2186. Chapter 2186 Asura: Stripping its darkness

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    Boa Hancock, whose body was gradually petrified, felt the man’s deep threat.

    But this is not the center that makes her lose her strength.

    Being able to petrify others, of course, also to avoid the petrochemical Strength, the signs of petrification gradually faded from his body.

    Captive arrow!

    Boa Hancock, who is not reconciled, continues to attack. The hand gently rubs on the blushing lips, changes a huge pink peach heart-shaped substance, and then pulls it back like a bow and arrow, it will shoot a lot of pink arrows, impact To Feng Yu Chen.


    Let those arrows hit the body, but Feng Yu Chen didn't feel anything. Although his body's clothes were petrified, this was not a petrochemical effect on his body itself.

    This is the horrible way to open Asura's eyes!

    Breaking away the power of illusion, all the contemptuous Strength can't reach the realm of Feng Yu Chen's.

    Although it is a state of initial awakening, having the eye of Asura and not possessing are two different things.

    "I have said it, it doesn't work for me. The battlefield is where men stay. Women give me away!!"

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes are horrible and domineering!

    Overlord color domineering!

    However, Feng Yu Chen was surprised soon, and the domineering of Boa Hancock did not have any Effectiveness, because she is also a domineering person!

    However, the sea surface around Boa Hancock is different. It is directly undulated by the vibrations, forming a huge wave, and a dead fish floats out of the water.

    "The domineering domineering in this realm, I only saw it in front of the red hair…"

    Hawk-Eyes Mihawk couldn't help but be surprised, and now Feng Yu Chen is quite different from what he had encountered before.

    "do you know? When a person will suppress their temperament, will be in the momentum of a lot of weakness, very helpless, I spent more than I imagined on the boat in Luffy, at the beginning I just thought that a certain time from there to find another development, their own formation of the Sea Thief Regiment, after all, I am also a person with the will of the king, although sometimes, I really can't be called King, is the second disease suitable?

    Well, I found out that I was still able to stay on Going Merry, so I walked over. This King was ready to quit at the moment when Going Merry exited. However, I finally agreed with Luffy as companions, so Thinking of at least helping them to get through the shampoo islands?

    At the end of Quest, I will be myself. This sea is free, so people with different ambitions can part ways. Luffy said that Chicks once said this, but it was time for me to part ways.

    So I can only do it myself, so I joined forces with White Beard, so I called the Sea King class, so I am not afraid of everything at the moment! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's chest slowly rises up, the weather in the sky is clear, and it instantly becomes black and black, and it is shocked and slammed. It is the person who has the qualification of Wang.

    Luffy is usually like a king in reverse? Not like, but he has the potential to dominate the domineering.

    Therefore, Wang is not a person who decides, does not need anybody's approval, and is already a king when he thinks he is a king. This is the nature!

    "Oh, it's like you are very unusual. I heard that your dream fruit ability can't be used for a while. It's a pity. I want to see your Devil Fruit Strength, 嘿嘻嘻嘿……"

    DoFranmingo instantly floated into the sky, double-handed and waved up –

    Lift the arm up and down, waving the hand and making a nearly transparent thin wire from each of the five hands, forming five forked wires similar to the nails, from the top of Feng Yu Chen's head The high speed descends through the body that runs through him.


    The strong assault force will cause the sea water to sway, but Feng Yu Chen's body has not suffered any injuries. In the split second, his body moved slightly, and the silk thread passed by!


    Then, Hawk-Eyes Mihawk also launched an attack at the same time, waving a huge black knife in his hand and slamming a huge shock wave!

    The whole sea was split into two halves.

    Then Feng Yu Chen's body is still moving gently past it.

    Then, several flamenco and Hawk-Eyes Mihawk teamed up to attack Fang Yu Chen hundreds of times, not hitting his body once.

    Seeing the color domineering + fighting sense, double prediction, you can already see the future, plus the existence of Asura, there is no so-called emotion, it is a natural god of war!

    The strongest will not touched by any fluctuations.

    "Is this guy really a human?"

    Although Dolfranming did not attack Feng Yu Chen, there was no displeased expression on his face, but instead a banter was revealed.

    "It’s more terrible than before. At that time, he had no will. He was fighting with me alone. It was born to be the king of the battle. He would never fail! He is not human. ”

    Hawk-Eyes Mihawk said with certainty that he least likes to fight this kind of person, and there is nothing that can surpass his will to fight.

    Asura is an unbeaten god of war, without any so-called mood swings, always calm, not living as any existence.

    "Well, I have been attacked so many times in a row, I have to fight back!"

    Feng Yu Chen coldly at the Hawk-Eyes Mihawk and Dolfranming, a sword wrapped in various inscriptions of darkness slowly extended from the golden fire in the forehead, this black inscription sword was Feng Yu Chen is in his hand.

    Only in the split second that appeared, Hawk-Eyes Mihawk, Boa Hancock and Dofranco felt that their world began to distort and was shrouded in endless darkness, and their eyes could not see any scenes. The only thing I could see was the golden fire.

    Slowly, Feng Yu Chen waved his hand in the dark inscription claymore ——


    It was like a breeze blowing through the mountain wind. It was only a moment that the Mihawk three felt that the soul seemed to be cut, and a black sigh of breath madly swept from their bodies, but formed a similarity to them. The dark man.

    "This is the darkness in your heart. I am King Asura. The darkness in the world is dominated by me. I will pull your darkness out of the body, come on, fight with yourself!" Can you beat yourself? ! Who is the strongest opponent in the world, it is you! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's inserted the black sword into his golden fire and disappeared –

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