1751. Chapter 1751 disappeared Knight and the death penalty

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    When Veronica heard Mirabel's words, she couldn't help but look at the Silvia, who was sitting on the floor, and she was impressed by the timid crying little Silvi who had the courage to sleep her man?

    "Is it really true?" Little Sylvie? ”

    ThisBig sister, I…not on purpose……"

    Brought to this day, Silvia knows that he wants to hide absolute impossible, let's be honest…

    "Silvia, yes, Arthur is a good man, I am worried that you will let Ash the weak guy take it away, and have the courage to grab my man's first time, good!"

    Veronica suddenly pulled up Silvia, and that state seemed like a victory.

    Silvia was sluggish for a while, even if she didn't think about it anymore, she didn't think that the big sister would be in this state. She was still very excited and deceiving. She slept her man, she is still happy to laugh, amount, she is absolutely dreaming, yes, must be dreaming, otherwise there is such a funny thing.

    "Do not worry, I know that Veronica will be such an expression, so let you do that, accept the reality, your big sister is a siscon, she may be thinking about when to come to a sister to serve."

    Mirabel leisurely drink black tea, in fact, Veronica has been worried about Silvia, even thinking about the Silvia drunk, and then let Feng Yu Chen hold Silvia to bed, cooked, Veronica this siscon is imp Ossible let his sister away from their side, earlier Julius told her, Veronica but waiting for Silvia married what man, she married what man.

    Compared to men, Silvia is the first in Veronica's mind, but Arthur is unfortunately walking into Veronica's heart, so Veronica is so stubborn and decisively married.

    "More mouth!"

    Veronica stared at Mirabel coldly, and didn't seem to want to expose herself to a siscon madness.

    "Veronica Onee-sama…Do you want me to slap me? ”

    Silvia is still a little scared.

    "Hey, what are you doing, okay, come and sit, Mirabel, you come over, I have something to say to you…Yusula should be rushing to the side…"

    Veronica walked straight to the middle of the hall, sat on the sofa, and looked at Feng Yu Chen who was asleep, gently covering him with a quilt.

    Deceived! When does Veronica know how to be gentle?

    Mirabel and Silvia sluggishly look at Feng Yu Chen's Veronica, it's not like the big-bodied girl, like a little girl.

    "Eh?Veronica, are you up? After a night of tossing, how do you still have an energetic look? ”

    Feng Yu Chen was awakened by the shock, and the other 'Veronica' on the side of the look at was sluggish, how many, how come there are two…No, no, Silvia and Veronica look exactly the same, is it…Do you?

    "Arthur, don't be angry. My stupid sister pretend to be me yesterday. Don't care. She is also your woman in the future. I know that this kind of thing will definitely be angry after you know it, but I sincerely apologize to you on behalf of Silvia. Accept her, if you are angry, I will serve you with Silvia at night."

    Veronica apologizes at the sight of Feng Yu Chen. She really loves him, but she loves her sister more, so she is willing to accept Feng Yu Chen's punishment.

    and moreWait a minute, my mind can't turn a little, Silvia…Last night you…What about Ash? ”

    Feng Yu Chen didn't think that it would be the result. Sisters may be good, but Silvia's decision is too sudden? Didn't she say that she still has to be engaged with Ash? She is not like a girl with a strong trend?

    "Not good, care for two students from Lancelot, one death is missing! Raymond *Kakland was slammed to death. According to Dr. Angela's identification, the murderer was Ash *Blake, and Raymond Student's earthworm Bridgit was also taken away, according to Long She's cleanuper Long Ding. Ash rides away! According to the college’s student witness report, Ash finally followed a group of people to the corridor here…"

    Student President Rebecca came over with some horror.

    "What! Ash, he…"

    Silvia is a little dizzy, he must have heard her kind of embarrassment last night? Although the two of them have been somewhat alienated recently, they have always been smashed, this time…

    "With the character of Ash * Blake, it will not kill people under normal circumstances, let alone his buddies and friends, then there may be people who are tempted, similar to the Olympic Scarlet and Tristan are controlled by the meteorite."Mirabel suddenly analyzed the results.

    "The key was dark at night, and most of the dragon's lanterns were extinguished. I didn't see the figure clearly, but the students said that they saw Anya, the Prince of the Second Princess and Prince Urre, who had disappeared in the college restaurant some time ago, and another one. Black shadow…Of course, it’s just possible…"

    Rebecca recalled that if it really has a relationship with the second princess Cassandra, then it is the royal family…Disputes.

    "Actually, the reason I came early today was because of the sudden serious illness of the returning Sacallias III, the medical officer said that he was shocked by a heart attack, and then at today's dawn, Ureel announced the Sakala. The command of Yas III, the kingdom of Chevron decided to kill the Cavalier King Oswald *Lautreamont!"

    Veronica said calmly, as if the object to be executed had nothing to do with her.

    How come?

    Silvia suddenly lost his face pale, Lautreamont is a subsidiary of Chevron, this time to kill his father…

    “The key thing is that Oswald’s waste is now gone. The weak waste was in the same state as the Chevron’s nobility when it entered the Chevron’s warship. But the Old Man is better to die. You have to inherit the throne from Silvia. You are now Arch Dragonar and are eligible to become Cavaliers."Veronica stood up and said.

    "You continue to talk, I am going to explore the underground ruins of Ansullivan…"

    Mirabel took out a map and waved it, and it was a matter of nothing. Look at Feng Yu Chen. "If you can, my brother-in-law should not be my guard. If you are satisfied, you can let me sleep." ……"


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