2131. Chapter 2131 Navy Girl: Crashed

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    "Hey, do the two seem to have a good night's sleep?"

    Robin looks at Feng Yu Chen and Asuna, who are holding hands on the railing and watching the clouds, as if they have realized something.

    Of course, this is limited to her relatively mature, Luffy, they will never think of deeper things.

    "Well, it seems that the celebration is over. Will you bid farewell to Sky Island, Luffy?"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the excited Luffy and others, and then sees the gold behind their behind, suddenly speechless –

    "You will not steal Gold from your specials?"

    "Well, well, we are pirates, guys, sail, sail, go back to Qinghai!!"

    Luffy laughed and said.

    "Come on, many people have chased it…"

    Nami puts Gold in his arms and urges him to say.


    At this time, Kony and her father appeared next to each other and drove a ship boat to guide and said: "Mina, here, the exit to Qinghai is here…"

    "Isn't it really going to fall into the sea below?" This will definitely be broken…"

    Feng Yu Chen's cold sweat appeared on his forehead, suicide-like fall into the sea, just finished intimate with Asuna, this is going to play the sea?

    Although he will not die even in the sea, after all, there is a blessing of the sea god, but unfortunately Asuna's Devil Fruit, will become a dry duck when it reaches the sea.

    "No, you will understand when you get there. There are channels for those who send Qinghai…"

    Cornice shook her head and said.


    However, after arriving at the exit, Connie's father let Feng Yu Chen take the sails and grab the hull.

    "Mina Sang, in the midst of falling, pay attention to grasping…"

    Kenneth reminded Feng Yu Chen of their whereabouts, and as a result, Going Merry was really damn jumping at high altitude! ! !

    "Special, isn't there a special channel?"

    Feng Yu Chen said as he grabbed the hull.


    At this moment, a whistle rang, a huge octopus smashed out of the vertical cloud river, and an octopus tentacles grabbed the Going Merry, and then the descending Speed ​​became slower, and the huge octopus seemed to be Parachutes usually carry Feng Yu Chen and they fall slowly.

    That's awesome!

    Luffy excitedly looks at the big octopus.

    However, Usopp has been fainting.

    “Sure enough, it’s a Grand Line full of possibilities…”

    Asuna stretched his arms and said the wind blowing the gap.

    "Asuna Miss's smile is so beautiful…Please accept my compliments…"

    Sanji suddenly came running and showed up.

    "Your sister, other people's girlfriends don't seduce me, want to die!"

    Feng Yu Chen squatted on Sanji's face.

    "The heart of beauty, everyone has it, hateful, Robin Miss…Be my girlfriend? ”

    Sanji evaded Feng Yu Chen's sniper and then came to Robin. He believed that he must have a female ticket!

    "Let's go to sleep, don't bother us with nothing…Dopey

    Feng Yu Chen took Asuna back and went to make up, lingering for one night, of course, going to sleep.

    "You can repair!! Even show off in public! Robin Miss, let's go to sleep…"

    Sanji double-handed held together and looked at Robin.

    "Ah, I have to read a book…"

    Robin refused.

    "Nami Miss, do you have time to sleep with me?"

    Sanji teleportation turned to the last of the three women.

    "Sleeping your sister, cooking!"

    Nami appeared on the forehead with the word '#' and flew Sanji.

    "Ah, it’s so gentle, Nami Miss, this must be a boxing of love, give it to me, and make sure to make Nami Miss’s exclusive love dishes…"

    Instead of being angry, Sanji was excited.

    (Sure enough, it is a shake M)


    Feng Yu Chen and Asuna, who are sleeping, suddenly heard a different voice, with hostile footsteps, and awakened the two moments.



    Feng Yu Chen reached out and grabbed Asuna's finally small mouth, looking out through the glass on the door, it turned out to be Navy! ~!

    How did Navy board the Going Merry? Luffy, how are they?

    "It's Navy, get up, let's go…"

    “I heard a huge vibration before, where did we arrive in Qinghai?”

    “It seems to be the Navy base, it’s really bad luck…”

    "Hmph!"Have you started fighting again? ”


    Feng Yu Chen and Asuna in the conversation are preparing to flee in the darkness.

    "You are all serious, let me go inside and see…=”

    At this moment, the voice of a girl sounded.

    "It's a player!"

    Asuna looks at glittering. In addition to her and Feng Yu Chen, she also has a glittering red spot.

    "Trouble, here is the other side's site, our position is exposed to the other's line of sight, do not escape here, it is…Luffy, they don't know where they are, so, Asuna, the split second that the guy came in, you escaped with starlight, first join them with Luffy, give me your brand, I sink into the sea, so unless They turned the sea up to the sky, or they couldn't find me.

    The detector can scan only infinite grades, your brand is not in the body, you can naturally action, and seal the memory, the other party will not know your identity. ”

    Feng Yu Chen put Asuna's brand in his arms.

    "Well, you have to be careful, I am going to find Luffy them…"

    Asuna nodded.


    Split second, the hatch is opened, and Asuna is aiming at this moment and the streamer disappears into the cabin, however –

    Feng Yu Chen did not see any figures.

    No, this is –

    Assassination Technique ! !

    Assassination Technique that can be instantly invisible!

    In an instant, Feng Yu Chen sniffed out the smell that only the people in the dark world could smell.

    Assassination Technique – shadow step !

    Feng Yu Chen's body also disappeared into the air.

    "The defense is very good, but I am a little faster than you!"

    After the light and fragile female voice, a dagger instantly came from Feng Yu Chen's heart–

    "Hey! ~”

    "Really?" It is a pity that I am also assassin! ”

    Feng Yu Chen leaned, the behind's scabbard blocked the dagger, and then his body slammed backwards—



    A sullen, Navy assassination girl was placed on the wall by Feng Yu Chen.

    There was a soft touch on the back. Feng Yu Chen naturally knew what it was. It was just that he had hit so hard. The Navy girl’s chest would not be slammed by him.

    Asshole! Piss off with that.

    The girl gritted her teeth and found a poison needle in her mouth –

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