1716. Chapter 1716, Yin Guang Xian Shi

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    The last day of the month of Cancer

    It’s been more than ten days since Feng Tian’s Holy Dragon violent incident. The Continental Conference [Neon Nie] was forced to stop. Veronica originally wanted to spend the honeymoon with Feng Yu Chen, but had to stay in the capital and the country’s messengers. Conduct political consultations and negotiations.

    Afterwards, Shadru used a special reductive magic to unearth the magical device [Yuktra Sheele] in the Zewuros Empire's Bevuff warship. This was the device discovered from the empire's [Son Norton Ark], Professor Angela It is this device that makes Eco mandatory, and Shadru also has a magical image record.

    Therefore, this matter and the Zepharos Empire can not get away with, Veronica the heart of the Knight King Oswald cowardice, so only to stay to carry out tough military and political negotiations, the mainland countries also to zepharos diplomatic ultimatum, in short, because of Shadru wit, This time the Lautreamont Knight Kingdom was spared the trouble of diplomatic affairs, the Zepharos Empire is a bamboo and blue water empty, cost.

    As for the result of diplomacy, Shadru and Feng Yu Chen did not pay attention. After all, this is not something they can intervene.

    And Shadru's excellent dragon media magic has also made everyone aware, she began to show up in this dispute Kakuzu.

    And Feng Yu Chen's sword, chopped A kilometer away from the mountain, can be described as shocking the power of heaven and earth, and then Eco has not been affected by a hint, there is no injury, it is alleged that the body is Neha Angela's power evil, but in the end is the body of eco, but, According to Nabi's explanation, his divine strength at that moment focused on the evil of Mordred, so the sword chopped the flesh, the heart chopped the soul, he directly hit the essence of Mordred, therefore, Mordred memory in the split of the same empty, evil was chopped, so reborn in any A the mordred in the body is holy Dragon, not the dragon.

    Feng Yu Chen personally feels that it is the strength of Caliburn's victory in Gold's sword. After all, the sword of the king, the sword of the king of the knight, is a symbol of justice, so only the evil is annihilated, plus the steel of Saint Sword Excalibur of Eco. Features, exempt from damage to Eco.

    Of course, it may also be Feng Yu Chen's "heart" of Strength, and I don't want Eco to be hurt, so…

    Well, in short, things can be the best, because the battle with Mordred, Feng Yu Chen's dragon blood can be unsealed, presumably through the constant fighting, one day he will become the real Dragon King, of course, that day is also with the world farewell time, no, perhaps not, After all, after the sub-yuan in line, may be starbrand at any time to the present door.


    The trainees who are thinking about where to travel after the holidays have to be nervous because of the shock of the sudden door. Is it Principal to speak?

    As the door to the lecture hall unfolds, the students who are in doubt will look into the gate –

    In an instant, everyone’s sluggish look is spiritual, not because of the solemnity of Principal, but because of because

    Standing faintly in the middle of the doorway, it is a girl who exudes a sigh of temperament and elegance. The girl is dressed in a white top and a blue-purple dress with a pair of black boots. Although she dresses herself neatly, she is temperamental. However, I want to hide it, but I can’t hide it. It’s like the Ojou-sama of the royal family.

    Behind the girl, there was a maid quietly accompanying her. Like a restaurant waiter, she pushed a cart full of tea sets.


    Is it a noble student transfer student? Or where

    At the same time as people ask.

    The girl passed through the center of the lecture hall under the attention of the whole school, and she took the stage as a matter of course.

    “The students of Ansullivan Dragonar Academy, everyone.”

    At the same time as the nod, the silver hair with a faint purple light was scattered on the girl's shoulder, and it looked like a ring of aura on her head.

    The crystal-clear beauty, for the silver-haired girl-controlled house, is nothing short of a dream.

    The girl is very satisfied with the expression of everyone, but the appearance of a sacred woman is similar to the icy expression of Silvia and Veronica: "I am Mirabel *Lautreamont, the third crown princess of the Knight Kingdom, and took the order of Elder Sister Veronica. Principal, I will advise you in the future."



    As the voice of the girl fell, the entire venue suddenly fell silent, followed by split second everyone talked about it.

    “It’s actually the third crown princess Mirabel *Lautreamont, which is known as the [Silver Lady], and the ingenuity of the first Princess Veronica, who is not weak, will come to serve as the dean of the Ansullivan Dragonar Academy…”

    "Yeah, I heard that she is a respectable scholar. She studied at the Espada Institute of St. Law. The Espada Institute of St. Law is a special agency directly under the sacred hall. It is said that regardless of the liberal arts, the genius in all fields is There is a lot of effort to study…"


    There seems to be some people who know about Mirabel. It is obvious that her fame is very big in the Lautreamont kingdom.

    Amount, well, Feng Yu Chen feels that things will never be that simple.

    Just as Feng Yu Chen thought about the countermeasures, Silvia among the students asked in a clear and confused tone: "Onee-sama! This…What exactly is going on? I obviously heard that you are currently studying at the Espada Institute of St. Law…"

    At the same time, the college’s eleventh bell rang.

    "The time for black tea is here. Younis. ”

    "Follow, Princess Royal Highness."

    Mirabel directly filtered Silvia's question and gave instructions to the maid next to him.


    This is also a problem girl.

    Is there a normal person in the Princess of Lautreamont?

    Feng Yu Chen can't help but wry smile up, he remembers before in Veronica's Royal dormitory found Silvia portrait, underwear, such as pillow and so on, in other words, Veronica is actually a veritable siscon, but also persuaded Feng Yu C Hen really can't put Silvia down, after all, if the sister has other men, later will not be good to meet and so on, this is a headache for him.

    Well, it’s already on Veronica’s thief boat. As for pushing down Silvia, it’s not a dish. Although it’s exactly the same as Veronica, it’s still Veronica’s appeal, and Silvia and Ash’s juvenile instrument is also awkward. Constantly.

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