2130. Chapter 2130 can't sleep at night, remembering as new

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    In the end, Luffy knocked down Enel and solved the crisis in the Kingdom of God. However, Feng Yu Chen did not find Little Loli in the sky blue panties. !

    After the end of a dispute, Feng Yu Chen, they had a party with the angels of the Kingdom of God, and finally they were able to enjoy the normal.

    Being defeated by Enel with his vain dreams flew to the so-called infinite earth – the moon.

    However, although I want to capture the Devil Fruit, I have no strength to compete.

    What's more, he doesn't feel it is necessary. Devil Fruit is something that can't be met. The thunder and wind system may not be suitable for him.

    What he wants most is the ice system. After all, this is the system he has always been familiar with. Unfortunately, the owner of the ice system already exists.

    Navy general Aokiji, which has frozen fruit, and Esdeath is also frozen fruit.

    After leisure, Feng Yu Chen and Asuna were looking for food on the island alone. When they were revisiting SAO, two people went to some places where they were not found in the most inaccessible places, and then made delicious food. That kind of life is really amazing. Aftertaste.

    That is the faint warmth, the bit by bit, the most beautiful memory.

    “Asuna, I, I’ve always dreamed that one day, after really no dispute, we live in a carefree kingdom, planting a variety of fruits and vegetables every day with our own double-handed. With hands-on cooking, the children can chase us with laughter…"

    Feng Yu Chen grinned as he put the picked wild vegetables in Aiko.

    "This is not like you…"

    Asuna smiled and shook his head. "How come suddenly?"

    "Well……It’s just a sentiment, and life has to come to the end, but now I have to work hard. I am the backbone of all of you. I am the pillar of my family. I can’t fail. ”

    Feng Yu Chen said firmly.

    "Men, it's okay to have a role, but don't be too tired, but it will make me also everyone will be bothered. We have no complaints and no regrets. Those days we have spent, those memories of happiness have already been Enough, give us some at the right time, you are not alone."

    Asuna caressed Feng Yu Chen's head and said softly, this guy is a hard-working piece of wood.

    "Well, the ingredients are ready, start cooking."

    Feng Yu Chen pulled up Asuna and started cooking directly in the open space of the forest.

    Two people, you licked me for dinner, and returned to the Going Merry.

    "After eating the meal, it is time to eat you…Asuna ……Today, you lied to me…"

    Feng Yu Chen locked the hatch and took off his shirt.

    "Your body…also hurt…And Luffy, if they come back…"

    Asuna blushes on the bed –

    "Nothing, my body is great, Luffy, how can they have to carnival one night, enough time for us to be happy…Moreover, you are getting more and more here…"

    Feng Yu Chen caressed Asuna's richness, although Asuna's appearance does not seem to be a mother, but rather a youthful and invincible girl, but it is a man-wife Asuna.

    "Generally can't see it, my Asuna is still very good…"

    "Don't move, the pain of rising…I am breastfeeding…It is very up there…"

    Asuna frowned and said that her chest had been rising.

    "That's for sure, baby doesn't eat, so breast milk has been squatting inside, I'll help you suck…"

    Feng Yu Chen smirked and untied Asuna's clothes, revealing the softness of the white.

    "Just blame…You guy is really, people are very troubled…"

    Asuna's face was blushing, but Feng Yu Chen had already sucked it up.


    Of course, the more attractive place is still –

    Feng Yu Chen caressed Asuna's hair, kissed her red lips, handed down the soft neck, gradually slid her head, double-handed holding her head, which added more warmth.

    With his caress, Asuna also replied to Feng Yu Chen's back in response, closing his eyes and responding to the demands of the man in his arms. In fact, is this warm time not exactly what she is craving? I hope this day.

    During pregnancy, she has been watching other sisters. Although the child is very important, the underage Asuna is more likely to experience the youthful love.

    Like today in the world of "One Piece", under the blue sky and blue sky, laughing with his beloved, leaning against each other, leaning against the ramp to look at the boundless sky and the sea, embracing at night, warmly grabbing With their own taste, the drifting boat is carrying them…

    What she is pursuing is just this, but now it is really realized, just like SAO –

    “Yu Chen, so happy…”

    Asuna caressed Feng Yu Chen's tough face. Her man also had a knife-like cheek, matured, but the sentiment was still like yesterday.

    "I am the same, grievances, it is the moment to enjoy youth, but with the baby, this has been too hard for you for nearly a year…"

    Feng Yu Chen kisses Asuna's mouth Kakuzu and knows everything she wants to express.

    "I love baby too, I love you too. I always want to spend a romantic day with Yu Chen. People want to fight side by side with you in such a world. I have been looking forward to it for a long time…"

    Asuna clasped Feng Yu Chen's body and sucked the smell of his body. It was still a helpless fragrance, only the fragrance he had.

    "Well, I am the same. Today, it seems to be back to SAO. It doesn't matter. We will travel in this world for a long time. My Asuna is still the same youthful and lovely. Really, I am not touched. The mind is teasing you…"

    Feng Yu Chen just let Asuna hug him and pass the warmth.

    "No."Men can't say no, people come to feel…"

    Asuna burst into laughter and pouted a small mouth.

    "Just kidding, fragrant Asuna, you can't escape…"

    Feng Yu Chen smirked and blocked Asuna's lips, and their bodies clung together…


    Tangle, utterly confide, and turn to Yangko.

    A few lingering ends of Feng Yu Chen and Asuna have forgotten everything, until the dawn of the moment two people stop down, put on clothes, the cabin to sort out truthfully, after all, going Merry is a small boat, their intimate room is Asuna, Robin also Fen G Yu Chen Common, ghosts know how Nami put Robin into their room, is a complete obstacle ah …

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