2128. Chapter 2128 The outbreak of lolicon

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    As if it were a split second thing, Feng Yu Chen's consciousness returned to the body as if it were a dream.

    Perhaps because of the state of the second-order awakening, killing intent erodes consciousness?

    He only remembers that after he opened a blood hole in the body of Emperor Jiang, the memory began to blur.

    Now three seconds has passed, but his body still hasn't collapsed. I don't know why. In short, it's very special. Feng Yu Chen feels that the body is not so easy to collapse. It seems because of what is in the body. For the sake of it, in short, a very special feeling.

    The second-order awakening, which was previously uncontrollable, now has the power of control.

    It is obvious that the body is different.

    What makes Feng Yu Chen speechless is that Devil Fruit has also been destructed by him.

    Although the Emperor Jiang was dead, Devil Fruit was also Crush, and the Devil Fruit he pursued was gone.

    In short, at least now, there is no need to faint. Emperor Jiang's blood is very strong, fully carrying the consumption of the second-order awakening, and the murderous aura's fluctuation is also more powerful. It seems that this Emperor Jiang is definitely not a nameless name. The generation, the world of low martial arts, is extremely dangerous for anyone.

    However, at the time of Feng Yu Chen's realization, the distant sky was completely dark, and the dark thunder covered the entire sky, and a thunderstorm fell on the island to destroy everything.

    It should be another god in the mouth of Asuna, Enel, the natural fruit ability of lightning.

    Because of the better eyesight, Feng Yu Chen saw a ship with a huge Gold ship slowly moving towards the sky, like a huge air fortress. On the ship, Luffy, Asuna, etc. are working with a person. Fighting –

    There are four big drums engraved with three tomoe on the back. The earlobe is very long and hangs down to the chest. The body is littering with lightning.

    After Luffy was laid off, Asuna fought with him. The whole sky was starlight and thunder, but Asuna seemed to be in a weak state.

    Without Luffy's shake, Asuna gradually fell, the starlight was only fast, but the attack power was much worse than the thunder. Although it was an elemental body, gradually Asuna's Physical Strength was somewhat unsatisfactory.

    At this moment, Feng Yu Chen also understands why Luffy was beaten because the rubber man is an insulator and a lightning striker, so he can actually hit Enel.

    Finally, there is a trace of Strength. Feng Yu Chen is ready to make the final effort. The second-order awakening gradually degenerates to the stage of the initial awakening. The blood gas consumption is quite serious. Feng Yu Chen flies to the huge throwing vine.


    He already understood Enel's idea, to destruction the entire island of the sky, a rampant raging Sky Island, the angels began to escape, and it was the huge Gold ship that made the lightning, it should rely on Enel Thunderbolt to manipulate.

    It’s just that the rising cloud of black clouds is a bit strange.

    Looks like Snooper is still trying to help Boolee spread mean messages and making it viral. Better watch what we send!

    He is not only lost for a few seconds, it should be a long time to be right. What happened during this time is not clear, but it seems that he can stably enter the initial awakening, and he can burst out without blood stimulation.

    This actually makes Feng Yu Chen happy. After all, his hand is already scarred, although it will soon recover.

    Then the time when he lost his mind, it must have happened. It should be something in the body of Emperor Jiang that he absorbed, so he can make such a change.

    By the way

    How is the golden eye of Emperor Jiang in his body?

    In such a dozens, Feng Yu Chen discovered that he had two golden eyes in his body, one that he had after he awakened Shura, who could be summoned, and the other that was only Emperor Jiang. These two seem to be very similar. Is this what it is?

    However, he has no time to think about these things –

    "Oh haha……Starlight also gave me a faint down! ! ! ”

    Enel hit a three tomoe drum under the behind with a huge gold cymbal in his hand. A thunderbird flew out and took Asuna down the Gold boat.

    This Energy is too powerful. Asuna's starlight seems to have no way to resist the general. She consumes a lot of Physical Strength and inserts the fine sword in her hand into the huge vines. The whole person is suspended in the sky.


    Feng Yu Chen yelled and flew over.

    "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, you take Luffy and fly up, hurry! Only Luffy can beat that guy! ”

    Asuna shook his head and stopped Feng Yu Chen.

    Good.You hold on, I will come back to save you…"

    The blood of Feng Yu Chen body converges on the wings, the wings gradually expand and become huge, Speed ​​accelerates and flies to Luffy that falls on the ground, except that one of his arms is wrapped in a huge Gold block.

    "Hey, you woke up, Yu Chen…Come take me up, Enel, the bastard will destroy the whole country of God…"

    Luffy grabbed Feng Yu Chen's hand –

    "I am going to your sister, can't fly, this big bullion!!"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Luffy's arm without words, how to fly.


    Feng Yu Chen and Luffy, who can't fly, are in trouble.


    Asshole, engage in your sister!

    Zoro et al. looks at this scene, suddenly speechless, originally thought that Feng Yu Chen will be better, it seems that it can not stop the destruction of the country of the sky.

    “Yu Chen, Enel, the guy hijacked a Little Loli on it…”

    Asuna looks at Feng Yu Chen below.

    Little Loli ? !

    "If you don't go, you have to be ewn by Enel…"

    Asuna's mouth Kakuzu smiled. "But a little Loli wearing a sky blue panties…"


    Feng Yu Chen suddenly frowned, the bastard, the cute little Loli of the sky blue panties was actually killed –

    “Enel !!!”

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes are red and will never let any Little Loli fall in front of him.

    Soon, Luffy was shocked to find that Feng Yu Chen flew him into the sky like a stimulant, and Speed ​​was very fast, as if it were a bloody Meteor.

    "It's amazing, hurry, it's going to catch up…"

    "Go, let you beat that bastard!!!"

    Feng Yu Chen's face is red and throws Luffy out, not knowing where to come from Strength.


    Zoro, Nami, Robin, Chopper, Usopp are sluggish, it turns out that –


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