1750. Chapter 1750, belly black Milla and tears of Sylvie

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    Holding Ash, who looked at the loved one before leaving, came to the Principal outside the schoolhouse.

    "I saw my sister wearing Veronica's armor and entered the room. Arthur's brother-in-law had gone in before, I advise you not to listen to it…It should be the teaching of Mirabel, presumably…"

    Cassandra, who knows the incomparable personality of his sisters, stood in Ash's behind and persuaded, "If you continue, you will be more desperate…"

    "It doesn't matter, let him listen. The more hate, the more you can get a strong Strength, the dark king who hates the source, and expect him to grow…"

    Dark Spirit Girl mouth Kakuzu smiled, say intelligence or Cassandra provide yo, otherwise she will not succeed to induce ash dark magic, really do not understand this known as "Magic Demon Flower" two princess, Knowing that everything they had planned might end up being the destruction of the Kingdom of Lautreamont, while she was still calm as usual, a terrible woman.

    "Ahhhh……Arthur, it’s coming again…Give force to me…"

    "It's a greedy fairy…"

    "Hey…Soothe me, hold my hand…"


    A vulgar, primitive voice is constantly passing through the door to the outside, and the temptation seems to be full of infinite reverie. The feminine voice is unusually bright and bright, and it makes people feel how excited the master is at the moment…


    Ash's right hand holding the wall was heavily embedded in the wall. Kakuzu had blood flowing out of his mouth, his body was weakly on the ground, his pupils were enlarged, and his body was shaking with trepidation.

    Oh, the Silvia who was pure and conservative in front of him, and even the first kiss did not succeed in giving him such a joy, so debauched can not tell that she is the noble and cold [Ice Blue Princess], ridiculous, he turned out Always believe that she will always be with him!

    Stop joking around. What is the dream of a princess knight, what vows, the past is the past, now it is just a blank piece of paper.

    Strength! Strength! Strength!

    Ash's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he stood up, looking at Uriel, leaning against the railing, with a trembling and resentful voice, saying, "Hey…I help you to destroy this country. You are not saying that I am Holy Grail Bloodline, then transform me into a "child of the stellar stone", Holy Grail, can manipulate all the dragons, plus the strength of the stellar stone, this Is that what you want to get right? Ok, I use it for you, then you know what I want, right? ”

    "No problem, look at you as a descendant of the sacred Rosa Maria, allowing you to become the Latouramont Cavalier. As for other things, you can see your thoughts, and you are now confirmed to be the Holy Grail Bloodline. , then it will definitely be sanctioned by the Espada sanctuary. After all, you are a pagan in their eyes…"

    Ukule mouth Kakuzu showed a smile, very good, with the help of Ash, the blood heir of Holy Grail, everything will be smoother, in addition to Eco also some powerful Holy Dragon, earth dragon, water dragon, sky dragon and the like The dragons may be manipulated, and even a large part of the Holy Dragon will lose control and cannot look down on the use of Holy Grail's blood.


    After Silvia's first taste of the forbidden fruit, coupled with the substantial relationship that has taken place with Feng Yu Chen, there is no little shyness, and there is no constant summation in response to Feng Yu Chen, and even put on some seductive posture, with the brother-in-law of the taboo feeling so that she is more excited, Thinking of from small to large by the Elder Sister torment, but now is occupied Veronica Elder Sister men's first-night, the heart has a strange sense of pleasure.

    The fascinating sacred taste that Feng Yu Chen body exudes, and the soothing comfort of the experience, make her seem to wander in heaven, and when she is tossing near dawn, she stops lingering.

    After Feng Yu Chen slept, Silvia didn't sleep together. After wiping off the sweat from her face because of the intense movement, she began to paint the prepared Ansar oil in Feng Yu Chen's body. .

    Then she admired the sacred scene of the 'Heaven's Feather' that Mirabel saw that night. At that moment, the sacred beauty even made Silvia feel that she was a little 亵渎Feng Yu Chen…

    After the angels gathered by Feng Yu Chen were collected, Silvia put on her clothes and cleaned up the traces of the two people in the room. She walked toward the door, but—


    “Mirabel, Oswald, is that waste here?”

    The door was pushed open in an instant, and Veronica walked in with a huge sword.

    Hearing the familiar sound, and seeing the familiar figure, Silvia instantly sat on the ground like a ghost.

    "What's the taste? Silvia, how can you, Princess, show such a weak expression? What about Mirabel? Tell her to roll it out! ”

    Veronica smelled a strange ochre in the air, and some frowned said, how would Silvia wear armor similar to her? Is it necessary to learn her strengths? Great, this guy is open and open.

    "Hey, I heard a certain muscle in the early morning, Demon God is yelling, on my site, do you want me to teach you the cultivation of your lady?"Mirabel and Universe appear in the corridor.

    For a time, the sluggish Silvia understood that Mirabel Elder Sister was playing with her again. This coincidence was suspicious. From an early age, she was the object of being bullied (teaching) by Elder Sister. Now it is still here. She regretted being born in this Cavalier king's house…Tears rushed…

    "Advise you to think about the inscription on the tombstone – Mirabel!"

    Veronica waved claymore mercilessly, with a huge burst of air, slamming past Mirabel, but —


    Mirabel instantly took a Western sword from the table of Johnnies and blocked Veronica with a smooth sword. He made a brute force blow: "There is better news to tell you than Verma, Veronica. Silvia, which you cherish most, dressed up as you last night, and gave you a man who has not yet had a room!"


    As soon as I heard Mirabel, Silvia smiled bitterly, and surely, Milla's sister was tweaking her love-fucking, your sister's, it was a black Elder Sister sauce, and the big sister was so powerful as Demon God. The second sister is different from the enchantress Ji, the third sister’s belly ambassador, her little sister gave it…

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