1717. Chapter 1717 Mirabel's Wisdom Theory

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    Mirabel calmly took over the black tea brewed by the maid, and sat on the folding chair that I have prepared for, and began to drink and drink.


    Faced with this rude attitude of his own emperor, Silvia was very calmly waiting for the end of Mirabel's tasting, which also made some people in the venue have to follow the screen of Mirabel's every move, waiting for Mirabel to finish the black tea. .

    “It’s really a family of Wang’s family. It’s really a problem girl. Is this self-centered attitude a natural point?”

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but say to himself.

    "Ah! That woman, really so angry, even let me wait for this Avalon Holy Dragon royal queen, really, it’s almost noon, and people have to wait for Arthur to do Crepe! ”

    Eco suddenly dissatisfied with the sights at Mirabel's every move, hateful!


    For a long while, after drinking the black tea and returning the cup to Universe, Mirabel and Silvia looked in the line: "And then…Silvia, do you have any questions? ”

    "Why, you will be appointed Principal, please explain the matter clearly! Then again, I will be in Principal yesterday. What happened to him? ”

    Aaah!Are you the old man who has stepped into the coffin with one foot? He is currently on vacation at the summer resort of the Kingdom of Chevron. Anyway, as long as he raises his pension number a bit, he should have nothing to say. ”


    Such a self-centered dialogue has left many people in helplessness.

    There is a Princess who is more arrogant than Silvia. What happened to the Lautreamont home? How are some problematic Princess?

    The only Veronica that makes Feng Yu Chen feel normal is a siscon!

    Well, although there is a lot of topicality between siscon and siscon, how do you feel that the festival is going to be lost?

    However, at this moment, Principal's position was replaced by the third crown princess, which is obviously a royal resolution. After all, Eco once violently walked. If something happened in the college, it would be really…

    Originally, Feng Yu Chen made up his mind to withdraw from the college, but he said that it was Shadru's Pal, and he could not leave Shadru alone, and his intimacy with Shadru was also related to his strength, but the recent Shadru center of gravity teleportation On the dragon magic, it seems as if you want to distance him.

    Before, it was just a vague appointment. Since he and Veronica got married, Shadru was obviously avoiding him. I don’t understand…

    "In addition, I also have something important to do, the young dragon art Arthur and the young dragon girl Eco can be?"

    Mirabel patrolled all the participants in the venue and took over a sword shining from the silver brilliance handed by the maid.

    Is this the rhythm of opening?

    HeyHeyI am here

    Feng Yu Chen raised his right hand boringly.

    "I am also here……"Eco yawned and said that he was about to sleep.

    "Arthur cousin, I heard that you have a part of Pendragon Bloodline, then, it is human, because you are in a hurry, the father did not give you the identity of the knight, given your performance in the capital of Feng Tien, hereby, I Appointed Arthur *Pendragon as Dragon Knight in the name of Knight King Oswald agent Mirabel *Lautreamont…Let's go down…"

    Mirabel raised his sword and pointed to Feng Yu Chen.

    "Hey, your sister! This King is destined to be the great existence of the new King of the Dragon. ”

    Feng Yu Chen grin, what Dragon Knight, he doesn't care.

    "Yes, what are you? I am the great Avalon Holy Dragon…"

    Eco blushes at the sight of Feng Yu Chen, originally wanted to say that it is the wife of the king of the dragon, but did not say anything, after all, very shy!

    "Bold, how can I talk to my Royal Highness?"

    Eugene suddenly accused the geology of asking.

    "You don't have to worry about anything, Younis…"

    Mirabel coldly snorted, and then Kakuzu bent a smile, said at Feng Yu Chen, "I heard that you and Veronica Onee-sama have become partners? For that iron-like she did not hesitate to give up her identity as the first Princess…So since you don't accept the Dragon Knight's gift, the second thing, please take the initiative to write down the divorce agreement…Let Veronica return to the position of the first Princess…"


    For a time, the entire lecture hall shook. The first queen, Veronica, who is known as the "Imperial Girl", became Arthur's marriage partner. And gave up the identity of the first Princess? !

    As everyone knows, now that the prince Julius of the Knights of the Kingdom is killed, the person with the most inheritance status is the first queen of Veronica, and he has mastered most of the military power of the empire. Now it is so easy to give up the position of Princess?

    "who are you? Why should I listen to you? ”

    Waiting for Feng Yu Chen to open, Shadru stood up and said, "First, the words of Dragon Knight, now I am already, Arthur will naturally assist me, so the location of Dragon Knight is optional, and does not need Second, Arthur's marriage, you have no right to ask questions, presumably you are thinking about the situation of the current Cavaliers, want to keep Veronica, right? So let Arthur and Veronica's marriage contract terminate…Probably Veronica himself did not agree with this matter? According to my guess, you didn't even dare to say to her…"

    "you are……Shadru, is the continuation of the Pendragon family? Thank you for discovering the misbehavior of the Zepharos Empire. Listen to Professor Angela saying that you have a lot of research on the magical mechanical engineering. Can you learn from each other? ”

    Mirabel looks at Shadru who is not angry, but is interested in her.

    "Don't shy away from the previous words, the identity of Dragon Knight, our Pendragon family has the right to waive the devotion ceremony, Oswald must have not made a request to kneel down, I was also standing blocked…Then Veronica's thing is simply your own decision. All said, all this is just a farce of your own self-directed performance. It is an outstanding representative of the Zhimou faction. ”

    Shadru closed the magic book and looked directly at Mirabel. Maku Kakuzu showed a sneer, would you like to test the Pendragon family's intentions? Then, by the way, destruction of Veronica and Arthur's feelings, this Princess, was acting from the beginning.

    "Ah, let you discover it, then that's it…"

    Mirabel threw the silver pocket watch to Feng Yu Chen and said, “Father, the ceremonial is excused, but you and Veronica’s descendants also enjoy the inheritance of the Lautreamont royal family. That’s it…This meeting is adjourned.

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