and the small ones, one is the unruly Shura, the other is the four kings of the New World. If they join hands, even if there are more strategies, It won't work.

    "You condone Tenryuubito's mischief in the Champagne Islands. Anyone has the power to kill you all. Dolfranming has a good saying. There is no justice in the world. The last winner is 'justice'. ! Are you not blaming justice for doing bad things? Then it doesn't matter if the world is chaotic. ”

    Just then, Boa Hancock caught up with Feng Yu Chen from behind.

    "The pirate female Emperor Hancock…"

    "How is she?"

    Could it be…


    The Navy soldiers looked at the sudden Boa Hancock and frowned.

    "You guy? Who told you to catch up…"

    Feng Yu Chen reluctantly looks at the dolphins under Boa Hancock, obviously he let her leave her? Could it be… Devil Fruit ?

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