1718. Chapter 1718, The Call of the Mother of the Dragon

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Because it was the last day of the Cancer Palace and the last day of the semester, Feng Yu Chen organized a camping event, which is simply a primitive life in the wild.

    "Why, why are you following this Principal?"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Mirabel and Annies with her luggage feels quite distressed.

    "To prevent you from firing on Silvia, supervise your 'sex' behavior in place of Veronica."

    Mirabel hand whispered his bright silver hair and said, and did not forget to discuss the theory of magical mechanical engineering with Shadru. "Sister Shadru, I heard that you have recently developed a hairy dragon magical beam launcher. Can you let me see the theory?"


    Shadru took a book and looked at the view and directly chose to ignore the Milla shoes.


    Feng Yu Chen was almost out of the air. He was sick and would start Silvia? Even if you start with it, Mirabel is more attractive to him, forehead, stop, and stop. This question is absolutely embarrassing!

    “When is Elder Brother married to His Royal Highness Princess Silvia? Do you have to wait for my sister to get married first? ”

    In contrast to Eco, Linda, who is holding the other side of Feng Yu Chen, asks Ash and Silvia, who are whispering behind.

    "Hmph!"ThisLinda, Elder Brother, you don't have to worry about my things…"

    Ash can't help but say bitterly, although Silvia is more and more tempting for him, but the key is that he doesn't even have Pal. In other words doesn't become a chance for Dragon Knight, so…

    "Silvia, you don't think about welcoming this useless man into the house? Veronica Onee-sama, to put it, let the little Sylvie work hard to become Arch Dragonar, and then oust Oswald's 'mixed things' to step down to the throne, with the support of Veronica Elder Sister, your hopes are great…The brother Julius is impossible, after all, there are precedents for massacring dragons…And the sound of the outside world is dead…"

    Mirabel looks at Ash's weak appearance can't help but shake his head. If you don't have Pal, you can't forget it. The momentum is not strong at all. How to take the responsibility?


    For a time Silvia and Ash were silent at the same time, which is indeed the most worthwhile thing at the moment.

    "But, Lancelot is Ash transferred to my Pal…"

    Silvia bit his lip and said, "I can also give up the identity of Princess like Veronica Onee-sama. Isn't there a second sister and a third sister? In the teachings of the Cavaliers, there is a 'drip of water, when the springs are reported', isn't it? ”

    "Whether you, if you really have to give up the identity of Princess, Ash will probably be smashed by Veronica instantly…"

    Mirabel waved his hand and said that Silvia is not mature enough.

    "My Pal is handed over to Elder Brother…"

    Linda suddenly said, "I have half of Star's Starbrand anyway…"

    "Nabi said…As the mother of the dragon, she can give Ash a dragon. After all, Ash is also a Breeder talent…"

    Eco said, he sighed and said to Ash, "How can I count my former servant (providing a star), don't be so whispered?"


    Ash can't help but reveal a surprise.

    "It is true that I and Eco, Linda, and Shadru have been called by the Mother of the Dragon, and Ash can come together…"

    Feng Yu Chen thought back to last night's scene suddenly a little blush, na than actually in Eco sleep, borrowed her body, and then made some shame play things to him, until he was about to push down ECO, eco only woke up, and then punched him out, although eco mouth Said it was very open, but the real thing to do, she was still very conservative.

    But in the end, they also learned from Nabi that they saw the mother of the dragon.

    "Why don't I know?"Linda suddenly asked, is it…

    "That was what happened to me and Eco's dreams (although the real body responded with synchronization), so neither you nor Shadru heard…"

    Feng Yu Chen explained, sneaked at Eco and found that her entire face was blushing like a boiled pot bottom…

    Eco at this time is still very cute.


    "Ah, don't say these heavy things, let's go to the last Student Council activity of this semester…"

    Rebecca patted his hand.

    "Can be Crepe…"

    Eco suddenly looked at Feng Yu Chen.

    Got itWill do…"

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and gently stroked Eco's supple pink hair, so comfortable.


    As a result, Feng Yu Chen's enjoyable look was spit by Rebecca et al.


    The camping experience in the wild is very rich, riding dragon hunting, cooking, tea party, astronomy…


    After a day of activities, everyone tasted the coffee brewed by Feng Yu Chen.

    "Ahhhh……It’s a delicious drink…The coffee brewed by my brother-in-law is not bad…Younis, remember to learn…"

    Mirabel enjoys saying that he has never had such a delicious coffee. The bitterness and sweetness of the meal are like a gathering of the world, full of life, and the spirit is clear, and there is no acid in the throat. Bitter, but a mellow, the taste of coffee is perfectly preserved, without a trace of loss.

    “Is Pendragon king like this before?”Silvia can't help but sigh, she really wants to know what Feng Yu Chen will not do. Indeed, if it wasn't for her childhood and Ash's experience, she would have liked him too. After all, it's so good in every field. I can do anything, and after eating it once, I want to eat it a second time.

    "You this cow! Do you want to pedal two boats? Don't seduce your Elder Sister man! ”

    Eco suddenly licks teeth at Silvia, a cow she has enough to receive, another one, she really wants to have a reduced sense of existence, although Feng Yu Chen is lolicon, but a good woman problem will attract men? ”

    But what makes Eco proud is that Mirabel is also an airport, haha, and finally there are objects of comparison.

    "You think too much……I don't want to be under the same roof as Veronica Onee-sama…"

    Silvia said, "I can't imagine how to destroy history."

    "Well, my Jessica and I have to go back to our hometown. It has been stagnant for a day…"

    Rebecca said after getting up with coffee.

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