1598. Chapter 1598 is in the name of CC

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    After getting the 613 grade, Feng Yu Chen converges and leaves the battlefield. The result of forcing the strength is the tired and tired body.

    The part of Black Ice's Strength is part of the maddening of bloodthirsty Energy. This part is obtained from his killing intent prison. It is not a big problem. The other part of Frost's Strength is derived from his body.

    Capricorn's time and space imprisonment ability, with the strength of Esdeath, can only be used once in a day.

    Feng Yu Chen is equal to the overdraft of Strength.

    Therefore, his current body lacks Energy, resulting in physical strength and exhaustion, making it difficult for him to maintain the battle.

    However, Feng Yu Chen did not completely lose the ability to fight. It was only the overdraft of Frost's Strength and Physical Strength. Other Strengths still existed. Therefore, without any vigilance toward a hot spring, the hot springs restored Physical Strength. Very effective.


    Several bees flew past Feng Yu Chen's and flew to a place. Gradually the bees landed under a big tree one kilometer away. Ponzu was waiting there, although she did not dare to be close to Feng Yu Chen. She has secret weapons, and it is her specialty to drive the bees to explore intelligence.

    "Sure enough, it is very reluctant to give up."It’s just that he is fighting exhausted, and now if the action should be very successful…Other candidates are not vegetarian. Ribe is not wrong. This year's hunter assessment is the strongest assessment year. It can be said that the strong people gather, the information collected can probably know that there is no soft persimmon…"

    Ponzu said to herself, having the ability to drive the bees, so that she obtained a lot of intelligence, but also avoided a lot of risks, and finally she made a decision to take the opportunity to win Feng Yu Chen's brand.

    According to the bee's intelligence, the toxin of Feng Yu Chen body is gradually fading. As long as there is no such toxin, he will not fall into madness. At the same time, after fighting the terrible skeleton, he consumes a lot of his physical strength, and his body is emitted. The exhaustion is unable to cover up the past.

    Therefore, the best time has come.

    The hunter, at the very least, must have the courage necessary to make a decisive attack at the moment of the opportunity.


    Originally, CC was going to look at the status of Feng Yu Chen's. His kind of Demon Lord's power made her very interested. He felt that he was the person he was looking for, but he had a goal to confront her.

    "Leorio, you first…My goal is her…"

    Kurapika took two wooden sticks from the body's cloak and the body's luggage was thrown on the ground.

    HeyThe opponent looks at is not so good to deal with, don't be arrogant…The test party also said that you can use any means, what can I help you? ”

    Leorio can't help but frown at the CC, and it's obviously unclear.

    "Your goal is me? Forget it, I wanted to see 'he', but now it is still my battle, Demon Lord is acting, can Witch still be stuck? ”

    CC's hand was gently lifted up, and Kakuzu twitched in his mouth, and then both eyes suddenly formed a whirlpool, gazing at Leorio –

    "In the name of CC, become my sister…"


    For a time, Leorio found out that his head had been modified. The outside of the pupil of the eyes suddenly glowed red, and then he attacked the past with a dagger against Kurapika! !


    Although Kurapika reacted very quickly, he was scratched his arm and blood dripped on the ground…

    "It’s fine to kill you, Kurapika, kill you, I will complete Quest, haha, you are going to die…"

    Leorio seems to have become unaware of Kurapika.

    "Leorio! You wake up In it

    Kurapika quickly retreated three paces, then the head quickly analyzed up, looked at C.C., said: "It turns out that your ability is to modify the memory and give orders in memory, presumably through the eyes and eyes of each other to be able to complete it, and need verbal orders, you just said-' To be my puppet, in the name of C.C, is probably the fuse of command execution … "

    "The analysis is quite right…But it doesn't work, fight it with your friends, it doesn't matter, I will seriously appreciate your battle, and record it in the book here, ah, the bloody collision between friends, really Interesting, isn't it? ”

    CC took out a blank book and took out a pencil to start painting Kurapika and Leorio on it.


    Kurapika, while avoiding Leorio's attack, was thinking about a solution, and now several solutions he considered in his mind:

    [1]: distance limit, whether the strength of CC has a distance limit, if there is, can open the distance between CC and CC, in the split second of Leorio beyond the distance, the strength of the manipulation constraint disappears naturally;

    [2]: Time limit, whether the Strength of CC has a time limit, you can delay the restraint manipulation of Leorio body by delaying the time;

    [3]: Death limit, whether C., C. death can stop Leorio's restraint restriction, if the performer dies, then whether the bond of the performer can be released.

    Of course, the best solution is to circumvent Leorio, rushing to CC's side, subduing her, and then forcing her to change orders.

    Hu …

    Adjusting the lower breath, Kurapika, decided to use the best solution, the reason is very simple, if you use the other three styles, the success is not known, and the other party will be aware of his calculations.

    "Sorry, Leorio…I will apologize afterwards…"

    Kurapika clenched the two wooden sticks that looked like a knife, and then bullied it over Leorio's head, violently hitting his body…

    "Kurapika, don't underestimate me…"

    Leorio slid away from Kurapika's attack, and the dagger in his hand was thrown out.


    The light and crisp sound, Kurapika evaded Leorio's dagger throwing, then crouched, and a sweeping leg dumped Leorio to the ground –

    "I didn't look down on you. I have already figured out your fighting style. After getting along for so long, I don't know enough about you…"

    Kurapika said, the eyes of the cold, the speed of the explosion, the attack to the C., C.

    At this time, the CC showed a smile…Witch's smile…A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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