1748. Chapter 1748 True and False Valkyrie (1)

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    After Silvia followed Mirabel to Principal's room, she found Cassandra coming out of the Principal's room and leaving with the Uriel in the corridor…

    "Three sisters…Second sister, she…"

    "Don't care, that woman is a little different from our three sisters, as if there is a piece of black spar in a pile of pearls, a demon flower, you are still close to her."

    Mirabel put the black tea on the table, and there was a cup of black tea that was smoked and not finished. It should be left by Cassandra.

    "Why should the second sister be with the prince of Chevron, or the guy who hates it…"

    Silvia doesn't seem to be planning to end the inquiry.

    "Adult things, children don't interrupt…Or let's talk about Lancelot. The thing about the angel's crystallization is actually Arthur, the Dragon Crystal of our big brother-in-law, but it is necessary to coat the whole body with Ansar's essential oil to make it crystallize. The sacred scene of that scene will not be forgotten in my life.

    Although Veronica is a violent barbaric woman, the man he looks for is very delicate and considerate, too unfair! ”

    Mirabel apparently disagreed with Veronica who would have found a marriage contractor than she did.

    "Hmph!"I am not a child, and if the big sister hears you like this, I will definitely come to your theory (PK)…"

    Silvia spit.

    "Veronica is not here now…Guarding the dying guy of Sacaeas III, he’s coming back, so your chances are coming, Silvia, wanting to save Lancelot can only make Arthur reunite, just as you look like Veronica. Veronica's identity tempted Arthur to seduce, and then painted his body with Ansar's essential oil…"

    Milla Miller nodded to the side of Universe, and an armor identical to Veronica was taken out.

    “Ha! I don't want it.

    Silvia is so stupid and understands Mirabel's thoughts. Let her pretend that Veronica has a relationship with Feng Yu Chen. It is logical to get angels.

    "you sure? Then let Lancelot continue to sleep, the key now that Starbrand on your chest has disappeared? Lancelot can survive for many days without the supply of Stars. I think you should understand that although our brother-in-law is very gentle, but still has self-respect, let him go to get Dragon Crystal is impossible.

    You may be able to show Veronica, but I can guarantee that Veronica will be more shy than we are when we get to bed. It is estimated that the coloring will immediately forget Dragon Crystal…Now, Veronica is leaving, you are moving, or if Veronica is coming back tomorrow, you will have no chance…"

    Mirabel said in a positive way, but in fact, the heart is very dissatisfied. Veronica actually has such a good boyfriend as Arthur, so I came up with this idea. When I look at Veronica's expression, the first time her favorite man is himself. What is the feeling of the most concerned sister snatching away (I fear that the world is not chaotic, the black sage).

    "No, it will definitely be killed by the big sister!…If you can't, I will ask my eldest sister tomorrow…"

    Silvia's face suddenly became pale, and it was completely dead.

    "Little Sylvie, do you have the courage to face Veronica? Do you think it is Veronica to deal with or Arthur to deal with, do not tell me you have no delusion about their brother-in-law, things you have long ago found that their hearts have belonged to it, the reason for maintaining such a relationship with Ash, is to repay his kindness, but the grace is not with your life's happiness to give thanks, The feeling of being held in the arms by Arthur is not very comfortable, do not admit it, as your elder Sister, I do not know you yet? ”

    Mirabel scorned and said that he actually said it to himself. It was a good feeling for Arthur. It was because of the relationship between the sisters that he did not let himself violate this taboo.

    ButIn this case, I am not a little…What about Ash? ”

    Silvia said bitterly, how can she not be saved by Arthur who has been saved twice by Arthur?

    Everything is the most important thing compared to the past, isn't it?

    "Ash is a smart person. I have been alienating you recently. You actually knew it already? Don't deceive each other again, be locked up by the past, you can't grow, I have to rest, I called Arthur here, probably also will come later, you will change to Veronica when you think about it. Armor, if you give up, then wait. ”

    After Mirabel finished, patted Silvia's shoulder and walked out of the room with Universe.


    After dinner, Shadru and Eco and Linda all slept, and Feng Yu Chen walked toward the Principal room of the school building. Mirabel wanted to talk to him about what happened during the day. After all, what happened in the clock tower was only two of them. I know.


    After pushing the door open, Feng Yu Chen looked at the room and found Mirabel's figure. Instead, he found 'Veronica' wearing armor and cloak.

    "Hey, you are not going to send Sacalias III, come back so soon?"

    Feng Yu Chen asked in confusion, with a touch of kindness in the words. After all, they are now official couples, not to mention Veronica.

    Silvia breathed a deep breath and turned around, learning Veronica's tone and said, "Well, just coming back…Thank you for your appearance in the afternoon, my sister relied on your rescue…"

    "Well, it's okay, are you not feeling well?" How did you stutter? ”

    Feng Yu Chen handed the handkerchief to Veronica. "Scratch the sweat, you are tired. Really, do you want to use your body to block the magic sword of O'Scarlet during the day, you are my woman, no Allowing you to make fun of your own life, I like you a little now, if you die, I can't do it…"

    It turns out that Arthur really likes Elder Sister.

    Silvia, who was thinking this way, was blushing in the gentle tone of Feng Yu Chen, and she took courage in her heart, then boldly pressed Feng Yu Chen on the sofa: "I am very satisfied with what you are doing today, so, tonight……"

    The slender white hand provocatively pinched Feng Yu Chen's chin, and Silvia, whose face was full of blush, kissed…


    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but Veronica just liked to go straight, but he liked it, and today he used a sniper sword on Mirabel, and his heart was a little bit irritating. Veronica's closeness made him want to break out…

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