2129. Chapter 2129 is as strong as iron

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    What is the only thing in the world that can make Feng Yu Chen lose his mind?

    What is the reason to be willing to buy ultra-high-priced panties in the black shop opened by Hakurei Reimu every day?


    Lolicon race high!

    Sky blue panties of Loli race!

    Blue and white panties of Loli race!

    Of course, Loli's tastes are varied.

    One of the biggest secrets of Land of Fantasy Academy City –

    The Master there is only super lolicon.

    It is Asuna 'incredibly moe moe ' who knows this rule to deceive Feng Yu Chen once, assuming someone abuses Little Loli, don't need to call 110, don't write SOS, not to call for help, a lolicon will arrive at the first time to protect Loli. Someone is responsible.

    What's more, for many days, Feng Yu Chen did not meet adorable little loli, damn, which is simply the desperate life of lolicon, but at this moment, I am finally hopeful to see the oasis…

    Feng Yu Chen, who broke out, broke out, and re-emerged, grabbed Luffy and the huge Gold ball, like a small ant, and instantly reached the top of Enel's head like a jet rocket.

    "Luffy, kill me the guy, kill him, I kill you!"

    That split second, everyone opened their mouths, damn, engage your sister!

    The original hidden master is only lolicon.

    "I was completely disappointed, and sure enough, the last normal man is not normal…Let me calm down first…"

    Nami said with a smile, just a pair of Death Aura's heavy look, now amnesty, where is the explosive power, where is a big Gold ball, flying in the blink of an eye, the power is not Strength, but Loli and Sky blue panties.

    "Well, although it's bizarre, there is no Little Loli on the Grand Line. It seems that Mr. Shura is destined to go through a 'sad' journey…"

    Robin smiled and smiled. Feng Yu Chen, who had always looked calm and wise, suddenly turned away from common sense. He also had an ordinary person, which was actually 'cute'.

    "SOGA, you can use this to guard against Yu Chen's attack in the future. As long as you wear a sky blue panties, he won't attack it?"

    Usopp clap his hands and said, Feng Yu Chen was worried that if he was unhappy, he would cut him and he could wear a sky blue panties.

    "Usopp is great. It seems that I will buy this equipment in the future, Nami, Nami, buy it for me?"

    Chopper is also amazed. After all, the Shura that broke out from time to time is very scary. At home, the sky blue panties is a must-have safety charm.

    "Well, maybe you can do this kind of business. When this guy's bounty is getting higher and higher, you can sell sky blue panties to make money! ~”

    Usopp said excitedly, thinking about how to sell panties to Feng Yu Chen's opponents.

    "boom! boom! ”

    Nami tapped hard on Usopp and Chopper's head. "You two, give me the right thing…However, if the guy really cares about the panties of that color, he can blackmail him for the next time…嘿嘿)

    Amount, you are not thinking about how to make money?

    Of course, Usopp and Chopper who think so will definitely not say anything. After all, Nami SAMA is terrible, QAQ…

    "One two…It’s really annoying! ”

    Zoro is not interested in panties Loli, but he is thinking about whether he has a hobby. After all, Feng Yu Chen is just a super explosion. If he also has a persistent hobby, Is it not possible to break out?


    After sending out Luffy, Feng Yu Chen rescued Asuna, who had no more physical strength.

    Although it is also the nature of the natural system, on the Physical Strength, Asuna suffers a lot, and Starlight is the fruit of Speed, but Ray is pursuing an attack, compared to her weakening.

    "Asuna, you are really lying to me…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Asuna, the look of smirk, bitterly said.

    "Well, don't irritate you, how can you work hard?"Asuna double-handed holding his knees and biting his lips in the arms of Feng Yu Chen. "There are only two points left on the detector. I don't know if you are alive or dead. I am worried about dying, but fortunately. You are fine, since you have become two points, you have been staying there for no more than two hours…"

    What? just over an hour

    Feng Yu Chen frowned. For so long, his consciousness only felt the stagnation of split second. What happened during this time?

    However, now is not the time to think about these things, more importantly, he survived, this Infinite World is full of unknown fans, how to explore can not know.

    And even if you know, I am afraid there is no use.

    "Well, I have survived. This is the answer. It is a happy thing to continue to touch your soft face. Asuna, I will not die. I will live for you, so I will miss you." I can be infinitely powerful, I will not be confused, I just need to continue to become stronger, and that's it."

    Feng Yu Chen said with a smile, yes, there is nothing to worry about, it is important that he is alive, although the battle of life and death again and again, but eventually survived, so it is ok.

    "Well, it's better to live, we also have babies, so we can't die…"

    Asuna smiles and fights.

    "Yes, this is our simple happiness. No matter what we have experienced, it will be perfect in the end. This is enough."

    Feng Yu Chen fell on the ground with Asuna. After the Shura mode was released, the blood suddenly spewed out of the mouth. Just after the explosion of Luffy, the murderous aura was accumulated in the body, so there was internal injury.

    "Can't you be unconscious again?"

    Asuna looks at Feng Yu Chen's state, smiles bitterly, how many times this guy wants people to worry about.

    "No, it's okay, this time my body is a little stronger, not so fragile…"

    Feng Yu Chen wiped off the blood on his lips and shook his head. After one more eye of Shura, the murderous aura controlled more and more contemplation, which would hardly cause any harm to his body. Instead, he mixed the body of murderous aura. Tough like iron, he should have inadvertently cultivated into a stunt.

    Although there is the role of Shura's eye, but more is that he is constantly injured repeatedly, the body is more and more resistant to murderous aura, so it will not be as easy to stun as before, in other words, preliminary The awakening has been successfully cultivated.

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