1749. Chapter 1749 true and false female Valkyrie (below)

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    Silvia's heart beats like a plop, it's unclear whether it's uneasiness or excitement or cramped, but at this moment, she seems to feel great courage.

    Feng Yu Chen did not recognize her identity, accepted her, and responded to her.

    Originally, I was really scared of Veronica Elder Sister, but at the moment, her taboo-like taste with Veronica Elder Sister's man made her unequivocally excited, and this excitement screamed at her. The body and mind, the breathing seems to be getting smoother and smoother, and the whole person is floating.

    At that time –

    Shadru has just entered school. As an orthodox royal Princess, she is somewhat indifferent to the royal heirs of Shadru, but since the appearance of Feng Yu Chen, Shadru has begun to become a sharp-eyed, Aries Palace riding dragon festival, She really wanted to compare Shadru, but it was unfortunately bound by Necromancia, when despair and loneliness enveloped her.

    Although saved, but because of Shadru's reasons, Feng Yu Chen is not very cold.

    After that, the selection of the Gemini month, everything that happened at the Willingham Temple, prevented Zepharos's conspiracy, the selfless help of Ash's contractual dragon, and today's rescue.

    It seems that his dazzling eyes cover everything.

    If there is no such existence, Ash, the genius trainer, will probably shine under the help of Eco, Princess Avalon? But the world has a more shining presence, and Ash and Arthur were born in the same era. It was a sad thing.

    Of course, these thoughts are just a flash of Silvia's mind. Compared with Ash's help to her in the past, what Feng Yu Chen is doing now is what she wants to pay attention to because

    In this world, there is only one hero, there will never be two, there will be only one shining star, and no one will notice it in the bleak stars.

    As a Princess, Silvia will naturally care about her future husband. However, after so long, Ash has not made any progress, perhaps because today's things are completely disappointing. It is Feng Yu Chen who saved her. Enough, a man who can make a woman safe is a woman to adore.

    "Strength…I…The body is eager to…You, Arthur. ”

    Lying on the sofa, Silvia's flushed look at the body is like a man with a light. The slender hand slowly sits on the back of his full hand. Recently there has grown a little, and there should be Elder. Sister is on the scale, so there should be no problems.

    "Veronica, since you are my woman today, then tell a secret, only the secret that my woman can know, this is also a kind of respect for you, you need to understand my real life."

    Feng Yu Chen changed Silvia's softness into different shapes in the palm of his hand, and some blushing faces showed a serious look.

    Hand it over.That sort of thingI don't need to know, I only want you now…"

    Silvia feels that her body is eagerly awaiting Feng Yu Chen's comfort, but the comfort of **** has not made her satisfied…

    "It’s a guy with an urgent personality, then let’s do it…”

    Feng Yu Chen's body slowly whirls and begins to overlap with Silvia…


    Silvia feel the whole body as if the general pain, want to moan aloud, but is Feng Yu Chen with hand mouth plugging, his double-handed constant gentle comfort under, gradually make her settle down, then with their body slow collision, A shock of soul-like comfort, so that her body and soul are melted in this sweet moment …

    After the breath at Silvia, Feng Yu Chen left her lips and pulled out a long silver thread –

    "Listen to her, don't tell anyone about this matter. I am not actually a person in this world. It is not the reincarnation of Pendragon you imagined, nor Dragon Clan, nor Dragon. You can understand that it is the supreme god." Arranged in this world, then my goal is to become beyond the Holy Dragon.

    The five stars of Dragon Clan's Xeon Imbolc are my goal. After I complete the transcendence, I will return to my world. More secrets will only let you know at the last moment…"


    Silvia didn't know for a moment because she was shocked or excited, or she was wide-eyed. She thought it was just a night of taboo love, but she didn't think she had such a huge secret. She was sent by God to save the world. The son of fate, no wonder it will be so powerful, Shadru is not clear?


    At the moment, in a hidden secret under the couch's indoor sofa, Mirabel listened to all the sounds coming from the top of her head. She wanted to hear how Silvia's voice would be slutty. At the moment, she heard no. The secret to hear, the spokesperson of God, the son of fate, the chosen one in the world…

    One by one, in the mind of Mirabel, as a scholar who explores the truth, what she wants is to be able to constantly explore the unknown world…

    "It seems to have found a very unfortunate thing, but now it is only disgusted to say that if you open your mouth, since Arthur also keeps, then other words have more secrets. Therefore, before the truth is over, you can only sit on the wall. Then what I can do is…Help him find the five major stars. ”

    Mirabel shuts down the hidden secrets, and then listens to Silvia's petting bed, and has collected the best information.

    "Ulysses…Give me tea, then we go to the library and help me find all the relevant information about the five great stars of Imbolc also. Yes, we have five major stars and Dragon Clan related information in some of the materials we found in some of the relics. Right? All turned out, the public mainly read overnight! ”

    "His Royal Highness seems to be very excited?"

    Annies couldn't help but look at the excitement of Mirabel, which was like a treasure. She never felt the excitement of Her Royal Highness, but it was not because of the mischief that makes Silvia play Veronica's brother-in-law, but other things.

    "Well, I found the New World, Iris, following this princess. Next, one day in the future, I will let you know what you can achieve beyond the limits of this world. The brother-in-law is really great…"

    Mirabel's body is a little trembling, she is trying to suppress her excitement, HIGH…

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