2127. Chapter 2127 Eye of Asura

    [Thanks to Markzheng, Sanzaki, Xiaoyu July, my harem, my eight great wet people, Zhao Xing lighting, blue sky green leaf No. 3, K丶 tears, wr4565t, lemon not sprouting, just sour, towards the distant のThe rewards of the 穹 穹, xxs 丶, 殇 牛 牛 牛 children's shoes, today's first more sent, seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Asura Road.

    Emperor Jiang looks at Feng Yu Chen's state, and instantly realizes the true source of the bloody atmosphere, not Monster Clan, blood, etc., but an 'awakening' that is prohibited by the ruler.

    Although it is forbidden, few people can succeed in cultivation, even if it is not seen in a hundred million years.

    This moment, perhaps close to the edge of death, his memory opened a valve. When Fu Xi did not get the Innate eight trigrams chart, he used the 'Asura Road' aspect of the Great Ruler.

    Fu Xi is a looks, usually in the appearance of a gentle teenager, but once the real battle, any opponent will experience that crazy killing, Asura Road is the boulevard of annihilation of Nature, but Fu Xi is not only unaffected by it, but also able to return to the usual stage , as a matter of fact, once you enter the Asura road will become the existence of non-divine non-ghosts, and the stronger the Vietnam War, the more brave the Vietnam War, and finally the legend can become the existence of the transcendental laws of nature that kill great Ruler.

    As for why, Emperor Jiang is still clear. At the beginning of the universe, Rikudou (Six Path), which should have been scheduled to exist, was not recognized by the Great Ruler. Perhaps there was no consistent answer at the time. In the past, the universe is the existence of the Rikudou (Six Path) cycle.

    This is also the reason why the universe collapses. Legend has it that after the Rikudou (Six Path) cycle, the life of the entire universe will be linked, but gradually become a pure existence, and the universe continues to expand. The last thing that ushered in was destruction.

    Therefore, Rikudou (Six Path) is the avenue of life and death.

    After Fu Xi obtained Innate Eight trigrams chart, the reason why he was able to successfully accept Innate Eight Trigrams chart was also because it was Asura road itself, Innate eight Trigrams Ch Art existed very early, but no one dares to try to receive, not completely sure that no one will integrate it into the body, but how to say is also a treasure, Innate eight Trigrams chart even if not integrated into the body can be regarded as a powerful item.

    So the Innate eight trigrams chart is used as an Item. According to legend, using this Item can make your Bloodline more pure, faster, and have many wonderful effects. However, it is just a 'madman' to bury your body, but Fu Xi succeeded, when there was no Great Ruler to shoot it, and he was afraid of Asura.

    The Fu Xi with Innate eight trigrams chart and Asura Road can be the real master, but it is a siscon, for the sister to give up the hegemony.

    The player in front of the scene, although the system sealed his memory, can not remember this person, but he can be sure that this person is the reincarnation of Fu Xi, another role of Rikudou (Six Path) reincarnation is –

    Undead, can continue to reincarnate.

    How can Fu Xi die, absolutely not, how can the guy in the vertical and horizontal universe, the talented wizard, die?

    Emperor Jiang has never believed that Fu Xi will die. Although it is about three hundred years of life, he thinks that the masters must be concealed. After all these years have passed, the masters have not taken the initiative to find Fu Xi’s descendants, certainly for reasons. .

    The planet that created the Great Ruler consciousness is definitely not casual. It seems that it is already a good reservation. One doubt is solved. Emperor Jiang seems to know what is wrong.

    However, he has no chance to imagine –

    The Shura-like Feng Yu Chen punched Emperor Jiang's body and became Crush.

    At this moment, Emperor Jiang's golden eyes radiated a ray of light to wrap his soul. This eye is the reason why he can continue to 'resurrect'. This was when he traded with Fu Xi and Fu Xi gave him The eye of an Asura.

    "Do not kill me……Fu Xi ……"

    Emperor Jiang The soul at the moment reveals fear. Is everything going to disappear here?

    "you know too much! Must die! ”

    The supreme kingdom of a thorough soul shocked the soul of Emperor Jiang.

    "You…Sure enough, not dead! It’s just a reincarnation. It’s ridiculous that we dominate the agents on the earth just to get you tried…”

    The soul of Emperor Jiang said with a smile.

    "So you know too much, well…However, what you know is only Iceburg a kakuzu, in order to say goodbye to your old friend, I was forced to temporarily seal the earthly personality, after all, compared to the past, more important is the present and the future, I am just a guide, the real change of all people is ' Feng Yu Chen ', Although that is also my own, but also is my offspring, my time has passed …

    The eyes of Asura handed over to you in the past are not handed to you in vain. You have lived for so many years, and it is time to die, but you don't have to worry too much. As one of Rikudou (Six Path), you are killed by me. One day will enter the reincarnation avenue. ”

    Kakuzu, the mouth of 'Feng Yu Chen', showed a smile.

    "Sure enough, I know that your kid has no good eyes. It turns out that I am only a person who protects Asura's eyes. It is finally delivered to your hands, but since you say so, I will certainly not be able to survive. After all, you are the Fu Xi sage. I have accepted my life…Since I can step into the cycle, I am considered to be Enze. ”

    Emperor Jiang sighed, the golden eyes were sent into Feng Yu Chen's body, and he entered the world of Feng Yu Chen murderous aura, turning into the nourishment of the murderous aura world.

    "There is still one eye of Asura. It seems that the last one is not so easy. The plan of the year does not know that several will follow. In the end, there is still a dispute. Before the destruction, anyone has the power. Picking the fruit, Emperor Jiang is not Rikudou (Six Path), but unfortunately, there are still five left, the masters may have found these five…

    Genesis Great Ruler, you support for a while, only Rikudou (Six Path) all enter your game, can open the final days of the big, the final battle of fire. ”

    'Feng Yu Chen' looked at the sky and said.

    "Fu Xi, you even lie to me, I haven't died yet, you have lived for too long, I actually like Xiao Yu Chen…"

    A seven-color fire appeared in the sky.

    "Well, I am only the second time, Yu Chen is the Lord, no matter which is 'I', let alone you have already noticed it, isn't it, the game, Asura Road has been born, also five…"

    'Feng Yu Chen' said with a chuckle, serene looks at the seven-color fire.

    "Maybe, I want to continue to sleep, you have to stop, go on, you will really die…"

    The seven-color fire disappeared into the space.

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